diff options
5 files changed, 153 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b80477f7f..d55b136a8 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -257,6 +257,14 @@ TARGET_DIR:=$(BASE_DIR)/target
ifeq ($(BR2_CCACHE),y)
@@ -338,6 +346,9 @@ HOST_DEPS = $(sort $(foreach dep,\
HOST_SOURCE += $(addsuffix -source,$(sort $(TARGETS_HOST_DEPS) $(HOST_DEPS)))
+TARGETS_LEGAL_INFO:=$(patsubst %,%-legal-info,\
# all targets depend on the crosscompiler and it's prerequisites
$(TARGETS_ALL): __real_tgt_%: $(BASE_TARGETS) %
@@ -354,8 +365,9 @@ prepare: $(BUILD_DIR)/buildroot-config/auto.conf
world: prepare dirs dependencies $(BASE_TARGETS) $(TARGETS_ALL)
.PHONY: all world dirs clean distclean source outputmakefile \
+ legal-info legal-info-prepare legal-info-clean \
@@ -365,7 +377,7 @@ world: prepare dirs dependencies $(BASE_TARGETS) $(TARGETS_ALL)
# dependencies anywhere else
@mkdir -p $@
@@ -498,6 +510,28 @@ source: dirs $(TARGETS_SOURCE) $(HOST_SOURCE)
+ @rm -fr $(LEGAL_INFO_DIR)
+legal-info-prepare: $(LEGAL_INFO_DIR)
+ @$(call MESSAGE,"Collecting legal info")
+ @$(call legal-license-file,buildroot,COPYING,COPYING)
+ @$(call legal-manifest,buildroot,$(BR2_VERSION_FULL),GPLv2+,COPYING,not saved)
+ @$(call legal-warning,the Buildroot source code has not been saved)
+ @$(call legal-warning,the toolchain has not been saved)
+ @cp $(CONFIG_DIR)/.config $(LEGAL_INFO_DIR)/buildroot.config
+legal-info: dirs legal-info-clean legal-info-prepare $(REDIST_SOURCES_DIR) \
+ @cat support/legal-info/README.header >>$(LEGAL_REPORT)
+ @if [ -r $(LEGAL_WARNINGS) ]; then \
+ cat support/legal-info/README.warnings-header \
+ cat $(LEGAL_WARNINGS); fi
+ @echo "Legal info produced in $(LEGAL_INFO_DIR)"
+ @rm -f $(LEGAL_WARNINGS)
@echo $(TARGETS)
@@ -619,7 +653,8 @@ endif
distclean: clean
ifeq ($(DL_DIR),$(TOPDIR)/dl)
@@ -687,6 +722,7 @@ endif
@echo ' source - download all sources needed for offline-build'
@echo ' source-check - check selected packages for valid download URLs'
@echo ' external-deps - list external packages used'
+ @echo ' legal-info - generate info about license compliance'
@echo ' make V=0|1 - 0 => quiet build (default), 1 => verbose build'
@echo ' make O=dir - Locate all output files in "dir", including .config'
diff --git a/package/ b/package/
index 5da9cdc70..51053359a 100644
--- a/package/
+++ b/package/
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ define GENTARGETS_INNER
$(2)_TYPE = $(5)
$(2)_NAME = $(1)
+$(2)_RAWNAME = $(patsubst host-%,%,$(1))
# Keep the package version that may contain forward slashes in the _DL_VERSION
# variable, then replace all forward slashes ('/') by underscores ('_') to
@@ -245,6 +246,20 @@ $(2)_OVERRIDE_SRCDIR = $($(2)_SITE)
+ifndef $(2)_LICENSE
+ ifdef $(3)_LICENSE
+ $(2)_LICENSE = $($(3)_LICENSE)
+ endif
+ifndef $(2)_LICENSE_FILES
+ ifdef $(3)_LICENSE_FILES
+ endif
+$(2)_LICENSE ?= unknown
$(2)_DEPENDENCIES ?= $(filter-out $(1),$(patsubst host-host-%,host-%,$(addprefix host-,$($(3)_DEPENDENCIES))))
@@ -412,6 +427,52 @@ else
+# legal-info: declare dependencies and set values used later for the manifest
+ifneq ($$($(2)_LICENSE),PROPRIETARY)
+ifneq ($$($(2)_SITE_METHOD),local)
+ifneq ($$($(2)_SITE_METHOD),override)
+# Packages that have a tarball need it downloaded and extracted beforehand
+$(1)-legal-info: $(1)-extract $(REDIST_SOURCES_DIR)
+ifneq ($$($(2)_LICENSE_FILES),)
+# defaults for packages without tarball or license files
+$(2)_MANIFEST_TARBALL ?= not saved
+$(2)_MANIFEST_LICENSE_FILES ?= not saved
+# legal-info: produce legally relevant info.
