path: root/autoload/vimwiki/diary.vim
diff options
authorHugues Hiegel <>2014-12-23 17:00:28 +0100
committerHugues Hiegel <>2014-12-23 17:00:28 +0100
commit8625978e9955c43a8135751a21da262b0e0d8af4 (patch)
tree2fee0ed4c9d912218e6b5366398ebd5d51037e28 /autoload/vimwiki/diary.vim
parent44bfbe0fdd70a76f5c8340424893272a4a92cc59 (diff)
[plugins] VimWiki + Todo Power
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload/vimwiki/diary.vim')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/vimwiki/diary.vim b/autoload/vimwiki/diary.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55c4325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoload/vimwiki/diary.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
+" Vimwiki autoload plugin file
+" Desc: Handle diary notes
+" Author: Maxim Kim <>
+" Home:
+" Load only once {{{
+if exists("g:loaded_vimwiki_diary_auto") || &cp
+ finish
+let g:loaded_vimwiki_diary_auto = 1
+let s:vimwiki_max_scan_for_caption = 5
+" Helpers {{{
+function! s:prefix_zero(num) "{{{
+ if a:num < 10
+ return '0'.a:num
+ endif
+ return a:num
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:get_date_link(fmt) "{{{
+ return strftime(a:fmt)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:link_exists(lines, link) "{{{
+ let link_exists = 0
+ for line in a:lines
+ if line =~ escape(a:link, '[]\')
+ let link_exists = 1
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return link_exists
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:diary_path(...) "{{{
+ let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1
+ return VimwikiGet('path', idx).VimwikiGet('diary_rel_path', idx)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:diary_index(...) "{{{
+ let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1
+ return s:diary_path(idx).VimwikiGet('diary_index', idx).VimwikiGet('ext', idx)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:diary_date_link(...) "{{{
+ let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1
+ return s:get_date_link(VimwikiGet('diary_link_fmt', idx))
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:get_position_links(link) "{{{
+ let idx = -1
+ let links = []
+ if a:link =~ '^\d\{4}-\d\d-\d\d'
+ let links = keys(s:get_diary_links())
+ " include 'today' into links
+ if index(links, s:diary_date_link()) == -1
+ call add(links, s:diary_date_link())
+ endif
+ call sort(links)
+ let idx = index(links, a:link)
+ endif
+ return [idx, links]
+endfunction "}}}
+fun! s:get_month_name(month) "{{{
+ return g:vimwiki_diary_months[str2nr(a:month)]
+endfun "}}}
+" Helpers }}}
+" Diary index stuff {{{
+fun! s:read_captions(files) "{{{
+ let result = {}
+ for fl in a:files
+ " remove paths and extensions
+ let fl_key = fnamemodify(fl, ':t:r')
+ if filereadable(fl)
+ for line in readfile(fl, '', s:vimwiki_max_scan_for_caption)
+ if line =~ g:vimwiki_rxHeader && !has_key(result, fl_key)
+ let result[fl_key] = vimwiki#u#trim(matchstr(line, g:vimwiki_rxHeader))
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if !has_key(result, fl_key)
+ let result[fl_key] = ''
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return result
+endfun "}}}
+fun! s:get_diary_links(...) "{{{
+ let rx = '^\d\{4}-\d\d-\d\d'
+ let s_files = glob(VimwikiGet('path').VimwikiGet('diary_rel_path').'*'.VimwikiGet('ext'))
+ let files = split(s_files, '\n')
+ call filter(files, 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":t") =~ "'.escape(rx, '\').'"')
+ " remove backup files (.wiki~)
+ call filter(files, 'v:val !~ ''.*\~$''')
+ if a:0
+ call add(files, a:1)
+ endif
+ let links_with_captions = s:read_captions(files)
+ return links_with_captions
+endfun "}}}
+fun! s:group_links(links) "{{{
+ let result = {}
+ let p_year = 0
+ let p_month = 0
+ for fl in sort(keys(a:links))
+ let year = strpart(fl, 0, 4)
+ let month = strpart(fl, 5, 2)
+ if p_year != year
+ let result[year] = {}
+ let p_month = 0
+ endif
+ if p_month != month
+ let result[year][month] = {}
+ endif
+ let result[year][month][fl] = a:links[fl]
+ let p_year = year
+ let p_month = month
+ endfor
+ return result
+endfun "}}}
+fun! s:sort(lst) "{{{
+ if VimwikiGet("diary_sort") == 'desc'
+ return reverse(sort(a:lst))
+ else
+ return sort(a:lst)
+ endif
+endfun "}}}
+fun! s:format_diary(...) "{{{
+ let result = []
+ call add(result, substitute(g:vimwiki_rxH1_Template, '__Header__', VimwikiGet('diary_header'), ''))
+ if a:0
+ let g_files = s:group_links(s:get_diary_links(a:1))
+ else
+ let g_files = s:group_links(s:get_diary_links())
+ endif
+ " for year in s:rev(sort(keys(g_files)))
+ for year in s:sort(keys(g_files))
+ call add(result, '')
+ call add(result, substitute(g:vimwiki_rxH2_Template, '__Header__', year , ''))
+ " for month in s:rev(sort(keys(g_files[year])))
+ for month in s:sort(keys(g_files[year]))
+ call add(result, '')
+ call add(result, substitute(g:vimwiki_rxH3_Template, '__Header__', s:get_month_name(month), ''))
+ " for [fl, cap] in s:rev(sort(items(g_files[year][month])))
+ for [fl, cap] in s:sort(items(g_files[year][month]))
+ if empty(cap)
+ let entry = substitute(g:vimwiki_WikiLinkTemplate1, '__LinkUrl__', fl, '')
+ let entry = substitute(entry, '__LinkDescription__', cap, '')
+ call add(result, repeat(' ', &sw).'* '.entry)
+ else
+ let entry = substitute(g:vimwiki_WikiLinkTemplate2, '__LinkUrl__', fl, '')
+ let entry = substitute(entry, '__LinkDescription__', cap, '')
+ call add(result, repeat(' ', &sw).'* '.entry)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ call add(result, '')
+ return result
+endfun "}}}
+function! s:delete_diary_section() "{{{
+ " remove diary section
+ let old_pos = getpos('.')
