path: root/program/include
diff options
authorthomascube <>2005-09-25 14:18:03 +0000
committerthomascube <>2005-09-25 14:18:03 +0000
commit4e17e6c9dbac8991ee8b302cb2581241247dc8bc (patch)
treed877546f6bd334b041734498e81f6299e005b01c /program/include
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'program/include')
7 files changed, 4110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..819887cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | program/include/ |
+ | |
+ | This file is part of the BQube Webmail client |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005, BQube Dev - Switzerland |
+ | All rights reserved. |
+ | |
+ | PURPOSE: |
+ | Provide error handling and logging functions |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ $Id$
+// throw system error and show error page
+function raise_error($arg=array(), $log=FALSE, $terminate=FALSE)
+ {
+ global $__page_content, $CONFIG, $OUTPUT, $ERROR_CODE, $ERROR_MESSAGE;
+ /* $arg keys:
+ int code
+ string type (php, xpath, db, imap, javascript)
+ string message
+ sring file
+ int line
+ */
+ // report bug (if not incompatible browser)
+ if ($log && $arg['type'] && $arg['message'])
+ log_bug($arg);
+ // display error page and terminate script
+ if ($terminate)
+ {
+ $ERROR_CODE = $arg['code'];
+ $ERROR_MESSAGE = $arg['message'];
+ include("program/steps/");
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+// report error
+function log_bug($arg_arr)
+ {
+ $program = $arg_arr['type']=='xpath' ? 'XPath' : strtoupper($arg_arr['type']);
+ // write error to local log file
+ if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 1)
+ {
+ $log_entry = sprintf("[%s] %s Error: %s in %s on line %d\n",
+ date("d-M-Y H:i:s O", mktime()),
+ $program,
+ $arg_arr['message'],
+ $arg_arr['file'],
+ $arg_arr['line']);
+ if ($fp = fopen($INSTALL_PATH.'logs/errors', 'a'))
+ {
+ fwrite($fp, $log_entry);
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
+ }
+ // resport the bug to the global bug reporting system
+ if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 2)
+ {
+ $delm = '%AC';
+ http_request(sprintf('',
+ $arg_arr['type'],
+ rawurlencode($GLOBALS['HTTP_USER_AGENT']),
+ $GLOBALS['SERVER_PORT']==43 ? 'https' : 'http',
+ $arg_arr['file'], $delm,
+ $arg_arr['line'], $delm,
+ rawurlencode($arg_arr['message'])));
+ }
+ // show error if debug_mode is on
+ if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 4)
+ {
+ print "<b>$program Error in $arg_arr[file] ($arg_arr[line]):</b>&nbsp;";
+ print nl2br($arg_arr['message']);
+ print '<br />';
+ flush();
+ }
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84ed8f07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | program/include/ |
+ | |
+ | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev, - Switzerland |
+ | All rights reserved. |
+ | |
+ | PURPOSE: |
+ | Provide access to the application cache |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ $Id$
+function rcube_read_cache($key)
+ {
+ global $DB, $CACHE_KEYS;
+ // query db
+ $sql_result = $DB->query(sprintf("SELECT cache_id, data
+ FROM %s
+ WHERE user_id=%d
+ AND cache_key='%s'",
+ get_table_name('cache'),
+ $_SESSION['user_id'],
+ $key));
+ // get cached data
+ if ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
+ {
+ $data = $sql_arr['data'];
+ $CACHE_KEYS[$key] = $sql_arr['cache_id'];
+ }
+ else
+ $data = FALSE;
+ return $data;
+ }
+function rcube_write_cache($key, $data, $session_cache=FALSE)
+ {
+ global $DB, $CACHE_KEYS, $sess_id;
+ // check if we already have a cache entry for this key
+ if (!isset($CACHE_KEYS[$key]))
+ {
+ $sql_result = $DB->query(sprintf("SELECT cache_id
+ FROM %s
+ WHERE user_id=%d
+ AND cache_key='%s'",
+ get_table_name('cache'),
+ $_SESSION['user_id'],
+ $key));
+ if ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
+ $CACHE_KEYS[$key] = $sql_arr['cache_id'];
+ else
+ $CACHE_KEYS[$key] = FALSE;
+ }
+ // update existing cache record
+ if ($CACHE_KEYS[$key])
+ {
+ $DB->query(sprintf("UPDATE %s
+ SET created=NOW(),
+ data='%s'
+ WHERE user_id=%d
+ AND cache_key='%s'",
+ get_table_name('cache'),
+ addslashes($data),
+ $_SESSION['user_id'],
+ $key));
+ }
+ // add new cache record
+ else
+ {
+ $DB->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO %s
+ (created, user_id, session_id, cache_key, data)
+ VALUES (NOW(), %d, %s, '%s', '%s')",
+ get_table_name('cache'),
+ $_SESSION['user_id'],
+ $session_cache ? "'$sess_id'" : 'NULL',
+ $key,
+ addslashes($data)));
+ }
+ }
+function rcube_clear_cache($key)
+ {
+ global $DB;
+ $DB->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s
+ WHERE user_id=%d
+ AND cache_key='%s'",
+ get_table_name('cache'),
+ $_SESSION['user_id'],
+ $key));
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8cbc271b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,1020 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | program/include/ |
+ | |
+ | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev, - Switzerland |
+ | All rights reserved. |
+ | |
+ | PURPOSE: |
+ | Provide basic functions for the webmail package |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ $Id$
+// register session and connect to server
+function rcmail_startup($task='mail')
+ {
+ global $sess_id, $sess_auth, $sess_user_lang;
+ // check client
+ $BROWSER = rcube_browser();
+ // load config file
+ include_once('config/');
+ $CONFIG = is_array($rcmail_config) ? $rcmail_config : array();
+ $CONFIG['skin_path'] = $CONFIG['skin_path'] ? preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $CONFIG['skin_path']) : 'skins/default';
+ // load db conf
+ include_once('config/');
+ $CONFIG = array_merge($CONFIG, $rcmail_config);
+ // set PHP error logging according to config
+ if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 1)
+ {
+ ini_set('log_errors', 1);
+ ini_set('error_log', $INSTALL_PATH.'logs/errors');
+ }
+ if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 4)
+ ini_set('display_errors', 1);
+ else
+ ini_set('display_errors', 0);
+ // prepare DB connection
+ if (strtolower($CONFIG['db_type'])=='mysql')
+ $DB = new rcube_mysql($CONFIG['db_name'], $CONFIG['db_user'], $CONFIG['db_pass'], $CONFIG['db_host']);
+ // database not supported
+ else
+ {
+ raise_error(array('code' => 500,
+ 'type' => 'php',
+ 'line' => __LINE__,
+ 'file' => __FILE__,
+ 'message' => "Database not supported"), TRUE, TRUE);
+ return;
+ }
+ // we can use the database for storing session data
+ if (is_object($DB) && $DB->connect())
+ include_once('include/');
+ // init session
+ session_start();
+ $sess_id = session_id();
+ // create session and set session vars
+ if (!$_SESSION['client_id'])
+ {
+ $_SESSION['client_id'] = $sess_id;
+ $_SESSION['user_lang'] = 'en';
+ $_SESSION['auth_time'] = mktime();
+ $_SESSION['auth'] = rcmail_auth_hash($sess_id, $_SESSION['auth_time']);
+ unset($GLOBALS['_auth']);
+ }
+ // set session vars global
+ $sess_auth = $_SESSION['auth'];
+ $sess_user_lang = $_SESSION['user_lang'];
+ // overwrite config with user preferences
+ if (is_array($_SESSION['user_prefs']))
+ $CONFIG = array_merge($CONFIG, $_SESSION['user_prefs']);
+ // reset some session parameters when changing task
+ if ($_SESSION['task'] != $task)
+ unset($_SESSION['page']);
+ // set current task to session
+ $_SESSION['task'] = $task;
+ // create IMAP object
+ if ($task=='mail')
+ rcmail_imap_init();
+ // set localization
+ if ($CONFIG['locale_string'])
+ setlocale(LC_ALL, $CONFIG['locale_string']);
+ else if ($sess_user_lang)
+ setlocale(LC_ALL, $sess_user_lang);
+ register_shutdown_function('rcmail_shutdown');
+ }
+// create authorization hash
+function rcmail_auth_hash($sess_id, $ts)
+ {
+ global $CONFIG;
+ $auth_string = sprintf('rcmail*sess%sR%s*Chk:%s;%s',
+ $sess_id,
+ $ts,
+ $CONFIG['ip_check'] ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '***.***.***.***',
+ if (function_exists('sha1'))
+ return sha1($auth_string);
+ else
+ return md5($auth_string);
+ }
+// create IMAP object and connect to server
+function rcmail_imap_init($connect=FALSE)
+ {
+ global $CONFIG, $IMAP;
+ $IMAP = new rcube_imap();
+ // set root dir from config
+ if (strlen($CONFIG['imap_root']))
+ $IMAP->set_rootdir($CONFIG['imap_root']);
+ if (is_array($CONFIG['default_imap_folders']))
+ $IMAP->set_default_mailboxes($CONFIG['default_imap_folders']);
+ if (strlen($_SESSION['mbox']))
+ $IMAP->set_mailbox($_SESSION['mbox']);
+ if (isset($_SESSION['page']))
+ $IMAP->set_page($_SESSION['page']);
+ // set pagesize from config
+ if (isset($CONFIG['pagesize']))
+ $IMAP->set_pagesize($CONFIG['pagesize']);
+ // connect with stored session data
+ if ($connect)
+ {
+ if (!($conn = $IMAP->connect($_SESSION['imap_host'], $_SESSION['username'], decrypt_passwd($_SESSION['password']))))
+ show_message('imaperror', 'error');
+ }
+ }
+// do these things on script shutdown
+function rcmail_shutdown()
+ {
+ global $IMAP;
+ if (is_object($IMAP))
+ {
+ $IMAP->close();
+ $IMAP->write_cache();
+ }
+ }
+// destroy session data and remove cookie
+function rcmail_kill_session()
+ {
+/* $sess_name = session_name();
+ if (isset($_COOKIE[$sess_name]))
+ setcookie($sess_name, '', time()-42000, '/');
+ $_SESSION = array();
+ session_destroy();
+ }
+// return correct name for a specific database table
+function get_table_name($table)
+ {
+ global $CONFIG;
+ // return table name if configured
+ $config_key = 'db_table_'.$table;
+ if (strlen($CONFIG[$config_key]))
+ return $CONFIG[$config_key];
+ return $table;
+ }
+// init output object for GUI and add common scripts
+function load_gui()
+ {
+ // init output page
+ $OUTPUT = new rcube_html_page();
+ // add common javascripts
+ $javascript = "var $JS_OBJECT_NAME = new rcube_webmail();\n";
+ $javascript .= "$JS_OBJECT_NAME.set_env('comm_path', '$COMM_PATH');\n";
+ if ($_GET['_framed'] || $_POST['_framed'])
+ $javascript .= "$JS_OBJECT_NAME.set_env('framed', true);\n";
+ $OUTPUT->add_script($javascript);
+ $OUTPUT->include_script('program/js/common.js');
+ $OUTPUT->include_script('program/js/app.js');
+ }
+// perfom login to the IMAP server and to the webmail service
+function rcmail_login($user, $pass, $host=NULL)
+ {
+ global $CONFIG, $IMAP, $DB, $sess_user_lang;
+ if (!$host)
+ $host = $CONFIG['default_host'];
+ // exit if IMAP login failed
+ if (!($imap_login = $IMAP->connect($host, $user, $pass)))
+ return FALSE;
+ // query if user already registered
+ $sql_result = $DB->query(sprintf("SELECT user_id, language, preferences
+ FROM %s
+ WHERE username='%s' AND mail_host='%s'",
+ get_table_name('users'),
+ $user, $host));
+ // user already registered
+ if ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
+ {
+ $user_id = $sql_arr['user_id'];
+ // get user prefs
+ if (strlen($sql_arr['preferences']))
+ {
+ $user_prefs = unserialize($sql_arr['preferences']);
+ $_SESSION['user_prefs'] = $user_prefs;
+ array_merge($CONFIG, $user_prefs);
+ }
+ // set user specific language
+ if (strlen($sql_arr['language']))
+ $sess_user_lang = $_SESSION['user_lang'] = $sql_arr['language'];
+ // update user's record
+ $DB->query(sprintf("UPDATE %s
+ SET last_login=NOW()
+ WHERE user_id=%d",
+ get_table_name('users'),
+ $user_id));
+ }
+ // create new system user
+ else if ($CONFIG['auto_create_user'])
+ {
+ $user_id = rcmail_create_user($user, $host);
+ }
+ if ($user_id)
+ {
+ $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
+ $_SESSION['imap_host'] = $host;
+ $_SESSION['username'] = $user;
+ $_SESSION['password'] = encrypt_passwd($pass);
+ // force reloading complete list of subscribed mailboxes
+ $IMAP->clear_cache('mailboxes');
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+// create new entry in users and identities table
+function rcmail_create_user($user, $host)
+ {
+ global $DB, $CONFIG, $IMAP;
+ $DB->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO %s
+ (created, last_login, username, mail_host)
+ VALUES (NOW(), NOW(), '%s', '%s')",
+ get_table_name('users'),
+ $user, $host));
+ if ($user_id = $DB->insert_id())
+ {
+ // also create a new identity record
+ $DB->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO %s
+ (user_id, `default`, name, email)
+ VALUES (%d, '1', '%s', '%s@%s')",
+ get_table_name('identities'),
+ $user_id,
+ $user,
+ $user,
+ $host));
+ // get existing mailboxes
+ $a_mailboxes = $IMAP->list_mailboxes();
+ // check if the configured mailbox for sent messages exists
+ if ($CONFIG['sent_mbox'] && !in_array_nocase($CONFIG['sent_mbox'], $a_mailboxes))
+ $IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['sent_mbox'], TRUE);
+ // check if the configured mailbox for sent messages exists
+ if ($CONFIG['trash_mbox'] && !in_array_nocase($CONFIG['trash_mbox'], $a_mailboxes))
+ $IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['trash_mbox'], TRUE);
+ }
+ return $user_id;
+ }
+function show_message($message, $type='notice')
+ {
+ $framed = ($_GET['framed'] || $_POST['_framed']);
+ $command = sprintf("display_message('%s', '%s');",
+ addslashes(rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label($message))),
+ $type);
+ return 'this.'.$command;
+ else
+ $OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("%s%s.%s",
