path: root/autoload/vimwiki/tbl.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload/vimwiki/tbl.vim')
1 files changed, 665 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/vimwiki/tbl.vim b/autoload/vimwiki/tbl.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a8991d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoload/vimwiki/tbl.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
+" Vimwiki autoload plugin file
+" Desc: Tables
+" | Easily | manageable | text | tables | ! |
+" |--------|------------|-------|--------|---------|
+" | Have | fun! | Drink | tea | Period. |
+" Author: Maxim Kim <>
+" Home:
+" Load only once {{{
+if exists("g:loaded_vimwiki_tbl_auto") || &cp
+ finish
+let g:loaded_vimwiki_tbl_auto = 1
+let s:textwidth = &tw
+" Misc functions {{{
+function! s:rxSep() "{{{
+ return g:vimwiki_rxTableSep
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:wide_len(str) "{{{
+ " vim73 has new function that gives correct string width.
+ if exists("*strdisplaywidth")
+ return strdisplaywidth(a:str)
+ endif
+ " get str display width in vim ver < 7.2
+ if !g:vimwiki_CJK_length
+ let ret = strlen(substitute(a:str, '.', 'x', 'g'))
+ else
+ let savemodified = &modified
+ let save_cursor = getpos('.')
+ exe "norm! o\<esc>"
+ call setline(line("."), a:str)
+ let ret = virtcol("$") - 1
+ d
+ call setpos('.', save_cursor)
+ let &modified = savemodified
+ endif
+ return ret
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:cell_splitter() "{{{
+ return '\s*'.s:rxSep().'\s*'
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:sep_splitter() "{{{
+ return '-'.s:rxSep().'-'
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:is_table(line) "{{{
+ return s:is_separator(a:line) || (a:line !~ s:rxSep().s:rxSep() && a:line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep().'.\+'.s:rxSep().'\s*$')
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:is_separator(line) "{{{
+ return a:line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep().'\(--\+'.s:rxSep().'\)\+\s*$'
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:is_separator_tail(line) "{{{
+ return a:line =~ '^\{-1}\%(\s*\|-*\)\%('.s:rxSep().'-\+\)\+'.s:rxSep().'\s*$'
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:is_last_column(lnum, cnum) "{{{
+ let line = strpart(getline(a:lnum), a:cnum - 1)
+ "echomsg "DEBUG is_last_column> ".(line =~ s:rxSep().'\s*$' && line !~ s:rxSep().'.*'.s:rxSep().'\s*$')
+ return line =~ s:rxSep().'\s*$' && line !~ s:rxSep().'.*'.s:rxSep().'\s*$'
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:is_first_column(lnum, cnum) "{{{
+ let line = strpart(getline(a:lnum), 0, a:cnum - 1)
+ "echomsg "DEBUG is_first_column> ".(line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep() && line !~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep().'.*'.s:rxSep())
+ return line =~ '^\s*$' || (line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep() && line !~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep().'.*'.s:rxSep())
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:count_separators_up(lnum) "{{{
+ let lnum = a:lnum - 1
+ while lnum > 1
+ if !s:is_separator(getline(lnum))
+ break
+ endif
+ let lnum -= 1
+ endwhile
+ return (a:lnum-lnum)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:count_separators_down(lnum) "{{{
+ let lnum = a:lnum + 1
+ while lnum < line('$')
+ if !s:is_separator(getline(lnum))
+ break
+ endif
+ let lnum += 1
+ endwhile
+ return (lnum-a:lnum)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:create_empty_row(cols) "{{{
+ let row = s:rxSep()
+ let cell = " ".s:rxSep()
+ for c in range(a:cols)
+ let row .= cell
+ endfor
+ return row
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:create_row_sep(cols) "{{{
+ let row = s:rxSep()
+ let cell = "---".s:rxSep()
+ for c in range(a:cols)
+ let row .= cell
+ endfor
+ return row
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(line) "{{{
+ let result = []
+ let cell = ''
+ let quote = ''
+ let state = 'NONE'
+ " 'Simple' FSM
+ for idx in range(strlen(a:line))
+ " The only way I know Vim can do Unicode...
