path: root/plugins/password/localization
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/password/localization')
15 files changed, 302 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..521127a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | plugins/password/localization/<lang>.inc |
+ | |
+ | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Password plugin |
+ | Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | |
+ | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
+ | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
+ | See the README file for a full license statement. |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ For translation see
+$labels['changepasswd'] = 'تغيير كلمة المرور';
+$labels['curpasswd'] = 'كلمة المرور الحالية:';
+$labels['newpasswd'] = 'كلمة المرور الجديدة:';
+$labels['confpasswd'] = 'تأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة:';
+$messages['nopassword'] = 'من فضلك أدخل كلمة المرور الجديدة.';
+$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'من فضلك أدخل كلمة المرور الحالية.';
+$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'كلمة المرور الحالية غير صحيحة.';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'كلمة المرور غير مطابقة حاول مجددا';
+$messages['crypterror'] = 'تعذر حفظ كلمة المرور الجديدة. وظيفة التشفير مفقودة.';
+$messages['connecterror'] = 'تعذر حفظ كلمة المرور الجديدة. خطأ بالإتصال.';
+$messages['internalerror'] = 'تعذر حفظ كلمة المرور الجديدة.';
+$messages['passwordshort'] = 'كلمة المرور يجب على الأقل $length أحرف';
+$messages['passwordweak'] = ' كلمة المرور يجب أن تتضمن رقم واحد على الأقل وحرف ترقيم واحد.';
+$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'كلمة المرور تحتوى على أحرف ممنوعة';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..990505bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | plugins/password/localization/<lang>.inc |
+ | |
+ | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Password plugin |
+ | Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | |
+ | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
+ | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
+ | See the README file for a full license statement. |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ For translation see
+$labels['changepasswd'] = 'تغيير كلمة المرور';
+$labels['curpasswd'] = 'كلمة المرور الحالية';
+$labels['newpasswd'] = 'كلمة المرور الجديدة';
+$labels['confpasswd'] = 'تأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة';
+$messages['nopassword'] = 'من فضلك أدخل كلمة مرور جديدة';
+$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'من فضلك أدخل كلمة المرور الحالية';
+$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'كلمة المرور الحالية غير صحيحة';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'كلمة المرور غير مطابقة, أعد المحاولة';
+$messages['connecterror'] = 'تعذر حفظ كلمة المرور الجديدة. خطأ في الإتصال';
+$messages['internalerror'] = 'تعذر حفظ كلمة المرور الجديدة';
+$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'كلمة المرور تحتوي حروفاً ممنوعة';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99b283ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | plugins/password/localization/<lang>.inc |
+ | |
+ | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Password plugin |
+ | Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | |
+ | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
+ | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
+ | See the README file for a full license statement. |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ For translation see
+$labels['changepasswd'] = 'Camudar contraseña';
+$labels['curpasswd'] = 'Contraseña actual:';
+$labels['newpasswd'] = 'Contraseña nueva:';
+$labels['confpasswd'] = 'Confirmar contraseña:';
+$messages['nopassword'] = 'Por favor, introduz una contraseña nueva.';
+$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Por favor, introduz la contraseña actual.';
+$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'La contraseña actual ye incorreuta.';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Les contraseñes nun concasen. Por favor, inténtalo otra vegada.';
+$messages['crypterror'] = 'Nun pudo guardase la contraseña nueva. Falta la función de cifráu.';
+$messages['connecterror'] = 'Nun pudo guardase la contraseña nueva. Fallu de conexón.';
+$messages['internalerror'] = 'Nun pudo guardase la contraseña nueva. ';