+ let ln_start = -1
+ let ln_end = -1
+ call cursor(1, 1)
+ if search(substitute(g:vimwiki_rxH1_Template, '__Header__', VimwikiGet('diary_header'), ''), 'Wc')
+ let ln_start = line('.')
+ if search(g:vimwiki_rxH1, 'W')
+ let ln_end = line('.') - 1
+ else
+ let ln_end = line('$')
+ endif
+ endif
+ if ln_start < 0 || ln_end < 0
+ call setpos('.', old_pos)
+ return
+ endif
+ if !&readonly
+ exe ln_start.",".ln_end."delete _"
+ endif
+ call setpos('.', old_pos)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:insert_diary_section() "{{{
+ if !&readonly
+ let ln = line('.')
+ call append(ln, s:format_diary())
+ if ln == 1 && getline(ln) == ''
+ 1,1delete
+ endif
+ endif
+endfunction "}}}
+" Diary index stuff }}}
+function! vimwiki#diary#make_note(wnum, ...) "{{{
+ if a:wnum > len(g:vimwiki_list)
+ echom "vimwiki: Wiki ".a:wnum." is not registered in g:vimwiki_list!"
+ return
+ endif
+ " TODO: refactor it. base#goto_index uses the same
+ if a:wnum > 0
+ let idx = a:wnum - 1
+ else
+ let idx = 0
+ endif
+ call vimwiki#base#validate_wiki_options(idx)
+ call vimwiki#base#mkdir(VimwikiGet('path', idx).VimwikiGet('diary_rel_path', idx))
+ if a:0 && a:1 == 1
+ let cmd = 'tabedit'
+ else
+ let cmd = 'edit'
+ endif
+ if a:0>1
+ let link = 'diary:'.a:2
+ else
+ let link = 'diary:'.s:diary_date_link(idx)
+ endif
+ call vimwiki#base#open_link(cmd, link, s:diary_index(idx))
+ call vimwiki#base#setup_buffer_state(idx)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#diary#goto_diary_index(wnum) "{{{
+ if a:wnum > len(g:vimwiki_list)
+ echom "vimwiki: Wiki ".a:wnum." is not registered in g:vimwiki_list!"
+ return
+ endif
+ " TODO: refactor it. base#goto_index uses the same
+ if a:wnum > 0
+ let idx = a:wnum - 1
+ else
+ let idx = 0
+ endif
+ call vimwiki#base#validate_wiki_options(idx)
+ call vimwiki#base#edit_file('e', s:diary_index(idx))
+ call vimwiki#base#setup_buffer_state(idx)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#diary#goto_next_day() "{{{
+ let link = ''
+ let [idx, links] = s:get_position_links(expand('%:t:r'))
+ if idx == (len(links) - 1)
+ return
+ endif
+ if idx != -1 && idx < len(links) - 1
+ let link = 'diary:'.links[idx+1]
+ else
+ " goto today
+ let link = 'diary:'.s:diary_date_link()
+ endif
+ if len(link)
+ call vimwiki#base#open_link(':e ', link)
+ endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#diary#goto_prev_day() "{{{
+ let link = ''
+ let [idx, links] = s:get_position_links(expand('%:t:r'))
+ if idx == 0
+ return
+ endif
+ if idx > 0
+ let link = 'diary:'.links[idx-1]
+ else
+ " goto today
+ let link = 'diary:'.s:diary_date_link()
+ endif
+ if len(link)
+ call vimwiki#base#open_link(':e ', link)
+ endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#diary#generate_diary_section() "{{{
+ let current_file = vimwiki#u#path_norm(expand("%:p"))
+ let diary_file = vimwiki#u#path_norm(s:diary_index())
+ if current_file == diary_file
+ call s:delete_diary_section()
+ call s:insert_diary_section()
+ else
+ echom "vimwiki: You can generate diary links only in a diary index page!"
+ endif
+endfunction "}}}
+" Calendar.vim {{{
+" Callback function.
+function! vimwiki#diary#calendar_action(day, month, year, week, dir) "{{{
+ let day = s:prefix_zero(a:day)
+ let month = s:prefix_zero(a:month)
+ let link = a:year.'-'.month.'-'.day
+ if winnr('#') == 0
+ if a:dir == 'V'
+ vsplit
+ else
+ split
+ endif
+ else
+ wincmd p
+ if !&hidden && &modified
+ new
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Create diary note for a selected date in default wiki.
+ call vimwiki#diary#make_note(1, 0, link)
+endfunction "}}}
+" Sign function.
+function vimwiki#diary#calendar_sign(day, month, year) "{{{
+ let day = s:prefix_zero(a:day)
+ let month = s:prefix_zero(a:month)
+ let sfile = VimwikiGet('path').VimwikiGet('diary_rel_path').
+ \ a:year.'-'.month.'-'.day.VimwikiGet('ext')
+ return filereadable(expand(sfile))
+endfunction "}}}
+" Calendar.vim }}}