path: root/program/include
diff options
authorthomascube <>2010-12-17 15:07:04 +0000
committerthomascube <>2010-12-17 15:07:04 +0000
commitdb1a87cd6c506f2afbd1a37c64cb56ae11120b49 (patch)
tree07e1d350a06e0529db08316621b9c629bfb90b58 /program/include
parentacd5200b2110498793e04fb016cbbc69ea5fe9f3 (diff)
Update branch for 0.5-rc releasev0.5-rc@4349
Diffstat (limited to 'program/include')
8 files changed, 1905 insertions, 1485 deletions
diff --git a/program/include/iniset.php b/program/include/iniset.php
index a48ca9edf..8ccef8a7d 100755
--- a/program/include/iniset.php
+++ b/program/include/iniset.php
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ foreach ($crit_opts as $optname => $optval) {
// application constants
-define('RCMAIL_VERSION', '0.5-beta');
+define('RCMAIL_VERSION', '0.5-rc');
define('RCMAIL_CHARSET', 'UTF-8');
define('JS_OBJECT_NAME', 'rcmail');
define('RCMAIL_START', microtime(true));
diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
index 7ea4ae20f..b61f8aea2 100644
--- a/program/include/
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -1193,21 +1193,33 @@ function rcmail_log_login()
if (!$RCMAIL->config->get('log_logins') || !$RCMAIL->user)
- $address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
- // append the NGINX X-Real-IP header, if set
- if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])) {
- $remote_ip[] = 'X-Real-IP: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];
- }
- // append the X-Forwarded-For header, if set
- if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
- $remote_ip[] = 'X-Forwarded-For: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
- }
+ write_log('userlogins', sprintf('Successful login for %s (ID: %d) from %s',
+ $RCMAIL->user->get_username(), $RCMAIL->user->ID, rcmail_remote_ip()));
- if (!empty($remote_ip))
- $address .= '(' . implode(',', $remote_ip) . ')';
- write_log('userlogins', sprintf('Successful login for %s (ID: %d) from %s',
- $RCMAIL->user->get_username(), $RCMAIL->user->ID, $address));
+ * Returns remote IP address and forwarded addresses if found
+ *
+ * @return string Remote IP address(es)
+ */
+function rcmail_remote_ip()
+ $address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+ // append the NGINX X-Real-IP header, if set
+ if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])) {
+ $remote_ip[] = 'X-Real-IP: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];
+ }
+ // append the X-Forwarded-For header, if set
+ if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
+ $remote_ip[] = 'X-Forwarded-For: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($remote_ip))
+ $address .= '(' . implode(',', $remote_ip) . ')';
+ return $address;
@@ -1219,7 +1231,7 @@ function rcube_timer()
return microtime(true);
* @access private
@@ -1314,8 +1326,13 @@ function rcmail_mailbox_select($p = array())
$p += array('maxlength' => 100, 'realnames' => false);
$a_mailboxes = array();
- foreach ($RCMAIL->imap->list_mailboxes() as $folder)
+ if ($p['unsubscribed'])
+ $list = $RCMAIL->imap->list_unsubscribed();
+ else
+ $list = $RCMAIL->imap->list_mailboxes();
+ foreach ($list as $folder)
if (empty($p['exceptions']) || !in_array($folder, $p['exceptions']))
rcmail_build_folder_tree($a_mailboxes, $folder, $RCMAIL->imap->get_hierarchy_delimiter());
@@ -1551,6 +1568,97 @@ function rcmail_localize_foldername($name)
+function rcmail_quota_display($attrib)
+ global $OUTPUT;
+ if (!$attrib['id'])
+ $attrib['id'] = 'rcmquotadisplay';
+ if(isset($attrib['display']))
+ $_SESSION['quota_display'] = $attrib['display'];
+ $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('quotadisplay', $attrib['id']);
+ $quota = rcmail_quota_content($attrib);
+ $OUTPUT->add_script('$(document).ready(function(){
+ rcmail.set_quota('.json_serialize($quota).')});', 'foot');
+ return html::span($attrib, '');
+function rcmail_quota_content($attrib=NULL)
+ global $RCMAIL;
+ $quota = $RCMAIL->imap->get_quota();
+ $quota = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('quota', $quota);
+ $quota_result = (array) $quota;
+ $quota_result['type'] = isset($_SESSION['quota_display']) ? $_SESSION['quota_display'] : '';
+ if (!$quota['total'] && $RCMAIL->config->get('quota_zero_as_unlimited')) {
+ $quota_result['title'] = rcube_label('unlimited');
+ $quota_result['percent'] = 0;
+ }
+ else if ($quota['total']) {
+ if (!isset($quota['percent']))
+ $quota_result['percent'] = min(100, round(($quota['used']/max(1,$quota['total']))*100));
+ $title = sprintf('%s / %s (%.0f%%)',
+ show_bytes($quota['used'] * 1024), show_bytes($quota['total'] * 1024),
+ $quota_result['percent']);
+ $quota_result['title'] = $title;
+ if ($attrib['width'])
+ $quota_result['width'] = $attrib['width'];
+ if ($attrib['height'])
+ $quota_result['height'] = $attrib['height'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $quota_result['title'] = rcube_label('unknown');
+ $quota_result['percent'] = 0;
+ }
+ return $quota_result;
+ * Outputs error message according to server error/response codes
+ *
+ * @param string Fallback message label
+ * @param string Fallback message label arguments
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+function rcmail_display_server_error($fallback=null, $fallback_args=null)
+ global $RCMAIL;
+ $err_code = $RCMAIL->imap->get_error_code();
+ $res_code = $RCMAIL->imap->get_response_code();
+ if ($res_code == rcube_imap::NOPERM) {
+ $RCMAIL->output->show_message('errornoperm', 'error');
+ }
+ else if ($res_code == rcube_imap::READONLY) {
+ $RCMAIL->output->show_message('errorreadonly', 'error');
+ }
+ else if ($err_code && ($err_str = $RCMAIL->imap->get_error_str())) {
+ $RCMAIL->output->show_message('servererrormsg', 'error', array('msg' => $err_str));
+ }
+ else if ($fallback) {
+ $RCMAIL->output->show_message($fallback, 'error', $fallback_args);
+ }
+ return true;
* Output HTML editor scripts
@@ -1583,6 +1691,43 @@ function rcube_html_editor($mode='')
+ * Replaces TinyMCE's emoticon images with plain-text representation
+ *
+ * @param string HTML content
+ * @return string HTML content
+ */
+function rcmail_replace_emoticons($html)
+ $emoticons = array(
+ '8-)' => 'smiley-cool',
+ ':-#' => 'smiley-foot-in-mouth',
+ ':-*' => 'smiley-kiss',
+ ':-X' => 'smiley-sealed',
+ ':-P' => 'smiley-tongue-out',
+ ':-@' => 'smiley-yell',
+ ":'(" => 'smiley-cry',
+ ':-(' => 'smiley-frown',
+ ':-D' => 'smiley-laughing',
+ ':-)' => 'smiley-smile',
+ ':-S' => 'smiley-undecided',
+ ':-$' => 'smiley-embarassed',
+ 'O:-)' => 'smiley-innocent',
+ ':-|' => 'smiley-money-mouth',
+ ':-O' => 'smiley-surprised',
+ ';-)' => 'smiley-wink',
+ );
+ foreach ($emoticons as $idx => $file) {
+ // <img title="Cry" src="http://.../program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-cry.gif" border="0" alt="Cry" />
+ $search[] = '/<img title="[a-z ]+" src="https?:\/\/[a-z0-9_.\/-]+\/tiny_mce\/plugins\/emotions\/img\/'.$file.'.gif"[^>]+\/>/i';
+ $replace[] = $idx;
+ }
+ return preg_replace($search, $replace, $html);
* Check if working in SSL mode
* @param integer HTTPS port number
@@ -1817,3 +1962,4 @@ function log_bug($arg_arr)
diff --git a/program/include/rcmail.php b/program/include/rcmail.php
index e76b1420a..0eecd8ddb 100644
--- a/program/include/rcmail.php
+++ b/program/include/rcmail.php
@@ -678,10 +678,16 @@ class rcmail
$username .= '@'.rcube_parse_host($config['username_domain']);
+ // Convert username to lowercase. If IMAP backend
+ // is case-insensitive we need to store always the same username (#1487113)
+ if ($config['login_lc']) {
+ $username = mb_strtolower($username);
+ }
// try to resolve email address from virtuser table
- if (strpos($username, '@'))
- if ($virtuser = rcube_user::email2user($username))
- $username = $virtuser;
+ if (strpos($username, '@') && ($virtuser = rcube_user::email2user($username))) {
+ $username = $virtuser;
+ }
// Here we need IDNA ASCII
// Only rcube_contacts class is using domain names in Unicode
@@ -704,8 +710,14 @@ class rcmail
if (!($imap_login = $this->imap->connect($host, $username, $pass, $imap_port, $imap_ssl))) {
// try with lowercase
$username_lc = mb_strtolower($username);
- if ($username_lc != $username && ($imap_login = $this->imap->connect($host, $username_lc, $pass, $imap_port, $imap_ssl)))
- $username = $username_lc;
+ if ($username_lc != $username) {
+ // try to find user record again -> overwrite username
+ if (!$user && ($user = rcube_user::query($username_lc, $host)))
+ $username_lc = $user->data['username'];
+ if ($imap_login = $this->imap->connect($host, $username_lc, $pass, $imap_port, $imap_ssl))
+ $username = $username_lc;
+ }
// exit if IMAP login failed
@@ -1203,8 +1215,14 @@ class rcmail
if (function_exists('mcrypt_module_open') &&
($td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_TripleDES, "", MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, "")))
- $iv = substr($cipher, 0, mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td));
- $cipher = substr($cipher, mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td));
+ $iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td);
+ $iv = substr($cipher, 0, $iv_size);
+ // session corruption? (#1485970)
+ if (strlen($iv) < $iv_size)
+ return '';
+ $cipher = substr($cipher, $iv_size);
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $this->config->get_crypto_key($key), $iv);
$clear = mdecrypt_generic($td, $cipher);
diff --git a/program/include/rcube_imap.php b/program/include/rcube_imap.php
index 212e8865e..5715459a8 100644
--- a/program/include/rcube_imap.php
+++ b/program/include/rcube_imap.php
@@ -100,6 +100,16 @@ class rcube_imap
+ const UNKNOWN = 0;
+ const NOPERM = 1;
+ const READONLY = 2;
+ const TRYCREATE = 3;
+ const INUSE = 4;
+ const OVERQUOTA = 5;
+ const ALREADYEXISTS = 6;
+ const NONEXISTENT = 7;
+ const CONTACTADMIN = 8;
* Object constructor
@@ -156,21 +166,20 @@ class rcube_imap
$this->ssl = $use_ssl;
if ($this->conn->connected()) {
- // print trace messages
- if ($this->conn->message && ($this->debug_level & 8)) {
- console($this->conn->message);
- }
// get namespace and delimiter
return true;
// write error log
else if ($this->conn->error) {
- if ($pass && $user)
+ if ($pass && $user) {
+ $message = sprintf("Login failed for %s from %s. %s",
+ $user, rcmail_remote_ip(), $this->conn->error);
raise_error(array('code' => 403, 'type' => 'imap',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
- 'message' => $this->conn->error), true, false);
+ 'message' => $message), true, false);
+ }
return false;
@@ -185,7 +194,7 @@ class rcube_imap
function close()
- $this->conn->close();
+ $this->conn->closeConnection();
@@ -198,11 +207,11 @@ class rcube_imap
function reconnect()
- $this->close();
- $this->connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->port, $this->ssl);
+ $this->conn->closeConnection();
+ $connected = $this->connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->port, $this->ssl);
// issue SELECT command to restore connection status
- if ($this->mailbox)
+ if ($connected && strlen($this->mailbox))
@@ -225,7 +234,51 @@ class rcube_imap
function get_error_str()
- return ($this->conn) ? $this->conn->error : '';
+ return ($this->conn) ? $this->conn->error : null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns code of last command response
+ *
+ * @return int Response code
+ */
+ function get_response_code()
+ {
+ if (!$this->conn)
+ return self::UNKNOWN;
+ switch ($this->conn->resultcode) {
+ case 'NOPERM':
+ return self::NOPERM;
+ case 'READ-ONLY':
+ return self::READONLY;
+ case 'TRYCREATE':
+ return self::TRYCREATE;
+ case 'INUSE':
+ return self::INUSE;
+ case 'OVERQUOTA':
+ return self::OVERQUOTA;
+ return self::ALREADYEXISTS;
+ return self::NONEXISTENT;
+ return self::CONTACTADMIN;
+ default:
+ return self::UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns last command response
+ *
+ * @return string Response
+ */
+ function get_response_str()
+ {
+ return ($this->conn) ? $this->conn->result : null;
@@ -300,9 +353,9 @@ class rcube_imap
* @param string $mailbox Mailbox/Folder name
* @access public
- function select_mailbox($mailbox)
+ function select_mailbox($mailbox=null)
- $mailbox = $this->mod_mailbox($mailbox);
+ $mailbox = strlen($mailbox) ? $this->mod_mailbox($mailbox) : $this->mailbox;
$selected = $this->conn->select($mailbox);
@@ -493,56 +546,56 @@ class rcube_imap
$imap_shared = $config->get('imap_ns_shared');
$imap_delimiter = $config->get('imap_delimiter');
- if ($imap_delimiter) {
- $this->delimiter = $imap_delimiter;
- }
if (!$this->conn)
$ns = $this->conn->getNamespace();
- // NAMESPACE supported
+ // Set namespaces (NAMESPACE supported)
if (is_array($ns)) {
$this->namespace = $ns;
- if (empty($this->delimiter))
- $this->delimiter = $ns['personal'][0][1];
- if (empty($this->delimiter))
- $this->delimiter = $this->conn->getHierarchyDelimiter();
- if (empty($this->delimiter))
- $this->delimiter = '/';
- // not supported, get namespace from config
- else if ($imap_personal !== null || $imap_shared !== null || $imap_other !== null) {
- if (empty($this->delimiter))
- $this->delimiter = $this->conn->getHierarchyDelimiter();
- if (empty($this->delimiter))
- $this->delimiter = '/';
+ else {
$this->namespace = array(
'personal' => NULL,
'other' => NULL,
'shared' => NULL,
+ }
- if ($imap_personal !== null) {
- foreach ((array)$imap_personal as $dir) {
- $this->namespace['personal'][] = array($dir, $this->delimiter);
- }
+ if ($imap_delimiter) {
+ $this->delimiter = $imap_delimiter;
+ }
+ if (empty($this->delimiter)) {
+ $this->delimiter = $this->namespace['personal'][0][1];
+ }
+ if (empty($this->delimiter)) {
+ $this->delimiter = $this->conn->getHierarchyDelimiter();
+ }
+ if (empty($this->delimiter)) {
+ $this->delimiter = '/';
+ }
+ // Overwrite namespaces
+ if ($imap_personal !== null) {
+ $this->namespace['personal'] = NULL;
+ foreach ((array)$imap_personal as $dir) {
+ $this->namespace['personal'][] = array($dir, $this->delimiter);
- if ($imap_other !== null) {
- foreach ((array)$imap_other as $dir) {
- if ($dir) {
- $this->namespace['other'][] = array($dir, $this->delimiter);
- }
+ }
+ if ($imap_other !== null) {
+ $this->namespace['other'] = NULL;
+ foreach ((array)$imap_other as $dir) {
+ if ($dir) {
+ $this->namespace['other'][] = array($dir, $this->delimiter);
- if ($imap_shared !== null) {
- foreach ((array)$imap_shared as $dir) {
- if ($dir) {
- $this->namespace['shared'][] = array($dir, $this->delimiter);
- }
+ }
+ if ($imap_shared !== null) {
+ $this->namespace['shared'] = NULL;
+ foreach ((array)$imap_shared as $dir) {
+ if ($dir) {
+ $this->namespace['shared'][] = array($dir, $this->delimiter);
@@ -617,7 +670,7 @@ class rcube_imap
// RECENT count is fetched a bit different
else if ($mode == 'RECENT') {
- $count = $this->conn->checkForRecent($mailbox);
+ $count = $this->conn->countRecent($mailbox);
// use SEARCH for message counting
else if ($this->skip_deleted) {
@@ -2376,20 +2429,21 @@ class rcube_imap
// TODO: Add caching for message parts
- if (!$part) $part = 'TEXT';
+ if (!$part) {
+ $part = 'TEXT';
+ }
$body = $this->conn->handlePartBody($this->mailbox, $uid, true, $part,
$o_part->encoding, $print, $fp);
- if ($fp || $print)
+ if ($fp || $print) {
return true;
+ }
- // convert charset (if text or message part)
- if ($body && ($o_part->ctype_primary == 'text' || $o_part->ctype_primary == 'message')) {
- // assume default if no charset specified
- if (empty($o_part->charset) || strtolower($o_part->charset) == 'us-ascii')
- $o_part->charset = $this->default_charset;
+ // convert charset (if text or message part) and part's charset is specified
+ if ($body && $o_part->charset
+ && preg_match('/^(text|message)$/', $o_part->ctype_primary)
+ ) {
$body = rcube_charset_convert($body, $o_part->charset);
@@ -2553,6 +2607,9 @@ class rcube_imap
$to_mbox = $this->mod_mailbox($to_mbox);
$from_mbox = strlen($from_mbox) ? $this->mod_mailbox($from_mbox) : $this->mailbox;
+ if ($to_mbox === $from_mbox)
+ return false;
list($uids, $all_mode) = $this->_parse_uids($uids, $from_mbox);
// exit if no message uids are specified
@@ -2771,7 +2828,23 @@ class rcube_imap
$a_uids = NULL;
- $result = $this->conn->expunge($mailbox, $a_uids);
+ // force mailbox selection and check if mailbox is writeable
+ // to prevent a situation when CLOSE is executed on closed
+ // or EXPUNGE on read-only mailbox
+ $result = $this->conn->select($mailbox);
+ if (!$result) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$this->conn->data['READ-WRITE']) {
+ $this->conn->setError(rcube_imap_generic::ERROR_READONLY, "Mailbox is read-only");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // CLOSE(+SELECT) should be faster than EXPUNGE
+ if (empty($a_uids) || $a_uids == '1:*')
+ $result = $this->conn->close();
+ else
+ $result = $this->conn->expunge($mailbox, $a_uids);
if ($result && $clear_cache) {
@@ -3009,6 +3082,26 @@ class rcube_imap
+ * Get mailbox size (size of all messages in a mailbox)
+ *
+ * @param string $name Mailbox name
+ * @return int Mailbox size in bytes, False on error
+ */
+ function get_mailbox_size($name)
+ {
+ $name = $this->mod_mailbox($name);
+ // @TODO: could we try to use QUOTA here?