+ $framed ? sprintf('if(parent.%s)parent.', $JS_OBJECT_NAME) : '',
+ $command));
+ // console(rcube_label($message));
+ }
+function console($msg, $type=1)
+ {
+ print $msg;
+ print "\n<hr>\n";
+ }
+function encrypt_passwd($pass)
+ {
+ $cypher = des('rcmail?24BitPwDkeyF**ECB', $pass, 1, 0, NULL);
+ return base64_encode($cypher);
+ }
+function decrypt_passwd($cypher)
+ {
+ $pass = des('rcmail?24BitPwDkeyF**ECB', base64_decode($cypher), 0, 0, NULL);
+ return trim($pass);
+ }
+// send correct response on a remote request
+function rcube_remote_response($js_code)
+ {
+ send_nocacheing_headers();
+ //header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
+ header('Content-Type: application/x-javascript');
+ print '/** remote response ['.date('d/M/Y h:i:s O')."] **/\n";
+ print $js_code;
+ exit;
+ }
+// ************** template parsing and gui functions **************
+// return boolean if a specific template exists
+function template_exists($name)
+ {
+ global $CONFIG, $OUTPUT;
+ $skin_path = $CONFIG['skin_path'];
+ // check template file
+ return is_file("$skin_path/templates/$name.html");
+ }
+// get page template an replace variable
+// similar function as used in nexImage
+function parse_template($name='main', $exit=TRUE)
+ {
+ global $CONFIG, $OUTPUT;
+ $skin_path = $CONFIG['skin_path'];
+ // read template file
+ $templ = '';
+ $path = "$skin_path/templates/$name.html";
+ if($fp = @fopen($path, 'r'))
+ {
+ $templ = fread($fp, filesize($path));
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ raise_error(array('code' => 500,
+ 'type' => 'php',
+ 'line' => __LINE__,
+ 'file' => __FILE__,
+ 'message' => "Error loading template for '$name'"), TRUE, TRUE);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // parse for specialtags
+ $output = parse_rcube_xml($templ);
+ $OUTPUT->write(trim(parse_with_globals($output)), $skin_path);
+ if ($exit)
+ exit;
+ }
+// replace all strings ($varname) with the content of the according global variable
+function parse_with_globals($input)
+ {
+ $output = preg_replace('/\$(__[a-z0-9_\-]+)/e', '$GLOBALS["\\1"]', $input);
+ return $output;
+ }
+function parse_rcube_xml($input)
+ {
+ $output = preg_replace('/<roundcube:([-_a-z]+)\s+([^>]+)>/Uie', "rcube_xml_command('\\1', '\\2')", $input);
+ return $output;
+ }
+function rcube_xml_command($command, $str_attrib, $a_attrib=NULL)
+ {
+ global $IMAP, $CONFIG;
+ $attrib = array();
+ $command = strtolower($command);
+ preg_match_all('/\s*([-_a-z]+)=["]([^"]+)["]?/i', stripslashes($str_attrib), $regs, PREG_SET_ORDER);
+ // convert attributes to an associative array (name => value)
+ if ($regs)
+ foreach ($regs as $attr)
+ $attrib[strtolower($attr[1])] = $attr[2];
+ else if ($a_attrib)
+ $attrib = $a_attrib;
+ // execute command
+ switch ($command)
+ {
+ // return a button
+ case 'button':
+ if ($attrib['command'])
+ return rcube_button($attrib);
+ break;
+ // show a label
+ case 'label':
+ if ($attrib['name'] || $attrib['command'])
+ return rcube_label($attrib);
+ break;
+ // create a menu item
+ case 'menu':
+ if ($attrib['command'] && $attrib['group'])
+ rcube_menu($attrib);
+ break;
+ // include a file
+ case 'include':
+ $path = realpath($CONFIG['skin_path'].$attrib['file']);
+ if($fp = @fopen($path, 'r'))
+ {
+ $incl = fread($fp, filesize($path));
+ fclose($fp);
+ return parse_rcube_xml($incl);
+ }
+ break;
+ // return code for a specific application object
+ case 'object':
+ $object = strtolower($attrib['name']);
+ if ($object=='loginform')
+ return rcmail_login_form($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='message')
+ return rcmail_message_container($attrib);
+ // MAIL
+ else if ($object=='mailboxlist' && function_exists('rcmail_mailbox_list'))
+ return rcmail_mailbox_list($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='messages' && function_exists('rcmail_message_list'))
+ return rcmail_message_list($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='messagecountdisplay' && function_exists('rcmail_messagecount_display'))
+ return rcmail_messagecount_display($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='messageheaders' && function_exists('rcmail_message_headers'))
+ return rcmail_message_headers($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='messageattachments' && function_exists('rcmail_message_attachments'))
+ return rcmail_message_attachments($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='messagebody' && function_exists('rcmail_message_body'))
+ return rcmail_message_body($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='blockedobjects' && function_exists('rcmail_remote_objects_msg'))
+ return rcmail_remote_objects_msg($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='messagecontentframe' && function_exists('rcmail_messagecontent_frame'))
+ return rcmail_messagecontent_frame($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='messagepartframe' && function_exists('rcmail_message_part_frame'))
+ return rcmail_message_part_frame($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='messagepartcontrols' && function_exists('rcmail_message_part_controls'))
+ return rcmail_message_part_controls($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='composeheaders' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_headers'))
+ return rcmail_compose_headers($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='composesubject' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_subject'))
+ return rcmail_compose_subject($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='composebody' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_body'))
+ return rcmail_compose_body($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='composeattachmentlist' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_attachment_list'))
+ return rcmail_compose_attachment_list($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='composeattachmentform' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_attachment_form'))
+ return rcmail_compose_attachment_form($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='composeattachment' && function_exists('rcmail_compose_attachment_field'))
+ return rcmail_compose_attachment_field($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='priorityselector' && function_exists('rcmail_priority_selector'))
+ return rcmail_priority_selector($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='priorityselector' && function_exists('rcmail_priority_selector'))
+ return rcmail_priority_selector($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='addresslist' && function_exists('rcmail_contacts_list'))
+ return rcmail_contacts_list($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='addressframe' && function_exists('rcmail_contact_frame'))
+ return rcmail_contact_frame($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='recordscountdisplay' && function_exists('rcmail_rowcount_display'))
+ return rcmail_rowcount_display($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='contactdetails' && function_exists('rcmail_contact_details'))
+ return rcmail_contact_details($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='contacteditform' && function_exists('rcmail_contact_editform'))
+ return rcmail_contact_editform($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='userprefs' && function_exists('rcmail_user_prefs_form'))
+ return rcmail_user_prefs_form($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='itentitieslist' && function_exists('rcmail_identities_list'))
+ return rcmail_identities_list($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='identityframe' && function_exists('rcmail_identity_frame'))
+ return rcmail_identity_frame($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='identityform' && function_exists('rcube_identity_form'))
+ return rcube_identity_form($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='foldersubscription' && function_exists('rcube_subscription_form'))
+ return rcube_subscription_form($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='createfolder' && function_exists('rcube_create_folder_form'))
+ return rcube_create_folder_form($attrib);
+ else if ($object=='pagetitle')
+ {
+ $task = $GLOBALS['_task'];
+ if ($task=='mail' && isset($GLOBALS['MESSAGE']['subject']))
+ return rep_specialchars_output("RoundCube|Mail :: ".$GLOBALS['MESSAGE']['subject']);
+ else if (isset($GLOBALS['PAGE_TITLE']))
+ return rep_specialchars_output("RoundCube|Mail :: ".$GLOBALS['PAGE_TITLE']);
+ else if ($task=='mail' && ($mbox_name = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name()))
+ return "RoundCube|Mail :: $mbox_name";
+ else
+ return "RoundCube|Mail :: $task";
+ }
+ else if ($object=='about')
+ return '';
+ break;
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+// create and register a button
+function rcube_button($attrib)
+ {
+ static $sa_buttons = array();
+ static $s_button_count = 100;
+ $skin_path = $CONFIG['skin_path'];
+ if (!($attrib['command'] || $attrib['name']))
+ return '';
+ // try to find out the button type
+ if ($attrib['type'])
+ $attrib['type'] = strtolower($attrib['type']);
+ else
+ $attrib['type'] = ($attrib['image'] || $attrib['imagepas'] || $arg['imagect']) ? 'image' : 'link';
+ $command = $attrib['command'];
+ // take the button from the stack
+ if($attrib['name'] && $sa_buttons[$attrib['name']])
+ $attrib = $sa_buttons[$attrib['name']];
+ // add button to button stack
+ else if($attrib['image'] || $arg['imagect'] || $attrib['imagepas'] || $attrib['class'])
+ {
+ if(!$attrib['name'])
+ $attrib['name'] = $command;
+ if (!$attrib['image'])
+ $attrib['image'] = $attrib['imagepas'] ? $attrib['imagepas'] : $attrib['imageact'];
+ $sa_buttons[$attrib['name']] = $attrib;
+ }
+ // get saved button for this command/name
+ else if ($command && $sa_buttons[$command])
+ $attrib = $sa_buttons[$command];
+ //else
+ // return '';
+ // set border to 0 because of the link arround the button
+ if ($attrib['type']=='image' && !isset($attrib['border']))
+ $attrib['border'] = 0;
+ if (!$attrib['id'])
+ $attrib['id'] = sprintf('rcmbtn%d', $s_button_count++);
+ // get localized text for labels and titles
+ if ($attrib['title'])
+ $attrib['title'] = rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label($attrib['title']));
+ if ($attrib['label'])
+ $attrib['label'] = rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label($attrib['label']));
+ if ($attrib['alt'])
+ $attrib['alt'] = rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label($attrib['alt']));
+ // add empty alt attribute for XHTML compatibility
+ if (!isset($attrib['alt']))
+ $attrib['alt'] = '';
+ // register button in the system
+ if ($attrib['command'])
+ $OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("%s.register_button('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');",
+ $command,
+ $attrib['id'],
+ $attrib['type'],
+ $attrib['imageact'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imageact'] : $attrib['classact'],
+ $attirb['imagesel'] ? $skin_path.$attirb['imagesel'] : $attrib['classsel'],
+ $attrib['imageover'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imageover'] : ''));
+ // overwrite attributes
+ if (!$attrib['href'])
+ $attrib['href'] = '#';
+ if ($command)
+ $attrib['onclick'] = sprintf("return %s.command('%s','%s',this)", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['prop']);
+ if ($command && $attrib['imageover'])
+ {
+ $attrib['onmouseover'] = sprintf("return %s.button_over('%s','%s')", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id']);
+ $attrib['onmouseout'] = sprintf("return %s.button_out('%s','%s')", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id']);
+ }
+ $out = '';
+ // generate image tag
+ if ($attrib['type']=='image')
+ {
+ $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'width', 'height', 'border', 'hspace', 'vspace', 'alt'));
+ $img_tag = sprintf('<img src="%%s"%s />', $attrib_str);
+ $btn_content = sprintf($img_tag, $skin_path.$attrib['image']);
+ if ($attrib['label'])
+ $btn_content .= ' '.$attrib['label'];
+ $link_attrib = array('href', 'onclick', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'title');
+ }
+ else if ($attrib['type']=='link')
+ {
+ $btn_content = $attrib['label'] ? $attrib['label'] : $attrib['command'];
+ $link_attrib = array('href', 'onclick', 'title', 'id', 'class', 'style');
+ }
+ else if ($attrib['type']=='input')
+ {
+ $attrib['type'] = 'button';
+ if ($attrib['label'])
+ $attrib['value'] = $attrib['label'];
+ $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('type', 'value', 'onclick', 'id', 'class', 'style'));
+ $out = sprintf('<input%s disabled />', $attrib_str);
+ }
+ // generate html code for button
+ if ($btn_content)
+ {
+ $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, $link_attrib);
+ $out = sprintf('<a%s>%s</a>', $attrib_str, $btn_content);
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+function rcube_menu($attrib)
+ {
+ return '';
+ }
+function rcube_table_output($attrib, $sql_result, $a_show_cols, $id_col)
+ {
+ global $DB;
+ // allow the following attributes to be added to the <table> tag
