path: root/autoload/fuf.vim
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authorHugues Hiegel <>2018-11-07 10:34:07 +0100
committerHugues Hiegel <>2018-11-07 10:34:07 +0100
commit2f6eca0dc513d474765290f1a5a4c02aed549be0 (patch)
treeba0d3ec8462f470e2fe451ab1075e6a4f5b52a9d /autoload/fuf.vim
parenta647d34ce197a451b2dac7ad2fa62533a790fa6e (diff)
Plein de trucs en vrac... J’ai honte..
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload/fuf.vim')
1 files changed, 1046 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/fuf.vim b/autoload/fuf.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe9e6eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoload/fuf.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1046 @@
+" Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Takeshi NISHIDA
+" LOAD GUARD {{{1
+if !l9#guardScriptLoading(expand('<sfile>:p'), 0, 0, [])
+ finish
+" }}}1
+" returns list of paths.
+" An argument for glob() is normalized in order to avoid a bug on Windows.
+function fuf#glob(expr)
+ " Substitutes "\", because on Windows, "**\" doesn't include ".\",
+ " but "**/" include "./". I don't know why.
+ return split(glob(substitute(a:expr, '\', '/', 'g')), "\n")
+function fuf#countModifiedFiles(files, time)
+ return len(filter(copy(a:files), 'getftime(expand(v:val)) > a:time'))
+function fuf#getCurrentTagFiles()
+ return sort(filter(map(tagfiles(), 'fnamemodify(v:val, '':p'')'), 'filereadable(v:val)'))
+function fuf#mapToSetSerialIndex(in, offset)
+ for i in range(len(a:in))
+ let a:in[i].index = i + a:offset
+ endfor
+ return a:in
+function fuf#updateMruList(mrulist, newItem, maxItem, exclude)
+ let result = copy(a:mrulist)
+ let result = filter(result,'v:val.word !=# a:newItem.word')
+ let result = insert(result, a:newItem)
+ if len(a:exclude)
+ let result = filter(result, 'v:val.word !~ a:exclude')
+ endif
+ return result[0 : a:maxItem - 1]
+" takes suffix number. if no digits, returns -1
+function fuf#suffixNumber(str)
+ let s = matchstr(a:str, '\d\+$')
+ return (len(s) ? str2nr(s) : -1)
+" "foo/bar/buz/hoge" -> { head: "foo/bar/buz/", tail: "hoge" }
+function fuf#splitPath(path)
+ let head = matchstr(a:path, '^.*[/\\]')
+ return {
+ \ 'head' : head,
+ \ 'tail' : a:path[strlen(head):]
+ \ }
+" "foo/.../bar/...hoge" -> "foo/.../bar/../../hoge"
+function fuf#expandTailDotSequenceToParentDir(pattern)
+ return substitute(a:pattern, '^\(.*[/\\]\)\?\zs\.\(\.\+\)\ze[^/\\]*$',
+ \ '\=repeat(".." . l9#getPathSeparator(), len(submatch(2)))', '')
+function fuf#formatPrompt(prompt, partialMatching, otherString)
+ let indicator = escape((a:partialMatching ? '!' : '') . a:otherString, '\')
+ return substitute(a:prompt, '[]', indicator, 'g')
+function fuf#getFileLines(file)
+ let bufnr = (type(a:file) ==# type(0) ? a:file : bufnr('^' . a:file . '$'))
+ let lines = getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$')
+ if !empty(lines)
+ return lines
+ endif
+ return l9#readFile(a:file)
+function fuf#makePreviewLinesAround(lines, indices, page, maxHeight)
+ let index = ((empty(a:indices) ? 0 : a:indices[0])
+ \ + a:page * a:maxHeight) % len(a:lines)
+ if empty(a:lines) || a:maxHeight <= 0
+ return []
+ endif
+ let beg = max([0, index - a:maxHeight / 2])
+ let end = min([beg + a:maxHeight, len(a:lines)])
+ let beg = max([0, end - a:maxHeight])
+ let lines = []
+ for i in range(beg, end - 1)
+ let mark = (count(a:indices, i) ? '>' : ' ')
+ call add(lines, printf('%s%4d ', mark, i + 1) . a:lines[i])
+ endfor
+ return lines
+" a:file: a path string or a buffer number
+function fuf#makePreviewLinesForFile(file, count, maxHeight)
+ let lines = fuf#getFileLines(a:file)
+ if empty(lines)
+ return []
+ endif
+ let bufnr = (type(a:file) ==# type(0) ? a:file : bufnr('^' . a:file . '$'))
+ if exists('s:bufferCursorPosMap[bufnr]')
+ let indices = [s:bufferCursorPosMap[bufnr][1] - 1]
+ else
+ let indices = []
+ endif
+ return fuf#makePreviewLinesAround(
+ \ lines, indices, a:count, a:maxHeight)
+function fuf#echoWarning(msg)
+ call l9#echoHl('WarningMsg', a:msg, '[fuf] ', 1)
+function fuf#echoError(msg)
+ call l9#echoHl('ErrorMsg', a:msg, '[fuf] ', 1)
+function fuf#openBuffer(bufNr, mode, reuse)
+ if a:reuse && ((a:mode ==# s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT &&
+ \ l9#moveToBufferWindowInCurrentTabpage(a:bufNr)) ||