+ $result = $this->conn->fetchHeaderIndex($name, '1:*', 'SIZE', false);
+ if (is_array($result))
+ $result = array_sum($result);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
* Subscribe to a specific mailbox(es)
* @param array $a_mboxes Mailbox name(s)
@@ -3043,130 +3136,120 @@ class rcube_imap
* Create a new mailbox on the server and register it in local cache
- * @param string $name New mailbox name (as utf-7 string)
+ * @param string $name New mailbox name
* @param boolean $subscribe True if the new mailbox should be subscribed
- * @param string Name of the created mailbox, false on error
+ * @param boolean True on success
function create_mailbox($name, $subscribe=false)
- $result = false;
- // reduce mailbox name to 100 chars
- $name = substr($name, 0, 100);
+ $result = false;
$abs_name = $this->mod_mailbox($name);
- $result = $this->conn->createFolder($abs_name);
+ $result = $this->conn->createFolder($abs_name);
// try to subscribe it
if ($result && $subscribe)
- return $result ? $name : false;
+ return $result;
* Set a new name to an existing mailbox
- * @param string $mbox_name Mailbox to rename (as utf-7 string)
- * @param string $new_name New mailbox name (as utf-7 string)
- * @return string Name of the renames mailbox, False on error
+ * @param string $mbox_name Mailbox to rename
+ * @param string $new_name New mailbox name
+ *
+ * @return boolean True on success
function rename_mailbox($mbox_name, $new_name)
$result = false;
- // encode mailbox name and reduce it to 100 chars
- $name = substr($new_name, 0, 100);
// make absolute path
- $mailbox = $this->mod_mailbox($mbox_name);
- $abs_name = $this->mod_mailbox($name);
- // check if mailbox is subscribed
- $a_subscribed = $this->_list_mailboxes();
- $subscribed = in_array($mailbox, $a_subscribed);
+ $mailbox = $this->mod_mailbox($mbox_name);
+ $abs_name = $this->mod_mailbox($new_name);
+ $delm = $this->get_hierarchy_delimiter();
- // unsubscribe folder
- if ($subscribed)
- $this->conn->unsubscribe($mailbox);
+ // get list of subscribed folders
+ if ((strpos($mailbox, '%') === false) && (strpos($mailbox, '*') === false)) {
+ $a_subscribed = $this->_list_mailboxes('', $mbox_name . $delm . '*');
+ $subscribed = $this->mailbox_exists($mbox_name, true);
+ }
+ else {
+ $a_subscribed = $this->_list_mailboxes();
+ $subscribed = in_array($mailbox, $a_subscribed);
+ }
if (strlen($abs_name))
$result = $this->conn->renameFolder($mailbox, $abs_name);
if ($result) {
- $delm = $this->get_hierarchy_delimiter();
+ // unsubscribe the old folder, subscribe the new one
+ if ($subscribed) {
+ $this->conn->unsubscribe($mailbox);
+ $this->conn->subscribe($abs_name);
+ }
// check if mailbox children are subscribed
- foreach ($a_subscribed as $c_subscribed)
+ foreach ($a_subscribed as $c_subscribed) {
if (preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($mailbox.$delm, '/').'/', $c_subscribed)) {
$this->conn->subscribe(preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($mailbox, '/').'/',
$abs_name, $c_subscribed));
+ }
// clear cache
- // try to subscribe it
- if ($result && $subscribed)
- $this->conn->subscribe($abs_name);
- return $result ? $name : false;
+ return $result;
- * Remove mailboxes from server
+ * Remove mailbox from server
+ *
+ * @param string $mbox_name Mailbox name
- * @param string|array $mbox_name sMailbox name(s) string/array
* @return boolean True on success
function delete_mailbox($mbox_name)
- $deleted = false;
+ $result = false;
+ $mailbox = $this->mod_mailbox($mbox_name);
+ $delm = $this->get_hierarchy_delimiter();
- if (is_array($mbox_name))
- $a_mboxes = $mbox_name;
- else if (is_string($mbox_name) && strlen($mbox_name))
- $a_mboxes = explode(',', $mbox_name);
+ // get list of folders
+ if ((strpos($mailbox, '%') === false) && (strpos($mailbox, '*') === false))
+ $sub_mboxes = $this->list_unsubscribed('', $mailbox . $delm . '*');
+ else
+ $sub_mboxes = $this->list_unsubscribed();
- if (is_array($a_mboxes)) {
- $delimiter = $this->get_hierarchy_delimiter();
- foreach ($a_mboxes as $mbox_name) {
- $mailbox = $this->mod_mailbox($mbox_name);
- $sub_mboxes = $this->conn->listMailboxes('', $mbox_name . $delimiter . '*');
+ // send delete command to server
+ $result = $this->conn->deleteFolder($mailbox);
- // unsubscribe mailbox before deleting
- $this->conn->unsubscribe($mailbox);
+ if ($result) {
+ // unsubscribe mailbox
+ $this->conn->unsubscribe($mailbox);
- // send delete command to server
- $result = $this->conn->deleteFolder($mailbox);
- if ($result) {
- $deleted = true;
- $this->clear_message_cache($mailbox.'.msg');
- }
- foreach ($sub_mboxes as $c_mbox) {
- if ($c_mbox != 'INBOX') {
- $this->conn->unsubscribe($c_mbox);
- $result = $this->conn->deleteFolder($c_mbox);
- if ($result) {
- $deleted = true;
- $this->clear_message_cache($c_mbox.'.msg');
- }
+ foreach ($sub_mboxes as $c_mbox) {
+ if (preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($mailbox.$delm, '/').'/', $c_mbox)) {
+ $this->conn->unsubscribe($c_mbox);
+ if ($this->conn->deleteFolder($c_mbox)) {
+ $this->clear_message_cache($c_mbox.'.msg');
- }
- // clear mailboxlist cache
- if ($deleted)
+ // clear mailbox-related cache
+ $this->clear_message_cache($mailbox.'.msg');
+ }
- return $deleted;
+ return $result;
@@ -3208,7 +3291,7 @@ class rcube_imap
else {
$a_folders = $this->conn->listMailboxes('', $mbox);
- }
+ }
if (is_array($a_folders) && in_array($mbox, $a_folders)) {
$this->icache[$key][] = $mbox;
diff --git a/program/include/rcube_imap_generic.php b/program/include/rcube_imap_generic.php
index 16c9d4a64..e5e06c440 100644
--- a/program/include/rcube_imap_generic.php
+++ b/program/include/rcube_imap_generic.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| program/include/rcube_imap_generic.php |
| |
@@ -29,45 +29,45 @@
* Struct representing an e-mail message header
- * @package Mail
- * @author Aleksander Machniak <>
+ * @package Mail
+ * @author Aleksander Machniak <>
class rcube_mail_header
- public $id;
- public $uid;
- public $subject;
- public $from;
- public $to;
- public $cc;
- public $replyto;
- public $in_reply_to;
- public $date;
- public $messageID;
- public $size;
- public $encoding;
- public $charset;
- public $ctype;
- public $flags;
- public $timestamp;
- public $body_structure;
- public $internaldate;
- public $references;
- public $priority;
- public $mdn_to;
- public $mdn_sent = false;
- public $is_draft = false;
- public $seen = false;
- public $deleted = false;
- public $recent = false;
- public $answered = false;
- public $forwarded = false;
- public $junk = false;
- public $flagged = false;
- public $has_children = false;
- public $depth = 0;
- public $unread_children = 0;
- public $others = array();
+ public $id;
+ public $uid;
+ public $subject;
+ public $from;
+ public $to;
+ public $cc;
+ public $replyto;
+ public $in_reply_to;
+ public $date;
+ public $messageID;
+ public $size;
+ public $encoding;
+ public $charset;
+ public $ctype;
+ public $flags;
+ public $timestamp;
+ public $body_structure;
+ public $internaldate;
+ public $references;
+ public $priority;
+ public $mdn_to;
+ public $mdn_sent = false;
+ public $is_draft = false;
+ public $seen = false;
+ public $deleted = false;
+ public $recent = false;
+ public $answered = false;
+ public $forwarded = false;
+ public $junk = false;
+ public $flagged = false;
+ public $has_children = false;
+ public $depth = 0;
+ public $unread_children = 0;
+ public $others = array();
// For backward compatibility with cached messages (#1486602)
@@ -78,14 +78,15 @@ class iilBasicHeader extends rcube_mail_header
* PHP based wrapper class to connect to an IMAP server
- * @package Mail
- * @author Aleksander Machniak <>
+ * @package Mail
+ * @author Aleksander Machniak <>
class rcube_imap_generic
public $error;
public $errornum;
- public $message;
+ public $result;
+ public $resultcode;
public $data = array();
public $flags = array(
'SEEN' => '\\Seen',
@@ -100,11 +101,11 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
private $selected;
- private $fp;
- private $host;
- private $logged = false;
- private $capability = array();
- private $capability_readed = false;
+ private $fp;
+ private $host;
+ private $logged = false;
+ private $capability = array();
+ private $capability_readed = false;
private $prefs;
private $cmd_tag;
private $cmd_num = 0;
@@ -113,8 +114,9 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
const ERROR_NO = -1;
const ERROR_BAD = -2;
const ERROR_BYE = -3;
- const ERROR_COMMAND = -5;
const ERROR_UNKNOWN = -4;
+ const ERROR_COMMAND = -5;
+ const ERROR_READONLY = -6;
@@ -140,16 +142,16 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
if (!$this->fp)
return false;
- if (!empty($this->prefs['debug_mode'])) {
- write_log('imap', 'C: '. rtrim($string));
- }
+ if (!empty($this->prefs['debug_mode'])) {
+ write_log('imap', 'C: '. rtrim($string));
+ }
$res = fwrite($this->fp, $string . ($endln ? "\r\n" : ''));
- if ($res === false) {
- @fclose($this->fp);
- $this->fp = null;
- }
+ if ($res === false) {
+ @fclose($this->fp);
+ $this->fp = null;
+ }
return $res;
@@ -168,161 +170,174 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
if (!$this->fp)
return false;
- if ($endln)
- $string .= "\r\n";
+ if ($endln)
+ $string .= "\r\n";
- $res = 0;
- if ($parts = preg_split('/(\{[0-9]+\}\r\n)/m', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)) {
- for ($i=0, $cnt=count($parts); $i<$cnt; $i++) {
- if (preg_match('/^\{[0-9]+\}\r\n$/', $parts[$i+1])) {
+ $res = 0;
+ if ($parts = preg_split('/(\{[0-9]+\}\r\n)/m', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)) {
+ for ($i=0, $cnt=count($parts); $i<$cnt; $i++) {
+ if (preg_match('/^\{[0-9]+\}\r\n$/', $parts[$i+1])) {
// LITERAL+ support
if ($this->prefs['literal+'])
$parts[$i+1] = preg_replace('/([0-9]+)/', '\\1+', $parts[$i+1]);
- $bytes = $this->putLine($parts[$i].$parts[$i+1], false);
+ $bytes = $this->putLine($parts[$i].$parts[$i+1], false);
if ($bytes === false)
return false;
$res += $bytes;
// don't wait if server supports LITERAL+ capability
if (!$this->prefs['literal+']) {
- $line = $this->readLine(1000);
- // handle error in command
- if ($line[0] != '+')
- return false;
- }
+ $line = $this->readLine(1000);
+ // handle error in command
+ if ($line[0] != '+')
+ return false;
+ }
- }
- else {
- $bytes = $this->putLine($parts[$i], false);
+ }
+ else {
+ $bytes = $this->putLine($parts[$i], false);
if ($bytes === false)
return false;
$res += $bytes;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
- return $res;
+ return $res;
function readLine($size=1024)
- $line = '';
+ $line = '';
- if (!$this->fp) {
- return NULL;
- }
+ if (!$this->fp) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
- if (!$size) {
- $size = 1024;
- }
+ if (!$size) {
+ $size = 1024;
+ }
- do {
- if (feof($this->fp)) {
- return $line ? $line : NULL;
- }
+ do {
+ if (feof($this->fp)) {
+ return $line ? $line : NULL;
+ }
- $buffer = fgets($this->fp, $size);
+ $buffer = fgets($this->fp, $size);
- if ($buffer === false) {
- @fclose($this->fp);
- $this->fp = null;
- break;
- }
- if (!empty($this->prefs['debug_mode'])) {
- write_log('imap', 'S: '. rtrim($buffer));
- }
+ if ($buffer === false) {
+ @fclose($this->fp);
+ $this->fp = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($this->prefs['debug_mode'])) {
+ write_log('imap', 'S: '. rtrim($buffer));
+ }
$line .= $buffer;
- } while ($buffer[strlen($buffer)-1] != "\n");
+ } while ($buffer[strlen($buffer)-1] != "\n");
- return $line;
+ return $line;
function multLine($line, $escape=false)
- $line = rtrim($line);
- if (preg_match('/\{[0-9]+\}$/', $line)) {
- $out = '';
+ $line = rtrim($line);
+ if (preg_match('/\{[0-9]+\}$/', $line)) {
+ $out = '';
- preg_match_all('/(.*)\{([0-9]+)\}$/', $line, $a);
- $bytes = $a[2][0];
- while (strlen($out) < $bytes) {
- $line = $this->readBytes($bytes);
- if ($line === NULL)
- break;
- $out .= $line;
- }
+ preg_match_all('/(.*)\{([0-9]+)\}$/', $line, $a);
+ $bytes = $a[2][0];
+ while (strlen($out) < $bytes) {
+ $line = $this->readBytes($bytes);
+ if ($line === NULL)
+ break;
+ $out .= $line;
+ }
- $line = $a[1][0] . ($escape ? $this->escape($out) : $out);
- }
+ $line = $a[1][0] . ($escape ? $this->escape($out) : $out);
+ }
return $line;
function readBytes($bytes)
- $data = '';
- $len = 0;
- while ($len < $bytes && !feof($this->fp))
- {
- $d = fread($this->fp, $bytes-$len);
- if (!empty($this->prefs['debug_mode'])) {
- write_log('imap', 'S: '. $d);
+ $data = '';
+ $len = 0;
+ while ($len < $bytes && !feof($this->fp))
+ {
+ $d = fread($this->fp, $bytes-$len);
+ if (!empty($this->prefs['debug_mode'])) {
+ write_log('imap', 'S: '. $d);
$data .= $d;
- $data_len = strlen($data);
- if ($len == $data_len) {
- break; // nothing was read -> exit to avoid apache lockups
- }
- $len = $data_len;
- }
+ $data_len = strlen($data);
+ if ($len == $data_len) {
+ break; // nothing was read -> exit to avoid apache lockups
+ }
+ $len = $data_len;
+ }
- return $data;
+ return $data;
- // don't use it in loops, until you exactly know what you're doing
function readReply(&$untagged=null)
- do {
- $line = trim($this->readLine(1024));
+ do {
+ $line = trim($this->readLine(1024));
// store untagged response lines
- if ($line[0] == '*')
+ if ($line[0] == '*')
$untagged[] = $line;
- } while ($line[0] == '*');
+ } while ($line[0] == '*');
if ($untagged)
$untagged = join("\n", $untagged);
- return $line;
+ return $line;
function parseResult($string, $err_prefix='')
- if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9*]+ (OK|NO|BAD|BYE)(.*)$/i', trim($string), $matches)) {
- $res = strtoupper($matches[1]);
+ if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9*]+ (OK|NO|BAD|BYE)(.*)$/i', trim($string), $matches)) {
+ $res = strtoupper($matches[1]);
$str = trim($matches[2]);
- if ($res == 'OK') {
- return $this->errornum = self::ERROR_OK;
- } else if ($res == 'NO') {
+ if ($res == 'OK') {
+ $this->errornum = self::ERROR_OK;
+ } else if ($res == 'NO') {