+ $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'border', 'summary'));
+ $table = '<table' . $attrib_str . ">\n";
+ // add table title
+ $table .= "<thead><tr>\n";
+ foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
+ $table .= '<td class="'.$col.'">' . rcube_label($col) . "</td>\n";
+ $table .= "</tr></thead>\n<tbody>\n";
+ $c = 0;
+ while ($sql_result && ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result)))
+ {
+ $zebra_class = $c%2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
+ $table .= sprintf('<tr id="rcmrow%d" class="contact '.$zebra_class.'">'."\n", $sql_arr[$id_col]);
+ // format each col
+ foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
+ {
+ $cont = rep_specialchars_output($sql_arr[$col]);
+ $table .= '<td class="'.$col.'">' . $cont . "</td>\n";
+ }
+ $table .= "</tr>\n";
+ $c++;
+ }
+ // complete message table
+ $table .= "</tbody></table>\n";
+ return $table;
+ }
+function rcmail_get_edit_field($col, $value, $attrib, $type='text')
+ {
+ $fname = '_'.$col;
+ $attrib['name'] = $fname;
+ if ($type=='checkbox')
+ {
+ $attrib['value'] = '1';
+ $input = new checkbox($attrib);
+ }
+ else if ($type=='textarea')
+ {
+ $attrib['cols'] = $attrib['size'];
+ $input = new textarea($attrib);
+ }
+ else
+ $input = new textfield($attrib);
+ // use value from post
+ if ($_POST[$fname])
+ $value = $_POST[$fname];
+ $out = $input->show($value);
+ return $out;
+ }
+function create_attrib_string($attrib, $allowed_attribs=array('id', 'class', 'style'))
+ {
+ // allow the following attributes to be added to the <iframe> tag
+ $attrib_str = '';
+ foreach ($allowed_attribs as $a)
+ if (isset($attrib[$a]))
+ $attrib_str .= sprintf(' %s="%s"', $a, $attrib[$a]);
+ return $attrib_str;
+ }
+function format_date($date, $format=NULL)
+ {
+ global $CONFIG, $sess_user_lang;
+ if (is_numeric($date))
+ $ts = $date;
+ else
+ $ts = strtotime($date);
+ // convert time to user's timezone
+ $timestamp = $ts - date('Z', $ts) + ($CONFIG['timezone'] * 3600);
+ // get current timestamp in user's timezone
+ $now = time(); // local time
+ $now -= (int)date('Z'); // make GMT time
+ $now += ($CONFIG['timezone'] * 3600); // user's time
+ $day_secs = 60*((int)date('H', $now)*60 + (int)date('i', $now));
+ $week_secs = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
+ $diff = $now - $timestamp;
+ // define daate format depending on current time
+ if (!$format && $diff < $day_secs)
+ return sprintf('%s %s', rcube_label('today'), date('H:i', $timestamp));
+ else if (!$format && $diff < $week_secs)
+ $format = $CONFIG['date_short'] ? $CONFIG['date_short'] : 'D H:i';
+ else if (!$format)
+ $format = $CONFIG['date_long'] ? $CONFIG['date_long'] : 'd.m.Y H:i';
+ // parse format string manually in order to provide localized weekday and month names
+ // an alternative would be to convert the date() format string to fit with strftime()
+ $out = '';
+ for($i=0; $i<strlen($format); $i++)
+ {
+ if ($format{$i}=='\\') // skip escape chars
+ continue;
+ // write char "as-is"
+ if ($format{$i}==' ' || $format{$i-1}=='\\')
+ $out .= $format{$i};
+ // weekday (short)
+ else if ($format{$i}=='D')
+ $out .= rcube_label(strtolower(date('D', $timestamp)));
+ // weekday long
+ else if ($format{$i}=='l')
+ $out .= rcube_label(strtolower(date('l', $timestamp)));
+ // month name (short)
+ else if ($format{$i}=='M')
+ $out .= rcube_label(strtolower(date('M', $timestamp)));
+ // month name (long)
+ else if ($format{$i}=='F')
+ $out .= rcube_label(strtolower(date('F', $timestamp)));
+ else
+ $out .= date($format{$i}, $timestamp);
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+// ************** functions delivering gui objects **************
+function rcmail_message_container($attrib)
+ {
+ if (!$attrib['id'])
+ $attrib['id'] = 'rcmMessageContainer';
+ // allow the following attributes to be added to the <table> tag
+ $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id'));
+ $out = '<div' . $attrib_str . "></div>";
+ $OUTPUT->add_script("$JS_OBJECT_NAME.gui_object('message', '$attrib[id]');");
+ return $out;
+ }
+// return code for the webmail login form
+function rcmail_login_form($attrib)
+ {
+ $labels = array();
+ $labels['user'] = rcube_label('username');
+ $labels['pass'] = rcube_label('password');
+ $labels['host'] = rcube_label('server');
+ $input_user = new textfield(array('name' => '_user', 'size' => 30));
+ $input_pass = new passwordfield(array('name' => '_pass', 'size' => 30));
+ $input_action = new hiddenfield(array('name' => '_action', 'value' => 'login'));
+ $fields = array();
+ $fields['user'] = $input_user->show($_POST['_user']);
+ $fields['pass'] = $input_pass->show();
+ $fields['action'] = $input_action->show();
+ if (is_array($CONFIG['default_host']))
+ {
+ $select_host = new select(array('name' => '_host'));
+ $select_host->add($CONFIG['default_host']);
+ $fields['host'] = $select_host->show($_POST['_host']);
+ }
+ else if (!strlen($CONFIG['default_host']))
+ {
+ $input_host = new textfield(array('name' => '_host', 'size' => 30));
+ $fields['host'] = $input_host->show($_POST['_host']);
+ }
+ $form_name = strlen($attrib['form']) ? $attrib['form'] : 'form';
+ $form_start = !strlen($attrib['form']) ? '<form name="form" action="./" method="post">' : '';
+ $form_end = !strlen($attrib['form']) ? '</form>' : '';
+ if ($fields['host'])
+ $form_host = <<<EOF
+<td class="title">$labels[host]</td>
+ $OUTPUT->add_script("$JS_OBJECT_NAME.gui_object('loginform', '$form_name');");
+ $out = <<<EOF
+<td class="title">$labels[user]</td>
+<td class="title">$labels[pass]</td>
+ return $out;
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..594dbf40f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | program/include/ |
+ | |
+ | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
+ | All rights reserved. |
+ | |
+ | PURPOSE: |
+ | IMAP wrapper that implements the Iloha IMAP Library (IIL) |
+ | See for details |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ $Id$
+// check for Open-SSL support in PHP build
+//$ICL_PORT = 993;
+class rcube_imap
+ {
+ var $conn;
+ var $root_dir = '';
+ var $mailbox = 'INBOX';
+ var $list_page = 1;
+ var $page_size = 10;
+ var $cacheing_enabled = FALSE;
+ var $default_folders = array('inbox', 'drafts', 'sent', 'junk', 'trash');
+ var $cache = array();
+ var $cache_changes = array();
+ var $uid_id_map = array();
+ var $msg_headers = array();
+ // PHP 5 constructor
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ if (function_exists('rcube_read_cache'))
+ $this->cacheing_enabled = TRUE;
+ }
+ // PHP 4 compatibility
+ function rcube_imap()
+ {
+ $this->__construct();
+ }
+ function iloha_imap($connection='')
+ {
+ if ($connection)
+ {
+ $a_url = parse_url($connection);
+ $scheme = $a_url['scheme'] ? $a_url['scheme'] : 'imap';
+ $port = $a_url['port'] ? $a_url['port'] : ($scheme=='imaps' ? 993 : 143);
+ $host = $a_url['host'];
+ $user = $a_url['user'];
+ $pass = $a_url['pass'];
+ //var_dump($a_url);
+ $this->connect($host, $user, $pass, $port);
+ }
+ }
+ function connect($host, $user, $pass, $port=143)
+ {
+ global $ICL_PORT;
+ $ICL_PORT = $port;
+ $this->conn = iil_Connect($host, $user, $pass);
+ $this->host = $host;
+ $this->user = $user;
+ $this->pass = $pass;
+ return $this->conn ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ }
+ function close()
+ {
+ if ($this->conn)
+ iil_Close($this->conn);
+ }
+ function set_rootdir($root)
+ {
+ if (substr($root, -1, 1)==='/')
+ $root = substr($root, 0, -1);
+ $this->root_dir = $root;
+ }
+ function set_default_mailboxes($arr)
+ {
+ if (is_array($arr))
+ {
+ $this->default_folders = array();
+ // add mailbox names lower case
+ foreach ($arr as $mbox)
+ $this->default_folders[] = strtolower($mbox);
+ // add inbox if not included
+ if (!in_array('inbox', $this->default_folders))
+ array_unshift($arr, 'inbox');
+ }
+ }
+ function set_mailbox($mbox)
+ {
+ $mailbox = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox);
+ if ($this->mailbox == $mailbox)
+ return;
+ $this->mailbox = $mailbox;
+ // clear messagecount cache for this mailbox
+ $this->_clear_messagecount($mailbox);
+ }
+ function set_page($page)
+ {
+ $this->list_page = (int)$page;
+ }
+ function set_pagesize($size)
+ {
+ $this->page_size = (int)$size;
+ }
+ function get_mailbox_name()
+ {
+ return $this->conn ? $this->_mod_mailbox($this->mailbox, 'out') : '';
+ }
+ // public method for mailbox listing
+ // convert mailbox name with root dir first
+ function list_mailboxes($root='', $filter='*')
+ {
+ $a_out = array();
+ $a_mboxes = $this->_list_mailboxes($root, $filter);
+ foreach ($a_mboxes as $mbox)
+ {
+ $name = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox, 'out');
+ if (strlen($name))
+ $a_out[] = $name;
+ }
+ // sort mailboxes
+ $a_out = $this->_sort_mailbox_list($a_out);
+ return $a_out;
+ }
+ // private method for mailbox listing
+ function _list_mailboxes($root='', $filter='*')
+ {
+ $a_defaults = $a_out = array();
+ // get cached folder list
+ $a_mboxes = $this->get_cache('mailboxes');
+ if (is_array($a_mboxes))
+ return $a_mboxes;
+ // retrieve list of folders from IMAP server
+ $a_folders = iil_C_ListSubscribed($this->conn, $this->_mod_mailbox($root), $filter);
+ if (!is_array($a_folders) || !sizeof($a_folders))
+ $a_folders = array();
+ // create INBOX if it does not exist
+ if (!in_array_nocase('INBOX', $a_folders))
+ {
+ $this->create_mailbox('INBOX', TRUE);
+ array_unshift($a_folders, 'INBOX');
+ }
+ $a_mailbox_cache = array();
+ // write mailboxlist to cache
+ $this->update_cache('mailboxes', $a_folders);
+ return $a_folders;
+ }
+ // get message count for a specific mailbox; acceptes modes are: ALL, UNSEEN
+ function messagecount($mbox='', $mode='ALL', $force=FALSE)
+ {
+ $mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
+ return $this->_messagecount($mailbox, $mode, $force);
+ }
+ // private method for getting nr of mesages
+ function _messagecount($mailbox='', $mode='ALL', $force=FALSE)
+ {
+ $a_mailbox_cache = FALSE;
+ $mode = strtoupper($mode);
+ if (!$mailbox)
+ $mailbox = $this->mailbox;
+ $a_mailbox_cache = $this->get_cache('messagecount');
+ // return cached value
+ if (!$force && is_array($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox]) && isset($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox][$mode]))
+ return $a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox][$mode];
+ // get message count and store in cache
+ if ($mode == 'UNSEEN')
+ $count = iil_C_CountUnseen($this->conn, $mailbox);
+ else
+ $count = iil_C_CountMessages($this->conn, $mailbox);
+//print "/**** get messagecount for $mailbox ($mode): $count ****/\n";
+ if (is_array($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox]))
+ $a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox] = array();
+ $a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox][$mode] = (int)$count;
+ // write back to cache
+ $this->update_cache('messagecount', $a_mailbox_cache);
+ return (int)$count;
+ }
+ // public method for listing headers
+ // convert mailbox name with root dir first
+ function list_headers($mbox='', $page=NULL, $sort_field='date', $sort_order='DESC')
+ {
+ $mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
+ return $this->_list_headers($mailbox, $page, $sort_field, $sort_order);
+ }
+ // private method for listing message header
+ function _list_headers($mailbox='', $page=NULL, $sort_field='date', $sort_order='DESC')
+ {
+ $max = $this->_messagecount($mailbox /*, 'ALL', TRUE*/);
+ $a_out = array();
+ if (!strlen($mailbox))
+ return $a_out;
+ // get cached headers
+ $a_msg_headers = $this->get_cache($mailbox.'.msg');
+// print "/**** count = $max; headers = ".sizeof($a_msg_headers)." ****/\n";
+ // retrieve headers from IMAP
+ if (!is_array($a_msg_headers) || sizeof($a_msg_headers) != $max)
+ {
+ $a_header_index = iil_C_FetchHeaders($this->conn, $mailbox, "1:$max");
+ $a_msg_headers = array();
+ foreach ($a_header_index as $i => $headers)
+ $a_msg_headers[$headers->uid] = $headers;
+// print "/**** fetch headers ****/\n";
+ }
+ else
+ $headers_cached = TRUE;
+ // sort headers by a specific col
+ $a_headers = iil_SortHeaders($a_msg_headers, $sort_field, $sort_order);
+ // write headers list to cache
+ if (!$headers_cached)
+ $this->update_cache($mailbox.'.msg', $a_msg_headers);
+ if (is_array($a_headers))
+ foreach ($a_headers as $header)
+ if (!$header->deleted)
+ $a_out[] = $header;
+ // return complete list of messages
+ if (strtolower($page)=='all')
+ return $a_out;
+ $start_msg = ($this->list_page-1) * $this->page_size;
+ return array_slice($a_out, $start_msg, $this->page_size);
+ }
+ // return sorted array of message UIDs
+ function message_index($mbox='', $sort_field='date', $sort_order='DESC')
+ {
+ $mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
+ $a_out = array();
+ // get array of message headers
+ $a_headers = $this->_list_headers($mailbox, 'all', $sort_field, $sort_order);
+ if (is_array($a_headers))
+ foreach ($a_headers as $header)
+ $a_out[] = $header->uid;
+ return $a_out;
+ }
+ function sync_header_index($mbox=NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ function search($mbox='', $criteria='ALL')