+ \ (a:mode ==# s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT &&
+ \ l9#moveToBufferWindowInCurrentTabpage(a:bufNr)) ||
+ \ (a:mode ==# s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB &&
+ \ l9#moveToBufferWindowInOtherTabpage(a:bufNr)))
+ return
+ endif
+ execute printf({
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT : '%sbuffer' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT : '%ssbuffer' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT : 'vertical %ssbuffer',
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB : 'tab %ssbuffer' ,
+ \ }[a:mode], a:bufNr)
+function fuf#openFile(path, mode, reuse)
+ let bufNr = bufnr('^' . a:path . '$')
+ if bufNr > -1
+ call fuf#openBuffer(bufNr, a:mode, a:reuse)
+ else
+ execute {
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT : 'edit ' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT : 'split ' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT : 'vsplit ' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB : 'tabedit ',
+ \ }[a:mode] . fnameescape(fnamemodify(a:path, ':~:.'))
+ endif
+function fuf#openTag(tag, mode)
+ execute {
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT : 'tjump ' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT : 'stjump ' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT : 'vertical stjump ',
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB : 'tab stjump ' ,
+ \ }[a:mode] . a:tag
+function fuf#openHelp(tag, mode)
+ execute {
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT : 'help ' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT : 'help ' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT : 'vertical help ',
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB : 'tab help ' ,
+ \ }[a:mode] . a:tag
+function fuf#prejump(mode)
+ execute {
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT : '' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT : 'split' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT : 'vsplit' ,
+ \ s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB : 'tab split',
+ \ }[a:mode]
+function fuf#compareRanks(i1, i2)
+ if exists('a:i1.ranks') && exists('a:i2.ranks')
+ for i in range(min([len(a:i1.ranks), len(a:i2.ranks)]))
+ if a:i1.ranks[i] > a:i2.ranks[i]
+ return +1
+ elseif a:i1.ranks[i] < a:i2.ranks[i]
+ return -1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return 0
+function fuf#makePathItem(fname, menu, appendsDirSuffix)
+ let pathPair = fuf#splitPath(a:fname)
+ let dirSuffix = (a:appendsDirSuffix && isdirectory(expand(a:fname))
+ \ ? l9#getPathSeparator()
+ \ : '')
+ return {
+ \ 'word' : a:fname . dirSuffix,
+ \ 'wordForPrimaryHead': s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(pathPair.head),
+ \ 'wordForPrimaryTail': s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(pathPair.tail),
+ \ 'wordForBoundary' : s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(s:getWordBoundaries(pathPair.tail)),
+ \ 'wordForRefining' : s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(a:fname . dirSuffix),
+ \ 'wordForRank' : s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(pathPair.tail),
+ \ 'menu' : a:menu,
+ \ }
+function fuf#makeNonPathItem(word, menu)
+ let wordL = s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(a:word)
+ return {
+ \ 'word' : a:word,
+ \ 'wordForPrimary' : wordL,
+ \ 'wordForBoundary': s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(s:getWordBoundaries(a:word)),
+ \ 'wordForRefining': wordL,
+ \ 'wordForRank' : wordL,
+ \ 'menu' : a:menu,
+ \ }
+function fuf#makePatternSet(patternBase, interpreter, partialMatching)
+ let MakeMatchingExpr = function(a:partialMatching
+ \ ? 's:makePartialMatchingExpr'
+ \ : 's:makeFuzzyMatchingExpr')
+ let [primary; refinings] = split(a:patternBase, g:fuf_patternSeparator, 1)
+ let elements = call(a:interpreter, [primary])
+ let primaryExprs = map(elements.matchingPairs, 'MakeMatchingExpr(v:val[0], v:val[1])')
+ let refiningExprs = map(refinings, 's:makeRefiningExpr(v:val)')
+ return {
+ \ 'primary' : elements.primary,
+ \ 'primaryForRank': elements.primaryForRank,
+ \ 'filteringExpr' : join(primaryExprs + refiningExprs, ' && '),
+ \ }
+function fuf#enumExpandedDirsEntries(dir, exclude)
+ let entries = fuf#glob(a:dir . '*') + fuf#glob(a:dir . '.*')
+ " removes "*/." and "*/.."