$this->errornum = self::ERROR_NO;
- } else if ($res == 'BAD') {
- $this->errornum = self::ERROR_BAD;
- } else if ($res == 'BYE') {
+ } else if ($res == 'BAD') {
+ $this->errornum = self::ERROR_BAD;
+ } else if ($res == 'BYE') {
$this->fp = null;
- $this->errornum = self::ERROR_BYE;
- }
+ $this->errornum = self::ERROR_BYE;
+ }
+ if ($str) {
+ $str = trim($str);
+ // get response string and code (RFC5530)
+ if (preg_match("/^\[([a-z-]+)\]/i", $str, $m)) {
+ $this->resultcode = strtoupper($m[1]);
+ $str = trim(substr($str, strlen($m[1]) + 2));
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->resultcode = null;
+ }
+ $this->result = $str;
- if ($str)
- $this->error = $err_prefix ? $err_prefix.$str : $str;
+ if ($this->errornum != self::ERROR_OK) {
+ $this->error = $err_prefix ? $err_prefix.$str : $str;
+ }
+ }
- return $this->errornum;
- }
- return self::ERROR_UNKNOWN;
+ return $this->errornum;
+ }
+ return self::ERROR_UNKNOWN;
- private function setError($code, $msg='')
+ function setError($code, $msg='')
$this->errornum = $code;
$this->error = $msg;
@@ -331,59 +346,59 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
// check if $string starts with $match (or * BYE/BAD)
function startsWith($string, $match, $error=false, $nonempty=false)
- $len = strlen($match);
- if ($len == 0) {
- return false;
- }
+ $len = strlen($match);
+ if ($len == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
if (!$this->fp) {
return true;
- if (strncmp($string, $match, $len) == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- if ($error && preg_match('/^\* (BYE|BAD) /i', $string, $m)) {
+ if (strncmp($string, $match, $len) == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ($error && preg_match('/^\* (BYE|BAD) /i', $string, $m)) {
if (strtoupper($m[1]) == 'BYE') {
$this->fp = null;
- return true;
- }
+ return true;
+ }
if ($nonempty && !strlen($string)) {
return true;
- return false;
+ return false;
function getCapability($name)
- if (in_array($name, $this->capability)) {
- return true;
- }
- else if ($this->capability_readed) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (in_array($name, $this->capability)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if ($this->capability_readed) {
+ return false;
+ }
- // get capabilities (only once) because initial
- // optional CAPABILITY response may differ
+ // get capabilities (only once) because initial
+ // optional CAPABILITY response may differ
$result = $this->execute('CAPABILITY');
if ($result[0] == self::ERROR_OK) {
- $this->capability_readed = true;
+ $this->capability_readed = true;
- if (in_array($name, $this->capability)) {
- return true;
- }
+ if (in_array($name, $this->capability)) {
+ return true;
+ }
- return false;
+ return false;
function clearCapability()
- $this->capability = array();
- $this->capability_readed = false;
+ $this->capability = array();
+ $this->capability_readed = false;
@@ -401,18 +416,18 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
if ($type == 'DIGEST-MD5' && !class_exists('Auth_SASL')) {
"The Auth_SASL package is required for DIGEST-MD5 authentication");
- return self::ERROR_BAD;
+ return self::ERROR_BAD;
- $this->putLine($this->nextTag() . " AUTHENTICATE $type");
- $line = trim($this->readLine(1024));
+ $this->putLine($this->nextTag() . " AUTHENTICATE $type");
+ $line = trim($this->readReply());
- if ($line[0] == '+') {
- $challenge = substr($line, 2);
+ if ($line[0] == '+') {
+ $challenge = substr($line, 2);
else {
return $this->parseResult($line);
- }
+ }
if ($type == 'CRAM-MD5') {
// RFC2195: CRAM-MD5
@@ -455,10 +470,10 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
// send result
- $line = $this->readLine(1024);
+ $line = trim($this->readReply());
if ($line[0] == '+') {
- $challenge = substr($line, 2);
+ $challenge = substr($line, 2);
else {
return $this->parseResult($line);
@@ -475,7 +490,7 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
- $line = $this->readLine(1024);
+ $line = $this->readReply();
$result = $this->parseResult($line);
else { // PLAIN
@@ -496,29 +511,29 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
else {
- $this->putLine($this->nextTag() . " AUTHENTICATE PLAIN");
- $line = trim($this->readLine(1024));
+ $this->putLine($this->nextTag() . " AUTHENTICATE PLAIN");
+ $line = trim($this->readReply());
- if ($line[0] != '+') {
- return $this->parseResult($line);
- }
+ if ($line[0] != '+') {
+ return $this->parseResult($line);
+ }
// send result, get reply and process it
- $line = $this->readLine(1024);
+ $line = $this->readReply();
$result = $this->parseResult($line);
if ($result == self::ERROR_OK) {
- // optional CAPABILITY response
- if ($line && preg_match('/\[CAPABILITY ([^]]+)\]/i', $line, $matches)) {
- $this->parseCapability($matches[1], true);
- }
+ // optional CAPABILITY response
+ if ($line && preg_match('/\[CAPABILITY ([^]]+)\]/i', $line, $matches)) {
+ $this->parseCapability($matches[1], true);
+ }
return $this->fp;
else {
- $this->setError($result, "Unable to authenticate user ($type): $line");
+ $this->setError($result, "AUTHENTICATE $type: $line");
return $result;
@@ -538,9 +553,9 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$this->escape($user), $this->escape($password)), self::COMMAND_CAPABILITY);
// re-set capabilities list if untagged CAPABILITY response provided
- if (preg_match('/\* CAPABILITY (.+)/i', $response, $matches)) {
- $this->parseCapability($matches[1], true);
- }
+ if (preg_match('/\* CAPABILITY (.+)/i', $response, $matches)) {
+ $this->parseCapability($matches[1], true);
+ }
if ($code == self::ERROR_OK) {
return $this->fp;
@@ -556,21 +571,21 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
function getHierarchyDelimiter()
- if ($this->prefs['delimiter']) {
- return $this->prefs['delimiter'];
- }
+ if ($this->prefs['delimiter']) {
+ return $this->prefs['delimiter'];
+ }
- // try (LIST "" ""), should return delimiter (RFC2060 Sec 6.3.8)
- list($code, $response) = $this->execute('LIST',
- array($this->escape(''), $this->escape('')));
+ // try (LIST "" ""), should return delimiter (RFC2060 Sec 6.3.8)
+ list($code, $response) = $this->execute('LIST',
+ array($this->escape(''), $this->escape('')));
if ($code == self::ERROR_OK) {
$args = $this->tokenizeResponse($response, 4);
$delimiter = $args[3];
- if (strlen($delimiter) > 0) {
- return ($this->prefs['delimiter'] = $delimiter);
- }
+ if (strlen($delimiter) > 0) {
+ return ($this->prefs['delimiter'] = $delimiter);
+ }
return NULL;
@@ -588,18 +603,18 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
if (!$this->getCapability('NAMESPACE')) {
- return self::ERROR_BAD;
- }
+ return self::ERROR_BAD;
+ }
- list($code, $response) = $this->execute('NAMESPACE');
+ list($code, $response) = $this->execute('NAMESPACE');
- if ($code == self::ERROR_OK && preg_match('/^\* NAMESPACE /', $response)) {
- $data = $this->tokenizeResponse(substr($response, 11));
- }
+ if ($code == self::ERROR_OK && preg_match('/^\* NAMESPACE /', $response)) {
+ $data = $this->tokenizeResponse(substr($response, 11));
+ }
- if (!is_array($data)) {
- return $code;
- }
+ if (!is_array($data)) {
+ return $code;
+ }
$this->prefs['namespace'] = array(
'personal' => $data[0],
@@ -612,134 +627,132 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
function connect($host, $user, $password, $options=null)
- // set options
- if (is_array($options)) {
+ // set options
+ if (is_array($options)) {
$this->prefs = $options;
// set auth method
if (!empty($this->prefs['auth_method'])) {
$auth_method = strtoupper($this->prefs['auth_method']);
- } else {
- $auth_method = 'CHECK';
+ } else {
+ $auth_method = 'CHECK';
- $result = false;
+ $result = false;
- // initialize connection
- $this->error = '';
- $this->errornum = self::ERROR_OK;
- $this->selected = '';
- $this->user = $user;
- $this->host = $host;
+ // initialize connection
+ $this->error = '';
+ $this->errornum = self::ERROR_OK;
+ $this->selected = '';
+ $this->user = $user;
+ $this->host = $host;
$this->logged = false;
- // check input
- if (empty($host)) {
- $this->setError(self::ERROR_BAD, "Empty host");
- return false;
- }
+ // check input
+ if (empty($host)) {
+ $this->setError(self::ERROR_BAD, "Empty host");
+ return false;
+ }
if (empty($user)) {
- $this->setError(self::ERROR_NO, "Empty user");
- return false;
- }
- if (empty($password)) {
- $this->setError(self::ERROR_NO, "Empty password");
- return false;
- }
- if (!$this->prefs['port']) {
- $this->prefs['port'] = 143;
- }
- // check for SSL
- if ($this->prefs['ssl_mode'] && $this->prefs['ssl_mode'] != 'tls') {
- $host = $this->prefs['ssl_mode'] . '://' . $host;
- }
+ $this->setError(self::ERROR_NO, "Empty user");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (empty($password)) {
+ $this->setError(self::ERROR_NO, "Empty password");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$this->prefs['port']) {
+ $this->prefs['port'] = 143;
+ }
+ // check for SSL
+ if ($this->prefs['ssl_mode'] && $this->prefs['ssl_mode'] != 'tls') {
+ $host = $this->prefs['ssl_mode'] . '://' . $host;
+ }
// Connect
if ($this->prefs['timeout'] > 0)
- $this->fp = @fsockopen($host, $this->prefs['port'], $errno, $errstr, $this->prefs['timeout']);
- else
- $this->fp = @fsockopen($host, $this->prefs['port'], $errno, $errstr);
+ $this->fp = @fsockopen($host, $this->prefs['port'], $errno, $errstr, $this->prefs['timeout']);
+ else
+ $this->fp = @fsockopen($host, $this->prefs['port'], $errno, $errstr);
- if (!$this->fp) {
- $this->setError(self::ERROR_BAD, sprintf("Could not connect to %s:%d: %s", $host, $this->prefs['port'], $errstr));
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$this->fp) {
+ $this->setError(self::ERROR_BAD, sprintf("Could not connect to %s:%d: %s", $host, $this->prefs['port'], $errstr));
+ return false;
+ }
if ($this->prefs['timeout'] > 0)
- stream_set_timeout($this->fp, $this->prefs['timeout']);
+ stream_set_timeout($this->fp, $this->prefs['timeout']);
- $line = trim(fgets($this->fp, 8192));
+ $line = trim(fgets($this->fp, 8192));
- if ($this->prefs['debug_mode'] && $line) {
- write_log('imap', 'S: '. $line);
+ if ($this->prefs['debug_mode'] && $line) {
+ write_log('imap', 'S: '. $line);
- // Connected to wrong port or connection error?
- if (!preg_match('/^\* (OK|PREAUTH)/i', $line)) {
- if ($line)
- $error = sprintf("Wrong startup greeting (%s:%d): %s", $host, $this->prefs['port'], $line);
- else
- $error = sprintf("Empty startup greeting (%s:%d)", $host, $this->prefs['port']);
- $this->setError(self::ERROR_BAD, $error);
- $this->close();
- return false;
- }
+ // Connected to wrong port or connection error?
+ if (!preg_match('/^\* (OK|PREAUTH)/i', $line)) {
+ if ($line)
+ $error = sprintf("Wrong startup greeting (%s:%d): %s", $host, $this->prefs['port'], $line);
+ else
+ $error = sprintf("Empty startup greeting (%s:%d)", $host, $this->prefs['port']);
- // RFC3501 [7.1] optional CAPABILITY response
- if (preg_match('/\[CAPABILITY ([^]]+)\]/i', $line, $matches)) {
- $this->parseCapability($matches[1], true);
- }
+ $this->setError(self::ERROR_BAD, $error);
+ $this->closeConnection();
+ return false;
+ }
- $this->message = $line;
+ // RFC3501 [7.1] optional CAPABILITY response
+ if (preg_match('/\[CAPABILITY ([^]]+)\]/i', $line, $matches)) {
+ $this->parseCapability($matches[1], true);
+ }
- // TLS connection
- if ($this->prefs['ssl_mode'] == 'tls' && $this->getCapability('STARTTLS')) {
- if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0', '>=')) {
- $res = $this->execute('STARTTLS');
+ // TLS connection
+ if ($this->prefs['ssl_mode'] == 'tls' && $this->getCapability('STARTTLS')) {
+ if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0', '>=')) {
+ $res = $this->execute('STARTTLS');
if ($res[0] != self::ERROR_OK) {
- $this->close();
+ $this->closeConnection();
return false;
- if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->fp, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT)) {
- $this->setError(self::ERROR_BAD, "Unable to negotiate TLS");
- $this->close();
- return false;
- }
+ if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->fp, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT)) {
+ $this->setError(self::ERROR_BAD, "Unable to negotiate TLS");
+ $this->closeConnection();
+ return false;
+ }
- // Now we're secure, capabilities need to be reread
- $this->clearCapability();
- }
- }
+ // Now we're secure, capabilities need to be reread
+ $this->clearCapability();
+ }
+ }
- $auth_methods = array();
+ $auth_methods = array();
$result = null;
- // check for supported auth methods
- if ($auth_method == 'CHECK') {
- if ($this->getCapability('AUTH=DIGEST-MD5')) {
- $auth_methods[] = 'DIGEST-MD5';
- }
- if ($this->getCapability('AUTH=CRAM-MD5') || $this->getCapability('AUTH=CRAM_MD5')) {
- $auth_methods[] = 'CRAM-MD5';
- }
- if ($this->getCapability('AUTH=PLAIN')) {
- $auth_methods[] = 'PLAIN';
- }
+ // check for supported auth methods
+ if ($auth_method == 'CHECK') {
+ if ($this->getCapability('AUTH=DIGEST-MD5')) {
+ $auth_methods[] = 'DIGEST-MD5';
+ }
+ if ($this->getCapability('AUTH=CRAM-MD5') || $this->getCapability('AUTH=CRAM_MD5')) {
+ $auth_methods[] = 'CRAM-MD5';
+ }
+ if ($this->getCapability('AUTH=PLAIN')) {
+ $auth_methods[] = 'PLAIN';
+ }
// RFC 2595 (LOGINDISABLED) LOGIN disabled when connection is not secure
- if (!$this->getCapability('LOGINDISABLED')) {
- $auth_methods[] = 'LOGIN';
- }
- }
+ if (!$this->getCapability('LOGINDISABLED')) {
+ $auth_methods[] = 'LOGIN';
+ }
+ }
else {
// Prevent from sending credentials in plain text when connection is not secure
- if ($auth_method == 'LOGIN' && $this->getCapability('LOGINDISABLED')) {
- $this->setError(self::ERROR_BAD, "Login disabled by IMAP server");
- $this->close();
- return false;
+ if ($auth_method == 'LOGIN' && $this->getCapability('LOGINDISABLED')) {
+ $this->setError(self::ERROR_BAD, "Login disabled by IMAP server");
+ $this->closeConnection();
+ return false;
// replace AUTH with CRAM-MD5 for backward compat.
