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authorIan Romanick <>2010-03-26 17:38:58 -0700
committerIan Romanick <>2010-03-26 17:38:58 -0700
commit0b7dcc80eb3163b46d40c5175a27a2ea4264fcd3 (patch)
parent5508129fd8beb1113ad2b64bdddb36c954a7b5ad (diff)
Initial implementation of constructor handling code
All of the scalar, vector, and matrix constructors *except* "from bool" constructors should be handled. Array and structure constructors are also not yet handled.
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast_function.cpp b/ast_function.cpp
index f774a2fd77..6470057a90 100644
--- a/ast_function.cpp
+++ b/ast_function.cpp
@@ -78,6 +78,89 @@ match_function_by_name(exec_list *instructions, const char *name,
+ * Perform automatic type conversion of constructor parameters
+ */
+static ir_rvalue *
+convert_component(ir_rvalue *src, const glsl_type *desired_type)
+ const unsigned a = desired_type->base_type;
+ const unsigned b = src->type->base_type;
+ if (src->type->is_error())
+ return src;
+ assert(a <= GLSL_TYPE_BOOL);
+ assert(b <= GLSL_TYPE_BOOL);
+ if ((a == b) || (src->type->is_integer() && desired_type->is_integer()))
+ return src;
+ switch (a) {
+ if (b == GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT)
+ return new ir_expression(ir_unop_f2i, desired_type, src, NULL);
+ else {
+ assert(b == GLSL_TYPE_BOOL);
+ assert(!"FINISHME: Convert bool to int / uint.");
+ }
+ switch (b) {
+ return new ir_expression(ir_unop_u2f, desired_type, src, NULL);
+ return new ir_expression(ir_unop_i2f, desired_type, src, NULL);
+ assert(!"FINISHME: Convert bool to float.");
+ }
+ break;
+ case GLSL_TYPE_BOOL: {
+ int z = 0;
+ ir_constant *const zero = new ir_constant(src->type, &z);
+ return new ir_expression(ir_binop_nequal, desired_type, src, zero);
+ }
+ }
+ assert(!"Should not get here.");
+ return NULL;
+ * Dereference a specific component from a scalar, vector, or matrix
+ */
+static ir_rvalue *
+dereference_component(ir_rvalue *src, unsigned component)
+ assert(component < src->type->components());
+ if (src->type->is_scalar()) {
+ return src;
+ } else if (src->type->is_vector()) {
+ return new ir_swizzle(src, component, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ } else {
+ assert(src->type->is_matrix());
+ /* Dereference a row of the matrix, then call this function again to get
+ * a specific element from that row.
+ */
+ const int c = component / src->type->column_type()->vector_elements;
+ const int r = component % src->type->column_type()->vector_elements;
+ ir_constant *const col_index = new ir_constant(glsl_type::int_type, &c);
+ ir_dereference *const col = new ir_dereference(src, col_index);
+ col->type = src->type->column_type();
+ return dereference_component(col, r);
+ }
+ assert(!"Should not get here.");
+ return NULL;
ir_rvalue *
ast_function_expression::hir(exec_list *instructions,
struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state)
@@ -116,6 +199,163 @@ ast_function_expression::hir(exec_list *instructions,
* correct order. These constructors follow essentially the same type
* matching rules as functions.
+ if (constructor_type->is_numeric() || constructor_type->is_boolean()) {
+ /* Constructing a numeric type has a couple steps. First all values
+ * passed to the constructor are broken into individual parameters
+ * and type converted to the base type of the thing being constructed.
+ *
+ * At that point we have some number of values that match the base
+ * type of the thing being constructed. Now the constructor can be
+ * treated like a function call. Each numeric type has a small set
+ * of constructor functions. The set of new parameters will either
+ * match one of those functions or the original constructor is
+ * invalid.
+ */
+ const glsl_type *const base_type = constructor_type->get_base_type();
+ /* Total number of components of the type being constructed.
+ */
+ const unsigned type_components = constructor_type->components();
+ /* Number of components from parameters that have actually been
+ * consumed. This is used to perform several kinds of error checking.