+ let ch = a:line[idx]
+ if state == 'NONE'
+ if ch == '|'
+ let state = 'CELL'
+ endif
+ elseif state == 'CELL'
+ if ch == '[' || ch == '{'
+ let state = 'BEFORE_QUOTE_START'
+ let quote = ch
+ elseif ch == '|'
+ call add(result, vimwiki#u#trim(cell))
+ let cell = ""
+ else
+ let cell .= ch
+ endif
+ elseif state == 'BEFORE_QUOTE_START'
+ if ch == '[' || ch == '{'
+ let state = 'QUOTE'
+ let quote .= ch
+ else
+ let state = 'CELL'
+ let cell .=
+ let quote = ''
+ endif
+ elseif state == 'QUOTE'
+ if ch == ']' || ch == '}'
+ let state = 'BEFORE_QUOTE_END'
+ endif
+ let quote .= ch
+ elseif state == 'BEFORE_QUOTE_END'
+ if ch == ']' || ch == '}'
+ let state = 'CELL'
+ endif
+ let cell .=
+ let quote = ''
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if cell.quote != ''
+ call add(result, vimwiki#u#trim(cell.quote, '|'))
+ endif
+ return result
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:col_count(lnum) "{{{
+ return len(vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(getline(a:lnum)))
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:get_indent(lnum) "{{{
+ if !s:is_table(getline(a:lnum))
+ return
+ endif
+ let indent = 0
+ let lnum = a:lnum - 1
+ while lnum > 1
+ let line = getline(lnum)
+ if !s:is_table(line)
+ let indent = indent(lnum+1)
+ break
+ endif
+ let lnum -= 1
+ endwhile
+ return indent
+endfunction " }}}
+function! s:get_rows(lnum) "{{{
+ if !s:is_table(getline(a:lnum))
+ return
+ endif
+ let upper_rows = []
+ let lower_rows = []
+ let lnum = a:lnum - 1
+ while lnum >= 1
+ let line = getline(lnum)
+ if s:is_table(line)
+ call add(upper_rows, [lnum, line])
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ let lnum -= 1
+ endwhile
+ call reverse(upper_rows)
+ let lnum = a:lnum
+ while lnum <= line('$')
+ let line = getline(lnum)
+ if s:is_table(line)
+ call add(lower_rows, [lnum, line])
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ let lnum += 1
+ endwhile
+ return upper_rows + lower_rows
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:get_cell_max_lens(lnum) "{{{
+ let max_lens = {}
+ for [lnum, row] in s:get_rows(a:lnum)
+ if s:is_separator(row)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let cells = vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(row)
+ for idx in range(len(cells))
+ let value = cells[idx]
+ if has_key(max_lens, idx)
+ let max_lens[idx] = max([s:wide_len(value), max_lens[idx]])
+ else
+ let max_lens[idx] = s:wide_len(value)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ return max_lens
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:get_aligned_rows(lnum, col1, col2) "{{{
+ let max_lens = s:get_cell_max_lens(a:lnum)
+ let rows = []
+ for [lnum, row] in s:get_rows(a:lnum)
+ if s:is_separator(row)
+ let new_row = s:fmt_sep(max_lens, a:col1, a:col2)
+ else
+ let new_row = s:fmt_row(row, max_lens, a:col1, a:col2)
+ endif
+ call add(rows, [lnum, new_row])
+ endfor
+ return rows
+endfunction "}}}
+" Number of the current column. Starts from 0.
+function! s:cur_column() "{{{
+ let line = getline('.')
+ if !s:is_table(line)
+ return -1
+ endif
+ " TODO: do we need conditional: if s:is_separator(line)
+ let curs_pos = col('.')
+ let mpos = match(line, s:rxSep(), 0)
+ let col = -1
+ while mpos < curs_pos && mpos != -1
+ let mpos = match(line, s:rxSep(), mpos+1)
+ if mpos != -1
+ let col += 1
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ return col
+endfunction "}}}
+" }}}
+" Format functions {{{
+function! s:fmt_cell(cell, max_len) "{{{
+ let cell = ' '.a:cell.' '
+ let diff = a:max_len - s:wide_len(a:cell)
+ if diff == 0 && empty(a:cell)
+ let diff = 1
+ endif
+ let cell .= repeat(' ', diff)
+ return cell
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:fmt_row(line, max_lens, col1, col2) "{{{
+ let new_line = s:rxSep()
+ let cells = vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(a:line)
+ for idx in range(len(cells))
+ if idx == a:col1
+ let idx = a:col2
+ elseif idx == a:col2
+ let idx = a:col1
+ endif
+ let value = cells[idx]
+ let new_line .= s:fmt_cell(value, a:max_lens[idx]).s:rxSep()
+ endfor
+ let idx = len(cells)
+ while idx < len(a:max_lens)
+ let new_line .= s:fmt_cell('', a:max_lens[idx]).s:rxSep()