$auth_methods[] = $auth_method == 'AUTH' ? 'CRAM-MD5' : $auth_method;
@@ -753,61 +766,68 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
switch ($method) {
case 'DIGEST-MD5':
case 'CRAM-MD5':
- case 'PLAIN':
- $result = $this->authenticate($user, $password, $method);
- break;
+ case 'PLAIN':
+ $result = $this->authenticate($user, $password, $method);
+ break;
case 'LOGIN':
- $result = $this->login($user, $password);
+ $result = $this->login($user, $password);
$this->setError(self::ERROR_BAD, "Configuration error. Unknown auth method: $method");
- if (is_resource($result)) {
- break;
- }
- }
+ if (is_resource($result)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
// Connected and authenticated
- if (is_resource($result)) {
+ if (is_resource($result)) {
if ($this->prefs['force_caps']) {
- $this->clearCapability();
+ $this->clearCapability();
$this->logged = true;
- return true;
+ return true;
- // Close connection
- $this->close();
+ $this->closeConnection();
return false;
function connected()
- return ($this->fp && $this->logged) ? true : false;
+ return ($this->fp && $this->logged) ? true : false;
- function close()
+ function closeConnection()
- if ($this->putLine($this->nextTag() . ' LOGOUT')) {
- $this->readReply();
+ if ($this->putLine($this->nextTag() . ' LOGOUT')) {
+ $this->readReply();
- @fclose($this->fp);
- $this->fp = false;
+ @fclose($this->fp);
+ $this->fp = false;
+ /**
+ * Executes SELECT command (if mailbox is already not in selected state)
+ *
+ * @param string $mailbox Mailbox name
+ *
+ * @return boolean True on success, false on error
+ * @access public
+ */
function select($mailbox)
- if (!strlen($mailbox)) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!strlen($mailbox)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- if ($this->selected == $mailbox) {
- return true;
- }
+ if ($this->selected == $mailbox) {
+ return true;
+ }
Temporary commented out because Courier returns \Noselect for INBOX
Requires more investigation
@@ -823,26 +843,28 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
if ($code == self::ERROR_OK) {
$response = explode("\r\n", $response);
foreach ($response as $line) {
- if (preg_match('/^\* ([0-9]+) (EXISTS|RECENT)$/i', $line, $m)) {
- $this->data[strtoupper($m[2])] = (int) $m[1];
- }
- else if (preg_match('/^\* OK \[(UIDNEXT|UIDVALIDITY|UNSEEN) ([0-9]+)\]/i', $line, $match)) {
- $this->data[strtoupper($match[1])] = (int) $match[2];
- }
- else if (preg_match('/^\* OK \[PERMANENTFLAGS \(([^\)]+)\)\]/iU', $line, $match)) {
- $this->data['PERMANENTFLAGS'] = explode(' ', $match[1]);
- }
+ if (preg_match('/^\* ([0-9]+) (EXISTS|RECENT)$/i', $line, $m)) {
+ $this->data[strtoupper($m[2])] = (int) $m[1];
+ }
+ else if (preg_match('/^\* OK \[(UIDNEXT|UIDVALIDITY|UNSEEN) ([0-9]+)\]/i', $line, $match)) {
+ $this->data[strtoupper($match[1])] = (int) $match[2];
+ }
+ else if (preg_match('/^\* OK \[PERMANENTFLAGS \(([^\)]+)\)\]/iU', $line, $match)) {
+ $this->data['PERMANENTFLAGS'] = explode(' ', $match[1]);
+ }
- $this->selected = $mailbox;
- return true;
- }
+ $this->data['READ-WRITE'] = $this->resultcode != 'READ-ONLY';
+ $this->selected = $mailbox;
+ return true;
+ }
return false;
- * Executes STATUS comand
+ * Executes STATUS command
* @param string $mailbox Mailbox name
* @param array $items Additional requested item names. By default
@@ -855,9 +877,9 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
function status($mailbox, $items=array())
- if (!strlen($mailbox)) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!strlen($mailbox)) {
+ return false;
+ }
if (!in_array('MESSAGES', $items)) {
$items[] = 'MESSAGES';
@@ -881,36 +903,157 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$this->data['STATUS:'.$mailbox] = $result;
- return $result;
- }
+ return $result;
+ }
return false;
- function checkForRecent($mailbox)
+ /**
+ * Executes EXPUNGE command
+ *
+ * @param string $mailbox Mailbox name
+ * @param string $messages Message UIDs to expunge
+ *
+ * @return boolean True on success, False on error
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function expunge($mailbox, $messages=NULL)
- if (!strlen($mailbox)) {
- $mailbox = 'INBOX';
- }
+ if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$this->data['READ-WRITE']) {
+ $this->setError(self::ERROR_READONLY, "Mailbox is read-only", 'EXPUNGE');
+ return false;
+ }
- $this->select($mailbox);
+ // Clear internal status cache
+ unset($this->data['STATUS:'.$mailbox]);
- if ($this->selected == $mailbox) {
- return $this->data['RECENT'];
- }
+ if ($messages)
+ $result = $this->execute('UID EXPUNGE', array($messages), self::COMMAND_NORESPONSE);
+ else
+ $result = $this->execute('EXPUNGE', null, self::COMMAND_NORESPONSE);
- return false;
+ if ($result == self::ERROR_OK) {
+ $this->selected = ''; // state has changed, need to reselect
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Executes CLOSE command
+ *
+ * @return boolean True on success, False on error
+ * @access public
+ * @since 0.5
+ */
+ function close()
+ {
+ $result = $this->execute('CLOSE', NULL, self::COMMAND_NORESPONSE);
+ if ($result == self::ERROR_OK) {
+ $this->selected = '';
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Executes SUBSCRIBE command
+ *
+ * @param string $mailbox Mailbox name
+ *
+ * @return boolean True on success, False on error
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function subscribe($mailbox)
+ {
+ $result = $this->execute('SUBSCRIBE', array($this->escape($mailbox)),
+ return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Executes UNSUBSCRIBE command
+ *
+ * @param string $mailbox Mailbox name
+ *
+ * @return boolean True on success, False on error
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function unsubscribe($mailbox)
+ {
+ $result = $this->execute('UNSUBSCRIBE', array($this->escape($mailbox)),
+ return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
+ /**
+ * Executes DELETE command
+ *
+ * @param string $mailbox Mailbox name
+ *
+ * @return boolean True on success, False on error
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function deleteFolder($mailbox)
+ {
+ $result = $this->execute('DELETE', array($this->escape($mailbox)),
+ return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes all messages in a folder
+ *
+ * @param string $mailbox Mailbox name
+ *
+ * @return boolean True on success, False on error
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function clearFolder($mailbox)
+ {
+ $num_in_trash = $this->countMessages($mailbox);
+ if ($num_in_trash > 0) {
+ $res = $this->delete($mailbox, '1:*');
+ }
+ if ($res) {
+ if ($this->selected == $mailbox)
+ $res = $this->close();
+ else
+ $res = $this->expunge($mailbox);
+ }
+ return $res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns count of all messages in a folder
+ *
+ * @param string $mailbox Mailbox name
+ *
+ * @return int Number of messages, False on error
+ * @access public
+ */
function countMessages($mailbox, $refresh = false)
- if ($refresh) {
- $this->selected = '';
- }
+ if ($refresh) {
+ $this->selected = '';
+ }
- if ($this->selected == $mailbox) {
- return $this->data['EXISTS'];
- }
+ if ($this->selected == $mailbox) {
+ return $this->data['EXISTS'];
+ }
// Check internal cache
$cache = $this->data['STATUS:'.$mailbox];
@@ -928,6 +1071,29 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
+ * Returns count of messages with \Recent flag in a folder
+ *
+ * @param string $mailbox Mailbox name
+ *
+ * @return int Number of messages, False on error
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function countRecent($mailbox)
+ {
+ if (!strlen($mailbox)) {
+ $mailbox = 'INBOX';
+ }
+ $this->select($mailbox);
+ if ($this->selected == $mailbox) {
+ return $this->data['RECENT'];
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
* Returns count of messages without \Seen flag in a specified folder
* @param string $mailbox Mailbox name
@@ -960,218 +1126,218 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
function sort($mailbox, $field, $add='', $is_uid=FALSE, $encoding = 'US-ASCII')
- $field = strtoupper($field);
- if ($field == 'INTERNALDATE') {
- $field = 'ARRIVAL';
- }
+ $field = strtoupper($field);
+ if ($field == 'INTERNALDATE') {
+ $field = 'ARRIVAL';
+ }
- $fields = array('ARRIVAL' => 1,'CC' => 1,'DATE' => 1,
+ $fields = array('ARRIVAL' => 1,'CC' => 1,'DATE' => 1,
'FROM' => 1, 'SIZE' => 1, 'SUBJECT' => 1, 'TO' => 1);
- if (!$fields[$field]) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$fields[$field]) {
+ return false;
+ }
- if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- // message IDs
- if (!empty($add))
- $add = $this->compressMessageSet($add);
+ // message IDs
+ if (!empty($add))
+ $add = $this->compressMessageSet($add);
- list($code, $response) = $this->execute($is_uid ? 'UID SORT' : 'SORT',
- array("($field)", $encoding, 'ALL' . (!empty($add) ? ' '.$add : '')));
+ list($code, $response) = $this->execute($is_uid ? 'UID SORT' : 'SORT',
+ array("($field)", $encoding, 'ALL' . (!empty($add) ? ' '.$add : '')));
- if ($code == self::ERROR_OK) {
- // remove prefix and \r\n from raw response
+ if ($code == self::ERROR_OK) {
+ // remove prefix and \r\n from raw response
$response = str_replace("\r\n", '', substr($response, 7));
- return preg_split('/\s+/', $response, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
- }
+ return preg_split('/\s+/', $response, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+ }
return false;
function fetchHeaderIndex($mailbox, $message_set, $index_field='', $skip_deleted=true, $uidfetch=false)
- if (is_array($message_set)) {
- if (!($message_set = $this->compressMessageSet($message_set)))
- return false;
- } else {
- list($from_idx, $to_idx) = explode(':', $message_set);
- if (empty($message_set) ||
- (isset($to_idx) && $to_idx != '*' && (int)$from_idx > (int)$to_idx)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- $index_field = empty($index_field) ? 'DATE' : strtoupper($index_field);
- $fields_a['DATE'] = 1;
- $fields_a['INTERNALDATE'] = 4;
- $fields_a['ARRIVAL'] = 4;
- $fields_a['FROM'] = 1;
- $fields_a['REPLY-TO'] = 1;
- $fields_a['SENDER'] = 1;
- $fields_a['TO'] = 1;
- $fields_a['CC'] = 1;
- $fields_a['SUBJECT'] = 1;
- $fields_a['UID'] = 2;
- $fields_a['SIZE'] = 2;
- $fields_a['SEEN'] = 3;
- $fields_a['RECENT'] = 3;
- $fields_a['DELETED'] = 3;
- if (!($mode = $fields_a[$index_field])) {
- return false;
- }
- /* Do "SELECT" command */
- if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
- return false;
- }
- // build FETCH command string
- $key = $this->nextTag();
- $cmd = $uidfetch ? 'UID FETCH' : 'FETCH';
- $deleted = $skip_deleted ? ' FLAGS' : '';
- if ($mode == 1 && $index_field == 'DATE')
- $request = " $cmd $message_set (INTERNALDATE BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (DATE)]$deleted)";
- else if ($mode == 1)
- $request = " $cmd $message_set (BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS ($index_field)]$deleted)";
- else if ($mode == 2) {
- if ($index_field == 'SIZE')
- $request = " $cmd $message_set (RFC822.SIZE$deleted)";
- else
- $request = " $cmd $message_set ($index_field$deleted)";
- } else if ($mode == 3)
- $request = " $cmd $message_set (FLAGS)";
- else // 4
- $request = " $cmd $message_set (INTERNALDATE$deleted)";
- $request = $key . $request;
- if (!$this->putLine($request)) {
+ if (is_array($message_set)) {
+ if (!($message_set = $this->compressMessageSet($message_set)))
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ list($from_idx, $to_idx) = explode(':', $message_set);
+ if (empty($message_set) ||
+ (isset($to_idx) && $to_idx != '*' && (int)$from_idx > (int)$to_idx)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ $index_field = empty($index_field) ? 'DATE' : strtoupper($index_field);
+ $fields_a['DATE'] = 1;
+ $fields_a['INTERNALDATE'] = 4;
+ $fields_a['ARRIVAL'] = 4;
+ $fields_a['FROM'] = 1;
+ $fields_a['REPLY-TO'] = 1;
+ $fields_a['SENDER'] = 1;
+ $fields_a['TO'] = 1;
+ $fields_a['CC'] = 1;
+ $fields_a['SUBJECT'] = 1;
+ $fields_a['UID'] = 2;
+ $fields_a['SIZE'] = 2;
+ $fields_a['SEEN'] = 3;
+ $fields_a['RECENT'] = 3;
+ $fields_a['DELETED'] = 3;
+ if (!($mode = $fields_a[$index_field])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Do "SELECT" command */
+ if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // build FETCH command string
+ $key = $this->nextTag();
+ $cmd = $uidfetch ? 'UID FETCH' : 'FETCH';
+ $deleted = $skip_deleted ? ' FLAGS' : '';
+ if ($mode == 1 && $index_field == 'DATE')
+ $request = " $cmd $message_set (INTERNALDATE BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (DATE)]$deleted)";
+ else if ($mode == 1)
+ $request = " $cmd $message_set (BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS ($index_field)]$deleted)";
+ else if ($mode == 2) {
+ if ($index_field == 'SIZE')
+ $request = " $cmd $message_set (RFC822.SIZE$deleted)";
+ else
+ $request = " $cmd $message_set ($index_field$deleted)";
+ } else if ($mode == 3)
+ $request = " $cmd $message_set (FLAGS)";
+ else // 4
+ $request = " $cmd $message_set (INTERNALDATE$deleted)";
+ $request = $key . $request;
+ if (!$this->putLine($request)) {
$this->setError(self::ERROR_COMMAND, "Unable to send command: $request");
- return false;
- }
- $result = array();
- do {
- $line = rtrim($this->readLine(200));
- $line = $this->multLine($line);
- if (preg_match('/^\* ([0-9]+) FETCH/', $line, $m)) {
- $id = $m[1];
- $flags = NULL;
- if ($skip_deleted && preg_match('/FLAGS \(([^)]+)\)/', $line, $matches)) {
- $flags = explode(' ', strtoupper($matches[1]));
- if (in_array('\\DELETED', $flags)) {
- $deleted[$id] = $id;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if ($mode == 1 && $index_field == 'DATE') {
- if (preg_match('/BODY\[HEADER\.FIELDS \("*DATE"*\)\] (.*)/', $line, $matches)) {
- $value = preg_replace(array('/^"*[a-z]+:/i'), '', $matches[1]);
- $value = trim($value);
- $result[$id] = $this->strToTime($value);
- }
- // non-existent/empty Date: header, use INTERNALDATE
- if (empty($result[$id])) {
- if (preg_match('/INTERNALDATE "([^"]+)"/', $line, $matches))
- $result[$id] = $this->strToTime($matches[1]);
- else
- $result[$id] = 0;
- }
- } else if ($mode == 1) {
- if (preg_match('/BODY\[HEADER\.FIELDS \("?(FROM|REPLY-TO|SENDER|TO|SUBJECT)"?\)\] (.*)/', $line, $matches)) {
- $value = preg_replace(array('/^"*[a-z]+:/i', '/\s+$/sm'), array('', ''), $matches[2]);
- $result[$id] = trim($value);
- } else {
- $result[$id] = '';
- }
- } else if ($mode == 2) {
- if (preg_match('/\((UID|RFC822\.SIZE) ([0-9]+)/', $line, $matches)) {
- $result[$id] = trim($matches[2]);
- } else {
- $result[$id] = 0;
- }
- } else if ($mode == 3) {
- if (!$flags && preg_match('/FLAGS \(([^)]+)\)/', $line, $matches)) {
- $flags = explode(' ', $matches[1]);
- }
- $result[$id] = in_array('\\'.$index_field, $flags) ? 1 : 0;
- } else if ($mode == 4) {
- if (preg_match('/INTERNALDATE "([^"]+)"/', $line, $matches)) {
- $result[$id] = $this->strToTime($matches[1]);
- } else {
- $result[$id] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true, true));
- return $result;
+ return false;
+ }
+ $result = array();
+ do {
+ $line = rtrim($this->readLine(200));