+ call filter(entries, 'v:val !~ ''\v(^|[/\\])\.\.?$''')
+ call map(entries, 'fuf#makePathItem(v:val, "", 1)')
+ if len(a:exclude)
+ call filter(entries, 'v:val.word !~ a:exclude')
+ endif
+ return entries
+function fuf#mapToSetAbbrWithSnippedWordAsPath(items)
+ let maxLenStats = {}
+ call map(a:items, 's:makeFileAbbrInfo(v:val, maxLenStats)')
+ let snippedHeads =
+ \ map(maxLenStats, 's:getSnippedHead(v:key[: -2], v:val)')
+ return map(a:items, 's:setAbbrWithFileAbbrData(v:val, snippedHeads)')
+function fuf#setAbbrWithFormattedWord(item, abbrIndex)
+ let lenMenu = (exists('') ? len( + 2 : 0)
+ let abbrPrefix = (exists('a:item.abbrPrefix') ? a:item.abbrPrefix : '')
+ let a:item.abbr = abbrPrefix . a:item.word
+ if a:abbrIndex
+ let a:item.abbr = printf('%4d: ', a:item.index) . a:item.abbr
+ endif
+ let a:item.abbr = l9#snipTail(a:item.abbr, g:fuf_maxMenuWidth - lenMenu, s:ABBR_SNIP_MASK)
+ return a:item
+function s:onCommandPre()
+ for m in filter(copy(fuf#getModeNames()), 'fuf#{v:val}#requiresOnCommandPre()')
+ call fuf#{m}#onCommandPre(getcmdtype() . getcmdline())
+ endfor
+ " lets last entry become the newest in the history
+ call histadd(getcmdtype(), getcmdline())
+ " this is not mapped again (:help recursive_mapping)
+ return "\<CR>"
+let s:modeNames = []
+function fuf#addMode(modeName)
+ if count(g:fuf_modesDisable, a:modeName) > 0
+ return
+ endif
+ call add(s:modeNames, a:modeName)
+ call fuf#{a:modeName}#renewCache()
+ call fuf#{a:modeName}#onInit()
+ if fuf#{a:modeName}#requiresOnCommandPre()
+ " cnoremap has a problem, which doesn't expand cabbrev.
+ cmap <silent> <expr> <CR> <SID>onCommandPre()
+ endif
+function fuf#getModeNames()
+ return s:modeNames
+function fuf#defineLaunchCommand(CmdName, modeName, prefixInitialPattern, tempVars)
+ if empty(a:tempVars)
+ let preCmd = ''
+ else
+ let preCmd = printf('call l9#tempvariables#setList(%s, %s) | ',
+ \ string(s:TEMP_VARIABLES_GROUP), string(a:tempVars))
+ endif
+ execute printf('command! -range -bang -narg=? %s %s call fuf#launch(%s, %s . <q-args>, len(<q-bang>))',
+ \ a:CmdName, preCmd, string(a:modeName), a:prefixInitialPattern)
+function fuf#defineKeyMappingInHandler(key, func)
+ " hacks to be able to use feedkeys().
+ execute printf(
+ \ 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> %s <C-r>=fuf#getRunningHandler().%s ? "" : ""<CR>',
+ \ a:key, a:func)
+let s:oneTimeVariables = []
+function fuf#setOneTimeVariables(...)
+ let s:oneTimeVariables += a:000
+function fuf#launch(modeName, initialPattern, partialMatching)
+ if exists('s:runningHandler')
+ call fuf#echoWarning('FuzzyFinder is running.')
+ endif
+ if count(fuf#getModeNames(), a:modeName) == 0
+ echoerr 'This mode is not available: ' . a:modeName
+ return
+ endif
+ let s:runningHandler = fuf#{a:modeName}#createHandler(copy(s:handlerBase))
+ let s:runningHandler.stats = fuf#loadDataFile(s:runningHandler.getModeName(), 'stats')
+ let s:runningHandler.partialMatching = a:partialMatching
+ let s:runningHandler.bufNrPrev = bufnr('%')
+ let s:runningHandler.lastCol = -1
+ let s:runningHandler.windowRestoringCommand = winrestcmd()
+ call s:runningHandler.onModeEnterPre()
+ " NOTE: updatetime is set, because in Buffer-Tag mode on Vim 7.3 on Windows,
+ " Vim keeps from triggering CursorMovedI for updatetime after system() is
+ " called. I don't know why.
