path: root/src/gallium/state_trackers/python/gallium.i
diff options
authorJosé Fonseca <>2008-08-11 14:06:24 +0100
committerJosé Fonseca <>2008-08-12 11:34:40 +0100
commite7f1ac39be5ab8c627f66a4a8488697c274079e6 (patch)
treec24089992517158546ce80904a4e281c7a2cabf9 /src/gallium/state_trackers/python/gallium.i
parentb5f7dd0c08dbe3f140630345c331aeccaf2a7a94 (diff)
python: Split the interface definition file in smaller ones.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gallium/state_trackers/python/gallium.i')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 519 deletions
diff --git a/src/gallium/state_trackers/python/gallium.i b/src/gallium/state_trackers/python/gallium.i
index 9d9a50b520..4e21eef7be 100644
--- a/src/gallium/state_trackers/python/gallium.i
+++ b/src/gallium/state_trackers/python/gallium.i
@@ -84,527 +84,13 @@
%rename(VertexElement) pipe_vertex_element;
%rename(Viewport) pipe_viewport_state;
-%nodefaultctor st_device;
-%nodefaultctor st_context;
-%nodefaultctor pipe_texture;
-%nodefaultctor pipe_surface;
-%nodefaultctor st_buffer;
-%nodefaultdtor st_device;
-%nodefaultdtor st_context;
-%nodefaultdtor pipe_texture;
-%nodefaultdtor pipe_surface;
-%nodefaultdtor st_buffer;
-%ignore pipe_texture::screen;
-%ignore pipe_surface::winsys;
-%immutable pipe_surface::texture;
-%immutable pipe_surface::buffer;
-%include "p_format.i";
%include "pipe/p_defines.h";
-%include "pipe/p_state.h";
%include "pipe/p_shader_tokens.h";
+%include "p_format.i"
+%include "p_device.i"
+%include "p_context.i"
+%include "p_texture.i"
+%include "p_state.i"
-struct st_device {
-struct st_context {
-struct st_buffer {
-%newobject st_device::texture_create;
-%newobject st_device::context_create;
-%newobject st_device::buffer_create;
-%extend st_device {
- st_device(int hardware = 1) {
- return st_device_create(hardware ? TRUE : FALSE);
- }
- ~st_device() {
- st_device_destroy($self);
- }
- const char * get_name( void ) {
- return $self->screen->get_name($self->screen);
- }
- const char * get_vendor( void ) {
- return $self->screen->get_vendor($self->screen);
- }
- /**
- * Query an integer-valued capability/parameter/limit
- * \param param one of PIPE_CAP_x
- */
- int get_param( int param ) {
- return $self->screen->get_param($self->screen, param);
- }
- /**
- * Query a float-valued capability/parameter/limit
- * \param param one of PIPE_CAP_x
- */
- float get_paramf( int param ) {
- return $self->screen->get_paramf($self->screen, param);
- }
- /**
- * Check if the given pipe_format is supported as a texture or
- * drawing surface.