+ $line = $this->multLine($line);
+ if (preg_match('/^\* ([0-9]+) FETCH/', $line, $m)) {
+ $id = $m[1];
+ $flags = NULL;
+ if ($skip_deleted && preg_match('/FLAGS \(([^)]+)\)/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $flags = explode(' ', strtoupper($matches[1]));
+ if (in_array('\\DELETED', $flags)) {
+ $deleted[$id] = $id;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($mode == 1 && $index_field == 'DATE') {
+ if (preg_match('/BODY\[HEADER\.FIELDS \("*DATE"*\)\] (.*)/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $value = preg_replace(array('/^"*[a-z]+:/i'), '', $matches[1]);
+ $value = trim($value);
+ $result[$id] = $this->strToTime($value);
+ }
+ // non-existent/empty Date: header, use INTERNALDATE
+ if (empty($result[$id])) {
+ if (preg_match('/INTERNALDATE "([^"]+)"/', $line, $matches))
+ $result[$id] = $this->strToTime($matches[1]);
+ else
+ $result[$id] = 0;
+ }
+ } else if ($mode == 1) {
+ if (preg_match('/BODY\[HEADER\.FIELDS \("?(FROM|REPLY-TO|SENDER|TO|SUBJECT)"?\)\] (.*)/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $value = preg_replace(array('/^"*[a-z]+:/i', '/\s+$/sm'), array('', ''), $matches[2]);
+ $result[$id] = trim($value);
+ } else {
+ $result[$id] = '';
+ }
+ } else if ($mode == 2) {
+ if (preg_match('/\((UID|RFC822\.SIZE) ([0-9]+)/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $result[$id] = trim($matches[2]);
+ } else {
+ $result[$id] = 0;
+ }
+ } else if ($mode == 3) {
+ if (!$flags && preg_match('/FLAGS \(([^)]+)\)/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $flags = explode(' ', $matches[1]);
+ }
+ $result[$id] = in_array('\\'.$index_field, $flags) ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if ($mode == 4) {
+ if (preg_match('/INTERNALDATE "([^"]+)"/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $result[$id] = $this->strToTime($matches[1]);
+ } else {
+ $result[$id] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true, true));
+ return $result;
static function compressMessageSet($messages, $force=false)
- // given a comma delimited list of independent mid's,
- // compresses by grouping sequences together
+ // given a comma delimited list of independent mid's,
+ // compresses by grouping sequences together
if (!is_array($messages)) {
- // if less than 255 bytes long, let's not bother
- if (!$force && strlen($messages)<255) {
- return $messages;
- }
- // see if it's already been compressed
- if (strpos($messages, ':') !== false) {
- return $messages;
- }
+ // if less than 255 bytes long, let's not bother
+ if (!$force && strlen($messages)<255) {
+ return $messages;
+ }
+ // see if it's already been compressed
+ if (strpos($messages, ':') !== false) {
+ return $messages;
+ }
- // separate, then sort
- $messages = explode(',', $messages);
+ // separate, then sort
+ $messages = explode(',', $messages);
- sort($messages);
+ sort($messages);
- $result = array();
- $start = $prev = $messages[0];
- foreach ($messages as $id) {
- $incr = $id - $prev;
- if ($incr > 1) { //found a gap
- if ($start == $prev) {
- $result[] = $prev; //push single id
- } else {
- $result[] = $start . ':' . $prev; //push sequence as start_id:end_id
- }
- $start = $id; //start of new sequence
- }
- $prev = $id;
- }
+ $result = array();
+ $start = $prev = $messages[0];
+ foreach ($messages as $id) {
+ $incr = $id - $prev;
+ if ($incr > 1) { // found a gap
+ if ($start == $prev) {
+ $result[] = $prev; // push single id
+ } else {
+ $result[] = $start . ':' . $prev; // push sequence as start_id:end_id
+ }
+ $start = $id; // start of new sequence
+ }
+ $prev = $id;
+ }
- // handle the last sequence/id
- if ($start == $prev) {
- $result[] = $prev;
- } else {
- $result[] = $start.':'.$prev;
- }
+ // handle the last sequence/id
+ if ($start == $prev) {
+ $result[] = $prev;
+ } else {
+ $result[] = $start.':'.$prev;
+ }
- // return as comma separated string
- return implode(',', $result);
+ // return as comma separated string
+ return implode(',', $result);
static function uncompressMessageSet($messages)
- $result = array();
- $messages = explode(',', $messages);
+ $result = array();
+ $messages = explode(',', $messages);
foreach ($messages as $part) {
$items = explode(':', $part);
@@ -1196,13 +1362,13 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
function UID2ID($mailbox, $uid)
- if ($uid > 0) {
- $id_a = $this->search($mailbox, "UID $uid");
- if (is_array($id_a) && count($id_a) == 1) {
- return (int) $id_a[0];
- }
- }
- return null;
+ if ($uid > 0) {
+ $id_a = $this->search($mailbox, "UID $uid");
+ if (is_array($id_a) && count($id_a) == 1) {
+ return (int) $id_a[0];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
@@ -1216,417 +1382,408 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
function ID2UID($mailbox, $id)
- if (empty($id) || $id < 0) {
- return null;
- }
+ if (empty($id) || $id < 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
- if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
+ if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
return null;
list($code, $response) = $this->execute('FETCH', array($id, '(UID)'));
if ($code == self::ERROR_OK && preg_match("/^\* $id FETCH \(UID (.*)\)/i", $response, $m)) {
- return (int) $m[1];
+ return (int) $m[1];
- return null;
+ return null;
function fetchUIDs($mailbox, $message_set=null)
- if (is_array($message_set))
- $message_set = join(',', $message_set);
+ if (is_array($message_set))
+ $message_set = join(',', $message_set);
else if (empty($message_set))
- $message_set = '1:*';
+ $message_set = '1:*';
- return $this->fetchHeaderIndex($mailbox, $message_set, 'UID', false);
+ return $this->fetchHeaderIndex($mailbox, $message_set, 'UID', false);
function fetchHeaders($mailbox, $message_set, $uidfetch=false, $bodystr=false, $add='')
- $result = array();
+ $result = array();
- if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- $message_set = $this->compressMessageSet($message_set);
+ $message_set = $this->compressMessageSet($message_set);
- if ($add)
- $add = ' '.trim($add);
+ if ($add)
+ $add = ' '.trim($add);
- /* FETCH uid, size, flags and headers */
- $key = $this->nextTag();
- $request = $key . ($uidfetch ? ' UID' : '') . " FETCH $message_set ";
- if ($bodystr)
- $request .= "BODYSTRUCTURE ";
+ /* FETCH uid, size, flags and headers */
+ $key = $this->nextTag();
+ $request = $key . ($uidfetch ? ' UID' : '') . " FETCH $message_set ";
+ if ($bodystr)
+ $request .= "BODYSTRUCTURE ";
- if (!$this->putLine($request)) {
+ if (!$this->putLine($request)) {
$this->setError(self::ERROR_COMMAND, "Unable to send command: $request");
- return false;
- }
- do {
- $line = $this->readLine(4096);
- $line = $this->multLine($line);
+ return false;
+ }
+ do {
+ $line = $this->readLine(4096);
+ $line = $this->multLine($line);
if (!$line)
- if (preg_match('/^\* ([0-9]+) FETCH/', $line, $m)) {
- $id = intval($m[1]);
- $result[$id] = new rcube_mail_header;
- $result[$id]->id = $id;
- $result[$id]->subject = '';
- $result[$id]->messageID = 'mid:' . $id;
- $lines = array();
- $ln = 0;
- // Sample reply line:
- // * 321 FETCH (UID 2417 RFC822.SIZE 2730 FLAGS (\Seen)
- // INTERNALDATE "16-Nov-2008 21:08:46 +0100" BODYSTRUCTURE (...)
- if (preg_match('/^\* [0-9]+ FETCH \((.*) BODY/s', $line, $matches)) {
- $str = $matches[1];
- // swap parents with quotes, then explode
- $str = preg_replace('/[()]/', '"', $str);
- $a = rcube_explode_quoted_string(' ', $str);
- // did we get the right number of replies?
- $parts_count = count($a);
- if ($parts_count>=6) {
- for ($i=0; $i<$parts_count; $i=$i+2) {
- if ($a[$i] == 'UID')
- $result[$id]->uid = intval($a[$i+1]);
- else if ($a[$i] == 'RFC822.SIZE')
- $result[$id]->size = intval($a[$i+1]);
- else if ($a[$i] == 'INTERNALDATE')
- $time_str = $a[$i+1];
- else if ($a[$i] == 'FLAGS')
- $flags_str = $a[$i+1];
- }
- $time_str = str_replace('"', '', $time_str);
- // if time is gmt...
- $time_str = str_replace('GMT','+0000',$time_str);
- $result[$id]->internaldate = $time_str;
- $result[$id]->timestamp = $this->StrToTime($time_str);
- $result[$id]->date = $time_str;
- }
- if($bodystr) {
- while (!preg_match('/ BODYSTRUCTURE (.*) BODY\[HEADER.FIELDS/s', $line, $m)) {
- $line2 = $this->readLine(1024);
- $line .= $this->multLine($line2, true);
- }
- $result[$id]->body_structure = $m[1];
- }
- // the rest of the result
- preg_match('/ BODY\[HEADER.FIELDS \(.*?\)\]\s*(.*)$/s', $line, $m);
- $reslines = explode("\n", trim($m[1], '"'));
- // re-parse (see below)
- foreach ($reslines as $resln) {
- if (ord($resln[0])<=32) {
- $lines[$ln] .= (empty($lines[$ln])?'':"\n").trim($resln);
- } else {
- $lines[++$ln] = trim($resln);
- }
- }
- }
- // Start parsing headers. The problem is, some header "lines" take up multiple lines.
- // So, we'll read ahead, and if the one we're reading now is a valid header, we'll
- // process the previous line. Otherwise, we'll keep adding the strings until we come
- // to the next valid header line.
- do {
- $line = rtrim($this->readLine(300), "\r\n");
- // The preg_match below works around communigate imap, which outputs " UID <number>)".
- // Without this, the while statement continues on and gets the "FH0 OK completed" message.
- // If this loop gets the ending message, then the outer loop does not receive it from radline on line 1249.
- // This in causes the if statement on line 1278 to never be true, which causes the headers to end up missing
- // If the if statement was changed to pick up the fh0 from this loop, then it causes the outer loop to spin
- // An alternative might be:
- // if (!preg_match("/:/",$line) && preg_match("/\)$/",$line)) break;
- // however, unsure how well this would work with all imap clients.
- if (preg_match("/^\s*UID [0-9]+\)$/", $line)) {
- break;
- }
- // handle FLAGS reply after headers (AOL, Zimbra?)
- if (preg_match('/\s+FLAGS \((.*)\)\)$/', $line, $matches)) {
- $flags_str = $matches[1];
- break;
- }
- if (ord($line[0])<=32) {
- $lines[$ln] .= (empty($lines[$ln])?'':"\n").trim($line);
- } else {
- $lines[++$ln] = trim($line);
- }
- // patch from "Maksim Rubis" <>
- } while ($line[0] != ')' && !$this->startsWith($line, $key, true));
- if (strncmp($line, $key, strlen($key))) {
- // process header, fill rcube_mail_header obj.
- // initialize
- if (is_array($headers)) {
- reset($headers);
- while (list($k, $bar) = each($headers)) {
- $headers[$k] = '';
- }
- }
- // create array with header field:data
- while ( list($lines_key, $str) = each($lines) ) {
- list($field, $string) = $this->splitHeaderLine($str);
- $field = strtolower($field);
- $string = preg_replace('/\n\s*/', ' ', $string);
- switch ($field) {
- case 'date';
- $result[$id]->date = $string;
- $result[$id]->timestamp = $this->strToTime($string);
- break;
- case 'from':
- $result[$id]->from = $string;
- break;
- case 'to':
- $result[$id]->to = preg_replace('/undisclosed-recipients:[;,]*/', '', $string);
- break;
- case 'subject':
- $result[$id]->subject = $string;
- break;
- case 'reply-to':
- $result[$id]->replyto = $string;
- break;
- case 'cc':
- $result[$id]->cc = $string;
- break;
- case 'bcc':
- $result[$id]->bcc = $string;
- break;
- case 'content-transfer-encoding':
- $result[$id]->encoding = $string;
- break;
- case 'content-type':
- $ctype_parts = preg_split('/[; ]/', $string);
- $result[$id]->ctype = array_shift($ctype_parts);
- if (preg_match('/charset\s*=\s*"?([a-z0-9\-\.\_]+)"?/i', $string, $regs)) {
- $result[$id]->charset = $regs[1];
- }
- break;
- case 'in-reply-to':
- $result[$id]->in_reply_to = str_replace(array("\n", '<', '>'), '', $string);
- break;
- case 'references':
- $result[$id]->references = $string;
- break;
- case 'return-receipt-to':
- case 'disposition-notification-to':
- case 'x-confirm-reading-to':
- $result[$id]->mdn_to = $string;
- break;
- case 'message-id':
- $result[$id]->messageID = $string;
- break;
- case 'x-priority':
- if (preg_match('/^(\d+)/', $string, $matches))
- $result[$id]->priority = intval($matches[1]);
- break;
- default:
- if (strlen($field) > 2)
- $result[$id]->others[$field] = $string;
- break;
- } // end switch ()
- } // end while ()
- }
- // process flags
- if (!empty($flags_str)) {
- $flags_str = preg_replace('/[\\\"]/', '', $flags_str);
- $flags_a = explode(' ', $flags_str);
- if (is_array($flags_a)) {
- foreach($flags_a as $flag) {
- $flag = strtoupper($flag);
- if ($flag == 'SEEN') {
- $result[$id]->seen = true;
- } else if ($flag == 'DELETED') {
- $result[$id]->deleted = true;
- } else if ($flag == 'RECENT') {
- $result[$id]->recent = true;
- } else if ($flag == 'ANSWERED') {
- $result[$id]->answered = true;
- } else if ($flag == '$FORWARDED') {
- $result[$id]->forwarded = true;
- } else if ($flag == 'DRAFT') {
- $result[$id]->is_draft = true;
- } else if ($flag == '$MDNSENT') {
- $result[$id]->mdn_sent = true;
- } else if ($flag == 'FLAGGED') {
- $result[$id]->flagged = true;
- }
- }
- $result[$id]->flags = $flags_a;
- }
- }
- }
- } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true));
- return $result;
+ if (preg_match('/^\* ([0-9]+) FETCH/', $line, $m)) {
+ $id = intval($m[1]);
+ $result[$id] = new rcube_mail_header;
+ $result[$id]->id = $id;
+ $result[$id]->subject = '';
+ $result[$id]->messageID = 'mid:' . $id;
+ $lines = array();
+ $ln = 0;
+ // Sample reply line:
+ // * 321 FETCH (UID 2417 RFC822.SIZE 2730 FLAGS (\Seen)
+ // INTERNALDATE "16-Nov-2008 21:08:46 +0100" BODYSTRUCTURE (...)
+ if (preg_match('/^\* [0-9]+ FETCH \((.*) BODY/s', $line, $matches)) {
+ $str = $matches[1];
+ // swap parents with quotes, then explode
+ $str = preg_replace('/[()]/', '"', $str);
+ $a = rcube_explode_quoted_string(' ', $str);
+ // did we get the right number of replies?
+ $parts_count = count($a);
+ if ($parts_count>=6) {
+ for ($i=0; $i<$parts_count; $i=$i+2) {
+ if ($a[$i] == 'UID') {
+ $result[$id]->uid = intval($a[$i+1]);
+ }
+ else if ($a[$i] == 'RFC822.SIZE') {
+ $result[$id]->size = intval($a[$i+1]);
+ }
+ else if ($a[$i] == 'INTERNALDATE') {
+ $time_str = $a[$i+1];
+ }
+ else if ($a[$i] == 'FLAGS') {
+ $flags_str = $a[$i+1];
+ }
+ }
+ $time_str = str_replace('"', '', $time_str);
+ // if time is gmt...
+ $time_str = str_replace('GMT','+0000',$time_str);
+ $result[$id]->internaldate = $time_str;
+ $result[$id]->timestamp = $this->StrToTime($time_str);
+ $result[$id]->date = $time_str;
+ }
+ if ($bodystr) {
+ while (!preg_match('/ BODYSTRUCTURE (.*) BODY\[HEADER.FIELDS/s', $line, $m)) {
+ $line2 = $this->readLine(1024);
+ $line .= $this->multLine($line2, true);
+ }
+ $result[$id]->body_structure = $m[1];
+ }
+ // the rest of the result
+ if (preg_match('/ BODY\[HEADER.FIELDS \(.*?\)\]\s*(.*)$/s', $line, $m)) {
+ $reslines = explode("\n", trim($m[1], '"'));
+ // re-parse (see below)
+ foreach ($reslines as $resln) {
+ if (ord($resln[0])<=32) {
+ $lines[$ln] .= (empty($lines[$ln])?'':"\n").trim($resln);
+ } else {
+ $lines[++$ln] = trim($resln);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Start parsing headers. The problem is, some header "lines" take up multiple lines.
+ // So, we'll read ahead, and if the one we're reading now is a valid header, we'll
+ // process the previous line. Otherwise, we'll keep adding the strings until we come
+ // to the next valid header line.