+ call fuf#setOneTimeVariables(
+ \ ['&completeopt', 'menuone'],
+ \ ['&ignorecase', 0],
+ \ ['&updatetime', 10],
+ \ )
+ if s:runningHandler.getPreviewHeight() > 0
+ call fuf#setOneTimeVariables(
+ \ ['&cmdheight', s:runningHandler.getPreviewHeight() + 1])
+ endif
+ call l9#tempvariables#setList(s:TEMP_VARIABLES_GROUP, s:oneTimeVariables)
+ let s:oneTimeVariables = []
+ call s:activateFufBuffer()
+ augroup FufLocal
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd CursorMovedI <buffer> call s:runningHandler.onCursorMovedI()
+ autocmd InsertLeave <buffer> nested call s:runningHandler.onInsertLeave()
+ augroup END
+ for [key, func] in [
+ \ [ g:fuf_keyOpen , 'onCr(' . s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT . ')' ],
+ \ [ g:fuf_keyOpenSplit , 'onCr(' . s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT . ')' ],
+ \ [ g:fuf_keyOpenVsplit , 'onCr(' . s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT . ')' ],
+ \ [ g:fuf_keyOpenTabpage , 'onCr(' . s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB . ')' ],
+ \ [ '<BS>' , 'onBs()' ],
+ \ [ '<C-h>' , 'onBs()' ],
+ \ [ '<C-w>' , 'onDeleteWord()' ],
+ \ [ g:fuf_keyPreview , 'onPreviewBase(1)' ],
+ \ [ g:fuf_keyNextMode , 'onSwitchMode(+1)' ],
+ \ [ g:fuf_keyPrevMode , 'onSwitchMode(-1)' ],
+ \ [ g:fuf_keySwitchMatching, 'onSwitchMatching()' ],
+ \ [ g:fuf_keyPrevPattern , 'onRecallPattern(+1)' ],
+ \ [ g:fuf_keyNextPattern , 'onRecallPattern(-1)' ],
+ \ ]
+ call fuf#defineKeyMappingInHandler(key, func)
+ endfor
+ " Starts Insert mode and makes CursorMovedI event now. Command prompt is
+ " needed to forces a completion menu to update every typing.
+ call setline(1, s:runningHandler.getPrompt() . a:initialPattern)
+ call s:runningHandler.onModeEnterPost()
+ call feedkeys("A", 'n') " startinsert! does not work in InsertLeave event handler
+ redraw
+function fuf#loadDataFile(modeName, dataName)
+ if !s:dataFileAvailable
+ return []
+ endif
+ let lines = l9#readFile(l9#concatPaths([g:fuf_dataDir, a:modeName, a:dataName]))
+ return map(lines, 'eval(v:val)')
+function fuf#saveDataFile(modeName, dataName, items)
+ if !s:dataFileAvailable
+ return -1
+ endif
+ let lines = map(copy(a:items), 'string(v:val)')
+ return l9#writeFile(lines, l9#concatPaths([g:fuf_dataDir, a:modeName, a:dataName]))
+function fuf#getDataFileTime(modeName, dataName)
+ if !s:dataFileAvailable
+ return -1
+ endif
+ return getftime(expand(l9#concatPaths([g:fuf_dataDir, a:modeName, a:dataName])))
+function s:createDataBufferListener(dataFile)
+ let listener = { 'dataFile': a:dataFile }
+ function listener.onWrite(lines)
+ let [modeName, dataName] = split(self.dataFile, l9#getPathSeparator())
+ let items = map(filter(a:lines, '!empty(v:val)'), 'eval(v:val)')
+ call fuf#saveDataFile(modeName, dataName, items)
+ echo "Data files updated"
+ return 1
+ endfunction
+ return listener
+function s:createEditDataListener()
+ let listener = {}
+ function listener.onComplete(dataFile, method)
+ let bufName = '[fuf-info]'
+ let lines = l9#readFile(l9#concatPaths([g:fuf_dataDir, a:dataFile]))
+ call l9#tempbuffer#openWritable(bufName, 'vim', lines, 0, 0, 0,
+ \ s:createDataBufferListener(a:dataFile))
+ endfunction
+ return listener
+function s:getEditableDataFiles(modeName)
+ let dataFiles = fuf#{a:modeName}#getEditableDataNames()
+ call filter(dataFiles, 'fuf#getDataFileTime(a:modeName, v:val) != -1')
+ return map(dataFiles, 'l9#concatPaths([a:modeName, v:val])')
+function fuf#editDataFile()
+ let dataFiles = map(copy(fuf#getModeNames()), 's:getEditableDataFiles(v:val)')
+ let dataFiles = l9#concat(dataFiles)
+ call fuf#callbackitem#launch('', 0, '>Mode>', s:createEditDataListener(), dataFiles, 0)
+function fuf#getRunningHandler()
+ return s:runningHandler
+function fuf#onComplete(findstart, base)
+ return s:runningHandler.onComplete(a:findstart, a:base)
+" }}}1
+let s:TEMP_VARIABLES_GROUP = expand('<sfile>:p')
+let s:ABBR_SNIP_MASK = '...'