+$messages['passwordshort'] = 'La contraseña tien de tener polo menos $length caráuteres.';
+$messages['passwordweak'] = 'La contraseña tien de tener polo menos un númberu y un signu de puntuación.';
+$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'La contraseña que s\'introduxo contién caráuteres non permitíos.';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..457e67e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | plugins/password/localization/<lang>.inc |
+ | |
+ | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Password plugin |
+ | Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | |
+ | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
+ | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
+ | See the README file for a full license statement. |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ For translation see
+$labels['changepasswd'] = 'Змяніць пароль';
+$labels['curpasswd'] = 'Бягучы пароль:';
+$labels['newpasswd'] = 'Новы пароль:';
+$labels['confpasswd'] = 'Паўтарыце новы пароль:';
+$messages['nopassword'] = 'Увядзіце новы пароль.';
+$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Увядзіце бягучы пароль.';
+$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'Няслушны бягучы пароль.';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Паролі не супадаюць. Паспрабуйце яшчэ раз.';
+$messages['crypterror'] = 'Не ўдалося захаваць новы пароль. Бракуе функцыі шыфравання.';
+$messages['connecterror'] = 'Не ўдалося захаваць новы пароль. Памылка злучэння.';
+$messages['internalerror'] = 'Не ўдалося захаваць новы пароль.';
+$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Пароль мусіць быць мінімум $length знакаў.';
+$messages['passwordweak'] = 'Пароль мусіць утрымліваць мінімум адну лічбу і адзін знак пунктуацыі.';
+$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'Пароль утрымлівае забароненыя знакі.';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1c72ab69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | plugins/password/localization/<lang>.inc |
+ | |
+ | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Password plugin |
+ | Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | |
+ | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
+ | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
+ | See the README file for a full license statement. |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ For translation see
+$labels['changepasswd'] = 'Αλλαγη κωδικου προσβασης';
+$labels['curpasswd'] = 'Τρεχων κωδικος προσβασης:';
+$labels['newpasswd'] = 'Νεος κωδικος προσβασης:';
+$labels['confpasswd'] = 'Επιβεβαιωση κωδικου προσβασης:';
+$messages['nopassword'] = 'Εισαγετε εναν νεο κωδικο.';
+$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Εισαγετε τον τρεχων κωδικο.';
+$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'Ο τρεχων κωδικος ειναι λαθος.';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Οι κωδικοί πρόσβασης δεν ταιριάζουν, προσπαθήστε ξανά.';
+$messages['crypterror'] = 'Δεν μπορεσε να αποθηκεύθει ο νέος κωδικός πρόσβασης. Η λειτουργία κρυπτογράφησης λείπει.';
+$messages['connecterror'] = 'Δεν μπορεσε να αποθηκεύθει ο νέος κωδικός πρόσβασης. Σφάλμα σύνδεσης.';
+$messages['internalerror'] = 'Δεν μπορεσε να αποθηκεύθει ο νέος κωδικός πρόσβασης. ';
+$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον $μήκος χαρακτήρων.';
+$messages['passwordweak'] = 'Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης πρέπει να περιλαμβάνει τουλάχιστον έναν αριθμό και ένα σημείο στίξης. ';
+$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης περιέχει μη επιτρεπτούς χαρακτήρες. ';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
index a4c077fe5..dd57c1318 100644
--- a/plugins/password/localization/
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
| plugins/password/localization/<lang>.inc |
| |
| Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Password plugin |
- | Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | Copyright (C) 2012, The Roundcube Dev Team |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b814d2983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | plugins/password/localization/<lang>.inc |
+ | |
+ | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Password plugin |
+ | Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | |
+ | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
+ | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
+ | See the README file for a full license statement. |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ For translation see
+$labels['changepasswd'] = 'Pasahitza aldatu';
+$labels['curpasswd'] = 'Oraingo pasahitza:';
+$labels['newpasswd'] = 'Pasahitz berria:';
+$labels['confpasswd'] = 'Konfirmatu pasahitz berria:';
+$messages['nopassword'] = 'Sartu pasahitz berria.';
+$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Sartu oraingo pasahitza.';
+$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'Oraingo pasahitza ez da zuzena.';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Pasahitz berria ez datoz bat, saiatu berriz.';
+$messages['crypterror'] = 'Ezin izan da pasahitz berria gorde. Ez da enkriptazio funtziorik aurkitu.';
+$messages['connecterror'] = 'Ezin izan da pasahitz berria gorde. Konexio arazoak egon dira.';
+$messages['internalerror'] = 'Ezin izan da pasahitz berria gorde.';
+$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Gutxienez $length karakteretakoa izan behar du pasahitzak.';
+$messages['passwordweak'] = 'Gutxienez zenbaki bat eta puntuazio karaktere bat izan behar du pasahitzak.';
+$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'Galarazitako karaktereak daude pasahitzean.';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bf7c3a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | plugins/password/localization/<lang>.inc |
+ | |
+ | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Password plugin |
+ | Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | |
+ | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
+ | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
+ | See the README file for a full license statement. |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ For translation see
+$labels['changepasswd'] = 'تغییر رمز عبور';
+$labels['curpasswd'] = 'رمز عبور کنونی';
+$labels['newpasswd'] = 'رمز عبور جدید';
+$labels['confpasswd'] = 'تایید رمز عبور جدید';
+$messages['nopassword'] = 'لطفا رمز عبور جدیدی وارد کنید';
+$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'لطفا رمز عبور کنونی را وارد کنید';
+$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'رمز عبور کنونی اشتباه است';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'رمزهای عبور با هم مطابقت ندارند، لطفا دوباره سعی کنید';
+$messages['crypterror'] = 'امکان ذخیره رمز عبور جدید وجود ندارد. تابع رمزگذاری یافت نشد';
+$messages['connecterror'] = 'امکان ذخیره رمز عبور جدید وجود ندارد. لطفا دوباره سعی کنید';
+$messages['internalerror'] = 'امکان ذخیره رمز عبور جدید وجود ندارد';
+$messages['passwordshort'] = 'طول رمز عبور می بایست حداقل به طول $length کاراکتر باشد';
+$messages['passwordweak'] = 'رمز عبور می بایست دارای حداقل یک عدد و یک کاراکتر علامت گذاری باشد';
+$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'رمز عبور شامل کاراکترهای غیر مجاز است';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
index 93c505a6a..245d1c634 100644
--- a/plugins/password/localization/
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ $messages = array();
$messages['nopassword'] = 'Por favor, introduza un contrasinal novo.';
$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Por favor, introduza o contrasinal actual.';
$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'O contrasinal actual é incorrecto.';
-$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Os contrasinais non cadran. Por favor, inténteo outra vez.';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Os contrasinals non coinciden. Por favor, inténteo de novo.';
$messages['crypterror'] = 'Non foi posible gardar o contrasinal novo. Falta a función de cifrado.';
$messages['connecterror'] = 'Non foi posible gardar o contrasinal novo. Erro de conexión';
$messages['internalerror'] = 'Non foi posible gardar o contrasinal novo.';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
index 9962aed28..08026f242 100644
--- a/plugins/password/localization/
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -15,14 +15,10 @@
For translation see
-$labels = array();
$labels['changepasswd'] = 'Passwuert änneren';
$labels['curpasswd'] = 'Aktuellt Passwuert:';
$labels['newpasswd'] = 'Neit Passwuert:';
$labels['confpasswd'] = 'Neit Passwuert bestätegen:';
-$messages = array();
$messages['nopassword'] = 'Gëff wann ech gelift en neit Passwuert an.';