+ {
+ $mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
+ $a_messages = iil_C_Search($this->conn, $mailbox, $criteria);
+ return $a_messages;
+ }
+ function get_headers($uid, $mbox=NULL)
+ {
+ $mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
+ // get cached headers
+ $a_msg_headers = $this->get_cache($mailbox.'.msg');
+ // return cached header
+ if ($a_msg_headers[$uid])
+ return $a_msg_headers[$uid];
+ $msg_id = $this->_uid2id($uid);
+ $header = iil_C_FetchHeader($this->conn, $mailbox, $msg_id);
+ // write headers cache
+ $a_msg_headers[$uid] = $header;
+ $this->update_cache($mailbox.'.msg', $a_msg_headers);
+ return $header;
+ }
+ function get_body($uid, $part=1)
+ {
+ if (!($msg_id = $this->_uid2id($uid)))
+ return FALSE;
+ $structure_str = iil_C_FetchStructureString($this->conn, $this->mailbox, $msg_id);
+ $structure = iml_GetRawStructureArray($structure_str);
+ $body = iil_C_FetchPartBody($this->conn, $this->mailbox, $msg_id, $part);
+ $encoding = iml_GetPartEncodingCode($structure, $part);
+ if ($encoding==3) $body = $this->mime_decode($body, 'base64');
+ else if ($encoding==4) $body = $this->mime_decode($body, 'quoted-printable');
+ return $body;
+ }
+ function get_raw_body($uid)
+ {
+ if (!($msg_id = $this->_uid2id($uid)))
+ return FALSE;
+ $body = iil_C_FetchPartHeader($this->conn, $this->mailbox, $msg_id, NULL);
+ $body .= iil_C_HandlePartBody($this->conn, $this->mailbox, $msg_id, NULL, 1);
+ return $body;
+ }
+ // set message flag to one or several messages
+ // possible flgs are: SEEN, DELETED, RECENT, ANSWERED, DRAFT
+ function set_flag($uids, $flag)
+ {
+ $flag = strtoupper($flag);
+ $msg_ids = array();
+ if (!is_array($uids))
+ $uids = array($uids);
+ foreach ($uids as $uid)
+ $msg_ids[] = $this->_uid2id($uid);
+ if ($flag=='UNSEEN')
+ $result = iil_C_Unseen($this->conn, $this->mailbox, join(',', $msg_ids));
+ else
+ $result = iil_C_Flag($this->conn, $this->mailbox, join(',', $msg_ids), $flag);
+ // reload message headers if cached
+ $cache_key = $this->mailbox.'.msg';
+ if ($result && ($a_cached_headers = $this->get_cache($cache_key)))
+ {
+ foreach ($uids as $uid)
+ {
+ if (isset($a_cached_headers[$uid]))
+ {
+ unset($this->cache[$cache_key][$uid]);
+ $this->get_headers($uid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // set nr of messages that were flaged
+ $count = sizeof($msg_ids);
+ // clear message count cache
+ if ($result && $flag=='SEEN')
+ $this->_set_messagecount($this->mailbox, 'UNSEEN', $count*(-1));
+ else if ($result && $flag=='UNSEEN')
+ $this->_set_messagecount($this->mailbox, 'UNSEEN', $count);
+ else if ($result && $flag=='DELETED')
+ $this->_set_messagecount($this->mailbox, 'ALL', $count*(-1));
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // append a mail message (source) to a specific mailbox
+ function save_message($mbox, $message)
+ {
+ $mailbox = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox);
+ // make shure mailbox exists
+ if (in_array($mailbox, $this->_list_mailboxes()))
+ $saved = iil_C_Append($this->conn, $mailbox, $message);
+ if ($saved)
+ {
+ // increase messagecount of the target mailbox
+ $this->_set_messagecount($mailbox, 'ALL', 1);
+ }
+ return $saved;
+ }
+ // move a message from one mailbox to another
+ function move_message($uids, $to_mbox, $from_mbox='')
+ {
+ $to_mbox = $this->_mod_mailbox($to_mbox);
+ $from_mbox = $from_mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($from_mbox) : $this->mailbox;
+ // make shure mailbox exists
+ if (!in_array($to_mbox, $this->_list_mailboxes()))
+ return FALSE;
+ // convert the list of uids to array
+ $a_uids = is_string($uids) ? explode(',', $uids) : (is_array($uids) ? $uids : NULL);
+ // exit if no message uids are specified
+ if (!is_array($a_uids))
+ return false;
+ // convert uids to message ids
+ $a_mids = array();
+ foreach ($a_uids as $uid)
+ $a_mids[] = $this->_uid2id($uid, $from_mbox);
+ $moved = iil_C_Move($this->conn, join(',', $a_mids), $from_mbox, $to_mbox);
+ // send expunge command in order to have the moved message
+ // really deleted from the source mailbox
+ if ($moved)
+ {
+ $this->expunge($from_mbox, FALSE);
+ $this->clear_cache($to_mbox.'.msg');
+ $this->_clear_messagecount($from_mbox);
+ $this->_clear_messagecount($to_mbox);
+ }
+ // update cached message headers
+ $cache_key = $from_mbox.'.msg';
+ if ($moved && ($a_cached_headers = $this->get_cache($cache_key)))
+ {
+ foreach ($a_uids as $uid)
+ unset($a_cached_headers[$uid]);
+ $this->update_cache($cache_key, $a_cached_headers);
+ }
+ return $moved;
+ }
+ // mark messages as deleted and expunge mailbox
+ function delete_message($uids, $mbox='')
+ {
+ $mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
+ // convert the list of uids to array
+ $a_uids = is_string($uids) ? explode(',', $uids) : (is_array($uids) ? $uids : NULL);
+ // exit if no message uids are specified
+ if (!is_array($a_uids))
+ return false;
+ // convert uids to message ids
+ $a_mids = array();
+ foreach ($a_uids as $uid)
+ $a_mids[] = $this->_uid2id($uid, $mailbox);
+ $deleted = iil_C_Delete($this->conn, $mailbox, join(',', $a_mids));
+ // send expunge command in order to have the deleted message
+ // really deleted from the mailbox
+ if ($deleted)
+ {
+ $this->expunge($mailbox, FALSE);
+ $this->_clear_messagecount($mailbox);
+ }
+ // remove deleted messages from cache
+ if ($deleted && ($a_cached_headers = $this->get_cache($mailbox.'.msg')))
+ {
+ foreach ($a_uids as $uid)
+ unset($a_cached_headers[$uid]);
+ $this->update_cache($mailbox.'.msg', $a_cached_headers);
+ }
+ return $deleted;
+ }
+ // send IMAP expunge command and clear cache
+ function expunge($mbox='', $clear_cache=TRUE)
+ {
+ $mailbox = $mbox ? $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox) : $this->mailbox;
+ $result = iil_C_Expunge($this->conn, $mailbox);
+ if ($result>=0 && $clear_cache)
+ {
+ $this->clear_cache($mailbox.'.msg');
+ $this->_clear_messagecount($mailbox);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /* --------------------------------
+ * folder managment
+ * --------------------------------*/
+ // return an array with all folders available in IMAP server
+ function list_unsubscribed($root='')
+ {
+ static $sa_unsubscribed;
+ if (is_array($sa_unsubscribed))
+ return $sa_unsubscribed;
+ // retrieve list of folders from IMAP server
+ $a_mboxes = iil_C_ListMailboxes($this->conn, $this->_mod_mailbox($root), '*');
+ // modify names with root dir
+ foreach ($a_mboxes as $mbox)
+ {
+ $name = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox, 'out');
+ if (strlen($name))
+ $a_folders[] = $name;
+ }
+ // filter folders and sort them
+ $sa_unsubscribed = $this->_sort_mailbox_list($a_folders);
+ return $sa_unsubscribed;
+ }
+ // subscribe to a specific mailbox(es)
+ function subscribe($mbox, $mode='subscribe')
+ {
+ if (is_array($mbox))
+ $a_mboxes = $mbox;
+ else if (is_string($mbox) && strlen($mbox))
+ $a_mboxes = explode(',', $mbox);
+ // let this common function do the main work
+ return $this->_change_subscription($a_mboxes, 'subscribe');
+ }
+ // unsubscribe mailboxes
+ function unsubscribe($mbox)
+ {
+ if (is_array($mbox))
+ $a_mboxes = $mbox;
+ else if (is_string($mbox) && strlen($mbox))
+ $a_mboxes = explode(',', $mbox);
+ // let this common function do the main work
+ return $this->_change_subscription($a_mboxes, 'unsubscribe');
+ }
+ // create a new mailbox on the server and register it in local cache
+ function create_mailbox($name, $subscribe=FALSE)
+ {
+ $result = FALSE;
+ $abs_name = $this->_mod_mailbox($name);
+ $a_mailbox_cache = $this->get_cache('mailboxes');
+ if (strlen($abs_name) && (!is_array($a_mailbox_cache) || !in_array($abs_name, $a_mailbox_cache)))
+ $result = iil_C_CreateFolder($this->conn, $abs_name);
+ // update mailboxlist cache
+ if ($result && $subscribe)
+ $this->subscribe($name);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // set a new name to an existing mailbox
+ function rename_mailbox($mbox, $new_name)
+ {
+ // not implemented yet
+ }
+ // remove mailboxes from server
+ function delete_mailbox($mbox)
+ {
+ $deleted = FALSE;
+ if (is_array($mbox))
+ $a_mboxes = $mbox;
+ else if (is_string($mbox) && strlen($mbox))
+ $a_mboxes = explode(',', $mbox);
+ if (is_array($a_mboxes))
+ foreach ($a_mboxes as $mbox)
+ {
+ $mailbox = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox);
+ // unsubscribe mailbox before deleting
+ iil_C_UnSubscribe($this->conn, $mailbox);
+ // send delete command to server
+ $result = iil_C_DeleteFolder($this->conn, $mailbox);
+ if ($result>=0)
+ $deleted = TRUE;
+ }
+ // clear mailboxlist cache
+ if ($deleted)
+ $this->clear_cache('mailboxes');
+ return $updated;
+ }
+ /* --------------------------------
+ * internal cacheing functions
+ * --------------------------------*/
+ function get_cache($key)
+ {
+ // read cache
+ if (!isset($this->cache[$key]) && $this->cacheing_enabled)
+ {
+ $cache_data = rcube_read_cache('IMAP.'.$key);
+ $this->cache[$key] = strlen($cache_data) ? unserialize($cache_data) : FALSE;
+ }
+ return $this->cache[$key];
+ }
+ function update_cache($key, $data)
+ {
+ $this->cache[$key] = $data;
+ $this->cache_changed = TRUE;
+ $this->cache_changes[$key] = TRUE;
+ }
+ function write_cache()
+ {
+ if ($this->cacheing_enabled && $this->cache_changed)
+ {
+ foreach ($this->cache as $key => $data)
+ {
+ if ($this->cache_changes[$key])
+ rcube_write_cache('IMAP.'.$key, serialize($data));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function clear_cache($key=NULL)
+ {
+ if ($key===NULL)
+ {
+ foreach ($this->cache as $key => $data)
+ rcube_clear_cache('IMAP.'.$key);
+ $this->cache = array();
+ $this->cache_changed = FALSE;
+ $this->cache_changes = array();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rcube_clear_cache('IMAP.'.$key);
+ $this->cache_changes[$key] = FALSE;
+ unset($this->cache[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* --------------------------------
+ * encoding/decoding functions
+ * --------------------------------*/
+ function decode_address_list($input, $max=NULL)
+ {
+ $a = $this->_parse_address_list($input);
+ $out = array();
+ if (!is_array($a))
+ return $out;
+ $c = count($a);
+ $j = 0;
+ foreach ($a as $val)
+ {
+ $j++;
+ $address = $val['address'];
+ $name = preg_replace(array('/^[\'"]/', '/[\'"]$/'), '', trim($val['name']));
+ $string = $name!==$address ? sprintf('%s <%s>', strpos($name, ',')!==FALSE ? '"'.$name.'"' : $name, $address) : $address;
+ $out[$j] = array('name' => $name,
+ 'mailto' => $address,
+ 'string' => $string);
+ if ($max && $j==$max)
+ break;
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+ function decode_header($input)
+ {
+ $out = '';
+ $pos = strpos($input, '=?');
+ if ($pos !== false)
+ {
+ $out = substr($input, 0, $pos);
+ $end_cs_pos = strpos($input, "?", $pos+2);
+ $end_en_pos = strpos($input, "?", $end_cs_pos+1);
+ $end_pos = strpos($input, "?=", $end_en_pos+1);
+ $encstr = substr($input, $pos+2, ($end_pos-$pos-2));
+ $rest = substr($input, $end_pos+2);
+ $out .= $this->decode_mime_string($encstr);
+ $out .= $this->decode_header($rest);
+ return $out;
+ }
+ else
+ return $input;
+ }
+ function decode_mime_string($str)
+ {
+ $a = explode('?', $str);
+ $count = count($a);
+ // should be in format "charset?encoding?base64_string"
+ if ($count >= 3)
+ {
+ for ($i=2; $i<$count; $i++)
+ $rest.=$a[$i];
+ if (($a[1]=="B")||($a[1]=="b"))
+ $rest = base64_decode($rest);
+ else if (($a[1]=="Q")||($a[1]=="q"))
+ {
+ $rest = str_replace("_", " ", $rest);
+ $rest = quoted_printable_decode($rest);
+ }
+ return decode_specialchars($rest, $a[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ return $str; //we dont' know what to do with this
+ }
+ function mime_decode($input, $encoding='7bit')
+ {
+ switch (strtolower($encoding))
+ {
+ case '7bit':
+ return $input;
+ break;
+ case 'quoted-printable':
+ return quoted_printable_decode($input);
+ break;
+ case 'base64':
+ return base64_decode($input);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return $input;
+ }
+ }
+ function mime_encode($input, $encoding='7bit')
+ {
+ switch ($encoding)
+ {
+ case 'quoted-printable':
+ return quoted_printable_encode($input);
+ break;
+ case 'base64':
+ return base64_encode($input);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return $input;
+ }
+ }
+ // convert body chars according to the ctype_parameters
+ function charset_decode($body, $ctype_param)
+ {
+ if (is_array($ctype_param) && strlen($ctype_param['charset']))
+ return decode_specialchars($body, $ctype_param['charset']);
+ return $body;
+ }
+ /* --------------------------------
+ * private methods
+ * --------------------------------*/
+ function _mod_mailbox($mbox, $mode='in')
+ {
+ if ($this->root_dir && $mode=='in')
+ $mbox = $this->root_dir.'/'.$mbox;
+ else if ($this->root_dir && $mode=='out')
+ $mbox = substr($mbox, strlen($this->root_dir)+1);
+ return $mbox;
+ }
+ // sort mailboxes first by default folders and then in alphabethical order
+ function _sort_mailbox_list($a_folders)
+ {
+ $a_out = $a_defaults = array();
+ // find default folders and skip folders starting with '.'
