path: root/net:osn.sagem
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2008-09-17Modification des chemins de travailHugues Hiegel
2008-07-02Kernel EXPORTS.Hugues Hiegel
2008-06-20Re-added "~/local/{s,}bin" into PATH for net:osn.sagemHugues Hiegel
2008-06-13Dumped config from net:eurodec to net:osn.sagem.Hugues Hiegel
2008-06-13Renamed hash dirs to their original Disc Letters..Hugues Hiegel
2008-06-12User 'g178241' is specific to osn.sagem network.Hugues Hiegel
2008-06-10Added net:osn.sagem because I got my own Linux desktop..HIEGEL Hugues