$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Gëff wann ech gelift dat aktuellt Passwuert an.';
$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'Aktuellt Passwuert net korrekt.';
@@ -33,5 +29,4 @@ $messages['internalerror'] = 'Neit Passwuert konnt net gespäichert ginn.';
$messages['passwordshort'] = 'D\'Passwuert muss mindestens $length Zeeche laang sinn.';
$messages['passwordweak'] = 'D\'Passwuert muss mindestens eng Zuel an ee Sazzeechen enthalen.';
$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'D\'Passwuert enthält verbueden Zeechen.';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
index ac0e5da79..650d31b2c 100644
--- a/plugins/password/localization/
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ $labels = array();
$labels['changepasswd'] = 'Nomainīt paroli';
$labels['curpasswd'] = 'Pašreizējā parole:';
$labels['newpasswd'] = 'Jaunā parole:';
-$labels['confpasswd'] = 'Apstiprināt jauno paroli:';
+$labels['confpasswd'] = 'Vēlreiz jauno paroli:';
$messages = array();
-$messages['nopassword'] = 'Lūdzu ievadiet jauno paroli.';
-$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Lūdzu ievadiet pašreizējo paroli.';
-$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'Pašreizējā parole nav pareiza.';
+$messages['nopassword'] = 'Lūdzu, ievadiet jauno paroli.';
+$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Lūdzu, ievadiet pašreizējo paroli.';
+$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'Pašreizējā parole nepareiza.';
$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Paroles nesakrīt. Lūdzu, ievadiet vēlreiz.';
-$messages['crypterror'] = 'Nevarēja saglabāt jauno paroli. Trūkst kriptēšanas funkcijas.';
+$messages['crypterror'] = 'Nevarēja saglabāt jauno paroli. Trūkst kriptēšanas funkcija.';
$messages['connecterror'] = 'Nevarēja saglabāt jauno paroli. Savienojuma kļūda.';
$messages['internalerror'] = 'Nevarēja saglabāt jauno paroli.';
-$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Jaunajai parolei jābūt vismaz $length simbolu garai.';
-$messages['passwordweak'] = 'Jaunajai parolei jāsatur vismaz viens cipars un speciālais simbols.';
-$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'Parole satur neatļautus simbolus.';
+$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Jaunajai parolei jābūt vismaz $length simbola garai.';
+$messages['passwordweak'] = 'Jaunajai parolei jāsatur vismaz viens cipars un punktuācijas simbols.';
+$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'Password contains forbidden characters.';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
index 7406efb9a..17ec31c6b 100644
--- a/plugins/password/localization/
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ $labels = array();
$labels['changepasswd'] = 'Schimbați parola';
$labels['curpasswd'] = 'Parola curentă:';
$labels['newpasswd'] = 'Parola nouă:';
-$labels['confpasswd'] = 'Confirmați parola nouă:';
+$labels['confpasswd'] = 'Confirmare parola nouă:';
$messages = array();
$messages['nopassword'] = 'Te rog să introduci noua parolă.';
$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Te rog să introduci parola curentă';
$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'Parola curentă este incorectă.';
-$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Parolele nu se potrivesc, vă rugăm să mai încercați';
-$messages['crypterror'] = 'Nu am reușit să salvez noua parolă. Lipsa funcției de criptare.';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Parolele nu se potrivesc, te rog să mai încerci';
+$messages['crypterror'] = 'Nu am reușit să salvez noua parolă. Funcția de criptare lipsește.';
$messages['connecterror'] = 'Nu am reușit să salvez noua parolă. Eroare connexiune.';
$messages['internalerror'] = 'Nu am reușit să salvez noua parolă.';
-$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Parola trebuie să aibă $length caractere.';
-$messages['passwordweak'] = 'Parola trebuie să conțina cel puțin un număr si un semn de punctuație';
+$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Parola trebuie să aibă minim $length caractere.';
+$messages['passwordweak'] = 'Parola trebuie să conțina cel puțin un număr si un semn de punctuație.';
$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'Parola conține caractere nepermise.';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
index 2517f922b..79fbfedf6 100644
--- a/plugins/password/localization/
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ $messages = array();
$messages['nopassword'] = 'Пожалуйста, введите новый пароль.';
$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Пожалуйста, введите текущий пароль.';
$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'Текущий пароль неверен.';
-$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Пароли не совпадают, попробуйте ещё раз, пожалуйста.';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Пароли не совпадают, попробуйте, пожалуйста, ещё.';
$messages['crypterror'] = 'Не могу сохранить новый пароль. Отсутствует криптографическая функция.';
$messages['connecterror'] = 'Не могу сохранить новый пароль. Ошибка соединения.';
$messages['internalerror'] = 'Не могу сохранить новый пароль.';
-$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Длина пароля должна быть как минимум $length символов.';
+$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Пароль должен быть длиной как минимум $length символов.';
$messages['passwordweak'] = 'Пароль должен включать в себя как минимум одну цифру и один знак пунктуации.';
$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'Пароль содержит недопустимые символы.';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9453318f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | plugins/password/localization/<lang>.inc |
+ | |
+ | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Password plugin |
+ | Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | |
+ | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
+ | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
+ | See the README file for a full license statement. |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ For translation see
+$labels['changepasswd'] = 'መሕለፊ ቃል ይለወጥ';
+$labels['curpasswd'] = 'ህልው መሕለፊ ቃል:';
+$labels['newpasswd'] = 'ሓዱሽ መሕለፊ ቃል:';
+$labels['confpasswd'] = 'መረጋገፂ ሓዱሽ መሕለፊ ቃል :';
+$messages['nopassword'] = 'ሓዱሽ መሕለፊ ቃል አብዚ ይእቶ::';
+$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'ህልው መሕለፊ ቃል ኣብዚ ይእቶ::';
+$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'ህልው መሕለፊ ቃል ከምኡ ኣይኮነን::';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'መሕለፍቲ ቃላት ሓድ ኣይኮኑን ::ተውሳኺ ፈተነ የድሊ::';
+$messages['crypterror'] = 'መመስጥሪ ፋንክሽን ስለዝሳእነ እቲ መሕለፊ ቃል ኣይተቐመጠን::';
+$messages['connecterror'] = 'ናይ ርክብ ጸገም ስለዘሎ እቲ መሕለፊ ቃል ኣይተቐመጠን::';
+$messages['internalerror'] = 'እቲ መሕለፊ ቃል ኣይተቐመጠን::';
+$messages['passwordshort'] = 'ንውሓት መሕለፊ ቃል $length ፊዳላት ክኾን አለዎ::';
+$messages['passwordweak'] = 'መሕለፊ ቃል እንተውሓደ ሓደ ኣሃዝን ሓደ ስርዓተ ነጥብን ከጠቓልል አለዎ::';
+$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'እቲ መሕለፊ ቃል ውጉዳት ፊዳላት አለውዎ::';
diff --git a/plugins/password/localization/ b/plugins/password/localization/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d102e528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/password/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | plugins/password/localization/<lang>.inc |
+ | |
+ | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Password plugin |
+ | Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | |
+ | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
+ | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
+ | See the README file for a full license statement. |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ For translation see
+$labels['changepasswd'] = 'Змінити пароль';
+$labels['curpasswd'] = 'Поточний пароль:';
+$labels['newpasswd'] = 'Новий пароль:';
+$labels['confpasswd'] = 'Підтвердіть новий пароль:';
+$messages['nopassword'] = 'Будь ласка, введіть новий пароль.';
+$messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Будь ласка, введіть поточний пароль.';
+$messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'Поточний пароль неправильний.';
+$messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Паролі не збігаються, спробуйте ще раз.';
+$messages['crypterror'] = 'Не вдалося зберегти новий пароль. Функція шифрування відсутня.';
+$messages['connecterror'] = 'Не вдалося зберегти новий пароль. Помилка з\'єднання.';
+$messages['internalerror'] = 'Не вдалося зберегти новий пароль.';
+$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Пароль повинен бути не менше $length символів.';
+$messages['passwordweak'] = 'Пароль повинен містити як мінімум одну цифру і один розділовий знак.';
+$messages['passwordforbidden'] = 'Пароль містить заборонені символи.';