+ do {
+ $line = rtrim($this->readLine(300), "\r\n");
+ // The preg_match below works around communigate imap, which outputs " UID <number>)".
+ // Without this, the while statement continues on and gets the "FH0 OK completed" message.
+ // If this loop gets the ending message, then the outer loop does not receive it from radline on line 1249.
+ // This in causes the if statement on line 1278 to never be true, which causes the headers to end up missing
+ // If the if statement was changed to pick up the fh0 from this loop, then it causes the outer loop to spin
+ // An alternative might be:
+ // if (!preg_match("/:/",$line) && preg_match("/\)$/",$line)) break;
+ // however, unsure how well this would work with all imap clients.
+ if (preg_match("/^\s*UID [0-9]+\)$/", $line)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // handle FLAGS reply after headers (AOL, Zimbra?)
+ if (preg_match('/\s+FLAGS \((.*)\)\)$/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $flags_str = $matches[1];
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ord($line[0])<=32) {
+ $lines[$ln] .= (empty($lines[$ln])?'':"\n").trim($line);
+ } else {
+ $lines[++$ln] = trim($line);
+ }
+ // patch from "Maksim Rubis" <>
+ } while ($line[0] != ')' && !$this->startsWith($line, $key, true));
+ if (strncmp($line, $key, strlen($key))) {
+ // process header, fill rcube_mail_header obj.
+ // initialize
+ if (is_array($headers)) {
+ reset($headers);
+ while (list($k, $bar) = each($headers)) {
+ $headers[$k] = '';
+ }
+ }
+ // create array with header field:data
+ while (list($lines_key, $str) = each($lines)) {
+ list($field, $string) = $this->splitHeaderLine($str);
+ $field = strtolower($field);
+ $string = preg_replace('/\n\s*/', ' ', $string);
+ switch ($field) {
+ case 'date';
+ $result[$id]->date = $string;
+ $result[$id]->timestamp = $this->strToTime($string);
+ break;
+ case 'from':
+ $result[$id]->from = $string;
+ break;
+ case 'to':
+ $result[$id]->to = preg_replace('/undisclosed-recipients:[;,]*/', '', $string);
+ break;
+ case 'subject':
+ $result[$id]->subject = $string;
+ break;
+ case 'reply-to':
+ $result[$id]->replyto = $string;
+ break;
+ case 'cc':
+ $result[$id]->cc = $string;
+ break;
+ case 'bcc':
+ $result[$id]->bcc = $string;
+ break;
+ case 'content-transfer-encoding':
+ $result[$id]->encoding = $string;
+ break;
+ case 'content-type':
+ $ctype_parts = preg_split('/[; ]/', $string);
+ $result[$id]->ctype = array_shift($ctype_parts);
+ if (preg_match('/charset\s*=\s*"?([a-z0-9\-\.\_]+)"?/i', $string, $regs)) {
+ $result[$id]->charset = $regs[1];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'in-reply-to':
+ $result[$id]->in_reply_to = str_replace(array("\n", '<', '>'), '', $string);
+ break;
+ case 'references':
+ $result[$id]->references = $string;
+ break;
+ case 'return-receipt-to':
+ case 'disposition-notification-to':
+ case 'x-confirm-reading-to':
+ $result[$id]->mdn_to = $string;
+ break;
+ case 'message-id':
+ $result[$id]->messageID = $string;
+ break;
+ case 'x-priority':
+ if (preg_match('/^(\d+)/', $string, $matches)) {
+ $result[$id]->priority = intval($matches[1]);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (strlen($field) > 2) {
+ $result[$id]->others[$field] = $string;
+ }
+ break;
+ } // end switch ()
+ } // end while ()
+ }
+ // process flags
+ if (!empty($flags_str)) {
+ $flags_str = preg_replace('/[\\\"]/', '', $flags_str);
+ $flags_a = explode(' ', $flags_str);
+ if (is_array($flags_a)) {
+ foreach($flags_a as $flag) {
+ $flag = strtoupper($flag);
+ if ($flag == 'SEEN') {
+ $result[$id]->seen = true;
+ } else if ($flag == 'DELETED') {
+ $result[$id]->deleted = true;
+ } else if ($flag == 'RECENT') {
+ $result[$id]->recent = true;
+ } else if ($flag == 'ANSWERED') {
+ $result[$id]->answered = true;
+ } else if ($flag == '$FORWARDED') {
+ $result[$id]->forwarded = true;
+ } else if ($flag == 'DRAFT') {
+ $result[$id]->is_draft = true;
+ } else if ($flag == '$MDNSENT') {
+ $result[$id]->mdn_sent = true;
+ } else if ($flag == 'FLAGGED') {
+ $result[$id]->flagged = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $result[$id]->flags = $flags_a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true));
+ return $result;
function fetchHeader($mailbox, $id, $uidfetch=false, $bodystr=false, $add='')
- $a = $this->fetchHeaders($mailbox, $id, $uidfetch, $bodystr, $add);
- if (is_array($a)) {
- return array_shift($a);
- }
- return false;
+ $a = $this->fetchHeaders($mailbox, $id, $uidfetch, $bodystr, $add);
+ if (is_array($a)) {
+ return array_shift($a);
+ }
+ return false;
function sortHeaders($a, $field, $flag)
- if (empty($field)) {
- $field = 'uid';
- }
+ if (empty($field)) {
+ $field = 'uid';
+ }
else {
- $field = strtolower($field);
- }
- if ($field == 'date' || $field == 'internaldate') {
- $field = 'timestamp';
- }
- if (empty($flag)) {
- $flag = 'ASC';
- } else {
- $flag = strtoupper($flag);
- }
- $c = count($a);
- if ($c > 0) {
- // Strategy:
- // First, we'll create an "index" array.
- // Then, we'll use sort() on that array,
- // and use that to sort the main array.
- // create "index" array
- $index = array();
- reset($a);
- while (list($key, $val) = each($a)) {
- if ($field == 'timestamp') {
- $data = $this->strToTime($val->date);
- if (!$data) {
- $data = $val->timestamp;
- }
- } else {
- $data = $val->$field;
- if (is_string($data)) {
- $data = str_replace('"', '', $data);
- if ($field == 'subject') {
- $data = preg_replace('/^(Re: \s*|Fwd:\s*|Fw:\s*)+/i', '', $data);
- }
- $data = strtoupper($data);
- }
- }
- $index[$key] = $data;
- }
- // sort index
- if ($flag == 'ASC') {
- asort($index);
- } else {
- arsort($index);
- }
- // form new array based on index
- $result = array();
- reset($index);
- while (list($key, $val) = each($index)) {
- $result[$key] = $a[$key];
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }
+ $field = strtolower($field);
+ }
- function expunge($mailbox, $messages=NULL)
- {
- if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
- return false;
+ if ($field == 'date' || $field == 'internaldate') {
+ $field = 'timestamp';
- // Clear internal status cache
- unset($this->data['STATUS:'.$mailbox]);
+ if (empty($flag)) {
+ $flag = 'ASC';
+ } else {
+ $flag = strtoupper($flag);
+ }
- if ($messages)
- $result = $this->execute('UID EXPUNGE', array($messages), self::COMMAND_NORESPONSE);
- else
- $result = $this->execute('EXPUNGE', null, self::COMMAND_NORESPONSE);
+ $c = count($a);
+ if ($c > 0) {
+ // Strategy:
+ // First, we'll create an "index" array.
+ // Then, we'll use sort() on that array,
+ // and use that to sort the main array.
- if ($result == self::ERROR_OK) {
- $this->selected = ''; // state has changed, need to reselect
- return true;
- }
+ // create "index" array
+ $index = array();
+ reset($a);
+ while (list($key, $val) = each($a)) {
+ if ($field == 'timestamp') {
+ $data = $this->strToTime($val->date);
+ if (!$data) {
+ $data = $val->timestamp;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $data = $val->$field;
+ if (is_string($data)) {
+ $data = str_replace('"', '', $data);
+ if ($field == 'subject') {
+ $data = preg_replace('/^(Re: \s*|Fwd:\s*|Fw:\s*)+/i', '', $data);
+ }
+ $data = strtoupper($data);
+ }
+ }
+ $index[$key] = $data;
+ }
+ // sort index
+ if ($flag == 'ASC') {
+ asort($index);
+ } else {
+ arsort($index);
+ }
+ // form new array based on index
+ $result = array();
+ reset($index);
+ while (list($key, $val) = each($index)) {
+ $result[$key] = $a[$key];
+ }
+ }
- return false;
+ return $result;
function modFlag($mailbox, $messages, $flag, $mod)
- if ($mod != '+' && $mod != '-') {
+ if ($mod != '+' && $mod != '-') {
$mod = '+';
- }
+ }
+ if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$this->data['READ-WRITE']) {
+ $this->setError(self::ERROR_READONLY, "Mailbox is read-only", 'STORE');
+ return false;
+ }
// Clear internal status cache
if ($flag == 'SEEN') {
- $flag = $this->flags[strtoupper($flag)];
+ $flag = $this->flags[strtoupper($flag)];
$result = $this->execute('UID STORE', array(
$this->compressMessageSet($messages), $mod . 'FLAGS.SILENT', "($flag)"),
- return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
+ return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
function flag($mailbox, $messages, $flag) {
- return $this->modFlag($mailbox, $messages, $flag, '+');
+ return $this->modFlag($mailbox, $messages, $flag, '+');
function unflag($mailbox, $messages, $flag) {
- return $this->modFlag($mailbox, $messages, $flag, '-');
+ return $this->modFlag($mailbox, $messages, $flag, '-');
function delete($mailbox, $messages) {
- return $this->modFlag($mailbox, $messages, 'DELETED', '+');
+ return $this->modFlag($mailbox, $messages, 'DELETED', '+');
function copy($messages, $from, $to)
- if (!$this->select($from)) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$this->select($from)) {
+ return false;
+ }
// Clear internal status cache
@@ -1635,11 +1792,20 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$this->compressMessageSet($messages), $this->escape($to)),
- return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
+ return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
function move($messages, $from, $to)
+ if (!$this->select($from)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$this->data['READ-WRITE']) {
+ $this->setError(self::ERROR_READONLY, "Mailbox is read-only", 'STORE');
+ return false;
+ }
$r = $this->copy($messages, $from, $to);
if ($r) {
@@ -1656,76 +1822,76 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
private function parseThread($str, $begin, $end, $root, $parent, $depth, &$depthmap, &$haschildren)
- $node = array();
- if ($str[$begin] != '(') {
- $stop = $begin + strspn($str, '1234567890', $begin, $end - $begin);
- $msg = substr($str, $begin, $stop - $begin);
- if ($msg == 0)
- return $node;
- if (is_null($root))
- $root = $msg;
- $depthmap[$msg] = $depth;
- $haschildren[$msg] = false;
- if (!is_null($parent))
- $haschildren[$parent] = true;
- if ($stop + 1 < $end)
- $node[$msg] = $this->parseThread($str, $stop + 1, $end, $root, $msg, $depth + 1, $depthmap, $haschildren);
- else
- $node[$msg] = array();
- } else {
- $off = $begin;
- while ($off < $end) {
- $start = $off;
- $off++;
- $n = 1;
- while ($n > 0) {
- $p = strpos($str, ')', $off);
- if ($p === false) {
- error_log('Mismatched brackets parsing IMAP THREAD response:');
- error_log(substr($str, ($begin < 10) ? 0 : ($begin - 10), $end - $begin + 20));
- error_log(str_repeat(' ', $off - (($begin < 10) ? 0 : ($begin - 10))));
- return $node;
- }
- $p1 = strpos($str, '(', $off);
- if ($p1 !== false && $p1 < $p) {
- $off = $p1 + 1;
- $n++;
- } else {
- $off = $p + 1;
- $n--;
- }
- }
- $node += $this->parseThread($str, $start + 1, $off - 1, $root, $parent, $depth, $depthmap, $haschildren);
- }
- }
- return $node;
+ $node = array();
+ if ($str[$begin] != '(') {
+ $stop = $begin + strspn($str, '1234567890', $begin, $end - $begin);
+ $msg = substr($str, $begin, $stop - $begin);
+ if ($msg == 0)
+ return $node;
+ if (is_null($root))
+ $root = $msg;
+ $depthmap[$msg] = $depth;
+ $haschildren[$msg] = false;
+ if (!is_null($parent))
+ $haschildren[$parent] = true;
+ if ($stop + 1 < $end)
+ $node[$msg] = $this->parseThread($str, $stop + 1, $end, $root, $msg, $depth + 1, $depthmap, $haschildren);
+ else
+ $node[$msg] = array();
+ } else {
+ $off = $begin;
+ while ($off < $end) {
+ $start = $off;
+ $off++;
+ $n = 1;
+ while ($n > 0) {
+ $p = strpos($str, ')', $off);
+ if ($p === false) {
+ error_log("Mismatched brackets parsing IMAP THREAD response:");
+ error_log(substr($str, ($begin < 10) ? 0 : ($begin - 10), $end - $begin + 20));
+ error_log(str_repeat(' ', $off - (($begin < 10) ? 0 : ($begin - 10))));
+ return $node;
+ }
+ $p1 = strpos($str, '(', $off);
+ if ($p1 !== false && $p1 < $p) {
+ $off = $p1 + 1;
+ $n++;
+ } else {
+ $off = $p + 1;
+ $n--;
+ }
+ }
+ $node += $this->parseThread($str, $start + 1, $off - 1, $root, $parent, $depth, $depthmap, $haschildren);
+ }
+ }
+ return $node;
function thread($mailbox, $algorithm='REFERENCES', $criteria='', $encoding='US-ASCII')
$old_sel = $this->selected;
- if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
+ return false;
+ }
// return empty result when folder is empty and we're just after SELECT
if ($old_sel != $mailbox && !$this->data['EXISTS']) {
return array(array(), array(), array());
- }
+ }
- $encoding = $encoding ? trim($encoding) : 'US-ASCII';
- $algorithm = $algorithm ? trim($algorithm) : 'REFERENCES';
- $criteria = $criteria ? 'ALL '.trim($criteria) : 'ALL';
+ $encoding = $encoding ? trim($encoding) : 'US-ASCII';
+ $algorithm = $algorithm ? trim($algorithm) : 'REFERENCES';
+ $criteria = $criteria ? 'ALL '.trim($criteria) : 'ALL';
$data = '';
list($code, $response) = $this->execute('THREAD', array(
$algorithm, $encoding, $criteria));
- if ($code == self::ERROR_OK && preg_match('/^\* THREAD /i', $response)) {
- // remove prefix and \r\n from raw response
- $response = str_replace("\r\n", '', substr($response, 9));
+ if ($code == self::ERROR_OK && preg_match('/^\* THREAD /i', $response)) {
+ // remove prefix and \r\n from raw response
+ $response = str_replace("\r\n", '', substr($response, 9));
$depthmap = array();
$haschildren = array();
@@ -1733,9 +1899,9 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
null, null, 0, $depthmap, $haschildren);
return array($tree, $depthmap, $haschildren);
- }
+ }
- return false;
+ return false;
@@ -1752,9 +1918,9 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$old_sel = $this->selected;
- if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
+ return false;
+ }
// return empty result when folder is empty and we're just after SELECT
if ($old_sel != $mailbox && !$this->data['EXISTS']) {
@@ -1762,7 +1928,7 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
return array_combine($items, array_fill(0, count($items), 0));
return array();
- }
+ }
$esearch = empty($items) ? false : $this->getCapability('ESEARCH');
$criteria = trim($criteria);
@@ -1779,13 +1945,13 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$params .= 'ALL';
- list($code, $response) = $this->execute($return_uid ? 'UID SEARCH' : 'SEARCH',
- array($params));
+ list($code, $response) = $this->execute($return_uid ? 'UID SEARCH' : 'SEARCH',
+ array($params));
- if ($code == self::ERROR_OK) {
- // remove prefix and \r\n from raw response
+ if ($code == self::ERROR_OK) {
+ // remove prefix and \r\n from raw response
$response = substr($response, $esearch ? 10 : 9);
- $response = str_replace("\r\n", '', $response);
+ $response = str_replace("\r\n", '', $response);
if ($esearch) {
// Skip prefix: ... (TAG "A285") UID ...
