path: root/autoload/linediff
diff options
authorHugues Hiegel <>2016-02-16 12:56:14 +0100
committerHugues Hiegel <>2016-03-09 12:39:20 +0100
commit2fa40df23275cce7f30e8f0d46be6b3375eba676 (patch)
tree361f42b7afc9929b1c45210d694239d22e078c5c /autoload/linediff
parentb4a3e36ecca719fc76dcbb7cd5a7b534740c1475 (diff)
[bundle] moved linediff as bundle
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload/linediff')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/linediff/differ.vim b/autoload/linediff/differ.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eb5c9d..0000000
--- a/autoload/linediff/differ.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-" Constructs a Differ object that is still unbound. To initialize the object
-" with data, `Init(from, to)` needs to be invoked on that object.
-function! linediff#differ#New(sign_name, sign_number)
- let differ = {
- \ 'original_buffer': -1,
- \ 'diff_buffer': -1,
- \ 'filetype': '',
- \ 'from': -1,
- \ 'to': -1,
- \ 'sign_name': a:sign_name,
- \ 'sign_number': a:sign_number,
- \ 'sign_text': a:sign_number.'-',
- \ 'is_blank': 1,
- \ 'other_differ': {},
- \
- \ 'Init': function('linediff#differ#Init'),
- \ 'IsBlank': function('linediff#differ#IsBlank'),
- \ 'Reset': function('linediff#differ#Reset'),
- \ 'Lines': function('linediff#differ#Lines'),
- \ 'CreateDiffBuffer': function('linediff#differ#CreateDiffBuffer'),
- \ 'SetupDiffBuffer': function('linediff#differ#SetupDiffBuffer'),
- \ 'CloseDiffBuffer': function('linediff#differ#CloseDiffBuffer'),
- \ 'UpdateOriginalBuffer': function('linediff#differ#UpdateOriginalBuffer'),
- \ 'PossiblyUpdateOtherDiffer': function('linediff#differ#PossiblyUpdateOtherDiffer'),
- \ 'SetupSigns': function('linediff#differ#SetupSigns')
- \ }
- exe "sign define ".differ.sign_name." text=".differ.sign_text." texthl=Search"
- return differ
-" Sets up the Differ with data from the argument list and from the current
-" file.
-function! linediff#differ#Init(from, to) dict
- let self.original_buffer = bufnr('%')
- let self.filetype = &filetype
- let self.from = a:from
- let = a:to
- call self.SetupSigns()
- let self.is_blank = 0
-" Returns true if the differ is blank, which means not initialized with data.
-function! linediff#differ#IsBlank() dict
- return self.is_blank
-" Resets the differ to the blank state. Invoke `Init(from, to)` on it later to
-" make it usable again.
-function! linediff#differ#Reset() dict
- call self.CloseDiffBuffer()
- let self.original_buffer = -1
- let self.diff_buffer = -1
- let self.filetype = ''
- let self.from = -1
- let = -1
- let self.other_differ = {}
- exe "sign unplace ".self.sign_number."1"
- exe "sign unplace ".self.sign_number."2"
- let self.is_blank = 1
-" Extracts the relevant lines from the original buffer and returns them as a
-" list.
-function! linediff#differ#Lines() dict
- return getbufline(self.original_buffer, self.from,
-" Creates the buffer used for the diffing and connects it to this differ
-" object.
-function! linediff#differ#CreateDiffBuffer(edit_command) dict
- let lines = self.Lines()
- let temp_file = tempname()
- exe a:edit_command . " " . temp_file
- call append(0, lines)
- normal! Gdd
- set nomodified
- let self.diff_buffer = bufnr('%')
- call self.SetupDiffBuffer()
- diffthis
-" Sets up the temporary buffer's filetype and statusline.
-" Attempts to leave the current statusline as it is, and simply add the
-" relevant information in the place of the current filename. If that fails,
-" replaces the whole statusline.
-function! linediff#differ#SetupDiffBuffer() dict
- let b:differ = self
- let statusline = printf('[%s:%%{b:differ.from}-%%{}]', bufname(self.original_buffer))
- if &statusline =~ '%[fF]'
- let statusline = substitute(&statusline, '%[fF]', statusline, '')
- endif
- exe "setlocal statusline=" . escape(statusline, ' |')
- exe "set filetype=" . self.filetype
- setlocal bufhidden=hide
- autocmd BufWrite <buffer> silent call b:differ.UpdateOriginalBuffer()
-function! linediff#differ#CloseDiffBuffer() dict
- if bufexists(self.diff_buffer)
- exe "bdelete ".self.diff_buffer
- endif
-function! linediff#differ#SetupSigns() dict
- exe "sign unplace ".self.sign_number."1"
- exe "sign unplace ".self.sign_number."2"
- exe printf("sign place %d1 name=%s line=%d buffer=%d", self.sign_number, self.sign_name, self.from, self.original_buffer)
- exe printf("sign place %d2 name=%s line=%d buffer=%d", self.sign_number, self.sign_name,, self.original_buffer)
-" Updates the original buffer after saving the temporary one. It might also
-" update the other differ's data, provided a few conditions are met. See
-" linediff#differ#PossiblyUpdateOtherDiffer() for details.
-function! linediff#differ#UpdateOriginalBuffer() dict
- let new_lines = getbufline('%', 0, '$')
- " Switch to the original buffer, delete the relevant lines, add the new
- " ones, switch back to the diff buffer.
- call linediff#util#SwitchBuffer(self.original_buffer)
- let saved_cursor = getpos('.')
- call cursor(self.from, 1)
- exe "normal! ".( - self.from + 1)."dd"
- call append(self.from - 1, new_lines)
- call setpos('.', saved_cursor)
- call linediff#util#SwitchBuffer(self.diff_buffer)
- " Keep the difference in lines to know how to update the other differ if
- " necessary.
- let line_count = - self.from + 1
- let new_line_count = len(new_lines)
- let = self.from + len(new_lines) - 1
- call self.SetupDiffBuffer()
- call self.SetupSigns()
- call self.PossiblyUpdateOtherDiffer(new_line_count - line_count)
-" If the other differ originates from the same buffer and it's located below
-" this one, we need to update its starting and ending lines, since any change
-" would result in a line shift.
-" a:delta is the change in the number of lines.
-function! linediff#differ#PossiblyUpdateOtherDiffer(delta) dict
- let other = self.other_differ
- if self.original_buffer == other.original_buffer
- \ && <= other.from
- \ && a:delta != 0
- let other.from = other.from + a:delta
- let = + a:delta
- call other.SetupSigns()
- endif
diff --git a/autoload/linediff/util.vim b/autoload/linediff/util.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 4655b92..0000000
--- a/autoload/linediff/util.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-" Helper method to change to a certain buffer.
-function! linediff#util#SwitchBuffer(bufno)
- exe "buffer ".a:bufno