path: root/01_Internal.zsh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '01_Internal.zsh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/01_Internal.zsh b/01_Internal.zsh
index b8bec64..963e731 100644
--- a/01_Internal.zsh
+++ b/01_Internal.zsh
@@ -95,201 +95,6 @@ __preprint()
-__get_gcl_branch ()
- case $1 in
- git)
- __get_git_branch
- ;;
- hg)
- __get_hg_branch
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
-__get_hg_branch ()
- HGROOT=$(hg root 2>/dev/null)
- if [ ! -z "$HGROOT" ]
- then
- hg branch
- fi
-__cleanup_git_branch_name() { sed 's,^tags/,,;s,^remotes/,,;s,\^0$,,' }
-__get_git_branch ()
- local my_git_branch checkouted_branch="yes"
- if [ -f ".repo/manifests.git/config" ]
- then
- my_git_branch=$(grep merge .repo/manifests.git/config | awk '{print $3}')
- if [ $my_git_branch != "" ]
- then
- echo " [$my_git_branch]"
- return
- fi
- fi
- # Get git branch only from git managed folders (not ignored subfolders..)
- [ "$( ( git ls-files ; git ls-tree HEAD . ) 2>&- | head -n1)" = "" -a \( ! -d .git -o "$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>&-)" != ".git" \) -a "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir 2>&-)" != "true" ] && return
- GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir)
- # Get current working GIT branch
- my_git_branch="$(git branch 2>&- | grep -E '^\* ' | cut -c3-)"
- if [ "$my_git_branch" != "" ]
- then
- # If not on a working GIT branch, get the named current commit-ish inside parenthesis
- [ "$my_git_branch" = "(no branch)" ] &&\
- checkouted_branch="" && \
- my_git_branch="$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD 2>&- | __cleanup_git_branch_name)"
- # If neither on a named commit-ish, show commit-id
- if [ "$my_git_branch" = "undefined" ]
- then
- my_git_branch="$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD 2>&-)"
- fi
- else
- # Initial commit
- if [ -L $GIT_DIR/HEAD -a ! -f $GIT_DIR/HEAD ]
- then
- my_git_branch="$(basename $GIT_DIR/$(LC_ALL=C stat --printf="%N\n" $GIT_DIR/HEAD | tr '`' "'" | cut -d\' -f4))"
- else
- my_git_branch="$(basename $GIT_DIR/$(cat $GIT_DIR/HEAD | sed 's/^\([0-9a-f]\{2\}\)\([0-9a-f]\{38\}\)$/objects\/\1\/\2/;s/^ref: //'))"
- fi
- fi
- my_git_branch="→"$my_git_branch"←"
- # Rebase in progress ?
- if [ -d $GIT_DIR/rebase-merge -o -d $GIT_DIR/rebase-apply ]
- then
- local rebase current last
- local REBASE_DIR
- if [ -d $GIT_DIR/rebase-merge ]
- then
- REBASE_DIR=$GIT_DIR/rebase-merge
- else
- REBASE_DIR=$GIT_DIR/rebase-apply
- fi
- if [ "$REBASE_DIR" = "$GIT_DIR/rebase-merge" ]
- then
- current=$(< $REBASE_DIR/done wc -l)
- last=$(( $current + $(< $REBASE_DIR/git-rebase-todo grep -v "^#\|^[[:blank:]]*$" | wc -l) ))
- rebase=$rebase$rebase_in_progress": "
- else
- current=$(cat $REBASE_DIR/next)
- last=$(cat $REBASE_DIR/last)
- fi
- my_git_branch="[$current/$last: "$(git name-rev --name-only "$(cat $REBASE_DIR/onto 2>/dev/null)" 2>/dev/null | __cleanup_git_branch_name)".."$(echo $my_git_branch)"]"
- [ -r $REBASE_DIR/head-name ] && my_git_branch=$my_git_branch" "$(< $REBASE_DIR/head-name sed 's/^refs\///;s/^heads\///')
- else
- # No rebase in progress, put '(' ')' if needed
- [ ! "$checkouted_branch" ] && my_git_branch="($my_git_branch)"
- fi
- echo " "$my_git_branch
-__get_guilt_series ()
- # Guilt
- #
- guilt=""
- if ( __cmd_exists guilt && guilt status >/dev/null 2>&- )
- then
- applied=$(guilt applied 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
- unapplied=$(guilt unapplied 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
- if [ $(($applied + $unapplied)) -gt 0 ]
- then
- guilt=" "$c_$_guilt_colors[applied]$_C
- while [ $applied -gt 0 ]
- do
- guilt=$guilt"·"
- applied=$(($applied - 1))
- done
- guilt=$guilt$c_$_guilt_colors[unapplied]$_C
- while [ $unapplied -gt 0 ]
- do
- guilt=$guilt"·"
- unapplied=$(($unapplied - 1))
- done
- guilt=$guilt$C_$colors[none]$_C
- fi
- fi
- echo $guilt
-# We *must* have previously checked that
-# we obtained a correct GIT branch with
-# a call to `__get_git_branch`
-__get_git_status ()
- local my_git_status cached changed managment_folder
- if [ ! -z "$DO_NOT_CHECK_GIT_STATUS" ]
- then
- return
- fi
- my_git_status=$_gcl_colors[uptodate];
- if [ -f ".repo/manifests.git/config" ]
- then
- echo $my_git_status
- return
- fi
- if [ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir)" = "true" -o "$(git config --get core.bare)" = "true" ] ; then
- echo "$_gcl_colors[gitdir]"
- return
- fi
- if [ "$(git diff --cached 2>&- | grep '^diff ' | head -n1 )" != "" ] ; then
- cached="yes"
- fi
- if [ "$(git ls-files -m 2>&- | head -n1)" != "" ] ; then
- changed="yes"
- fi
- GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)
- if [ "$cached" != "" -a "$changed" != "" ]
- then
- my_git_status="$_gcl_colors[mixed]"
- elif [ "$cached" != "" ]
- then
- my_git_status="$_gcl_colors[cached]"
- elif [ "$changed" != "" ]
- then
- my_git_status="$_gcl_colors[changed]"
- elif [ "$(git cat-file -t HEAD 2>/dev/null)" != "commit" ]
- then
- if [ ! -z "$(git ls-files)" ] ; then
- my_git_status="$_gcl_colors[cached]"
- else
- my_git_status="$_gcl_colors[init]"
- fi
- fi
- if [ $(git ls-files --unmerged | wc -l) -gt 0 ]
- then
- my_git_status="${_gcl_colors[merging]:+$_gcl_colors[merging];}$my_git_status"
- fi
- echo $my_git_status
__zsh_status ()
if [ $ZDOTDIR != "" ]