@@ -1803,29 +1969,33 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
return $result;
- else {
+ else {
$response = preg_split('/\s+/', $response, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (!empty($items)) {
$result = array();
- if (in_array('COUNT', $items))
+ if (in_array('COUNT', $items)) {
$result['COUNT'] = count($response);
- if (in_array('MIN', $items))
+ }
+ if (in_array('MIN', $items)) {
$result['MIN'] = !empty($response) ? min($response) : 0;
- if (in_array('MAX', $items))
+ }
+ if (in_array('MAX', $items)) {
$result['MAX'] = !empty($response) ? max($response) : 0;
- if (in_array('ALL', $items))
+ }
+ if (in_array('ALL', $items)) {
$result['ALL'] = $this->compressMessageSet($response, true);
+ }
return $result;
else {
return $response;
- }
+ }
- return false;
+ return false;
@@ -1879,9 +2049,9 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
private function _listMailboxes($ref, $mailbox, $subscribed=false,
$status_opts=array(), $select_opts=array())
- if (!strlen($mailbox)) {
- $mailbox = '*';
- }
+ if (!strlen($mailbox)) {
+ $mailbox = '*';
+ }
$args = array();
@@ -1913,7 +2083,7 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
// Add to result array
if (!$lstatus) {
- $folders[] = $mailbox;
+ $folders[] = $mailbox;
else {
$folders[$mailbox] = array();
@@ -1937,406 +2107,378 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$folders[$mailbox][$name] = $value;
- }
+ }
return $folders;
- return false;
+ return false;
function fetchMIMEHeaders($mailbox, $id, $parts, $mime=true)
- if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- $result = false;
- $parts = (array) $parts;
- $key = $this->nextTag();
- $peeks = '';
- $idx = 0;
+ $result = false;
+ $parts = (array) $parts;
+ $key = $this->nextTag();
+ $peeks = '';
+ $idx = 0;
$type = $mime ? 'MIME' : 'HEADER';
- // format request
- foreach($parts as $part)
- $peeks[] = "BODY.PEEK[$part.$type]";
+ // format request
+ foreach($parts as $part) {
+ $peeks[] = "BODY.PEEK[$part.$type]";
+ }
- $request = "$key FETCH $id (" . implode(' ', $peeks) . ')';
+ $request = "$key FETCH $id (" . implode(' ', $peeks) . ')';
- // send request
- if (!$this->putLine($request)) {
+ // send request
+ if (!$this->putLine($request)) {
$this->setError(self::ERROR_COMMAND, "Unable to send command: $request");
- return false;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
- do {
- $line = $this->readLine(1024);
- $line = $this->multLine($line);
+ do {
+ $line = $this->readLine(1024);
+ $line = $this->multLine($line);
- if (preg_match('/BODY\[([0-9\.]+)\.'.$type.'\]/', $line, $matches)) {
- $idx = $matches[1];
- $result[$idx] = preg_replace('/^(\* '.$id.' FETCH \()?\s*BODY\['.$idx.'\.'.$type.'\]\s+/', '', $line);
- $result[$idx] = trim($result[$idx], '"');
- $result[$idx] = rtrim($result[$idx], "\t\r\n\0\x0B");
- }
- } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true));
+ if (preg_match('/BODY\[([0-9\.]+)\.'.$type.'\]/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $idx = $matches[1];
+ $result[$idx] = preg_replace('/^(\* '.$id.' FETCH \()?\s*BODY\['.$idx.'\.'.$type.'\]\s+/', '', $line);
+ $result[$idx] = trim($result[$idx], '"');
+ $result[$idx] = rtrim($result[$idx], "\t\r\n\0\x0B");
+ }
+ } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true));
- return $result;
+ return $result;
function fetchPartHeader($mailbox, $id, $is_uid=false, $part=NULL)
- $part = empty($part) ? 'HEADER' : $part.'.MIME';
+ $part = empty($part) ? 'HEADER' : $part.'.MIME';
return $this->handlePartBody($mailbox, $id, $is_uid, $part);
function handlePartBody($mailbox, $id, $is_uid=false, $part='', $encoding=NULL, $print=NULL, $file=NULL)
- if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
+ if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
return false;
- switch ($encoding) {
- case 'base64':
- $mode = 1;
- break;
- case 'quoted-printable':
- $mode = 2;
- break;
- case 'x-uuencode':
- case 'x-uue':
- case 'uue':
- case 'uuencode':
- $mode = 3;
- break;
- default:
- $mode = 0;
- }
- // format request
- $reply_key = '* ' . $id;
- $key = $this->nextTag();
- $request = $key . ($is_uid ? ' UID' : '') . " FETCH $id (BODY.PEEK[$part])";
- // send request
- if (!$this->putLine($request)) {
+ switch ($encoding) {
+ case 'base64':
+ $mode = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'quoted-printable':
+ $mode = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'x-uuencode':
+ case 'x-uue':
+ case 'uue':
+ case 'uuencode':
+ $mode = 3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $mode = 0;
+ }
+ // format request
+ $reply_key = '* ' . $id;
+ $key = $this->nextTag();
+ $request = $key . ($is_uid ? ' UID' : '') . " FETCH $id (BODY.PEEK[$part])";
+ // send request
+ if (!$this->putLine($request)) {
$this->setError(self::ERROR_COMMAND, "Unable to send command: $request");
- return false;
- }
- // receive reply line
- do {
- $line = rtrim($this->readLine(1024));
- $a = explode(' ', $line);
- } while (!($end = $this->startsWith($line, $key, true)) && $a[2] != 'FETCH');
- $len = strlen($line);
- $result = false;
- // handle empty "* X FETCH ()" response
- if ($line[$len-1] == ')' && $line[$len-2] != '(') {
- // one line response, get everything between first and last quotes
- if (substr($line, -4, 3) == 'NIL') {
- // NIL response
- $result = '';
- } else {
- $from = strpos($line, '"') + 1;
- $to = strrpos($line, '"');
- $len = $to - $from;
- $result = substr($line, $from, $len);
- }
- if ($mode == 1)
- $result = base64_decode($result);
- else if ($mode == 2)
- $result = quoted_printable_decode($result);
- else if ($mode == 3)
- $result = convert_uudecode($result);
- } else if ($line[$len-1] == '}') {
- // multi-line request, find sizes of content and receive that many bytes
- $from = strpos($line, '{') + 1;
- $to = strrpos($line, '}');
- $len = $to - $from;
- $sizeStr = substr($line, $from, $len);
- $bytes = (int)$sizeStr;
- $prev = '';
- while ($bytes > 0) {
- $line = $this->readLine(4096);
- if ($line === NULL)
- break;
- $len = strlen($line);
- if ($len > $bytes) {
- $line = substr($line, 0, $bytes);
- $len = strlen($line);
- }
- $bytes -= $len;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // receive reply line
+ do {
+ $line = rtrim($this->readLine(1024));
+ $a = explode(' ', $line);
+ } while (!($end = $this->startsWith($line, $key, true)) && $a[2] != 'FETCH');
+ $len = strlen($line);
+ $result = false;
+ // handle empty "* X FETCH ()" response
+ if ($line[$len-1] == ')' && $line[$len-2] != '(') {
+ // one line response, get everything between first and last quotes
+ if (substr($line, -4, 3) == 'NIL') {
+ // NIL response
+ $result = '';
+ } else {
+ $from = strpos($line, '"') + 1;
+ $to = strrpos($line, '"');
+ $len = $to - $from;
+ $result = substr($line, $from, $len);
+ }
+ if ($mode == 1) {
+ $result = base64_decode($result);
+ }
+ else if ($mode == 2) {
+ $result = quoted_printable_decode($result);
+ }
+ else if ($mode == 3) {
+ $result = convert_uudecode($result);
+ }
+ } else if ($line[$len-1] == '}') {
+ // multi-line request, find sizes of content and receive that many bytes
+ $from = strpos($line, '{') + 1;
+ $to = strrpos($line, '}');
+ $len = $to - $from;
+ $sizeStr = substr($line, $from, $len);
+ $bytes = (int)$sizeStr;
+ $prev = '';
+ while ($bytes > 0) {
+ $line = $this->readLine(4096);
+ if ($line === NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $len = strlen($line);
+ if ($len > $bytes) {
+ $line = substr($line, 0, $bytes);
+ $len = strlen($line);
+ }
+ $bytes -= $len;
// BASE64
- if ($mode == 1) {
- $line = rtrim($line, "\t\r\n\0\x0B");
- // create chunks with proper length for base64 decoding
- $line = $prev.$line;
- $length = strlen($line);
- if ($length % 4) {
- $length = floor($length / 4) * 4;
- $prev = substr($line, $length);
- $line = substr($line, 0, $length);
- }
- else
- $prev = '';
- $line = base64_decode($line);
+ if ($mode == 1) {
+ $line = rtrim($line, "\t\r\n\0\x0B");
+ // create chunks with proper length for base64 decoding
+ $line = $prev.$line;
+ $length = strlen($line);
+ if ($length % 4) {
+ $length = floor($length / 4) * 4;
+ $prev = substr($line, $length);
+ $line = substr($line, 0, $length);
+ }
+ else
+ $prev = '';
+ $line = base64_decode($line);
- } else if ($mode == 2) {
- $line = rtrim($line, "\t\r\0\x0B");
+ } else if ($mode == 2) {
+ $line = rtrim($line, "\t\r\0\x0B");
$line = quoted_printable_decode($line);
// Remove NULL characters (#1486189)
$line = str_replace("\x00", '', $line);
- } else if ($mode == 3) {
- $line = rtrim($line, "\t\r\n\0\x0B");
- if ($line == 'end' || preg_match('/^begin\s+[0-7]+\s+.+$/', $line))
- continue;
+ } else if ($mode == 3) {
+ $line = rtrim($line, "\t\r\n\0\x0B");
+ if ($line == 'end' || preg_match('/^begin\s+[0-7]+\s+.+$/', $line))
+ continue;
$line = convert_uudecode($line);
// default
- } else {
- $line = rtrim($line, "\t\r\n\0\x0B") . "\n";
- }
- if ($file)
- fwrite($file, $line);
- else if ($print)
- echo $line;
- else
- $result .= $line;
- }
- }
+ } else {
+ $line = rtrim($line, "\t\r\n\0\x0B") . "\n";
+ }
- // read in anything up until last line
- if (!$end)
- do {
- $line = $this->readLine(1024);
- } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true));
+ if ($file)
+ fwrite($file, $line);
+ else if ($print)
+ echo $line;
+ else
+ $result .= $line;
+ }
+ }
- if ($result !== false) {
- if ($file) {
- fwrite($file, $result);
- } else if ($print) {
- echo $result;
- } else
- return $result;
- return true;
- }
+ // read in anything up until last line
+ if (!$end)
+ do {
+ $line = $this->readLine(1024);
+ } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true));
+ if ($result !== false) {
+ if ($file) {
+ fwrite($file, $result);
+ } else if ($print) {
+ echo $result;
+ } else
+ return $result;
+ return true;
+ }
- return false;
+ return false;
function createFolder($mailbox)
$result = $this->execute('CREATE', array($this->escape($mailbox)),
- return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
+ return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
function renameFolder($from, $to)
$result = $this->execute('RENAME', array($this->escape($from), $this->escape($to)),
- return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
- }
- function deleteFolder($mailbox)
- {
- $result = $this->execute('DELETE', array($this->escape($mailbox)),
- return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
- }
- function clearFolder($mailbox)
- {
- $num_in_trash = $this->countMessages($mailbox);
- if ($num_in_trash > 0) {
- $this->delete($mailbox, '1:*');
- }
- return ($this->expunge($mailbox) >= 0);
- }
- function subscribe($mailbox)
- {
- $result = $this->execute('SUBSCRIBE', array($this->escape($mailbox)),
- return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
- }
- function unsubscribe($mailbox)
- {
- $result = $this->execute('UNSUBSCRIBE', array($this->escape($mailbox)),
- return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
+ return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
function append($mailbox, &$message)
- if (!$mailbox) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$mailbox) {
+ return false;
+ }
- $message = str_replace("\r", '', $message);
- $message = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $message);
+ $message = str_replace("\r", '', $message);
+ $message = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $message);
- $len = strlen($message);
- if (!$len) {
- return false;
- }
+ $len = strlen($message);
+ if (!$len) {
+ return false;
+ }
$key = $this->nextTag();
- $request = sprintf("$key APPEND %s (\\Seen) {%d%s}", $this->escape($mailbox),
+ $request = sprintf("$key APPEND %s (\\Seen) {%d%s}", $this->escape($mailbox),
$len, ($this->prefs['literal+'] ? '+' : ''));
- if ($this->putLine($request)) {
+ if ($this->putLine($request)) {
// Don't wait when LITERAL+ is supported
if (!$this->prefs['literal+']) {
- $line = $this->readLine(512);
+ $line = $this->readReply();
- if ($line[0] != '+') {
- $this->parseResult($line, 'APPEND: ');
- return false;
- }
+ if ($line[0] != '+') {
+ $this->parseResult($line, 'APPEND: ');
+ return false;
+ }
- if (!$this->putLine($message)) {
+ if (!$this->putLine($message)) {
return false;
- do {
- $line = $this->readLine();
- } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true, true));
+ do {
+ $line = $this->readLine();
+ } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true, true));
// Clear internal status cache
- return ($this->parseResult($line, 'APPEND: ') == self::ERROR_OK);
- }
+ return ($this->parseResult($line, 'APPEND: ') == self::ERROR_OK);
+ }
else {
$this->setError(self::ERROR_COMMAND, "Unable to send command: $request");
- return false;
+ return false;
function appendFromFile($mailbox, $path, $headers=null)
- if (!$mailbox) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$mailbox) {
+ return false;
+ }
- // open message file
- $in_fp = false;
- if (file_exists(realpath($path))) {
- $in_fp = fopen($path, 'r');
- }
- if (!$in_fp) {
- $this->setError(self::ERROR_UNKNOWN, "Couldn't open $path for reading");
- return false;
- }
+ // open message file
+ $in_fp = false;
+ if (file_exists(realpath($path))) {
+ $in_fp = fopen($path, 'r');
+ }
+ if (!$in_fp) {
+ $this->setError(self::ERROR_UNKNOWN, "Couldn't open $path for reading");
+ return false;
+ }
$body_separator = "\r\n\r\n";
- $len = filesize($path);
+ $len = filesize($path);
- if (!$len) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (!$len) {
+ return false;
+ }
if ($headers) {
$headers = preg_replace('/[\r\n]+$/', '', $headers);
$len += strlen($headers) + strlen($body_separator);
- // send APPEND command
- $key = $this->nextTag();
- $request = sprintf("$key APPEND %s (\\Seen) {%d%s}", $this->escape($mailbox),
+ // send APPEND command
+ $key = $this->nextTag();
+ $request = sprintf("$key APPEND %s (\\Seen) {%d%s}", $this->escape($mailbox),
$len, ($this->prefs['literal+'] ? '+' : ''));
- if ($this->putLine($request)) {
+ if ($this->putLine($request)) {
// Don't wait when LITERAL+ is supported
if (!$this->prefs['literal+']) {
- $line = $this->readLine(512);
+ $line = $this->readReply();
- if ($line[0] != '+') {
- $this->parseResult($line, 'APPEND: ');
- return false;
- }
+ if ($line[0] != '+') {
+ $this->parseResult($line, 'APPEND: ');
+ return false;
+ }
// send headers with body separator
if ($headers) {
- $this->putLine($headers . $body_separator, false);
+ $this->putLine($headers . $body_separator, false);
- // send file
- while (!feof($in_fp) && $this->fp) {
- $buffer = fgets($in_fp, 4096);
- $this->putLine($buffer, false);
- }
- fclose($in_fp);
+ // send file
+ while (!feof($in_fp) && $this->fp) {
+ $buffer = fgets($in_fp, 4096);
+ $this->putLine($buffer, false);
+ }
+ fclose($in_fp);
- if (!$this->putLine('')) { // \r\n
+ if (!$this->putLine('')) { // \r\n
return false;
- // read response
- do {
- $line = $this->readLine();
- } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true, true));
+ // read response
+ do {
+ $line = $this->readLine();
+ } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true, true));
// Clear internal status cache
- return ($this->parseResult($line, 'APPEND: ') == self::ERROR_OK);
- }
+ return ($this->parseResult($line, 'APPEND: ') == self::ERROR_OK);
+ }
else {
$this->setError(self::ERROR_COMMAND, "Unable to send command: $request");
- return false;
+ return false;
function fetchStructureString($mailbox, $id, $is_uid=false)
- if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
+ if (!$this->select($mailbox)) {
return false;
- $key = $this->nextTag();
- $result = false;
+ $key = $this->nextTag();
+ $result = false;
$command = $key . ($is_uid ? ' UID' : '') ." FETCH $id (BODYSTRUCTURE)";
- if ($this->putLine($command)) {
- do {
- $line = $this->readLine(5000);
- $line = $this->multLine($line, true);
- if (!preg_match("/^$key /", $line))
- $result .= $line;
- } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true, true));
+ if ($this->putLine($command)) {
+ do {
+ $line = $this->readLine(5000);
+ $line = $this->multLine($line, true);
+ if (!preg_match("/^$key /", $line))
+ $result .= $line;
+ } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true, true));
- $result = trim(substr($result, strpos($result, 'BODYSTRUCTURE')+13, -1));
- }
+ $result = trim(substr($result, strpos($result, 'BODYSTRUCTURE')+13, -1));
+ }
else {
$this->setError(self::ERROR_COMMAND, "Unable to send command: $command");
- return $result;
+ return $result;
function getQuota()
@@ -2347,49 +2489,50 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
* QUOTA user/rchijiiwa1 (STORAGE 654 9765)
* OK Completed
- $result = false;
- $quota_lines = array();
- $key = $this->nextTag();
+ $result = false;
+ $quota_lines = array();
+ $key = $this->nextTag();
$command = $key . ' GETQUOTAROOT INBOX';
- // get line(s) containing quota info
- if ($this->putLine($command)) {
- do {
- $line = rtrim($this->readLine(5000));
- if (preg_match('/^\* QUOTA /', $line)) {
- $quota_lines[] = $line;
- }
- } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true, true));
- }
+ // get line(s) containing quota info
+ if ($this->putLine($command)) {
+ do {
+ $line = rtrim($this->readLine(5000));
+ if (preg_match('/^\* QUOTA /', $line)) {
+ $quota_lines[] = $line;
+ }
+ } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $key, true, true));
+ }
else {
$this->setError(self::ERROR_COMMAND, "Unable to send command: $command");
- // return false if not found, parse if found
- $min_free = PHP_INT_MAX;
- foreach ($quota_lines as $key => $quota_line) {
- $quota_line = str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $quota_line);
- $parts = explode(' ', $quota_line);
- $storage_part = array_search('STORAGE', $parts);
+ // return false if not found, parse if found
+ $min_free = PHP_INT_MAX;
+ foreach ($quota_lines as $key => $quota_line) {
+ $quota_line = str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $quota_line);
+ $parts = explode(' ', $quota_line);
+ $storage_part = array_search('STORAGE', $parts);
- if (!$storage_part)
+ if (!$storage_part) {
+ }
- $used = intval($parts[$storage_part+1]);
- $total = intval($parts[$storage_part+2]);
- $free = $total - $used;
- // return lowest available space from all quotas
- if ($free < $min_free) {
- $min_free = $free;
- $result['used'] = $used;
- $result['total'] = $total;
- $result['percent'] = min(100, round(($used/max(1,$total))*100));
- $result['free'] = 100 - $result['percent'];
- }
- }
+ $used = intval($parts[$storage_part+1]);
+ $total = intval($parts[$storage_part+2]);
+ $free = $total - $used;
+ // return lowest available space from all quotas
+ if ($free < $min_free) {
+ $min_free = $free;
+ $result['used'] = $used;
+ $result['total'] = $total;
+ $result['percent'] = min(100, round(($used/max(1,$total))*100));
+ $result['free'] = 100 - $result['percent'];
+ }
+ }
- return $result;
+ return $result;
@@ -2414,7 +2557,7 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$this->escape($mailbox), $this->escape($user), strtolower($acl)),
- return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
+ return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
@@ -2434,7 +2577,7 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$this->escape($mailbox), $this->escape($user)),
- return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
+ return ($result == self::ERROR_OK);
@@ -2554,11 +2697,12 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
foreach ($entries as $name => $value) {
- if ($value === null)
+ if ($value === null) {
$value = 'NIL';
- else
+ }
+ else {
$value = sprintf("{%d}\r\n%s", strlen($value), $value);
+ }
$entries[$name] = $this->escape($name) . ' ' . $value;
@@ -2583,16 +2727,18 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
function deleteMetadata($mailbox, $entries)
- if (!is_array($entries) && !empty($entries))
+ if (!is_array($entries) && !empty($entries)) {
$entries = explode(' ', $entries);
+ }
if (empty($entries)) {
$this->setError(self::ERROR_COMMAND, "Wrong argument for SETMETADATA command");
return false;
- foreach ($entries as $entry)
+ foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$data[$entry] = NULL;
+ }
return $this->setMetadata($mailbox, $data);
@@ -2628,13 +2774,16 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$options = array_change_key_case($options, CASE_UPPER);
$opts = array();
- if (!empty($options['MAXSIZE']))
+ if (!empty($options['MAXSIZE'])) {
$opts[] = 'MAXSIZE '.intval($options['MAXSIZE']);
- if (!empty($options['DEPTH']))
+ }
+ if (!empty($options['DEPTH'])) {
$opts[] = 'DEPTH '.intval($options['DEPTH']);
+ }
- if ($opts)
+ if ($opts) {
$optlist = '(' . implode(' ', $opts) . ')';
+ }
$optlist .= ($optlist ? ' ' : '') . $entlist;
@@ -2701,10 +2850,12 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$attr = $entry[1];
$value = $entry[2];
- if ($value === null)
+ if ($value === null) {
$value = 'NIL';
- else
+ }
+ else {
$value = sprintf("{%d}\r\n%s", strlen($value), $value);
+ }
$entries[] = sprintf('%s (%s %s)',
$this->escape($name), $this->escape($attr), $value);
@@ -2796,10 +2947,12 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
for ($x=0, $len=count($attribs); $x<$len;) {
$attr = $attribs[$x++];
$value = $attribs[$x++];
- if ($attr == 'value.priv')
+ if ($attr == 'value.priv') {
$res['/private' . $entry] = $value;
- else if ($attr == 'value.shared')
+ }
+ else if ($attr == 'value.shared') {
$res['/shared' . $entry] = $value;
+ }
$last_entry = $entry;
@@ -2847,43 +3000,45 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$noresp = ($options & self::COMMAND_NORESPONSE);
$response = $noresp ? null : '';
- if (!empty($arguments))
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
$query .= ' ' . implode(' ', $arguments);
+ }
// Send command
- if (!$this->putLineC($query)) {
+ if (!$this->putLineC($query)) {
$this->setError(self::ERROR_COMMAND, "Unable to send command: $query");
- return $noresp ? self::ERROR_COMMAND : array(self::ERROR_COMMAND, '');
- }
+ return $noresp ? self::ERROR_COMMAND : array(self::ERROR_COMMAND, '');
+ }
// Parse response
- do {
- $line = $this->readLine(4096);
- if ($response !== null)
- $response .= $line;
- } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $tag . ' ', true, true));
+ do {
+ $line = $this->readLine(4096);
+ if ($response !== null) {
+ $response .= $line;
+ }
+ } while (!$this->startsWith($line, $tag . ' ', true, true));
- $code = $this->parseResult($line, $command . ': ');
+ $code = $this->parseResult($line, $command . ': ');
// Remove last line from response
- if ($response) {
- $line_len = min(strlen($response), strlen($line) + 2);
+ if ($response) {
+ $line_len = min(strlen($response), strlen($line) + 2);
$response = substr($response, 0, -$line_len);
- // optional CAPABILITY response
- if (($options & self::COMMAND_CAPABILITY) && $code == self::ERROR_OK
+ // optional CAPABILITY response
+ if (($options & self::COMMAND_CAPABILITY) && $code == self::ERROR_OK
&& preg_match('/\[CAPABILITY ([^]]+)\]/i', $line, $matches)
) {
- $this->parseCapability($matches[1], true);
- }
+ $this->parseCapability($matches[1], true);
+ }
- // return last line only (without command tag and result)
+ // return last line only (without command tag, result and response code)
if ($line && ($options & self::COMMAND_LASTLINE)) {
- $response = preg_replace("/^$tag (OK|NO|BAD|BYE|PREAUTH)?\s*/i", '', trim($line));
+ $response = preg_replace("/^$tag (OK|NO|BAD|BYE|PREAUTH)?\s*(\[[a-z-]+\])?\s*/i", '', trim($line));
- return $noresp ? $code : array($code, $response);
+ return $noresp ? $code : array($code, $response);
@@ -2917,7 +3072,7 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$result[] = substr($str, $epos + 3, $bytes);
// Advance the string
$str = substr($str, $epos + 3 + $bytes);
- break;
+ break;
// Quoted string
case '"':
@@ -2939,17 +3094,17 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
// we need to strip slashes for a quoted string
$result[] = stripslashes(substr($str, 1, $pos - 1));
$str = substr($str, $pos + 1);
- break;
+ break;
// Parenthesized list
case '(':
$str = substr($str, 1);
$result[] = self::tokenizeResponse($str);
- break;
+ break;
case ')':
$str = substr($str, 1);
return $result;
- break;
+ break;
// String atom, number, NIL, *, %
@@ -2968,7 +3123,7 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
$result[] = $m[1] == 'NIL' ? NULL : $m[1];
$str = substr($str, strlen($m[1]));
- break;
+ break;
@@ -2977,12 +3132,14 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
private function _xor($string, $string2)
- $result = '';
- $size = strlen($string);
- for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
- $result .= chr(ord($string[$i]) ^ ord($string2[$i]));
- }
- return $result;
+ $result = '';
+ $size = strlen($string);
+ for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
+ $result .= chr(ord($string[$i]) ^ ord($string2[$i]));
+ }
+ return $result;
@@ -2994,31 +3151,33 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
private function strToTime($date)
- // support non-standard "GMTXXXX" literal
- $date = preg_replace('/GMT\s*([+-][0-9]+)/', '\\1', $date);
+ // support non-standard "GMTXXXX" literal
+ $date = preg_replace('/GMT\s*([+-][0-9]+)/', '\\1', $date);
// if date parsing fails, we have a date in non-rfc format.
- // remove token from the end and try again
- while ((($ts = @strtotime($date))===false) || ($ts < 0)) {
- $d = explode(' ', $date);
- array_pop($d);
- if (!$d) break;
- $date = implode(' ', $d);
- }
+ // remove token from the end and try again
+ while ((($ts = @strtotime($date))===false) || ($ts < 0)) {
+ $d = explode(' ', $date);
+ array_pop($d);
+ if (!$d) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $date = implode(' ', $d);
+ }
- $ts = (int) $ts;
+ $ts = (int) $ts;
- return $ts < 0 ? 0 : $ts;
+ return $ts < 0 ? 0 : $ts;
private function splitHeaderLine($string)
- $pos = strpos($string, ':');
- if ($pos>0) {
- $res[0] = substr($string, 0, $pos);
- $res[1] = trim(substr($string, $pos+1));
- return $res;
- }
- return $string;
+ $pos = strpos($string, ':');
+ if ($pos>0) {
+ $res[0] = substr($string, 0, $pos);
+ $res[1] = trim(substr($string, $pos+1));
+ return $res;
+ }
+ return $string;
private function parseCapability($str, $trusted=false)
@@ -3046,17 +3205,15 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
static function escape($string)
- // NIL
if ($string === null) {
return 'NIL';
- // empty string
else if ($string === '') {
return '""';
- // string: special chars: SP, CTL, (, ), {, %, *, ", \, ]
else if (preg_match('/([\x00-\x20\x28-\x29\x7B\x25\x2A\x22\x5C\x5D\x7F]+)/', $string)) {
- return '"' . strtr($string, array('"'=>'\\"', '\\' => '\\\\')) . '"';
+ // string: special chars: SP, CTL, (, ), {, %, *, ", \, ]
+ return '"' . strtr($string, array('"'=>'\\"', '\\' => '\\\\')) . '"';
// atom
@@ -3065,7 +3222,7 @@ class rcube_imap_generic
static function unEscape($string)
- return strtr($string, array('\\"'=>'"', '\\\\' => '\\'));
+ return strtr($string, array('\\"'=>'"', '\\\\' => '\\'));
diff --git a/program/include/rcube_message.php b/program/include/rcube_message.php
index 790f8d9bd..b6c865d1c 100644
--- a/program/include/rcube_message.php
+++ b/program/include/rcube_message.php
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ class rcube_message
$mail_part->type = 'content';
$this->parts[] = $mail_part;
// list as attachment as well
if (!empty($mail_part->filename))
$this->attachments[] = $mail_part;
@@ -473,6 +473,10 @@ class rcube_message
// attachment encapsulated within message/rfc822 part needs further decoding (#1486743)
else if ($part_orig_mimetype == 'message/rfc822') {
$this->parse_structure($mail_part, true);
+ // list as attachment as well (mostly .eml)
+ if (!empty($mail_part->filename))
+ $this->attachments[] = $mail_part;
// is a regular attachment (content-type name regexp according to RFC4288.4.2)
else if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9!#$&.+^_-]+\/[a-z0-9!#$&.+^_-]+$/i', $part_mimetype)) {
diff --git a/program/include/rcube_template.php b/program/include/rcube_template.php
index 8a9eff4f5..d6ea3dce2 100755
--- a/program/include/rcube_template.php
+++ b/program/include/rcube_template.php
@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ class rcube_template extends rcube_html_page
private function login_form($attrib)
$default_host = $this->config['default_host'];
- $attrib['autocomplete'] = $this->config['login_autocomplete'] ? null : 'off';
+ $autocomplete = (int) $this->config['login_autocomplete'];
$_SESSION['temp'] = true;
@@ -1054,11 +1054,18 @@ class rcube_template extends rcube_html_page
if (empty($url) && !preg_match('/_(task|action)=logout/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))
- $input_user = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_user', 'id' => 'rcmloginuser') + $attrib);
- $input_pass = new html_passwordfield(array('name' => '_pass', 'id' => 'rcmloginpwd') + $attrib);
+ // set atocomplete attribute
+ $user_attrib = $autocomplete > 0 ? array() : array('autocomplete' => 'off');
+ $host_attrib = $autocomplete > 0 ? array() : array('autocomplete' => 'off');
+ $pass_attrib = $autocomplete > 1 ? array() : array('autocomplete' => 'off');
$input_action = new html_hiddenfield(array('name' => '_action', 'value' => 'login'));
$input_tzone = new html_hiddenfield(array('name' => '_timezone', 'id' => 'rcmlogintz', 'value' => '_default_'));
$input_url = new html_hiddenfield(array('name' => '_url', 'id' => 'rcmloginurl', 'value' => $url));
+ $input_user = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_user', 'id' => 'rcmloginuser')
+ + $attrib + $user_attrib);
+ $input_pass = new html_passwordfield(array('name' => '_pass', 'id' => 'rcmloginpwd')
+ + $attrib + $pass_attrib);
$input_host = null;
if (is_array($default_host) && count($default_host) > 1) {
@@ -1080,7 +1087,8 @@ class rcube_template extends rcube_html_page
'name' => '_host', 'id' => 'rcmloginhost', 'value' => $host) + $attrib);
else if (empty($default_host)) {
- $input_host = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_host', 'id' => 'rcmloginhost') + $attrib);
+ $input_host = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_host', 'id' => 'rcmloginhost')
+ + $attrib + $host_attrib);
$form_name = !empty($attrib['form']) ? $attrib['form'] : 'form';
@@ -1090,7 +1098,7 @@ class rcube_template extends rcube_html_page
$table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2));
$table->add('title', html::label('rcmloginuser', Q(rcube_label('username'))));
- $table->add(null, $input_user->show(get_input_value('_user', RCUBE_INPUT_POST)));
+ $table->add(null, $input_user->show(get_input_value('_user', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)));
$table->add('title', html::label('rcmloginpwd', Q(rcube_label('password'))));
$table->add(null, $input_pass->show());
@@ -1098,7 +1106,7 @@ class rcube_template extends rcube_html_page
// add host selection row
if (is_object($input_host) && !$hide_host) {
$table->add('title', html::label('rcmloginhost', Q(rcube_label('server'))));
- $table->add(null, $input_host->show(get_input_value('_host', RCUBE_INPUT_POST)));
+ $table->add(null, $input_host->show(get_input_value('_host', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)));
$out = $input_action->show();
diff --git a/program/include/rcube_user.php b/program/include/rcube_user.php
index e4506cff7..ee6db77cc 100644
--- a/program/include/rcube_user.php
+++ b/program/include/rcube_user.php
@@ -358,13 +358,17 @@ class rcube_user
$dbh = rcmail::get_instance()->get_dbh();
+ // use BINARY (case-sensitive) comparison on MySQL, other engines are case-sensitive
+ $prefix = preg_match('/^mysql/', $dbh->db_provider) ? 'BINARY ' : '';
// query for matching user name
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".get_table_name('users')." WHERE mail_host = ? AND %s = ?";
- $sql_result = $dbh->query(sprintf($query, 'username'), $host, $user);
+ $sql_result = $dbh->query(sprintf($query, $prefix.'username'), $host, $user);
// query for matching alias
if (!($sql_arr = $dbh->fetch_assoc($sql_result))) {
- $sql_result = $dbh->query(sprintf($query, 'alias'), $host, $user);
+ $sql_result = $dbh->query(sprintf($query, $prefix.'alias'), $host, $user);
$sql_arr = $dbh->fetch_assoc($sql_result);