path: root/src/gallium/drivers/llvmpipe/lp_test_round.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-11-30gallivm/llvmpipe: squash merge of the llvm-context branchBrian Paul
2010-10-18llvmpipe: Don't test rounding of x.5 numbers.José Fonseca
2010-10-17llvmpipe: Return non-zero exit code for lp_test_round failures.Vinson Lee
2010-10-17llvmpipe: Initialize bld ctx via lp_build_context_init instead of ad-hoc and ...José Fonseca
2010-07-29llvmpipe: don't call LLVMCreateJITCompiler() twiceBrian Paul
2010-07-06llvmpipe: add test program for round(), trunc(), floor(), ceil()Brian Paul