+let s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT = 2
+let s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB = 4
+" a:pattern: 'str' -> '\V\.\*s\.\*t\.\*r\.\*'
+function s:makeFuzzyMatchingExpr(target, pattern)
+ let wi = ''
+ for c in split(a:pattern, '\zs')
+ if wi =~# '[^*?]$' && c !~ '[*?]'
+ let wi .= '*'
+ endif
+ let wi .= c
+ endfor
+ return s:makePartialMatchingExpr(a:target, wi)
+" a:pattern: 'str' -> '\Vstr'
+" 'st*r' -> '\Vst\.\*r'
+function s:makePartialMatchingExpr(target, pattern)
+ let patternMigemo = s:makeAdditionalMigemoPattern(a:pattern)
+ if a:pattern !~ '[*?]' && empty(patternMigemo)
+ " NOTE: stridx is faster than regexp matching
+ return 'stridx(' . a:target . ', ' . string(a:pattern) . ') >= 0'
+ endif
+ return a:target . ' =~# ' .
+ \ string(l9#convertWildcardToRegexp(a:pattern)) . patternMigemo
+function s:makeRefiningExpr(pattern)
+ if g:fuf_fuzzyRefining
+ let expr = s:makeFuzzyMatchingExpr('v:val.wordForRefining', a:pattern)
+ else
+ let expr = s:makePartialMatchingExpr('v:val.wordForRefining', a:pattern)
+ endif
+ if a:pattern =~# '\D'
+ return expr
+ else
+ return '(' . expr . ' || v:val.index == ' . string(a:pattern) . ')'
+ endif
+function s:makeAdditionalMigemoPattern(pattern)
+ if !g:fuf_useMigemo || a:pattern =~# '[^\x01-\x7e]'
+ return ''
+ endif
+ return '\|\m' . substitute(migemo(a:pattern), '\\_s\*', '.*', 'g')
+function s:interpretPrimaryPatternForPathTail(pattern)
+ let pattern = fuf#expandTailDotSequenceToParentDir(a:pattern)
+ let pairL = fuf#splitPath(s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(pattern))
+ return {
+ \ 'primary' : pattern,
+ \ 'primaryForRank': pairL.tail,
+ \ 'matchingPairs' : [['v:val.wordForPrimaryTail', pairL.tail],],
+ \ }
+function s:interpretPrimaryPatternForPath(pattern)
+ let pattern = fuf#expandTailDotSequenceToParentDir(a:pattern)
+ let patternL = s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(pattern)
+ let pairL = fuf#splitPath(patternL)
+ if g:fuf_splitPathMatching
+ let matches = [
+ \ ['v:val.wordForPrimaryHead', pairL.head],
+ \ ['v:val.wordForPrimaryTail', pairL.tail],
+ \ ]
+ else
+ let matches = [
+ \ ['v:val.wordForPrimaryHead . v:val.wordForPrimaryTail', patternL],
+ \ ]
+ endif
+ return {
+ \ 'primary' : pattern,
+ \ 'primaryForRank': pairL.tail,
+ \ 'matchingPairs' : matches,
+ \ }
+function s:interpretPrimaryPatternForNonPath(pattern)
+ let patternL = s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(a:pattern)
+ return {
+ \ 'primary' : a:pattern,
+ \ 'primaryForRank': patternL,
+ \ 'matchingPairs' : [['v:val.wordForPrimary', patternL],],
+ \ }
+function s:getWordBoundaries(word)
+ return substitute(a:word, '\a\zs\l\+\|\zs\A', '', 'g')
+function s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(str)
+ return (g:fuf_ignoreCase ? tolower(a:str) : a:str)
+function s:setRanks(item, pattern, exprBoundary, stats)
+ "let word2 = substitute(a:eval_word, '\a\zs\l\+\|\zs\A', '', 'g')
+ let a:item.ranks = [
+ \ s:evaluateLearningRank(a:item.word, a:stats),
+ \ -s:scoreSequentialMatching(a:item.wordForRank, a:pattern),
+ \ -s:scoreBoundaryMatching(a:item.wordForBoundary,
+ \ a:pattern, a:exprBoundary),
+ \ a:item.index,
+ \ ]
+ return a:item
+function s:evaluateLearningRank(word, stats)
+ for i in range(len(a:stats))
+ if a:stats[i].word ==# a:word
+ return i
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return len(a:stats)
+" range of return value is [0.0, 1.0]
+function s:scoreSequentialMatching(word, pattern)
+ if empty(a:pattern)
+ return str2float('0.0')
+ endif
+ let pos = stridx(a:word, a:pattern)
+ if pos < 0
+ return str2float('0.0')
+ endif
+ let lenRest = len(a:word) - len(a:pattern) - pos
+ return str2float(pos == 0 ? '0.5' : '0.0') + str2float('0.5') / (lenRest + 1)
+" range of return value is [0.0, 1.0]
+function s:scoreBoundaryMatching(wordForBoundary, pattern, exprBoundary)
+ if empty(a:pattern)
+ return str2float('0.0')
+ endif
+ if !eval(a:exprBoundary)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ return (s:scoreSequentialMatching(a:wordForBoundary, a:pattern) + 1) / 2
+function s:highlightPrompt(prompt)
+ syntax clear
+ execute printf('syntax match %s /^\V%s/', g:fuf_promptHighlight, escape(a:prompt, '\/'))
+function s:highlightError()
+ syntax clear
+ syntax match Error /^.*$/
+function s:expandAbbrevMap(pattern, abbrevMap)
+ let result = [a:pattern]
+ for [pattern, subs] in items(a:abbrevMap)
+ let exprs = result
+ let result = []
+ for expr in exprs
+ let result += map(copy(subs), 'substitute(expr, pattern, escape(v:val, ''\''), "g")')
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ return l9#unique(result)
+function s:makeFileAbbrInfo(item, maxLenStats)
+ let head = matchstr(a:item.word, '^.*[/\\]\ze.')
