## ## THIS FILE IS NOT INTENDED TO BE MODIFIED ! READ ABOVE... ## # # Instead, add/edit your configuration files inside $ZDOTDIR. # # If you want to add a file, name it specifically in the form # # $ZDOTDIR/??_*.zsh # # Where "??" should be a two-digit number. # With that, file ``10_Toto.zsh'' would be parsed before # file ``20_Tutu.zsh'', allowing you ordering your scripts. # # If you want to make user, host or network specific configurations, # add your specific scripts to the folders # - "sys:$(uname -s)" for OS-specific conf, # - "user:$(whoami)" for user-specific conf, # - "host:$(hostname -s)" for host-specific conf, # - "net:$(domainname)" for network-specific conf, # rename your scripts to the form mentionned above, minus the "??_" # prefix. An original script prefixed by a two-digits number SHOULD # be present on the $ZDOTDIR folder, even if empty. # ZDOTDIR=${ZDOTDIR:-~/.zsh} mkdir -p $ZDOTDIR # Useful environment variables which may be used # at any time - We compute them now to avoid calling # the required processes each time we'll need. OSNAME=`uname -s` USER=${USER:-`whoami`} UID=${UID:-`id -u`} HOST=$HOST:r HOST=${HOST:-$(hostname -s)} DOMAIN=${DOMAIN:-$(hostname -a 2>&-| sed 's/^[^\.]*\.\?//')} DOMAIN=${DOMAIN:-$(hostname -d 2>&-)} DOMAIN=${DOMAIN:-$(hostname -y 2>&-)} [ "$DOMAIN" = "" -o "$DOMAIN" = "localdomain" -o "$DOMAIN" = "(none)" ] && DOMAIN=$(grep "^search " /etc/resolv.conf | cut -d' ' -f2) DEBUG=${DEBUG:-no} export USER HOST DOMAIN UID if [ -d $ZDOTDIR ]; then for script in $ZDOTDIR/??_*.zsh do [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n "${${script:t:r}/??_/}... " source $script [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo for i in "net:$DOMAIN"\ "host:$HOST"\ "sys:$OSNAME"\ "user:$USER"\ "user:$SUDO_USER"\ "net:$DOMAIN/host:$HOST"\ "net:$DOMAIN/sys:$OSNAME"\ "net:$DOMAIN/user:$USER"\ "net:$DOMAIN/user:$SUDO_USER"\ "net:$DOMAIN/host:$HOST/sys:$OSNAME"\ "net:$DOMAIN/host:$HOST/user:$USER"\ "net:$DOMAIN/host:$HOST/user:$SUDO_USER"\ "net:$DOMAIN/host:$HOST/sys:$OSNAME"\ "net:$DOMAIN/host:$HOST/sys:$OSNAME/user:$USER"\ "net:$DOMAIN/host:$HOST/sys:$OSNAME/user:$SUDO_USER"\ "host:$HOST/sys:$OSNAME"\ "host:$HOST/user:$USER"\ "host:$HOST/user:$SUDO_USER"\ "host:$HOST/sys:$OSNAME/user:$USER"\ "host:$HOST/sys:$OSNAME/user:$SUDO_USER" do specific_script=${script:h}/$i/${${script:t}/??_/} if test -f $specific_script then [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n "$i/${${specific_script:t:r}/??_/}... "; source $specific_script [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo fi if test -f $specific_script.gpg then [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n "$i/${${specific_script:t:r}/??_/} [CRYPTED]... "; eval $(gpg --decrypt $specific_script.gpg) [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo fi done done fi # For sudo shells if [ ! -z "$SUDO_USER" ] then export HOME=~$USER [ "`pwd`" = ~$SUDO_USER ] && cd fi cmd_exists fortune && fortune fr