+# Packages without a source are assumed to be part of Buildroot, skip them.
+ifneq ($(call qstrip,$$($(2)_SOURCE)),)
+ifeq ($$($(2)_LICENSE),PROPRIETARY)
+# Proprietary packages: nothing to save
+else ifeq ($$($(2)_SITE_METHOD),local)
+# Packages without a tarball: don't save and warn
+ @$(call legal-warning-pkg-savednothing,$$($(2)_RAWNAME),local)
+else ifeq ($$($(2)_SITE_METHOD),override)
+ @$(call legal-warning-pkg-savednothing,$$($(2)_RAWNAME),override)
+# Other packages
+# Save license files if defined
+ifeq ($(call qstrip,$$($(2)_LICENSE_FILES)),)
+ @$(call legal-license-nofiles,$$($(2)_RAWNAME))
+ @$(call legal-warning-pkg,$$($(2)_RAWNAME),cannot save license ($(2)_LICENSE_FILES not defined))
+ @for F in $$($(2)_LICENSE_FILES); do \
+ $(call legal-license-file,$$($(2)_RAWNAME),$$$${F},$$($(2)_DIR)/$$$${F}); \
+ done
+# Copy the source tarball (just hardlink if possible)
+ @cp -l $(DL_DIR)/$$($(2)_SOURCE) $(REDIST_SOURCES_DIR) 2>/dev/null || \
+ @$(call legal-manifest,$$($(2)_RAWNAME),$$($(2)_VERSION),$$($(2)_LICENSE),$$($(2)_MANIFEST_LICENSE_FILES),$$($(2)_MANIFEST_TARBALL))
+endif # ifneq ($(call qstrip,$$($(2)_SOURCE)),)
# add package to the general list of targets if requested by the buildroot
# configuration
ifeq ($$($$($(2)_KCONFIG_VAR)),y)
diff --git a/package/ b/package/
index 0c55a9d71..35abb17ce 100644
--- a/package/
+++ b/package/
@@ -92,3 +92,28 @@ define sep
+# legal-info helper functions
+legal-warning=echo "WARNING: $(1)" >>$(LEGAL_WARNINGS)
+legal-warning-pkg=echo "WARNING: $(1): $(2)" >>$(LEGAL_WARNINGS)
+define legal-warning-pkg-savednothing # pkg, {local|override}
+ $(call legal-warning-pkg,$(1),sources and license files not saved ($(2) packages not handled))
+legal-manifest=echo "$(1),$(2),$(3),$(4),$(5)" >>$(LEGAL_MANIFEST_CSV)
+define legal-license-header
+ echo -e "$(LEGAL_INFO_SEPARATOR)\n\t$(1):" \
+define legal-license-nofiles
+ $(call legal-license-header,$(1),unknown license file(s))
+define legal-license-file # pkg, filename, file-fullpath
+ $(call legal-license-header,$(1),$(2) file) && \
+ cat $(3) >>$(LEGAL_LICENSES_TXT) && \
+ echo >>$(LEGAL_LICENSES_TXT) && \
+ mkdir -p $(LICENSE_FILES_DIR)/$(1)/ && \
+ cp $(3) $(LICENSE_FILES_DIR)/$(1)/
diff --git a/support/legal-info/README.header b/support/legal-info/README.header
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3321adb7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/legal-info/README.header
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Most of the packages that were used by Buildroot to produce the image files,
+including Buildroot itself, have open-source licenses. It is your
+responsibility to comply to the requirements of these licenses.
+To make this easier for you, Buildroot collected in this directory some
+material you may need to get it done.
+This material is composed of the following items.
+ * The scripts used to control compilation of the packages and the generation
+ of image files, i.e. the Buildroot sources.
+ Note: this has not been saved due to technical limitations, you must
+ collect it manually.
+ * The Buildroot configuration file; this has been saved in buildroot.config.
+ * The toolchain (cross-compiler and related tools) used to generate all the
+ compiled programs.
+ Note: this has not been saved due to technical limitations, you must
+ collect it manually.
+ * The source code for all packages; this has been saved in the sources/
+ subdirectory (except for the proprietary packages, which have not been
+ saved); patches applied to some packages by Buildroot are included in the
+ Buildroot sources and were not duplicated in the sources/ subdirectory.
+ * A manifest file listing the configured packages and related information.
+ * The license text of the packages; they have been saved in the licenses/
+ subdirectory.
diff --git a/support/legal-info/README.warnings-header b/support/legal-info/README.warnings-header
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd0829069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/legal-info/README.warnings-header
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Due to technical limitations or lack of license definition in the package
+makefile, some of the material listed above could not been saved, as the
+following list details.