+ let a:item.abbr = { 'head' : head,
+ \ 'tail' : a:item.word[strlen(head):],
+ \ 'key' : head . '.',
+ \ 'prefix' : printf('%4d: ', a:item.index), }
+ if exists('a:item.abbrPrefix')
+ let a:item.abbr.prefix .= a:item.abbrPrefix
+ endif
+ let len = len(a:item.abbr.prefix) + len(a:item.word) +
+ \ (exists('') ? len( + 2 : 0)
+ if !exists('a:maxLenStats[a:item.abbr.key]') || len > a:maxLenStats[a:item.abbr.key]
+ let a:maxLenStats[a:item.abbr.key] = len
+ endif
+ return a:item
+function s:getSnippedHead(head, baseLen)
+ return l9#snipMid(a:head, len(a:head) + g:fuf_maxMenuWidth - a:baseLen, s:ABBR_SNIP_MASK)
+function s:setAbbrWithFileAbbrData(item, snippedHeads)
+ let lenMenu = (exists('') ? len( + 2 : 0)
+ let abbr = a:item.abbr.prefix . a:snippedHeads[a:item.abbr.key] . a:item.abbr.tail
+ let a:item.abbr = l9#snipTail(abbr, g:fuf_maxMenuWidth - lenMenu, s:ABBR_SNIP_MASK)
+ return a:item
+let s:FUF_BUF_NAME = '[fuf]'
+function s:activateFufBuffer()
+ " lcd . : To avoid the strange behavior that unnamed buffer changes its cwd
+ " if 'autochdir' was set on.
+ lcd .
+ let cwd = getcwd()
+ call l9#tempbuffer#openScratch(s:FUF_BUF_NAME, 'fuf', [], 1, 0, 1, {})
+ resize 1 " for issue #21
+ " lcd ... : countermeasure against auto-cd script
+ lcd `=cwd`
+ setlocal nocursorline " for highlighting
+ setlocal nocursorcolumn " for highlighting
+ setlocal omnifunc=fuf#onComplete
+ redraw " for 'lazyredraw'
+ if exists(':AcpLock')
+ AcpLock
+ elseif exists(':AutoComplPopLock')
+ AutoComplPopLock
+ endif
+function s:deactivateFufBuffer()
+ if exists(':AcpUnlock')
+ AcpUnlock
+ elseif exists(':AutoComplPopUnlock')
+ AutoComplPopUnlock
+ endif
+ call l9#tempbuffer#close(s:FUF_BUF_NAME)
+" }}}1
+" s:handlerBase {{{1
+let s:handlerBase = {}
+" "
+" s:handler.getModeName()
+" "
+" s:handler.getPrompt()
+" "
+" s:handler.getCompleteItems(patternSet)
+" "
+" s:handler.onOpen(word, mode)
+" " Before entering FuzzyFinder buffer. This function should return in a short time.
+" s:handler.onModeEnterPre()
+" " After entering FuzzyFinder buffer.
+" s:handler.onModeEnterPost()
+" " After leaving FuzzyFinder buffer.