+ foreach($a_folders as $i => $folder)
+ {
+ if ($folder{0}=='.')
+ continue;
+ if (($p = array_search(strtolower($folder), $this->default_folders))!==FALSE)
+ $a_defaults[$p] = $folder;
+ else
+ $a_out[] = $folder;
+ }
+ sort($a_out);
+ ksort($a_defaults);
+ return array_merge($a_defaults, $a_out);
+ }
+ function _uid2id($uid, $mbox=NULL)
+ {
+ if (!$mbox)
+ $mbox = $this->mailbox;
+ if (!isset($this->uid_id_map[$mbox][$uid]))
+ $this->uid_id_map[$mbox][$uid] = iil_C_UID2ID($this->conn, $mbox, $uid);
+ return $this->uid_id_map[$mbox][$uid];
+ }
+ // subscribe/unsubscribe a list of mailboxes and update local cache
+ function _change_subscription($a_mboxes, $mode)
+ {
+ $updated = FALSE;
+ if (is_array($a_mboxes))
+ foreach ($a_mboxes as $i => $mbox)
+ {
+ $mailbox = $this->_mod_mailbox($mbox);
+ $a_mboxes[$i] = $mailbox;
+ if ($mode=='subscribe')
+ $result = iil_C_Subscribe($this->conn, $mailbox);
+ else if ($mode=='unsubscribe')
+ $result = iil_C_UnSubscribe($this->conn, $mailbox);
+ if ($result>=0)
+ $updated = TRUE;
+ }
+ // get cached mailbox list
+ if ($updated)
+ {
+ $a_mailbox_cache = $this->get_cache('mailboxes');
+ if (!is_array($a_mailbox_cache))
+ return $updated;
+ // modify cached list
+ if ($mode=='subscribe')
+ $a_mailbox_cache = array_merge($a_mailbox_cache, $a_mboxes);
+ else if ($mode=='unsubscribe')
+ $a_mailbox_cache = array_diff($a_mailbox_cache, $a_mboxes);
+ // write mailboxlist to cache
+ $this->update_cache('mailboxes', $this->_sort_mailbox_list($a_mailbox_cache));
+ }
+ return $updated;
+ }
+ // increde/decrese messagecount for a specific mailbox
+ function _set_messagecount($mbox, $mode, $increment)
+ {
+ $a_mailbox_cache = FALSE;
+ $mailbox = $mbox ? $mbox : $this->mailbox;
+ $mode = strtoupper($mode);
+ $a_mailbox_cache = $this->get_cache('messagecount');
+ if (!is_array($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox]) || !isset($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox][$mode]) || !is_numeric($increment))
+ return FALSE;
+ // add incremental value to messagecount
+ $a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox][$mode] += $increment;
+ // write back to cache
+ $this->update_cache('messagecount', $a_mailbox_cache);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // remove messagecount of a specific mailbox from cache
+ function _clear_messagecount($mbox='')
+ {
+ $a_mailbox_cache = FALSE;
+ $mailbox = $mbox ? $mbox : $this->mailbox;
+ $a_mailbox_cache = $this->get_cache('messagecount');
+ if (is_array($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox]))
+ {
+ unset($a_mailbox_cache[$mailbox]);
+ $this->update_cache('messagecount', $a_mailbox_cache);
+ }
+ }
+ function _parse_address_list($str)
+ {
+ $a = $this->_explode_quoted_string(',', $str);
+ $result = array();
+ foreach ($a as $key => $val)
+ {
+ $val = str_replace("\"<", "\" <", $val);
+ $sub_a = $this->_explode_quoted_string(' ', $val);
+ foreach ($sub_a as $k => $v)
+ {
+ if ((strpos($v, '@') > 0) && (strpos($v, '.') > 0))
+ $result[$key]['address'] = str_replace('<', '', str_replace('>', '', $v));
+ else
+ $result[$key]['name'] .= (empty($result[$key]['name'])?'':' ').str_replace("\"",'',stripslashes($v));
+ }
+ if (empty($result[$key]['name']))
+ $result[$key]['name'] = $result[$key]['address'];
+ $result[$key]['name'] = $this->decode_header($result[$key]['name']);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function _explode_quoted_string($delimiter, $string)
+ {
+ $quotes = explode("\"", $string);
+ foreach ($quotes as $key => $val)
+ if (($key % 2) == 1)
+ $quotes[$key] = str_replace($delimiter, "_!@!_", $quotes[$key]);
+ $string = implode("\"", $quotes);
+ $result = explode($delimiter, $string);
+ foreach ($result as $key => $val)
+ $result[$key] = str_replace("_!@!_", $delimiter, $result[$key]);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ }
+function quoted_printable_encode($input="", $line_max=76, $space_conv=false)
+ {
+ $hex = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
+ $lines = preg_split("/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/", $input);
+ $eol = "\r\n";
+ $escape = "=";
+ $output = "";
+ while( list(, $line) = each($lines))
+ {
+ //$line = rtrim($line); // remove trailing white space -> no =20\r\n necessary
+ $linlen = strlen($line);
+ $newline = "";
+ for($i = 0; $i < $linlen; $i++)
+ {
+ $c = substr( $line, $i, 1 );
+ $dec = ord( $c );
+ if ( ( $i == 0 ) && ( $dec == 46 ) ) // convert first point in the line into =2E
+ {
+ $c = "=2E";
+ }
+ if ( $dec == 32 )
+ {
+ if ( $i == ( $linlen - 1 ) ) // convert space at eol only
+ {
+ $c = "=20";
+ }
+ else if ( $space_conv )
+ {
+ $c = "=20";
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ($dec == 61) || ($dec < 32 ) || ($dec > 126) ) // always encode "\t", which is *not* required
+ {
+ $h2 = floor($dec/16);
+ $h1 = floor($dec%16);
+ $c = $escape.$hex["$h2"].$hex["$h1"];
+ }
+ if ( (strlen($newline) + strlen($c)) >= $line_max ) // CRLF is not counted
+ {
+ $output .= $newline.$escape.$eol; // soft line break; " =\r\n" is okay
+ $newline = "";
+ // check if newline first character will be point or not
+ if ( $dec == 46 )
+ {
+ $c = "=2E";
+ }
+ }
+ $newline .= $c;
+ } // end of for
+ $output .= $newline.$eol;
+ } // end of while
+ return trim($output);
+ }
diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bcffe5e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | program/include/ |
+ | |
+ | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
+ | All rights reserved. |
+ | |
+ | PURPOSE: |
+ | MySQL wrapper class that implements PHP MySQL functions |
+ | See |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ $Id$
+class rcube_mysql
+ {
+ var $db_link;
+ var $db_host = 'localhost';
+ var $db_name = '';
+ var $db_user = '';
+ var $db_pass = '';
+ var $a_query_results = array('dummy');
+ var $last_res_id = 0;
+ // PHP 5 constructor
+ function __construct($db_name='', $user='', $pass='', $host='localhost')
+ {
+ $this->db_host = $host;
+ $this->db_name = $db_name;
+ $this->db_user = $user;
+ $this->db_pass = $pass;
+ }
+ // PHP 4 compatibility
+ function rcube_mysql($db_name='', $user='', $pass='', $host='localhost')
+ {
+ $this->__construct($db_name, $user, $pass, $host);
+ }
+ function connect()
+ {
+ $this->db_link = mysql_connect($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_pass);
+ if (!$this->db_link)
+ {
+ raise_error(array('code' => 500,
+ 'type' => 'mysql',
+ 'line' => __LINE__,
+ 'file' => __FILE__,
+ 'message' => "Can't connect to database"), TRUE, FALSE);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ function select_db($name)
+ {
+ $this->db_name = $name;
+ if ($this->db_link)
+ mysql_select_db($name, $this->db_link);
+ }
+ function query($query)
+ {
+ // establish a connection
+ if (!$this->db_link)
+ {
+ if (!$this->connect())
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ $sql_result = mysql_db_query($this->db_name, $query, $this->db_link);
+ return $this->_add_result($sql_result, $query);
+ }
+ function num_rows($res_id=NULL)
+ {
+ if (!$this->db_link)
+ return FALSE;
+ $sql_result = $this->_get_result($res_id);
+ if ($sql_result)
+ return mysql_num_rows($sql_result);
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ function affected_rows()
+ {
+ if (!$this->db_link)
+ return FALSE;
+ return mysql_affected_rows($this->db_link);
+ }
+ function insert_id()
+ {
+ if (!$this->db_link)
+ return FALSE;
+ return mysql_insert_id($this->db_link);
+ }
+ function fetch_assoc($res_id=NULL)
+ {
+ $sql_result = $this->_get_result($res_id);
+ if ($sql_result)
+ return mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_result);
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ function seek($res_id=NULL, $row=0)
+ {
+ $sql_result = $this->_get_result($res_id);
+ if ($sql_result)
+ return mysql_data_seek($sql_result, $row);
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ function _add_result($res, $query)
+ {
+ // sql error occured
+ if ($res===FALSE)
+ {
+ $sql_error = mysql_error($this->db_link);
+ raise_error(array('code' => 500,
+ 'type' => 'mysql',
+ 'line' => __LINE__,
+ 'file' => __FILE__,
+ 'message' => $sql_error."; QUERY: ".preg_replace('/[\r\n]+\s*/', ' ', $query)), TRUE, FALSE);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $res_id = sizeof($this->a_query_results);
+ $this->a_query_results[$res_id] = $res;
+ $this->last_res_id = $res_id;
+ return $res_id;
+ }
+ }
+ function _get_result($res_id)
+ {
+ if ($res_id===NULL)
+ $res_id = $this->last_res_id;
+ if ($res_id && isset($this->a_query_results[$res_id]))
+ return $this->a_query_results[$res_id];
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c0b0517b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,1417 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | |
+ | |
+ | This file is part of the RoundCube PHP suite |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
+ | All rights reserved. |
+ | |
+ | Shared functions and classes used in PHP projects |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ $Id$
+// ********* round cube schared classes *********
+class rcube_html_page
+ {
+ var $css;
+ var $scripts_path = '';
+ var $script_files = array();
+ var $scripts = array();
+ var $script_tag_file = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s%s\"></script>\n";
+ var $script_tag = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n%s\n\n//-->\n</script>\n";
+ var $title = '';
+ var $header = '';
+ var $footer = '';
+ var $body = '';
+ var $body_attrib = array();
+ var $meta_tags = array();
+ // PHP 5 constructor
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ $this->css = new rcube_css();
+ }
+ // PHP 4 compatibility
+ function rcube_html_page()
+ {
+ $this->__construct();
+ }
+ function include_script($file, $position='head')
+ {
+ static $sa_files = array();
+ if (in_array($file, $sa_files))
+ return;
+ if (!is_array($this->script_files[$position]))
+ $this->script_files[$position] = array();
+ $this->script_files[$position][] = $file;
+ }
+ function add_script($script, $position='head')
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->scripts[$position]))
+ $this->scripts[$position] = '';
+ $this->scripts[$position] .= "\n$script";
+ }
+ function set_title()
+ {
+ }
+ function write($templ='', $base_path='')
+ {
+ $output = trim($templ);
+ // set default page title
+ if (!strlen($this->title))
+ $this->title = 'RoundCube|Mail';
+ // replace specialchars in content
+ $__page_title = rep_specialchars_output($this->title, 'html', 'show', FALSE);
+ $__page_header = $__page_body = $__page_footer = '';
+ // definition of the code to be placed in the document header and footer
+ if (is_array($this->script_files['head']))
+ foreach ($this->script_files['head'] as $file)
+ $__page_header .= sprintf($this->script_tag_file, $this->scripts_path, $file);
+ if (strlen($this->scripts['head']))
+ $__page_header .= sprintf($this->script_tag, $this->scripts['head']);
+ if (is_array($this->script_files['foot']))
+ foreach ($this->script_files['foot'] as $file)
+ $__page_footer .= sprintf($this->script_tag_file, $this->scripts_path, $file);
+ if (strlen($this->scripts['foot']))
+ $__page_footer .= sprintf($this->script_tag, $this->scripts['foot']);
+ $__page_header .= $this->css->show();
+ // find page header
+ if($hpos = strpos(strtolower($output), '</head>'))
+ $__page_header .= "\n";
+ else
