diff options
6 files changed, 6 insertions, 345 deletions
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ace189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+[submodule "bundle/vim-abolish"]
+ path = bundle/vim-abolish
+ url = git://
+[submodule "bundle/linediff"]
+ path = bundle/linediff
+ url = git://
diff --git a/autoload/linediff/differ.vim b/autoload/linediff/differ.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eb5c9d..0000000
--- a/autoload/linediff/differ.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-" Constructs a Differ object that is still unbound. To initialize the object
-" with data, `Init(from, to)` needs to be invoked on that object.
-function! linediff#differ#New(sign_name, sign_number)
- let differ = {
- \ 'original_buffer': -1,
- \ 'diff_buffer': -1,
- \ 'filetype': '',
- \ 'from': -1,
- \ 'to': -1,
- \ 'sign_name': a:sign_name,
- \ 'sign_number': a:sign_number,
- \ 'sign_text': a:sign_number.'-',
- \ 'is_blank': 1,
- \ 'other_differ': {},
- \
- \ 'Init': function('linediff#differ#Init'),
- \ 'IsBlank': function('linediff#differ#IsBlank'),
- \ 'Reset': function('linediff#differ#Reset'),
- \ 'Lines': function('linediff#differ#Lines'),
- \ 'CreateDiffBuffer': function('linediff#differ#CreateDiffBuffer'),
- \ 'SetupDiffBuffer': function('linediff#differ#SetupDiffBuffer'),
- \ 'CloseDiffBuffer': function('linediff#differ#CloseDiffBuffer'),
- \ 'UpdateOriginalBuffer': function('linediff#differ#UpdateOriginalBuffer'),
- \ 'PossiblyUpdateOtherDiffer': function('linediff#differ#PossiblyUpdateOtherDiffer'),
- \ 'SetupSigns': function('linediff#differ#SetupSigns')
- \ }
- exe "sign define ".differ.sign_name." text=".differ.sign_text." texthl=Search"
- return differ
-" Sets up the Differ with data from the argument list and from the current
-" file.
-function! linediff#differ#Init(from, to) dict
- let self.original_buffer = bufnr('%')
- let self.filetype = &filetype
- let self.from = a:from
- let = a:to
- call self.SetupSigns()
- let self.is_blank = 0
-" Returns true if the differ is blank, which means not initialized with data.
-function! linediff#differ#IsBlank() dict
- return self.is_blank
-" Resets the differ to the blank state. Invoke `Init(from, to)` on it later to
-" make it usable again.
-function! linediff#differ#Reset() dict
- call self.CloseDiffBuffer()
- let self.original_buffer = -1
- let self.diff_buffer = -1
- let self.filetype = ''
- let self.from = -1
- let = -1
- let self.other_differ = {}
- exe "sign unplace ".self.sign_number."1"
- exe "sign unplace ".self.sign_number."2"
- let self.is_blank = 1
-" Extracts the relevant lines from the original buffer and returns them as a
-" list.
-function! linediff#differ#Lines() dict
- return getbufline(self.original_buffer, self.from,
-" Creates the buffer used for the diffing and connects it to this differ
-" object.
-function! linediff#differ#CreateDiffBuffer(edit_command) dict
- let lines = self.Lines()
- let temp_file = tempname()
- exe a:edit_command . " " . temp_file
- call append(0, lines)
- normal! Gdd
- set nomodified
- let self.diff_buffer = bufnr('%')
- call self.SetupDiffBuffer()
- diffthis
-" Sets up the temporary buffer's filetype and statusline.
-" Attempts to leave the current statusline as it is, and simply add the
-" relevant information in the place of the current filename. If that fails,
-" replaces the whole statusline.
