path: root/plugins/message_highlight/message_highlight.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/message_highlight/message_highlight.php')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/message_highlight/message_highlight.php b/plugins/message_highlight/message_highlight.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..573257dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/message_highlight/message_highlight.php
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+* @version 2.1
+* @author Cor Bosman (
+class message_highlight extends rcube_plugin
+ public $task = 'mail|settings';
+ private $rcmail;
+ private $prefs;
+ public function init()
+ {
+ $this->add_texts('localization/', array('deleteconfirm'));
+ $this->add_hook('messages_list', array($this, 'mh_highlight'));
+ $this->add_hook('preferences_list', array($this, 'mh_preferences'));
+ $this->add_hook('preferences_save', array($this, 'mh_save'));
+ $this->add_hook('preferences_sections_list',array($this, 'mh_preferences_section'));
+ $this->add_hook('storage_init', array($this, 'storage_init'));
+ $this->register_action('plugin.mh_add_row', array($this, 'mh_add_row'));
+ $this->include_script('message_highlight.js');
+ $this->include_script('colorpicker/mColorPicker.js');
+ $this->include_stylesheet('message_highlight.css');
+ }
+ function storage_init($p)
+ {
+ $p['fetch_headers'] .= trim($p['fetch_headers']. ' ' . 'CC');
+ return($p);
+ }
+ // add color information for all messages
+ function mh_highlight($p)
+ {
+ $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
+ $this->prefs = $rcmail->config->get('message_highlight', array());
+ // dont loop over all messages if we dont have any highlights or no msgs
+ if(!count($this->prefs) or !isset($p['messages']) or !is_array($p['messages'])) return $p;
+ // loop over all messages and add highlight color to each message
+ foreach($p['messages'] as $message) {
+ if(($color = $this->mh_find_match($message)) !== false ) {
+ $message->list_flags['extra_flags']['plugin_mh_color'] = $color;
+ }
+ }
+ return($p);
+ }
+ // find a match for this message
+ function mh_find_match($message) {
+ foreach($this->prefs as $p) {
+ if(stristr($message->$p['header'], $p['input'])) {
+ return($p['color']);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // user preferences
+ function mh_preferences($args) {
+ if($args['section'] == 'mh_preferences') {
+ $this->add_texts('localization/', false);
+ $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
+ $args['blocks']['mh_preferences'] = array(
+ 'options' => array(),
+ 'name' => Q($this->gettext('mh_title'))
+ );
+ $i = 1;
+ $prefs = $rcmail->config->get('message_highlight', array());
+ foreach($prefs as $p) {
+ $args['blocks']['mh_preferences']['options'][$i++] = array(
+ 'content' => $this->mh_get_form_row($p['header'], $p['input'], $p['color'], true)
+ );
+ }
+ // no rows yet, add 1 empty row
+ if($i == 1) {
+ $args['blocks']['mh_preferences']['options'][$i] = array(
+ 'content' => $this->mh_get_form_row()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return($args);
+ }
+ function mh_add_row() {
+ $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
+ $rcmail->output->command('plugin.mh_receive_row', array('row' => $this->mh_get_form_row()));
+ }
+ // create a form row
+ function mh_get_form_row($header = 'from', $input = '', $color = '#ffffff', $delete = false) {
+ // header select box
+ $header_select = new html_select(array('name' => '_mh_header[]', 'class' => 'rcmfd_mh_header'));
+ $header_select->add(Q($this->gettext('subject')), 'subject');
+ $header_select->add(Q($this->gettext('from')), 'from');
+ $header_select->add(Q($this->gettext('to')), 'to');
+ $header_select->add(Q($this->gettext('cc')), 'cc');
+ // input field
+ $input = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_mh_input[]', 'class' => 'rcmfd_mh_input', 'type' => 'text', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'value' => $input));
+ // color box
+ $color = html::tag('input', array('id' => uniqid() ,'name' => '_mh_color[]' ,'type' => 'color' ,'text' => 'hidden', 'class' => 'mh_color_input', 'value' => $color, 'data-hex' => 'true'));
+ // delete button
+ $button = html::tag('input', array('class' => 'button mh_delete mh_button', 'type' => 'button', 'value' => $this->gettext('mh_delete'), 'title' => $this->gettext('mh_delete_description')));
+ // add button
+ $add_button = html::tag('input', array('class' => 'button mh_add mh_button', 'type' => 'button', 'value' => $this->gettext('mh_add'), 'title' => $this->gettext('mh_add_description')));
+ $content = $header_select->show($header) .
+ html::span('mh_matches', Q($this->gettext('mh_matches'))) .
+ $input->show() .
+ html::span('mh_color', Q($this->gettext('mh_color'))) .
+ $color . $button . $add_button;
+ if(rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('request_saver_compress_html', false)){
+ $content = request_saver::html_compress($content);
+ }
+ return($content);
+ }
+ // add a section to the preferences tab
+ function mh_preferences_section($args) {
+ $this->add_texts('localization/', false);
+ $args['list']['mh_preferences'] = array(
+ 'id' => 'mh_preferences',
+ 'section' => Q($this->gettext('mh_title'))
+ );
+ return($args);
+ }
+ // save preferences
+ function mh_save($args) {
+ if($args['section'] != 'mh_preferences') return;
+ $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
+ $header = get_input_value('_mh_header', RCUBE_INPUT_POST);
+ $input = get_input_value('_mh_input', RCUBE_INPUT_POST);
+ $color = get_input_value('_mh_color', RCUBE_INPUT_POST);
+ for($i=0; $i < count($header); $i++) {
+ if(!in_array($header[$i], array('subject', 'from', 'to', 'cc'))) {
+ $rcmail->output->show_message('message_highlight.headererror', 'error');
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!preg_match('/^#[0-9a-fA-F]{2,6}$/', $color[$i])) {
+ $rcmail->output->show_message('message_highlight.invalidcolor', 'error');
+ return;
+ }
+ if($input[$i] == '') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $prefs[] = array('header' => $header[$i], 'input' => $input[$i], 'color' => $color[$i]);
+ }
+ $args['prefs']['message_highlight'] = $prefs;
+ return($args);
+ }