+ {
+ if (!is_numeric($hpos))
+ $hpos = strpos(strtolower($output), '<body');
+ if (!is_numeric($hpos) && ($hpos = strpos(strtolower($output), '<html')))
+ {
+ while($output[$hpos]!='>')
+ $hpos++;
+ $hpos++;
+ }
+ $__page_header = "<head>\n<title>$__page_title</title>\n$__page_header\n</head>\n";
+ }
+ // add page hader
+ if($hpos)
+ $output = substr($output,0,$hpos) . $__page_header . substr($output,$hpos,strlen($output));
+ else
+ $output = $__page_header . $output;
+ // find page body
+ if($bpos = strpos(strtolower($output), '<body'))
+ {
+ while($output[$bpos]!='>') $bpos++;
+ $bpos++;
+ }
+ else
+ $bpos = strpos(strtolower($output), '</head>')+7;
+ // add page body
+ if($bpos && $__page_body)
+ $output = substr($output,0,$bpos) . "\n$__page_body\n" . substr($output,$bpos,strlen($output));
+ // find and add page footer
+ if(($fpos = strpos(strtolower($output), '</body>')) || ($fpos = strpos(strtolower($output), '</html>')))
+ $output = substr($output,0,$fpos) . "$__page_footer\n" . substr($output,$fpos,strlen($output));
+ else
+ $output .= "\n$__page_footer";
+ // reset those global vars
+ $__page_header = $__page_footer = '';
+ // correct absolute pathes in images and other tags
+ $output = preg_replace('/(src|href|background)=(["\']?)(\/[a-z0-9_\-]+)/Ui', "\\1=\\2$base_path\\3", $output);
+ print $output;
+ }
+ function _parse($templ)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+class rcube_css
+ {
+ var $css_data = array();
+ var $css_groups = array();
+ var $include_files = array();
+ var $grouped_output = TRUE;
+ var $content_type = 'text/css';
+ var $base_path = '';
+ var $indent_chars = "\t";
+ // add or overwrite a css definition
+ // either pass porperty and value as separate arguments
+ // or provide an associative array as second argument
+ function set_style($selector, $property, $value='')
+ {
+ $a_elements = $this->_parse_selectors($selector);
+ foreach ($a_elements as $element)
+ {
+ if (!is_array($property))
+ $property = array($property => $value);
+ foreach ($property as $name => $value)
+ $this->css_data[$element][strtolower($name)] = $value;
+ }
+ // clear goups array
+ $this->css_groups = array();
+ }
+ // unset a style property
+ function remove_style($selector, $property)
+ {
+ if (!is_array($property))
+ $property = array($property);
+ foreach ($property as $key)
+ unset($this->css_data[$selector][strtolower($key)]);
+ // clear goups array
+ $this->css_groups = array();
+ }
+ // define base path for external css files
+ function set_basepath($path)
+ {
+ $this->base_path = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $path);
+ }
+ // enable/disable grouped output
+ function set_grouped_output($grouped)
+ {
+ $this->grouped_output = $grouped;
+ }
+ // add a css file as external source
+ function include_file($filename, $media='')
+ {
+ // include multiple files
+ if (is_array($filename))
+ {
+ foreach ($filename as $file)
+ $this->include_file($file, $media);
+ }
+ // add single file
+ else if (!in_array($filename, $this->include_files))
+ $this->include_files[] = array('file' => $filename,
+ 'media' => $media);
+ }
+ // parse css code
+ function import_string($str)
+ {
+ $ret = FALSE;
+ if (strlen($str))
+ $ret = $this->_parse($str);
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ // open and parse a css file
+ function import_file($file)
+ {
+ $ret = FALSE;
+ if (!is_file($file))
+ return $ret;
+ // for php version >= 4.3.0
+ if (function_exists('file_get_contents'))
+ $ret = $this->_parse(file_get_contents($file));
+ // for order php versions
+ else if ($fp = fopen($file, 'r'))
+ {
+ $ret = $this->_parse(fread($fp, filesize($file)));
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ // copy all properties inherited from superior styles to a specific selector
+ function copy_inherited_styles($selector)
+ {
+ // get inherited props from body and tag/class selectors
+ $css_props = $this->_get_inherited_styles($selector);
+ // write modified props back and clear goups array
+ if (sizeof($css_props))
+ {
+ $this->css_data[$selector] = $css_props;
+ $this->css_groups = array();
+ }
+ }
+ // return css definition for embedding in HTML
+ function show()
+ {
+ $out = '';
+ // include external css files
+ if (sizeof($this->include_files))
+ foreach ($this->include_files as $file_arr)
+ $out .= sprintf('<link rel="stylesheet" type="%s" href="%s"%s>'."\n",
+ $this->content_type,
+ $this->_get_file_path($file_arr['file']),
+ $file_arr['media'] ? ' media="'.$file_arr['media'].'"' : '');
+ // compose css string
+ if (sizeof($this->css_data))
+ $out .= sprintf("<style type=\"%s\">\n<!--\n\n%s-->\n</style>",
+ $this->content_type,
+ $this->to_string());
+ return $out;
+ }
+ // return valid css code of the current styles grid
+ function to_string($selector=NULL)
+ {
+ // return code for a single selector
+ if ($selector)
+ {
+ $indent_str = $this->indent_chars;
+ $this->indent_chars = '';
+ $prop_arr = $this->to_array($selector);
+ $out = $this->_style2string($prop_arr, TRUE);
+ $this->indent_chars = $indent_str;
+ }
+ // compose css code for complete data grid
+ else
+ {
+ $out = '';
+ $css_data = $this->to_array();
+ foreach ($css_data as $key => $prop_arr)
+ $out .= sprintf("%s {\n%s}\n\n",
+ $key,
+ $this->_style2string($prop_arr, TRUE));
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+ // return a single-line string of a css definition
+ function to_inline($selector)
+ {
+ if ($this->css_data[$selector])
+ return str_replace('"', '\\"', $this->_style2string($this->css_data[$selector], FALSE));
+ }
+ // return an associative array with selector(s) as key and styles array as value
+ function to_array($selector=NULL)
+ {
+ if (!$selector && $this->grouped_output)
+ {
+ // build groups if desired
+ if (!sizeof($this->css_groups))
+ $this->_build_groups();
+ // modify group array to get an array(selector => properties)
+ $out_arr = array();
+ foreach ($this->css_groups as $group_arr)
+ {
+ $key = join(', ', $group_arr['selectors']);
+ $out_arr[$key] = $group_arr['properties'];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ $out_arr = $this->css_data;
+ return $selector ? $out_arr[$selector] : $out_arr;
+ }
+ // create a css file
+ function to_file($filepath)
+ {
+ if ($fp = fopen($filepath, 'w'))
+ {
+ fwrite($fp, $this->to_string());
+ fclose($fp);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // alias method for import_string() [DEPRECATED]
+ function add($str)
+ {
+ $this->import_string($str);
+ }
+ // alias method for to_string() [DEPRECATED]
+ function get()
+ {
+ return $this->to_string();
+ }
+ // ******** private methods ********
+ // parse a string and add styles to internal data grid
+ function _parse($str)
+ {
+ // remove comments
+ $str = preg_replace("/\/\*(.*)?\*\//Usi", '', $str);
+ // parse style definitions
+ if (!preg_match_all ('/([a-z0-9\.#*:_][a-z0-9\.\-_#:*,\[\]\(\)\s\"\'\+\|>~=]+)\s*\{([^\}]*)\}/ims', $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
+ return FALSE;
+ foreach ($matches as $match_arr)
+ {
+ // split selectors into array
+ $a_keys = $this->_parse_selectors(trim($match_arr[1]));
+ // parse each property of an element
+ $codes = explode(";", trim($match_arr[2]));
+ foreach ($codes as $code)
+ {
+ if (strlen(trim($code))>0)
+ {
+ // find the property and the value
+ if (!($sep = strpos($code, ':')))
+ continue;
+ $property = strtolower(trim(substr($code, 0, $sep)));
+ $value = trim(substr($code, $sep+1));
+ // add the property to the object array
+ foreach ($a_keys as $key)
+ $this->css_data[$key][$property] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // clear goups array
+ if (sizeof($matches))
+ {
+ $this->css_groups = array();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // split selector group
+ function _parse_selectors($selector)
+ {
+ // trim selector and remove multiple spaces
+ $selector = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($selector));
+ if (strpos($selector, ','))
+ return preg_split('/[\t\s\n\r]*,[\t\s\n\r]*/mi', $selector);
+ else
+ return array($selector);
+ }
+ // compare identical styles and make groups
+ function _build_groups()
+ {
+ // clear group array
+ $this->css_groups = array();
+ $string_group_map = array();
+ // bulild css string for each selector and check if the same is already defines
+ foreach ($this->css_data as $selector => $prop_arr)
+ {
+ // make shure to compare props in the same order
+ ksort($prop_arr);
+ $compare_str = preg_replace('/[\s\t]+/', '', $this->_style2string($prop_arr, FALSE));
+ // add selector to extisting group
+ if (isset($string_group_map[$compare_str]))
+ {
+ $group_index = $string_group_map[$compare_str];
+ $this->css_groups[$group_index]['selectors'][] = $selector;
+ }
+ // create new group
+ else
+ {
+ $i = sizeof($this->css_groups);
+ $string_group_map[$compare_str] = $i;
+ $this->css_groups[$i] = array('selectors' => array($selector),
+ 'properties' => $this->css_data[$selector]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // convert the prop array into a valid css definition
+ function _style2string($prop_arr, $multiline=TRUE)
+ {
+ $out = '';
+ $delm = $multiline ? "\n" : '';
+ $spacer = $multiline ? ' ' : '';
+ $indent = $multiline ? $this->indent_chars : '';
+ if (is_array($prop_arr))
+ foreach ($prop_arr as $prop => $value)
+ if (strlen($value))
+ $out .= sprintf('%s%s:%s%s;%s',
+ $indent,
+ $prop,
+ $spacer,
+ $value,
+ $delm);
+ return $out;
+ }
+ // copy all properties inherited from superior styles to a specific selector
+ function _get_inherited_styles($selector, $loop=FALSE)
+ {
+ $css_props = $this->css_data[$selector] ? $this->css_data[$selector] : array();
+ // get styles from tag selector
+ if (preg_match('/(([a-z0-9]*)(\.[^\s]+)?)$/i', $selector, $regs))
+ {
+ $sel = $regs[1];
+ $tagname = $regs[2];
+ $class = $regs[3];
+ if ($sel && is_array($this->css_data[$sel]))
+ $css_props = $this->_merge_styles($this->css_data[$sel], $css_props);
+ if ($class && is_array($this->css_data[$class]))
+ $css_props = $this->_merge_styles($this->css_data[$class], $css_props);
+ if ($tagname && is_array($this->css_data[$tagname]))
+ $css_props = $this->_merge_styles($this->css_data[$tagname], $css_props);
+ }
+ // analyse inheritance
+ if (strpos($selector, ' '))
+ {
+ $a_hier = split(' ', $selector);
+ if (sizeof($a_hier)>1)
+ {
+ array_pop($a_hier);
+ $base_selector = join(' ', $a_hier);
+ // call this method recursively
+ $new_props = $this->_get_inherited_styles($base_selector, TRUE);
+ $css_props = $this->_merge_styles($new_props, $css_props);
+ }
+ }
+ // get body style
+ if (!$loop && is_array($this->css_data['body']))
+ $css_props = $this->_merge_styles($this->css_data['body'], $css_props);
+ return $css_props;
+ }
+ // merge two arrays with style properties together like a browser would do
+ function _merge_styles($one, $two)
+ {
+ // these properties are additive
+ foreach (array('text-decoration') as $prop)
+ if ($one[$prop] && $two[$prop])
+ {
+ // if value contains 'none' it's ignored
+ if (strstr($one[$prop], 'none'))
+ continue;
+ else if (strstr($two[$prop], 'none'))
+ unset($two[$prop]);
+ $a_values_one = split(' ', $one[$prop]);
+ $a_values_two = split(' ', $two[$prop]);
+ $two[$prop] = join(' ', array_unique(array_merge($a_values_one, $a_values_two)));
+ }
+ return array_merge($one, $two);
+ }
+ // resolve file path
+ function _get_file_path($file)
+ {