+ */
+ unsigned components_used = 0;
+ unsigned matrix_parameters = 0;
+ unsigned nonmatrix_parameters = 0;
+ exec_list actual_parameters;
+ simple_node *const first = subexpressions[1];
+ assert(first != NULL);
+ if (first != NULL) {
+ simple_node *ptr = first;
+ do {
+ ir_rvalue *const result =
+ ((ast_node *) ptr)->hir(instructions, state)->as_rvalue();
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ /* From page 50 (page 56 of the PDF) of the GLSL 1.50 spec:
+ *
+ * "It is an error to provide extra arguments beyond this
+ * last used argument."
+ */
+ if (components_used >= type_components) {
+ _mesa_glsl_error(& loc, state, "too many parameters to `%s' "
+ "constructor",
+ constructor_type->name);
+ return ir_call::get_error_instruction();
+ }
+ if (!result->type->is_numeric() && !result->type->is_boolean()) {
+ _mesa_glsl_error(& loc, state, "cannot construct `%s' from a "
+ "non-numeric data type",
+ constructor_type->name);
+ return ir_call::get_error_instruction();
+ }
+ /* Count the number of matrix and nonmatrix parameters. This
+ * is used below to enforce some of the constructor rules.
+ */
+ if (result->type->is_matrix())
+ matrix_parameters++;
+ else
+ nonmatrix_parameters++;
+ /* Process each of the components of the parameter. Dereference
+ * each component individually, perform any type conversions, and
+ * add it to the parameter list for the constructor.
+ */
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < result->type->components(); i++) {
+ if (components_used >= type_components)
+ break;
+ ir_rvalue *const component =
+ convert_component(dereference_component(result, i),
+ base_type);
+ /* All cases that could result in component->type being the
+ * error type should have already been caught above.
+ */
+ assert(component->type == base_type);
+ /* Don't actually generate constructor calls for scalars.
+ * Instead, do the usual component selection and conversion,
+ * and return the single component.
+ */
+ if (constructor_type->is_scalar())
+ return component;
+ actual_parameters.push_tail(component);
+ components_used++;
+ }
+ } while (ptr != first);
+ }
+ /* From page 28 (page 34 of the PDF) of the GLSL 1.10 spec:
+ *
+ * "It is an error to construct matrices from other matrices. This
+ * is reserved for future use."
+ */
+ if ((state->language_version <= 110) && (matrix_parameters > 0)
+ && constructor_type->is_matrix()) {
+ _mesa_glsl_error(& loc, state, "cannot construct `%s' from a "
+ "matrix in GLSL 1.10",
+ constructor_type->name);
+ return ir_call::get_error_instruction();
+ }
+ /* From page 50 (page 56 of the PDF) of the GLSL 1.50 spec:
+ *
+ * "If a matrix argument is given to a matrix constructor, it is
+ * an error to have any other arguments."
+ */
+ if ((matrix_parameters > 0)
+ && ((matrix_parameters + nonmatrix_parameters) > 1)
+ && constructor_type->is_matrix()) {
+ _mesa_glsl_error(& loc, state, "for matrix `%s' constructor, "
+ "matrix must be only parameter",
+ constructor_type->name);
+ return ir_call::get_error_instruction();
+ }
+ /* From page 28 (page 34 of the PDF) of the GLSL 1.10 spec:
+ *
+ * "In these cases, there must be enough components provided in the
+ * arguments to provide an initializer for every component in the
+ * constructed value."
+ */
+ if (components_used < type_components) {
+ _mesa_glsl_error(& loc, state, "too few components to construct "
+ "`%s'",
+ constructor_type->name);
+ return ir_call::get_error_instruction();
+ }
+ ir_function *f = state->symbols->get_function(constructor_type->name);
+ if (f == NULL) {
+ _mesa_glsl_error(& loc, state, "no constructor for type `%s'",
+ constructor_type->name);
+ return ir_call::get_error_instruction();
+ }
+ const ir_function_signature *sig =
+ f->matching_signature(& actual_parameters);
+ if (sig != NULL) {
+ return new ir_call(sig, & actual_parameters);
+ } else {
+ /* FINISHME: Log a better error message here. G++ will show the
+ * FINSIHME: types of the actual parameters and the set of
+ * FINSIHME: candidate functions. A different error should also be
+ * FINSIHME: logged when multiple functions match.
+ */
+ _mesa_glsl_error(& loc, state, "no matching constructor for `%s'",
+ constructor_type->name);
+ return ir_call::get_error_instruction();
+ }
+ }
return ir_call::get_error_instruction();
} else {