-function! linediff#differ#SetupDiffBuffer() dict
- let b:differ = self
- let statusline = printf('[%s:%%{b:differ.from}-%%{}]', bufname(self.original_buffer))
- if &statusline =~ '%[fF]'
- let statusline = substitute(&statusline, '%[fF]', statusline, '')
- endif
- exe "setlocal statusline=" . escape(statusline, ' |')
- exe "set filetype=" . self.filetype
- setlocal bufhidden=hide
- autocmd BufWrite <buffer> silent call b:differ.UpdateOriginalBuffer()
-function! linediff#differ#CloseDiffBuffer() dict
- if bufexists(self.diff_buffer)
- exe "bdelete ".self.diff_buffer
- endif
-function! linediff#differ#SetupSigns() dict
- exe "sign unplace ".self.sign_number."1"
- exe "sign unplace ".self.sign_number."2"
- exe printf("sign place %d1 name=%s line=%d buffer=%d", self.sign_number, self.sign_name, self.from, self.original_buffer)
- exe printf("sign place %d2 name=%s line=%d buffer=%d", self.sign_number, self.sign_name,, self.original_buffer)
-" Updates the original buffer after saving the temporary one. It might also
-" update the other differ's data, provided a few conditions are met. See
-" linediff#differ#PossiblyUpdateOtherDiffer() for details.
-function! linediff#differ#UpdateOriginalBuffer() dict
- let new_lines = getbufline('%', 0, '$')
- " Switch to the original buffer, delete the relevant lines, add the new
- " ones, switch back to the diff buffer.
- call linediff#util#SwitchBuffer(self.original_buffer)
- let saved_cursor = getpos('.')
- call cursor(self.from, 1)
- exe "normal! ".( - self.from + 1)."dd"
- call append(self.from - 1, new_lines)
- call setpos('.', saved_cursor)
- call linediff#util#SwitchBuffer(self.diff_buffer)
- " Keep the difference in lines to know how to update the other differ if
- " necessary.
- let line_count = - self.from + 1
- let new_line_count = len(new_lines)
- let = self.from + len(new_lines) - 1
- call self.SetupDiffBuffer()
- call self.SetupSigns()
- call self.PossiblyUpdateOtherDiffer(new_line_count - line_count)
-" If the other differ originates from the same buffer and it's located below
-" this one, we need to update its starting and ending lines, since any change
-" would result in a line shift.
-" a:delta is the change in the number of lines.
-function! linediff#differ#PossiblyUpdateOtherDiffer(delta) dict
- let other = self.other_differ
- if self.original_buffer == other.original_buffer
- \ && <= other.from
- \ && a:delta != 0
- let other.from = other.from + a:delta
- let = + a:delta
- call other.SetupSigns()
- endif
diff --git a/autoload/linediff/util.vim b/autoload/linediff/util.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 4655b92..0000000
--- a/autoload/linediff/util.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-" Helper method to change to a certain buffer.
-function! linediff#util#SwitchBuffer(bufno)
- exe "buffer ".a:bufno
diff --git a/bundle/linediff b/bundle/linediff
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 0c60eb4de8827d762137e7d956219ee7f5b6749
diff --git a/doc/linediff.txt b/doc/linediff.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e6e21ed..0000000
--- a/doc/linediff.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-CONTENTS *linediff* *linediff-contents*
- Installation...........................: |linediff-installation|
- Usage..................................: |linediff-usage|
- Commands...............................: |linediff-commands|
- Internals..............................: |linediff-internals|
- Issues.................................: |linediff-issues|
-INSTALLATION *linediff-installation*
-There are several ways to install the plugin. The recommended one is by using
-Tim Pope's pathogen ( In
-that case, you can clone the plugin's git repository like so:
- git clone git:// ~/.vim/bundle/linediff
-If your vim configuration is under git version control, you could also set up
-the repository as a submodule, which would allow you to update more easily.
-The command is (provided you're in ~/.vim):
- git submodule add git:// bundle/linediff
-Another way is to simply copy all the essential directories inside the ~.vim/
-directory: plugin, autoload, doc.
-USAGE *linediff-usage*
-The plugin provides a simple command, |:Linediff|, which is used to diff two
-separate blocks of text.
-A simple example:
- def one
- two
- end
- def two
- three
- end
-If we mark the first three lines, starting from "def one", in visual mode, and
-execute the |:Linediff| command, the signs "1-" will be placed at the start
-and at the end of the visual mode's range. Doing the same thing on the bottom
-half of the code, starting from "def two", will result in the signs "2-"
-placed there. After that, a new tab will be opened with the two blocks of code
-in vertical splits, diffed against each other.