+ if (!$this->base_path && $GLOBALS['CSS_PATH'])
+ $this->set_basepath($GLOBALS['CSS_PATH']);
+ $base = ($file{0}=='/' || $file{0}=='.' || substr($file, 0, 7)=='http://') ? '' :
+ ($this->base_path ? $this->base_path.'/' : '');
+ return $base.$file;
+ }
+ }
+class base_form_element
+ {
+ var $uppertags = FALSE;
+ var $upperattribs = FALSE;
+ var $upperprops = FALSE;
+ var $newline = FALSE;
+ var $attrib = array();
+ // create string with attributes
+ function create_attrib_string($tagname='')
+ {
+ if (!sizeof($this->attrib))
+ return '';
+ if ($this->name!='')
+ $this->attrib['name'] = $this->name;
+ $attrib_arr = array();
+ foreach ($this->attrib as $key => $value)
+ {
+ // don't output some internally used attributes
+ if (in_array($key, array('form', 'quicksearch')))
+ continue;
+ // skip if size if not numeric
+ if (($key=='size' && !is_numeric($value)))
+ continue;
+ // skip empty eventhandlers
+ if ((strpos($key,'on')===0 && $value==''))
+ continue;
+ // encode textarea content
+ if ($key=='value')
+ $value = rep_specialchars_output($value, 'html', 'replace', FALSE);
+ // attributes with no value
+ if (in_array($key, array('checked', 'multiple', 'disabled', 'selected')))
+ {
+ if ($value)
+ $attrib_arr[] = $key;
+ }
+ // don't convert size of value attribute
+ else if ($key=='value')
+ $attrib_arr[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $this->_conv_case($key, 'attrib'), $value, 'value');
+ // regular tag attributes
+ else
+ $attrib_arr[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $this->_conv_case($key, 'attrib'), $this->_conv_case($value, 'value'));
+ }
+ return sizeof($attrib_arr) ? ' '.implode(' ', $attrib_arr) : '';
+ }
+ // convert tags and attributes to upper-/lowercase
+ // $type can either be "tag" or "attrib"
+ function _conv_case($str, $type='attrib')
+ {
+ if ($type == 'tag')
+ return $this->uppertags ? strtoupper($str) : strtolower($str);
+ else if ($type == 'attrib')
+ return $this->upperattribs ? strtoupper($str) : strtolower($str);
+ else if ($type == 'value')
+ return $this->upperprops ? strtoupper($str) : strtolower($str);
+ }
+ }
+class input_field extends base_form_element
+ {
+ var $type = 'text';
+ // PHP 5 constructor
+ function __construct($attrib=NULL)
+ {
+ if (is_array($attrib))
+ $this->attrib = $attrib;
+ if ($attrib['type'])
+ $this->type = $attrib['type'];
+ if ($attrib['newline'])
+ $this->newline = TRUE;
+ }
+ // PHP 4 compatibility
+ function input_field($attrib=array())
+ {
+ $this->__construct($attrib);
+ }
+ // compose input tag
+ function show($value=NULL, $attrib=NULL)
+ {
+ // overwrite object attributes
+ if (is_array($attrib))
+ $this->attrib = array_merge($this->attrib, $attrib);
+ // set value attribute
+ if ($value!==NULL)
+ $this->attrib['value'] = $value;
+ $this->attrib['type'] = $this->type;
+ // return final tag
+ return sprintf('<%s%s />%s',
+ $this->_conv_case('input', 'tag'),
+ $this->create_attrib_string(),
+ ($this->newline ? "\n" : ""));
+ }
+ }
+class textfield extends input_field
+ {
+ var $type = 'text';
+ }
+class passwordfield extends input_field
+ {
+ var $type = 'password';
+ }
+class radiobutton extends input_field
+ {
+ var $type = 'radio';
+ }
+class checkbox extends input_field
+ {
+ var $type = 'checkbox';
+ function show($value='', $attrib=NULL)
+ {
+ // overwrite object attributes
+ if (is_array($attrib))
+ $this->attrib = array_merge($this->attrib, $attrib);
+ $this->attrib['type'] = $this->type;
+ if ($value && (string)$value==(string)$this->attrib['value'])
+ $this->attrib['checked'] = TRUE;
+ else
+ $this->attrib['checked'] = FALSE;
+ // return final tag
+ return sprintf('<%s%s />%s',
+ $this->_conv_case('input', 'tag'),
+ $this->create_attrib_string(),
+ ($this->newline ? "\n" : ""));
+ }
+ }
+class textarea extends base_form_element
+ {
+ // PHP 5 constructor
+ function __construct($attrib=array())
+ {
+ $this->attrib = $attrib;
+ if ($attrib['newline'])
+ $this->newline = TRUE;
+ }
+ // PHP 4 compatibility
+ function textarea($attrib=array())
+ {
+ $this->__construct($attrib);
+ }
+ function show($value='', $attrib=NULL)
+ {
+ // overwrite object attributes
+ if (is_array($attrib))
+ $this->attrib = array_merge($this->attrib, $attrib);
+ // take value attribute as content
+ if ($value=='')
+ $value = $this->attrib['value'];
+ // make shure we don't print the value attribute
+ if (isset($this->attrib['value']))
+ unset($this->attrib['value']);
+ if (strlen($value))
+ $value = rep_specialchars_output($value, 'html', 'replace', FALSE);
+ // return final tag
+ return sprintf('<%s%s>%s</%s>%s',
+ $this->_conv_case('textarea', 'tag'),
+ $this->create_attrib_string(),
+ $value,
+ $this->_conv_case('textarea', 'tag'),
+ ($this->newline ? "\n" : ""));
+ }
+ }
+class hiddenfield extends base_form_element
+ {
+ var $fields_arr = array();
+ var $newline = TRUE;
+ // PHP 5 constructor
+ function __construct($attrib=NULL)
+ {
+ if (is_array($attrib))
+ $this->add($attrib);
+ }
+ // PHP 4 compatibility
+ function hiddenfield($attrib=NULL)
+ {
+ $this->__construct($attrib);
+ }
+ // add a hidden field to this instance
+ function add($attrib)
+ {
+ $this->fields_arr[] = $attrib;
+ }
+ function show()
+ {
+ $out = '';
+ foreach ($this->fields_arr as $attrib)
+ {
+ $this->attrib = $attrib;
+ $this->attrib['type'] = 'hidden';
+ $out .= sprintf('<%s%s />%s',
+ $this->_conv_case('input', 'tag'),
+ $this->create_attrib_string(),
+ ($this->newline ? "\n" : ""));
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+ }
+class select extends base_form_element
+ {
+ var $options = array();
+ /*
+ syntax:
+ -------
+ // create instance. arguments are used to set attributes of select-tag
+ $select = new select(array('name' => 'fieldname'));
+ // add one option
+ $select->add('Switzerland', 'CH');
+ // add multiple options
+ $select->add(array('Switzerland', 'Germany'),
+ array('CH', 'DE'));
+ // add 10 blank options with 50 chars
+ // used to fill with javascript (necessary for 4.x browsers)
+ $select->add_blank(10, 50);
+ // generate pulldown with selection 'Switzerland' and return html-code
+ // as second argument the same attributes available to instanciate can be used
+ print $select->show('CH');
+ */
+ // PHP 5 constructor
+ function __construct($attrib=NULL)
+ {
+ if (is_array($attrib))
+ $this->attrib = $attrib;
+ if ($attrib['newline'])
+ $this->newline = TRUE;
+ }
+ // PHP 4 compatibility
+ function select($attrib=NULL)
+ {
+ $this->__construct($attrib);
+ }
+ function add($names, $values=NULL)
+ {
+ if (is_array($names))
+ {
+ foreach ($names as $i => $text)
+ $this->options[] = array('text' => $text, 'value' => (string)$values[$i]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->options[] = array('text' => $names, 'value' => (string)$values);
+ }
+ }
+ function add_blank($nr, $width=0)
+ {
+ $text = $width ? str_repeat('&nbsp;', $width) : '';
+ for ($i=0; $i < $nr; $i++)
+ $this->options[] = array('text' => $text);
+ }
+ function show($select=array(), $attrib=NULL)
+ {
+ $options_str = "\n";
+ $value_str = $this->_conv_case(' value="%s"', 'attrib');
+ if (!is_array($select))
+ $select = array((string)$select);
+ foreach ($this->options as $option)
+ {
+ $selected = ((strlen($option['value']) && in_array($option['value'], $select, TRUE)) ||
+ (in_array($option['text'], $select, TRUE))) ? $this->_conv_case(' selected', 'attrib') : '';
+ $options_str .= sprintf("<%s%s%s>%s</%s>\n",
+ $this->_conv_case('option', 'tag'),
+ strlen($option['value']) ? sprintf($value_str, $option['value']) : '',
+ $selected,
+ rep_specialchars_output($option['text'], 'html', 'replace', FALSE),
+ $this->_conv_case('option', 'tag'));
+ }
+ // return final tag
+ return sprintf('<%s%s>%s</%s>%s',
+ $this->_conv_case('select', 'tag'),
+ $this->create_attrib_string(),
+ $options_str,
+ $this->_conv_case('select', 'tag'),
+ ($this->newline ? "\n" : ""));
+ }
+ }
+// ********* rcube schared functions *********
+// provide details about the client's browser
+function rcube_browser()
+ {
+ global $HTTP_USER_AGENT;
+ $bw['ver'] = 0;
+ $bw['win'] = stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, 'win');
+ $bw['mac'] = stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, 'mac');
+ $bw['linux'] = stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, 'linux');
+ $bw['unix'] = stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, 'unix');
+ $bw['ns4'] = stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, 'mozilla/4') && !stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, 'msie');
+ $bw['ns'] = ($bw['ns4'] || stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, 'netscape'));
+ $bw['ie'] = stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, 'msie');
+ $bw['mz'] = stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, 'mozilla/5');
+ $bw['opera'] = stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, 'opera');
+ $bw['safari'] = stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, 'safari');
+ if($bw['ns'])
+ {
+ $test = eregi("mozilla\/([0-9\.]+)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $regs);
+ $bw['ver'] = $test ? (float)$regs[1] : 0;
+ }
+ if($bw['mz'])
+ {
+ $test = ereg("rv:([0-9\.]+)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $regs);
+ $bw['ver'] = $test ? (float)$regs[1] : 0;
+ }
+ if($bw['ie'])
+ {
+ $test = eregi("msie ([0-9\.]+)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $regs);
+ $bw['ver'] = $test ? (float)$regs[1] : 0;
+ }
+ if($bw['opera'])
+ {
+ $test = eregi("opera ([0-9\.]+)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $regs);
+ $bw['ver'] = $test ? (float)$regs[1] : 0;
+ }
+ if(eregi(" ([a-z]{2})-([a-z]{2})", $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $regs))
+ $bw['lang'] = $regs[1];
+ else
+ $bw['lang'] = 'en';
+ $bw['dom'] = ($bw['mz'] || $bw['safari'] || ($bw['ie'] && $bw['ver']>=5) || ($bw['opera'] && $bw['ver']>=7));
+ $bw['pngalpha'] = $bw['mz'] || $bw['safari'] || ($bw['ie'] && $bw['ver']>=5.5) ||
+ ($bw['ie'] && $bw['ver']>=5 && $bw['mac']) || ($bw['opera'] && $bw['ver']>=7) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ return $bw;
+ }
+// get text in the desired language from the language file
+function rcube_label($attrib)
+ {
+ global $sess_user_lang, $INSTALL_PATH;
+ static $sa_text_data, $s_language;
+ // extract attributes
+ if (is_string($attrib))
+ $attrib = array('name' => $attrib);
+ $nr = is_numeric($attrib['nr']) ? $attrib['nr'] : 1;
+ $vars = isset($attrib['vars']) ? $attrib['vars'] : '';
+ $command_name = strlen($attrib['command']) ? $attrib['command'] : NULL;
+ $alias = $attrib['name'] ? $attrib['name'] : ($command_name && $command_label_map[$command_name] ? $command_label_map[$command_name] : '');
+ // load localized texts
+ if (!$sa_text_data || $s_language != $sess_user_lang)
+ {
+ $sa_text_data = array();
+ // get english labels (these should be complete)
+ @include($INSTALL_PATH.'program/localization/en/');
+ @include($INSTALL_PATH.'program/localization/en/');
+ if (is_array($labels))
+ $sa_text_data = $labels;
+ if (is_array($messages))
+ $sa_text_data = array_merge($sa_text_data, $messages);
+ // include user language files
+ if ($sess_user_lang!='en' && is_dir($INSTALL_PATH.'program/localization/'.$sess_user_lang))
+ {
+ include_once($INSTALL_PATH.'program/localization/'.$sess_user_lang.'/');
+ include_once($INSTALL_PATH.'program/localization/'.$sess_user_lang.'/');
+ if (is_array($labels))
