path: root/scripts/global_custom_scripts.lua
diff options
authorHugues Hiegel <>2013-02-13 17:13:16 +0100
committerHugues Hiegel <>2013-02-13 17:13:16 +0100
commit43da8901ecb4511b44deb06351d96b786cd418e1 (patch)
tree65dc24290d13fb6241b89eb22bb183fee7478f37 /scripts/global_custom_scripts.lua
parent654ad73c6340a0664079c48b701322151391a0fd (diff)
[scripts] global: get gear even when engine/ignition is Offslimax2
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/global_custom_scripts.lua')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/global_custom_scripts.lua b/scripts/global_custom_scripts.lua
index c39db3e..fcdfcf7 100755
--- a/scripts/global_custom_scripts.lua
+++ b/scripts/global_custom_scripts.lua
@@ -71,7 +71,32 @@ function global_custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(idx)
function global_custom_gearEvent(gear)
- -- type your custom script related to gear here
+ -- type your custom gear event script here
+ -- check if gear == 'E' (see ascii table )
+ if gear == 69 then
+ -- toggle OFF in this example
+ toggleAllLed(0)
+ -- control gear digit display
+ SetGearDigit(GetCurrentGear())
+ -- control left panel (6 chars max)
+ -- nothing display in this example
+ local ldigits = " "
+ SetLeftDigits( ldigits )
+ -- control right panel (6 chars max)
+ -- nothing display in this example
+ local rdigits = " "
+ SetRightDigits( rdigits )
+ -- refresh SLI board
+ SLISendReport(1)
+ -- return 1 to bypass std behavior
+ return 1
+ end
return 2