-The two buffers are temporary, but when any one of them is saved, its original
-buffer is updated. Note that this doesn't save the original buffer, just
-performs the change. Saving is something you should do later.
-Executing the command |:LinediffReset| will delete the temporary buffers and
-remove the signs.
-Executing a new |:Linediff| will do the same as |:LinediffReset|, but will
-also initiate a new diff process.
-The statuslines of the two temporary buffers will be changed to contain:
- - The original buffer
- - The starting line of the selected segment
- - The ending line of the selected segment
-If you're using a custom statusline and it contains "%f" (the current file's
-name), that token will simply be substituted by the above data. Otherwise, the
-entire statusline will be set to a custom one.
-COMMANDS *linediff-commands*
- *:Linediff*
-:Linediff The main interface of the plugin. Needs to be executed on a
- range of lines, which will be marked with a sign. On the
- selection of the second such range, the command will open a
- tab with the two ranges in vertically split windows and
- perform a diff on them. Saving one of the two buffers will
- automatically update the original buffer the text was taken
- from.
- When executed for a third time, a new line diff is
- initiated, and the current process is reset, much like the
- effect of |LinediffReset| would be.
- *:LinediffReset*
-:LinediffReset Removes the signs denoting the diffed regions and deletes
- the temporary buffers, used for the diff. The original
- buffers are untouched by this, which means that any updates
- to them, performed by the diff process will remain.
-INTERNALS *linediff-internals*
-When a block of text is diffed with the plugin, a "Differ" object is
-initialized with its relevant data. The differ contains information about the
-buffer number, filetype, start and end lines of the text, and a few other
-things. Almost all functions the plugin uses are scoped to this object in
-order to keep the interface simple. They're located under
-"autoload/linediff/differ.vim" and should be fairly understandable.
-Functions that are general-purpose utilities are placed in
-The two differ objects that are required for the two diff buffers are linked
-to each other out of necessity. If they originate from a single buffer,
-updating one would move the lines of the other, so that one would have to be
-updated as well. Apart from that, they have no interaction.
-ISSUES *linediff-issues*
-You shouldn't linediff two pieces of text that overlap. Not that anything
-horribly bad will happen, it just won't work as you'd hope to. I don't feel
-like it's a very important use case, but if someone requests sensible
-behaviour in that case, I should be able to get it working.
-To report any issues or offer suggestions, use the bugtracker of the github
-project at
diff --git a/plugin/linediff.vim b/plugin/linediff.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index f154d6d..0000000
--- a/plugin/linediff.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-if exists("g:loaded_linediff") || &cp
- finish
-let g:loaded_linediff = '0.1.1' " version number
-let s:keepcpo = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" Initialized lazily to avoid executing the autoload file before it's really
-" needed.
-function! s:Init()
- if !exists('s:differ_one')
- let s:differ_one = linediff#differ#New('linediff_one', 1)
- let s:differ_two = linediff#differ#New('linediff_two', 2)
- endif
-command! -range Linediff call s:Linediff(<line1>, <line2>)
-function! s:Linediff(from, to)
- call s:Init()
- if s:differ_one.IsBlank()
- call s:differ_one.Init(a:from, a:to)
- elseif s:differ_two.IsBlank()
- call s:differ_two.Init(a:from, a:to)
- call s:PerformDiff(s:differ_one, s:differ_two)
- else
- call s:differ_one.Reset()
- call s:differ_two.Reset()
- call s:Linediff(a:from, a:to)
- endif
-command! LinediffReset call s:LinediffReset()
-function! s:LinediffReset()
- call s:differ_one.Reset()
- call s:differ_two.Reset()
-function! s:PerformDiff(one, two)
- call a:one.CreateDiffBuffer("tabedit")
- call a:two.CreateDiffBuffer("rightbelow vsplit")
- let a:one.other_differ = a:two
- let a:two.other_differ = a:one