+" s:handler.onModeLeavePost(opened)
+" }}}2
+function s:handlerBase.concretize(deriv)
+ call extend(self, a:deriv, 'error')
+ return self
+function s:handlerBase.addStat(pattern, word)
+ let stat = { 'pattern' : a:pattern, 'word' : a:word }
+ call filter(self.stats, 'v:val !=# stat')
+ call insert(self.stats, stat)
+ let self.stats = self.stats[0 : g:fuf_learningLimit - 1]
+function s:handlerBase.getMatchingCompleteItems(patternBase)
+ let MakeMatchingExpr = function(self.partialMatching
+ \ ? 's:makePartialMatchingExpr'
+ \ : 's:makeFuzzyMatchingExpr')
+ let patternSet = self.makePatternSet(a:patternBase)
+ let exprBoundary = s:makeFuzzyMatchingExpr('a:wordForBoundary', patternSet.primaryForRank)
+ let stats = filter(
+ \ copy(self.stats), 'v:val.pattern ==# patternSet.primaryForRank')
+ let items = self.getCompleteItems(patternSet.primary)
+ " NOTE: In order to know an excess, plus 1 to limit number
+ let items = l9#filterWithLimit(
+ \ items, patternSet.filteringExpr, g:fuf_enumeratingLimit + 1)
+ return map(items,
+ \ 's:setRanks(v:val, patternSet.primaryForRank, exprBoundary, stats)')
+function s:handlerBase.onComplete(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart
+ return 0
+ elseif !self.existsPrompt(a:base)
+ return []
+ endif
+ call s:highlightPrompt(self.getPrompt())
+ let items = []
+ for patternBase in s:expandAbbrevMap(self.removePrompt(a:base), g:fuf_abbrevMap)
+ let items += self.getMatchingCompleteItems(patternBase)
+ if len(items) > g:fuf_enumeratingLimit
+ let items = items[ : g:fuf_enumeratingLimit - 1]
+ call s:highlightError()
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if empty(items)
+ call s:highlightError()
+ else
+ call sort(items, 'fuf#compareRanks')
+ if g:fuf_autoPreview
+ call feedkeys("\<C-p>\<Down>\<C-r>=fuf#getRunningHandler().onPreviewBase(0) ? '' : ''\<CR>", 'n')
+ else
+ call feedkeys("\<C-p>\<Down>", 'n')
+ endif
+ let self.lastFirstWord = items[0].word
+ endif
+ return items
+function s:handlerBase.existsPrompt(line)
+ return strlen(a:line) >= strlen(self.getPrompt()) &&
+ \ a:line[:strlen(self.getPrompt()) -1] ==# self.getPrompt()
+function s:handlerBase.removePrompt(line)
+ return a:line[(self.existsPrompt(a:line) ? strlen(self.getPrompt()) : 0):]
+function s:handlerBase.restorePrompt(line)
+ let i = 0
+ while i < len(self.getPrompt()) && i < len(a:line) && self.getPrompt()[i] ==# a:line[i]
+ let i += 1
+ endwhile
+ return self.getPrompt() . a:line[i : ]
+function s:handlerBase.onCursorMovedI()
+ if !self.existsPrompt(getline('.'))
+ call setline('.', self.restorePrompt(getline('.')))
+ call feedkeys("\<End>", 'n')
+ elseif col('.') <= len(self.getPrompt())
+ " if the cursor is moved before command prompt
+ call feedkeys(repeat("\<Right>", len(self.getPrompt()) - col('.') + 1), 'n')
+ elseif col('.') > strlen(getline('.')) && col('.') != self.lastCol
+ " if the cursor is placed on the end of the line and has been actually moved.
+ let self.lastCol = col('.')
+ let self.lastPattern = self.removePrompt(getline('.'))
+ call feedkeys("\<C-x>\<C-o>", 'n')
+ endif
+function s:handlerBase.onInsertLeave()
+ unlet s:runningHandler
+ let tempVars = l9#tempvariables#getList(s:TEMP_VARIABLES_GROUP)
+ call l9#tempvariables#end(s:TEMP_VARIABLES_GROUP)
+ call s:deactivateFufBuffer()
+ call fuf#saveDataFile(self.getModeName(), 'stats', self.stats)
+ execute self.windowRestoringCommand
+ let fOpen = exists('s:reservedCommand')
+ if fOpen
+ call self.onOpen(s:reservedCommand[0], s:reservedCommand[1])
+ unlet s:reservedCommand
+ endif
+ call self.onModeLeavePost(fOpen)
+ if exists('self.reservedMode')
+ call l9#tempvariables#setList(s:TEMP_VARIABLES_GROUP, tempVars)
+ call fuf#launch(self.reservedMode, self.lastPattern, self.partialMatching)
+ endif
+function s:handlerBase.onCr(openType)
+ if pumvisible()
+ call feedkeys(printf("\<C-y>\<C-r>=fuf#getRunningHandler().onCr(%d) ? '' : ''\<CR>",
+ \ a:openType), 'n')
+ return
+ endif
+ if !empty(self.lastPattern)
+ call self.addStat(self.lastPattern, self.removePrompt(getline('.')))
+ endif
+ if !self.isOpenable(getline('.'))
+ " To clear i_<C-r> expression (fuf#getRunningHandler().onCr...)
+ echo ''
+ return
+ endif
+ let s:reservedCommand = [self.removePrompt(getline('.')), a:openType]
+ call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'n') " stopinsert behavior is strange...