- * \param type one of PIPE_TEXTURE, PIPE_SURFACE
- */
- int is_format_supported( enum pipe_format format,
- enum pipe_texture_target target,
- unsigned tex_usage,
- unsigned geom_flags ) {
- return $self->screen->is_format_supported( $self->screen,
- format,
- target,
- tex_usage,
- geom_flags );
- }
- struct st_context *
- context_create(void) {
- return st_context_create($self);
- }
- struct pipe_texture *
- texture_create(
- enum pipe_format format,
- unsigned width,
- unsigned height,
- unsigned depth = 1,
- unsigned last_level = 0,
- enum pipe_texture_target target = PIPE_TEXTURE_2D,
- unsigned tex_usage = 0
- ) {
- struct pipe_texture templat;
- memset(&templat, 0, sizeof(templat));
- templat.format = format;
- pf_get_block(templat.format, &templat.block);
- templat.width[0] = width;
- templat.height[0] = height;
- templat.depth[0] = depth;
- templat.last_level = last_level;
- = target;
- templat.tex_usage = tex_usage;
- return $self->screen->texture_create($self->screen, &templat);
- }
- struct st_buffer *
- buffer_create(unsigned size, unsigned alignment = 0, unsigned usage = 0) {
- return st_buffer_create($self, alignment, usage, size);
- }
-%extend st_context {
- ~st_context() {
- st_context_destroy($self);
- }
- /*
- * State functions (create/bind/destroy state objects)
- */
- void set_blend( const struct pipe_blend_state *state ) {
- cso_set_blend($self->cso, state);
- }
- void set_sampler( unsigned index, const struct pipe_sampler_state *state ) {
- cso_single_sampler($self->cso, index, state);
- cso_single_sampler_done($self->cso);
- }
- void set_rasterizer( const struct pipe_rasterizer_state *state ) {
- cso_set_rasterizer($self->cso, state);
- }
- void set_depth_stencil_alpha(const struct pipe_depth_stencil_alpha_state *state) {
- cso_set_depth_stencil_alpha($self->cso, state);
- }
- void set_fragment_shader( const struct pipe_shader_state *state ) {
- void *fs;
- fs = $self->pipe->create_fs_state($self->pipe, state);
- if(!fs)
- return;
- if(cso_set_fragment_shader_handle($self->cso, fs) != PIPE_OK)
- return;
- cso_delete_fragment_shader($self->cso, $self->fs);
- $self->fs = fs;
- }
- void set_vertex_shader( const struct pipe_shader_state *state ) {
- void *vs;
- vs = $self->pipe->create_vs_state($self->pipe, state);
- if(!vs)
- return;
- if(cso_set_vertex_shader_handle($self->cso, vs) != PIPE_OK)
- return;
- cso_delete_vertex_shader($self->cso, $self->vs);
- $self->vs = vs;
- }
- /*
- * Parameter-like state (or properties)
- */
- void set_blend_color(const struct pipe_blend_color *state ) {
- cso_set_blend_color($self->cso, state);
- }
- void set_clip(const struct pipe_clip_state *state ) {
- $self->pipe->set_clip_state($self->pipe, state);
- }
- void set_constant_buffer(unsigned shader, unsigned index,
- const struct pipe_constant_buffer *buf ) {
- $self->pipe->set_constant_buffer($self->pipe, shader, index, buf);
- }
- void set_framebuffer(const struct pipe_framebuffer_state *state ) {
- cso_set_framebuffer($self->cso, state);
- }
- void set_polygon_stipple(const struct pipe_poly_stipple *state ) {
- $self->pipe->set_polygon_stipple($self->pipe, state);
- }
- void set_scissor(const struct pipe_scissor_state *state ) {
- $self->pipe->set_scissor_state($self->pipe, state);
- }
- void set_viewport(const struct pipe_viewport_state *state) {
- cso_set_viewport($self->cso, state);
- }
- void set_sampler_texture(unsigned index,
- struct pipe_texture *texture) {
- if(!texture)
- texture = $self->default_texture;
