path: root/user:hugues/KeyBindings.zsh
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Diffstat (limited to 'user:hugues/KeyBindings.zsh')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/user:hugues/KeyBindings.zsh b/user:hugues/KeyBindings.zsh
index 5666dc3..bfdcba4 100644
--- a/user:hugues/KeyBindings.zsh
+++ b/user:hugues/KeyBindings.zsh
@@ -40,32 +40,79 @@ test $TERM = 'xterm' &&
bindkey 'OF' end-of-line # end-of-line
-# First pass with my personal bindings in vicmd-mode
-bindkey -A vicmd main ; source $0:h/Bindings
-# And here we re-define the 'push-line' macro
-bindkey -s "q" "iq"
-bindkey -s "Q" "iQ"
-# Second pass with my personal bindings in viins-mode
-bindkey -A viins main ; source $0:h/Bindings
-# Start every line editor in vicmd-mode.
-# 'bindkey -A vicmd main' is not the good way since
-# there is no way to enter viins-mode !!.. How tricky..
-zle-line-init() { zle vi-cmd-mode }
-zle -N zle-line-init
-# Go see man zshzle for more details.
- # $1 is the old keymap
- # $KEYMAP is the new one
+ main=$1
+ bindkey -A main $main
+# Vi-mode
+set_keymap viins
+for keymap in viins vicmd emacs
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'r' 'Q rehash\n'
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'R' 'Q reset\n'
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 't' 'Q todo\n'
+ #bindkey -M $keymap -s 'T' 'Q todo all -c\n'
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'é' ' 2>/dev/null '
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s '2' ' 2>&1 '
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'm' 'Q make\n'
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'M' 'Q make\n'
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'l' 'Q l\n'
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s ' ' '\\ '
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'g' 'Q git-status\n'
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'G' 'Q git-repack -d -a\n'
- local curr="$([ "$KEYMAP" = "main" ] && echo "viins" || echo $KEYMAP)"
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'S' 'Q sudo !!'
- term_title " [$curr]"
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'X' 'Q exec zsh\n'
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'OA' 'up-line-or-history'
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'OB' 'down-line-or-history'
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'OC' 'forward-word'
+ bindkey -M $keymap -s 'OD' 'backward-word'
+ bindkey -M $keymap "q" push-line
+ bindkey -M $keymap "Q" push-line
+# redefines push-line for vicmd
+bindkey -M vicmd -s "q" "iq"
+bindkey -M vicmd -s "Q" "iQ"
+# Sets vicmd-mode vim-compliant
+bindkey -M vicmd "u" "undo"
+bindkey -M vicmd "" "redo"
+bindkey -M vicmd "j" "history-search-forward"
+bindkey -M viins "j" "history-search-forward"
+bindkey -M vicmd "k" "history-search-backward"
+bindkey -M viins "k" "history-search-backward"
+ # Sets menuselect vim-compliant
+ bindkey -M menuselect "j" "down-line-or-history"
+ bindkey -M menuselect "k" "up-line-or-history"
+ bindkey -M menuselect "h" "backward-char"
+ bindkey -M menuselect "l" "forward-char"
+# Enters vi-cmd mode at each prompt
+#zle-line-init() { zle vi-cmd-mode }
+#zle -N zle-line-init
+# Show the current keymap used
+ local keymap=$( [ $KEYMAP = "main" ] && echo "$main" || echo $KEYMAP )
+ term_title " [$keymap]"
zle -N zle-keymap-select
+zle -N zle-line-init zle-keymap-select