+function s:handlerBase.onBs()
+ call feedkeys((pumvisible() ? "\<C-e>\<BS>" : "\<BS>"), 'n')
+function s:getLastBlockLength(pattern, patternIsPath)
+ let separatorPos = strridx(a:pattern, g:fuf_patternSeparator)
+ if separatorPos >= 0
+ return len(a:pattern) - separatorPos
+ endif
+ if a:patternIsPath && a:pattern =~# '[/\\].'
+ return len(matchstr(a:pattern, '[^/\\]*.$'))
+ endif
+ return len(a:pattern)
+function s:handlerBase.onDeleteWord()
+ let pattern = self.removePrompt(getline('.')[ : col('.') - 2])
+ let numBs = s:getLastBlockLength(pattern, 1)
+ call feedkeys((pumvisible() ? "\<C-e>" : "") . repeat("\<BS>", numBs), 'n')
+function s:handlerBase.onPreviewBase(repeatable)
+ if self.getPreviewHeight() <= 0
+ return
+ elseif !pumvisible()
+ return
+ elseif !self.existsPrompt(getline('.'))
+ let word = self.removePrompt(getline('.'))
+ elseif !exists('self.lastFirstWord')
+ return
+ else
+ let word = self.lastFirstWord
+ endif
+ redraw
+ if a:repeatable && exists('self.lastPreviewInfo') && self.lastPreviewInfo.word ==# word
+ let self.lastPreviewInfo.count += 1
+ else
+ let self.lastPreviewInfo = {'word': word, 'count': 0}
+ endif
+ let lines = self.makePreviewLines(word, self.lastPreviewInfo.count)
+ let lines = lines[: self.getPreviewHeight() - 1]
+ call map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, "\t", repeat(" ", &tabstop), "g")')
+ call map(lines, 'strtrans(v:val)')
+ call map(lines, 'l9#snipTail(v:val, &columns - 1, s:ABBR_SNIP_MASK)')
+ echo join(lines, "\n")
+function s:handlerBase.onSwitchMode(shift)
+ let modes = copy(fuf#getModeNames())
+ call map(modes, '{ "ranks": [ fuf#{v:val}#getSwitchOrder(), v:val ] }')
+ call filter(modes, 'v:val.ranks[0] >= 0')
+ call sort(modes, 'fuf#compareRanks')
+ let self.reservedMode = self.getModeName()
+ for i in range(len(modes))
+ if modes[i].ranks[1] ==# self.getModeName()
+ let self.reservedMode = modes[(i + a:shift) % len(modes)].ranks[1]
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'n') " stopinsert doesn't work.
+function s:handlerBase.onSwitchMatching()
+ let self.partialMatching = !self.partialMatching
+ let self.lastCol = -1
+ call setline('.', self.restorePrompt(self.lastPattern))
+ call feedkeys("\<End>", 'n')
+ "call self.onCursorMovedI()
+function s:handlerBase.onRecallPattern(shift)
+ let patterns = map(copy(self.stats), 'v:val.pattern')
+ if !exists('self.indexRecall')
+ let self.indexRecall = -1
+ endif
+ let self.indexRecall += a:shift
+ if self.indexRecall < 0
+ let self.indexRecall = -1
+ elseif self.indexRecall >= len(patterns)
+ let self.indexRecall = len(patterns) - 1
+ else
+ call setline('.', self.getPrompt() . patterns[self.indexRecall])
+ call feedkeys("\<End>", 'n')
+ endif
+" }}}1
+augroup FufGlobal
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd BufLeave * let s:bufferCursorPosMap[bufnr('')] = getpos('.')
+augroup END
+let s:bufferCursorPosMap = {}
+let s:DATA_FILE_VERSION = 400
+function s:checkDataFileCompatibility()
+ if empty(g:fuf_dataDir)
+ let s:dataFileAvailable = 0
+ return
+ endif
+ let versionPath = l9#concatPaths([g:fuf_dataDir, 'VERSION'])
+ let lines = l9#readFile(versionPath)
+ if empty(lines)
+ call l9#writeFile([s:DATA_FILE_VERSION], versionPath)
+ let s:dataFileAvailable = 1
+ elseif str2nr(lines[0]) == s:DATA_FILE_VERSION
+ let s:dataFileAvailable = 1
+ else
+ call fuf#echoWarning(printf(
+ \ "=======================================================\n" .
+ \ " Existing data files for FuzzyFinder is no longer \n" .
+ \ " compatible with this version of FuzzyFinder. Remove \n" .
+ \ " %-53s\n" .
+ \ "=======================================================\n" ,
+ \ string(g:fuf_dataDir)))
+ call l9#inputHl('Question', 'Press Enter')
+ let s:dataFileAvailable = 0
+ endif
+call s:checkDataFileCompatibility()
+" }}}1
+" vim: set fdm=marker: