path: root/02_Zsh.zsh
diff options
authorhugues <hugues@a0e5b806-a6f9-0310-978d-cbce73f8a913>2006-06-10 17:42:08 +0000
committerHugues Hiegel <>2008-03-07 14:15:07 +0100
commite9b8eaeb8570eaf21edd24f66db03224f65cd788 (patch)
treeee9365c4b9d95ae1f1c69db5d6d854072481d6f2 /02_Zsh.zsh
parenta3fe1fc96893437cf9166cd9a676d092b3baaf17 (diff)
Zsh power !!
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://hugues@maison/opt/svn/private/hugues@242 a0e5b806-a6f9-0310-978d-cbce73f8a913
Diffstat (limited to '02_Zsh.zsh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/02_Zsh.zsh b/02_Zsh.zsh
deleted file mode 100644
index 54f4561..0000000
--- a/02_Zsh.zsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-## No more core dumps :)
-ulimit -c 0
-umask 077
-export BC_ENV_ARGS="-q"
-##chmod 700 ~/tmp
-##find ~ \( -name '#*#' -o -name '.*~' -o -name '*~' \) -exec rm -f {} \;
-## exports && aliases
-if [ -f ~/.zsh/.exports.zsh ]; then
- source ~/.zsh/.exports.zsh
-if [ -f ~/.zsh/.aliases.zsh ]; then
- source ~/.zsh/.aliases.zsh
-## sanity
-[[ -t 0 ]] && /bin/stty erase "^H" intr "^C" susp "^Z" dsusp "^Y" stop "^S" start "^Q" kill "^U" >& /dev/null
-case $SHLVL in
- *2) CLR_SHLVL="%{%}";;
- *3) CLR_SHLVL="%{%}";;
- *4) CLR_SHLVL="%{%}";;
- *5) CLR_SHLVL="%{%}";;
- *6) CLR_SHLVL="%{%}";;
-## basic setup
-NULLCMD="less -f"
-WORDCHARS="*?-._[]~=&;!#$%^(){}<>" # I suppressed the '/'
-TIMEFMT="\`%J': %U user %S system %*E total (%P cpu)"
-## Prompts
-# For more info on PROMPT expansion, see 'man zshmisc'
-if ( [ "$SSH_TTY" = "" ] )
- PS1_USER=${PS1_USER:-34}
- PS1_USER=${PS1_USER_SSH:-35}
-PS1="%{[%(!."$PS1_ROOT"."$PS1_USER")m%}%n%{[1;%(!."$PS1_ROOT"."$PS1_USER")m%}@%{[0;%(!."$PS1_ROOT"."$PS1_USER")m%}%m%{%} (%{%}%y%{%}) [%(!.%{["$PS1_ROOT"m%}%d%{%}.%{["$PS1_USER"m%}%(5~:../:)%4~%{%})]"${LD_PRELOAD:t:s/lib//:r}" %h%{[%(!."$PS1_ROOT";1."$PS1_USER")m%}#%{%} "
-RPS1="%(?;;%{%}%?%{%}) %{[0;%(!."$PS1_ROOT"."$PS1_USER")m%}%D{%a%d%b|%H:%M'%S}%{%}"
-PS2="%{%}%B%_%b%{%}%B>%b%{%} "
-SPROMPT="zsh: %{%}%B«%R»%b%{%} ? Ce ne serait pas plutôt %{%}%B«%r»%b%{%} ? [nyae] "
-# PS3="?# "
-# PS4="+%N:%i> "
-## Options
-setopt correct
-#setopt correctall
-setopt inc_append_history
-setopt histignorealldups
-setopt histexpiredupsfirst
-setopt alwayslastprompt
-setopt always_to_end
-setopt auto_cd
-setopt _auto_list
-setopt auto_menu
-setopt auto_param_keys
-#setopt auto_param_slash
-setopt no_bg_nice
-setopt complete_aliases
-setopt hash_cmds
-setopt hash_dirs
-setopt no_hup
-setopt mail_warning
-setopt magic_equal_subst
-setopt numericglobsort
-setopt mark_dirs
-setopt no_prompt_cr
-#setopt equals
-#setopt extended_glob
-unsetopt promptcr
-## bindkey
-bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char # delete
-bindkey "\e[2~" overwrite-mode # insert
-bindkey "\e[A" up-line-or-history # up
-bindkey "\e[B" down-line-or-history # down
-bindkey "\e\e[C" forward-word # ESC right
-bindkey "\e\e[D" backward-word # ESC left
-bindkey "\e[5~" up-line-or-history # page up # c'est ultime
-bindkey "\e[6~" down-line-or-history # page down
-bindkey "\e\e[3~" kill-region # ESC del
-test $TERM = "rxvt" -o $TERM = "xterm" &&
- bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line # home
- bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line # end-of-line
- bindkey "\eOc" forward-word # CTRL right
- bindkey "\eOd" backward-word # CTRL left
- bindkey "\e[3$" vi-set-buffer # SHIFT del
- bindkey "\eOa" history-search-backward # CTRL UP
- bindkey "\eOb" history-search-forward # CTRL DOWN
-# (gnome-terminal)
-#test $TERM = "xterm" &&
-# bindkey "\eOH" beginning-of-line # home
-# bindkey "\eOF" end-of-line # end-of-line
-#bindkey "\C-t" gosmacs-transpose-chars # J, ca c'est un truc pour toi
-# ne pas oublier de s'en servir :
-# vi-match-bracket est sur ^X^B par defaut
-# npo : quote-region est sur ESC-" par defaut
-# npo : which-command est sur ESC-? par defaut
-## functions
-##[[ -t 1 ]] &&
- case $TERM in
- sun-cmd) print -Pn "\e]l%n@%m %~\e\\" ;;
- *xterm*|rxvt|(k|E|dt)term|gnome-terminal) print -Pn "\e]0;%n@%m (%l) %~\a" ;;
- esac
-# print -P "%(/,%78>...>%/,%//)%b"
-precmd ()
-# print -nP "%(?,,%{%}Foirage n°%{%}%?\n)%{%}"
-## misc commands
-#(/bin/rm -f ~/.saves-*) 2>/dev/null