- pipe_texture_reference(&$self->sampler_textures[index], texture);
- $self->pipe->set_sampler_textures($self->pipe,
- $self->sampler_textures);
- }
- void set_vertex_buffer(unsigned index,
- const struct pipe_vertex_buffer *buffer) {
- memcpy(&$self->vertex_buffers[index], buffer, sizeof(*buffer));
- $self->pipe->set_vertex_buffers($self->pipe, PIPE_MAX_ATTRIBS, $self->vertex_buffers);
- }
- void set_vertex_element(unsigned index,
- const struct pipe_vertex_element *element) {
- memcpy(&$self->vertex_elements[index], element, sizeof(*element));
- $self->pipe->set_vertex_elements($self->pipe, PIPE_MAX_ATTRIBS, $self->vertex_elements);
- }
- /*
- * Draw functions
- */
- void draw_arrays(unsigned mode, unsigned start, unsigned count) {
- $self->pipe->draw_arrays($self->pipe, mode, start, count);
- }
- void draw_elements( struct st_buffer *indexBuffer,
- unsigned indexSize,
- unsigned mode, unsigned start, unsigned count) {
- $self->pipe->draw_elements($self->pipe, indexBuffer->buffer, indexSize, mode, start, count);
- }
- void draw_vertices(unsigned prim,
- unsigned num_verts,
- unsigned num_attribs,
- const float *vertices)
- {
- struct pipe_context *pipe = $self->pipe;
- struct pipe_winsys *winsys = pipe->winsys;
- struct pipe_buffer *vbuf;
- float *map;
- unsigned size;
- size = num_verts * num_attribs * 4 * sizeof(float);
- vbuf = winsys->buffer_create(winsys,
- 32,
- size);
- if(!vbuf)
- goto error1;
- map = winsys->buffer_map(winsys, vbuf, PIPE_BUFFER_USAGE_CPU_WRITE);
- if (!map)
- goto error2;
- memcpy(map, vertices, size);
- pipe->winsys->buffer_unmap(pipe->winsys, vbuf);
- util_draw_vertex_buffer(pipe, vbuf, prim, num_verts, num_attribs);
- pipe_buffer_reference(pipe->winsys, &vbuf, NULL);
- ;
- }
- void
- flush(void) {
- struct pipe_fence_handle *fence = NULL;
- $self->pipe->flush($self->pipe, PIPE_FLUSH_RENDER_CACHE, &fence);
- /* TODO: allow asynchronous operation */
- $self->pipe->winsys->fence_finish( $self->pipe->winsys, fence, 0 );
- $self->pipe->winsys->fence_reference( $self->pipe->winsys, &fence, NULL );
- }
- /*
- * Surface functions
- */
- void surface_copy(int do_flip,
- struct pipe_surface *dest,
- unsigned destx, unsigned desty,
- struct pipe_surface *src,
- unsigned srcx, unsigned srcy,
- unsigned width, unsigned height) {
- $self->pipe->surface_copy($self->pipe, do_flip, dest, destx, desty, src, srcx, srcy, width, height);
- }
- void surface_fill(struct pipe_surface *dst,
- unsigned x, unsigned y,
- unsigned width, unsigned height,
- unsigned value) {
- $self->pipe->surface_fill($self->pipe, dst, x, y, width, height, value);
- }
- void surface_clear(struct pipe_surface *surface, unsigned value = 0) {
- $self->pipe->clear($self->pipe, surface, value);
- }
-%newobject pipe_texture::get_surface;
-%extend pipe_texture {
- ~pipe_texture() {
- struct pipe_texture *ptr = $self;
- pipe_texture_reference(&ptr, NULL);
- }
- unsigned get_width(unsigned level=0) {
- return $self->width[level];
- }
- unsigned get_height(unsigned level=0) {
- return $self->height[level];
- }
- unsigned get_depth(unsigned level=0) {
- return $self->depth[level];
- }
- unsigned get_nblocksx(unsigned level=0) {
- return $self->nblocksx[level];
- }
- unsigned get_nblocksy(unsigned level=0) {
- return $self->nblocksy[level];
- }
- /** Get a surface which is a "view" into a texture */
- struct pipe_surface *
- get_surface(unsigned face=0, unsigned level=0, unsigned zslice=0, unsigned usage=0 )
- {
- struct pipe_screen *screen = $self->screen;