+ $sa_text_data = array_merge($sa_text_data, $labels);
+ if (is_array($messages))
+ $sa_text_data = array_merge($sa_text_data, $messages);
+ }
+ $s_language = $sess_user_lang;
+ }
+ // text does not exist
+ if (!($text_item = $sa_text_data[$alias]))
+ {
+ /*
+ raise_error(array('code' => 500,
+ 'type' => 'php',
+ 'line' => __LINE__,
+ 'file' => __FILE__,
+ 'message' => "Missing localized text for '$alias' in '$sess_user_lang'"), TRUE, FALSE);
+ */
+ return "[$alias]";
+ }
+ // make text item array
+ $a_text_item = is_array($text_item) ? $text_item : array('single' => $text_item);
+ // decide which text to use
+ if ($nr==1)
+ $text = $a_text_item['single'];
+ else if ($nr>0)
+ $text = $a_text_item['multiple'];
+ else if ($nr==0)
+ {
+ if ($a_text_item['none'])
+ $text = $a_text_item['none'];
+ else if ($a_text_item['single'])
+ $text = $a_text_item['single'];
+ else if ($a_text_item['multiple'])
+ $text = $a_text_item['multiple'];
+ }
+ // default text is single
+ if ($text=='')
+ $text = $a_text_item['single'];
+ // replace vars in text
+ if (is_array($attrib['vars']))
+ {
+ foreach ($attrib['vars'] as $var_key=>$var_value)
+ $a_replace_vars[substr($var_key, 0, 1)=='$' ? substr($var_key, 1) : $var_key] = $var_value;
+ }
+ if ($a_replace_vars)
+ $text = preg_replace('/\${?([_a-z]{1}[_a-z0-9]*)}?/ei', '$a_replace_vars["\1"]', $text);
+ // remove variables in text which were not available in arg $vars and $nr
+ eval("\$text = <<<EOF
+ // format output
+ if (($attrib['uppercase'] && strtolower($attrib['uppercase']=='first')) || $attrib['ucfirst'])
+ return ucfirst($text);
+ else if ($attrib['uppercase'])
+ return strtoupper($text);
+ else if ($attrib['lowercase'])
+ return strtolower($text);
+ else
+ return $text;
+ return $text;
+ }
+// send HTTP header for no-cacheing steps
+function send_nocacheing_headers()
+ {
+ if (headers_sent())
+ return;
+ header("Expires: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT");
+ header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT");
+ header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
+ header("Pragma: no-cache");
+ }
+// send header with expire date 30 days in future
+function send_future_expire_header()
+ {
+ if (!headers_sent())
+ header("Expires: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", mktime()+2600000)." GMT");
+ }
+// replace specials characters to a specific encoding type
+function rep_specialchars_output($str, $enctype='', $mode='', $newlines=TRUE)
+ {
+ global $OUTPUT_TYPE;
+ static $html_encode_arr, $js_rep_table, $rtf_rep_table, $xml_rep_table;
+ if (!$enctype)
+ $enctype = $GLOBALS['OUTPUT_TYPE'];
+ // convert nbsps back to normal spaces if not html
+ if ($enctype!='html')
+ $str = str_replace(chr(160), ' ', $str);
+ // encode for plaintext
+ if ($enctype=='text')
+ return str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $mode=='remove' ? strip_tags($str) : $str);
+ // encode for HTML output
+ if ($enctype=='html')
+ {
+ if (!$html_encode_arr)
+ {
+ $html_encode_arr = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
+ $html_encode_arr["?"] = '&#150;';
+ $html_encode_arr[chr(128)] = '&euro;';
+ unset($html_encode_arr['?']);
+ unset($html_encode_arr['&']);
+ }
+ $ltpos = strpos($str, '<');
+ $encode_arr = $html_encode_arr;
+ // don't replace quotes and html tags
+ if (($mode=='show' || $mode=='') && $ltpos!==false && strpos($str, '>', $ltpos)!==false)
+ {
+ unset($encode_arr['"']);
+ unset($encode_arr['<']);
+ unset($encode_arr['>']);
+ }
+ else if ($mode=='remove')
+ $str = strip_tags($str);
+ $out = strtr($str, $encode_arr);
+ return $newlines ? nl2br($out) : $out;
+ }
+ if ($enctype=='url')
+ return rawurlencode($str);
+ // if the replace tables for RTF, XML and JS are not yet defined
+ if (!$js_rep_table)
+ {
+ for ($c=160; $c<256; $c++) // can be increased to support more charsets
+ {
+ $hex = dechex($c);
+ $js_rep_table[Chr($c)] = sprintf("\u%s%s", str_repeat('0', 4-strlen($hex)), $hex);
+ $rtf_rep_table[Chr($c)] = "\\'$hex";
+ $xml_rep_table[Chr($c)] = "&#$c;";
+ }
+ $js_rep_table['"'] = sprintf("\u%s%s", str_repeat('0', 4-strlen(dechex(34))), dechex(34));
+ $xml_rep_table['"'] = '&quot;';
+ }
+ // encode for RTF
+ if ($enctype=='xml')
+ return strtr($str, $xml_rep_table);
+ // encode for javascript use
+ if ($enctype=='js')
+ return preg_replace(array("/\r\n/", '/"/', "/'/"), array('\n', '\"', "\'"), strtr($str, $js_rep_table));
+ // encode for RTF
+ if ($enctype=='rtf')
+ return preg_replace("/\r\n/", "\par ", strtr($str, $rtf_rep_table));
+ // no encoding given -> return original string
+ return $str;
+ }
+function decode_specialchars($input, $charset='')
+ {
+ $charset = strtolower($charset);
+ if (strcasecmp($charset, 'utf-8')==0)
+ return utf8_decode($input);
+ else if ($charset=="koi8-r")
+ return convert_cyr_string($input, 'k', 'w');
+ else if ($charset=="iso8859-5")
+ return convert_cyr_string($input, 'i', 'w');
+ else if ($charset=="x-cp866")
+ return convert_cyr_string($input, 'a', 'w');
+ else if ($charset=="x-mac-cyrillic")
+ return convert_cyr_string($input, 'm', 'w');
+ return $input;
+ }
+// function to convert an array to a javascript array
+function array2js($arr, $type='')
+ {
+ if (!$type)
+ $type = 'mixed';
+ if (is_array($arr))
+ {
+ // no items in array
+ if (!sizeof($arr))
+ return 'new Array()';
+ else
+ {
+ $a_pairs = array();
+ $keys_arr = array_keys($arr);
+ $is_assoc = $have_numeric = 0;
+ for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($keys_arr); ++$i)
+ {
+ if(is_numeric($keys_arr[$i]))
+ $have_numeric = 1;
+ if (!is_numeric($keys_arr[$i]) || $keys_arr[$i]!=$i)
+ $is_assoc = 1;
+ if($is_assoc && $have_numeric)
+ break;
+ }
+ $previous_was_array = false;
+ while (list($key, $value) = each($arr))
+ {
+ // enclose key with quotes if it is not variable-name conform
+ if (!ereg("^[_a-zA-Z]{1}[_a-zA-Z0-9]*$", $key) /* || is_js_reserved_word($key) */)
+ $key = "'$key'";
+ if (!is_array($value))
+ {
+ $value = str_replace("\r\n", '\n', $value);
+ $value = str_replace("\n", '\n', $value);
+ }
+ $is_string = false;
+ if (!is_array($value))
+ {
+ if ($type=='string')
+ $is_string = true;
+ else if ((($type=='mixed' && is_numeric($value)) || $type=='int') && strlen($value)<16) // js interprets numbers with digits >15 as ...e+...
+ $is_string = FALSE;
+ else
+ $is_string = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ($is_string)
+ $value = "'".preg_replace("/(?<!\\\)'/", "\'", $value)."'";
+ $a_pairs[] = sprintf("%s%s",
+ $is_assoc ? "$key:" : '',
+ is_array($value) ? array2js($value, $type) : $value);
+ }
+ if ($a_pairs)
+ {
+ if ($is_assoc)
+ $return = '{'.implode(',', $a_pairs).'}';
+ else
+ $return = '['.implode(',', $a_pairs).']';
+ }
+ return $return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return $arr;
+ }
+// similar function as in_array() ut case-insensitive
+function in_array_nocase($needle, $haystack)
+ {
+ foreach ($haystack as $value)
+ {
+ if (strtolower($needle)===strtolower($value))
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+// find out if the string content means TRUE or FALSE
+function get_boolean($str)
+ {
+ $str = strtolower($str);
+ if(in_array($str, array('false', '0', 'no', 'nein', ''), TRUE))
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+function show_bytes($numbytes)
+ {
+ if ($numbytes > 1024)
+ return sprintf('%d KB', round($numbytes/1024));
+ else
+ return sprintf('%d B', $numbytes);
+ }
+// convert paths like ../xxx to an absolute path using a base url
+function make_absolute_url($path, $base_url)
+ {
+ $host_url = $base_url;
+ $abs_path = $path;
+ // cut base_url to the last directory
+ if (strpos($base_url, '/')>7)
+ {
+ $host_url = substr($base_url, 0, strpos($base_url, '/'));
+ $base_url = substr($base_url, 0, strrpos($base_url, '/'));
+ }
+ // $path is absolute
+ if ($path{0}=='/')
+ $abs_path = $host_url.$path;
+ else
+ {
+ // strip './' because its the same as ''
+ $path = preg_replace('/^\.\//', '', $path);
+ if(preg_match_all('/\.\.\//', $path, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
+ foreach($matches as $a_match)
+ {
+ if (strrpos($base_url, '/'))
+ $base_url = substr($base_url, 0, strrpos($base_url, '/'));
+ $path = substr($path, 3);
+ }
+ $abs_path = $base_url.'/'.$path;
+ }
+ return $abs_path;
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c68b3dba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | program/include/ |
+ | |
+ | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev, - Switzerland |
+ | All rights reserved. |
+ | |
+ | PURPOSE: |
+ | Provide database supported session management |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ $Id$
+function sess_open($save_path, $session_name)
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+function sess_close()
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+// read session data
+function sess_read($key)
+ {
+ global $DB, $SESS_CHANGED;
+ $sql_result = $DB->query(sprintf("SELECT vars, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(changed) AS changed
+ FROM %s
+ WHERE sess_id='%s'",
+ get_table_name('session'),
+ $key));
+ if ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
+ {
+ $SESS_CHANGED = $sql_arr['changed'];
+ if (strlen($sql_arr['vars']))
+ return $sql_arr['vars'];
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+// save session data
+function sess_write($key, $vars)
+ {
+ global $DB;
+ $sql_result = $DB->query(sprintf("SELECT 1
+ FROM %s
+ WHERE sess_id='%s'",
+ get_table_name('session'),
+ $key));
+ if ($DB->num_rows($sql_result))
+ {
+ session_decode($vars);
+ $DB->query(sprintf("UPDATE %s
+ SET vars='%s',
+ changed=NOW()
+ WHERE sess_id='%s'",
+ get_table_name('session'),
+ $vars,
+ $key));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $DB->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO %s
+ (sess_id, vars, created, changed)
+ VALUES ('%s', '%s', NOW(), NOW())",
+ get_table_name('session'),
+ $key,
+ $vars));
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+// handler for session_destroy()
+function sess_destroy($key)
+ {
+ global $DB;
+ $DB->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s
+ WHERE sess_id='%s'",
+ get_table_name('session'),
+ $key));
+ // also delete session entries in cache table
+ $DB->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s
+ WHERE session_id='%s'",
+ get_table_name('cache'),
+ $key));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+// garbage collecting function
+function sess_gc($maxlifetime)
+ {
+ global $DB;
+ // get all expired sessions
+ $sql_result = $DB->query(sprintf("SELECT sess_id
+ FROM %s
+ get_table_name('session'),
+ $maxlifetime));
+ $a_exp_sessions = array();
+ while ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
+ $a_exp_sessions[] = $sql_arr['sess_id'];
+ if (sizeof($a_exp_sessions))
+ {
+ // delete session records
+ $DB->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s
+ WHERE sess_id IN ('%s')",
+ get_table_name('session'),
+ join("','", $a_exp_sessions)));
+ // also delete session cache records
+ $DB->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s
+ WHERE session_id IN ('%s')",
+ get_table_name('cache'),
+ join("','", $a_exp_sessions)));
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+// set custom functions for PHP session management
+session_set_save_handler('sess_open', 'sess_close', 'sess_read', 'sess_write', 'sess_destroy', 'sess_gc');