- return screen->get_tex_surface(screen, $self, face, level, zslice, usage);
- }
-%extend pipe_surface {
- ~pipe_surface() {
- struct pipe_surface *ptr = $self;
- pipe_surface_reference(&ptr, NULL);
- }
- // gets mapped to pipe_surface_map automatically
- void * map( unsigned flags );
- // gets mapped to pipe_surface_unmap automatically
- void unmap( void );
- void
- get_tile_raw(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned char *raw, unsigned stride) {
- pipe_get_tile_raw($self, x, y, w, h, raw, stride);
- }
- void
- put_tile_raw(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h, const unsigned char *raw, unsigned stride) {
- pipe_put_tile_raw($self, x, y, w, h, raw, stride);
- }
- void
- get_tile_rgba(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h, float *rgba) {
- pipe_get_tile_rgba($self, x, y, w, h, rgba);
- }
- void
- put_tile_rgba(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h, const float *rgba) {
- pipe_put_tile_rgba($self, x, y, w, h, rgba);
- }
- void
- get_tile_z(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned *z) {
- pipe_get_tile_z($self, x, y, w, h, z);
- }
- void
- put_tile_z(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h, const unsigned *z) {
- pipe_put_tile_z($self, x, y, w, h, z);
- }
- void
- sample_rgba(float *rgba) {
- st_sample_surface($self, rgba);
- }
- unsigned
- compare_tile_rgba(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h, const float *rgba, float tol = 0.0)
- {
- float *rgba2;
- const float *p1;
- const float *p2;
- unsigned i, j, n;
- rgba2 = MALLOC(h*w*4*sizeof(float));
- if(!rgba2)
- return ~0;
- pipe_get_tile_rgba($self, x, y, w, h, rgba2);
- p1 = rgba;
- p2 = rgba2;
- n = 0;
- for(i = h*w; i; --i) {
- unsigned differs = 0;
- for(j = 4; j; --j) {
- float delta = *p2++ - *p1++;
- if (delta < -tol || delta > tol)
- differs = 1;
- }
- n += differs;
- }
- FREE(rgba2);
- return n;
- }
-%extend st_buffer {
- ~st_buffer() {
- st_buffer_destroy($self);
- }
- void write( const char *STRING, unsigned LENGTH, unsigned offset = 0) {
- struct pipe_winsys *winsys = $self->st_dev->screen->winsys;
- char *map;
- map = winsys->buffer_map(winsys, $self->buffer, PIPE_BUFFER_USAGE_CPU_WRITE);
- if(!map) {
- memcpy(map + offset, STRING, LENGTH);
- winsys->buffer_unmap(winsys, $self->buffer);
- }
- }
-%extend pipe_framebuffer_state {
- pipe_framebuffer_state(void) {
- return CALLOC_STRUCT(pipe_framebuffer_state);
- }
- ~pipe_framebuffer_state() {
- unsigned index;
- for(index = 0; index < PIPE_MAX_COLOR_BUFS; ++index)
- pipe_surface_reference(&$self->cbufs[index], NULL);
- pipe_surface_reference(&$self->zsbuf, NULL);
- FREE($self);
- }
- void
- set_cbuf(unsigned index, struct pipe_surface *surface) {
- pipe_surface_reference(&$self->cbufs[index], surface);
- }
- void
- set_zsbuf(struct pipe_surface *surface) {
- pipe_surface_reference(&$self->zsbuf, surface);
- }
-%extend pipe_shader_state {
- pipe_shader_state(const char *text, unsigned num_tokens = 1024) {
- struct tgsi_token *tokens;
- struct pipe_shader_state *shader;
- tokens = MALLOC(num_tokens * sizeof(struct tgsi_token));
- if(!tokens)
- goto error1;
- if(tgsi_text_translate(text, tokens, num_tokens ) != TRUE)
- goto error2;
- shader = CALLOC_STRUCT(pipe_shader_state);
- if(!shader)
- goto error3;
- shader->tokens = tokens;
- return shader;
- FREE(tokens);
- return NULL;
- }
- ~pipe_shader_state() {
- FREE((void*)$self->tokens);
- FREE($self);
- }
- void dump(unsigned flags = 0) {
- tgsi_dump($self->tokens, flags);
- }