+ let idx += 1
+ endwhile
+ return new_line
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:fmt_cell_sep(max_len) "{{{
+ if a:max_len == 0
+ return repeat('-', 3)
+ else
+ return repeat('-', a:max_len+2)
+ endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:fmt_sep(max_lens, col1, col2) "{{{
+ let new_line = s:rxSep()
+ for idx in range(len(a:max_lens))
+ if idx == a:col1
+ let idx = a:col2
+ elseif idx == a:col2
+ let idx = a:col1
+ endif
+ let new_line .= s:fmt_cell_sep(a:max_lens[idx]).s:rxSep()
+ endfor
+ return new_line
+endfunction "}}}
+" Keyboard functions "{{{
+function! s:kbd_create_new_row(cols, goto_first) "{{{
+ let cmd = "\<ESC>o".s:create_empty_row(a:cols)
+ let cmd .= "\<ESC>:call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'))\<CR>"
+ let cmd .= "\<ESC>0"
+ if a:goto_first
+ let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>"
+ else
+ let cmd .= (col('.')-1)."l"
+ let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\<CR>"
+ endif
+ let cmd .= "a"
+ return cmd
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:kbd_goto_next_row() "{{{
+ let cmd = "\<ESC>j"
+ let cmd .= ":call search('.\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>"
+ let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\<CR>"
+ let cmd .= "a"
+ return cmd
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:kbd_goto_prev_row() "{{{
+ let cmd = "\<ESC>k"
+ let cmd .= ":call search('.\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>"
+ let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\<CR>"
+ let cmd .= "a"
+ return cmd
+endfunction "}}}
+" Used in s:kbd_goto_next_col
+function! vimwiki#tbl#goto_next_col() "{{{
+ let curcol = virtcol('.')
+ let lnum = line('.')
+ let newcol = s:get_indent(lnum)
+ let max_lens = s:get_cell_max_lens(lnum)
+ for cell_len in values(max_lens)
+ if newcol >= curcol-1
+ break
+ endif
+ let newcol += cell_len + 3 " +3 == 2 spaces + 1 separator |<space>...<space>
+ endfor
+ let newcol += 2 " +2 == 1 separator + 1 space |<space
+ call vimwiki#u#cursor(lnum, newcol)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:kbd_goto_next_col(jumpdown) "{{{
+ let cmd = "\<ESC>"
+ if a:jumpdown
+ let seps = s:count_separators_down(line('.'))
+ let cmd .= seps."j0"
+ endif
+ let cmd .= ":call vimwiki#tbl#goto_next_col()\<CR>a"
+ return cmd
+endfunction "}}}
+" Used in s:kbd_goto_prev_col
+function! vimwiki#tbl#goto_prev_col() "{{{
+ let curcol = virtcol('.')
+ let lnum = line('.')
+ let newcol = s:get_indent(lnum)
+ let max_lens = s:get_cell_max_lens(lnum)
+ let prev_cell_len = 0
+ echom string(max_lens)
+ for cell_len in values(max_lens)
+ let delta = cell_len + 3 " +3 == 2 spaces + 1 separator |<space>...<space>
+ if newcol + delta > curcol-1
+ let newcol -= (prev_cell_len + 3) " +3 == 2 spaces + 1 separator |<space>...<space>
+ break
+ elseif newcol + delta == curcol-1
+ break
+ endif
+ let prev_cell_len = cell_len
+ let newcol += delta
+ endfor
+ let newcol += 2 " +2 == 1 separator + 1 space |<space
+ call vimwiki#u#cursor(lnum, newcol)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:kbd_goto_prev_col(jumpup) "{{{
+ let cmd = "\<ESC>"
+ if a:jumpup
+ let seps = s:count_separators_up(line('.'))
+ let cmd .= seps."k"
+ let cmd .= "$"
+ endif
+ let cmd .= ":call vimwiki#tbl#goto_prev_col()\<CR>a"
+ " let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'b', line('.'))\<CR>"
+ " let cmd .= "a"
+ "echomsg "DEBUG kbd_goto_prev_col> ".cmd
+ return cmd
+endfunction "}}}
+" Global functions {{{
+function! vimwiki#tbl#kbd_cr() "{{{
+ let lnum = line('.')
+ if !s:is_table(getline(lnum))
+ return "\<CR>"
+ endif
+ if s:is_separator(getline(lnum+1)) || !s:is_table(getline(lnum+1))
+ let cols = len(vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(getline(lnum)))
+ return s:kbd_create_new_row(cols, 0)
+ else
+ return s:kbd_goto_next_row()
+ endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#kbd_tab() "{{{
+ let lnum = line('.')
+ if !s:is_table(getline(lnum))
+ return "\<Tab>"
+ endif
+ let last = s:is_last_column(lnum, col('.'))
+ let is_sep = s:is_separator_tail(getline(lnum))
+ "echomsg "DEBUG kbd_tab> last=".last.", is_sep=".is_sep
+ if (is_sep || last) && !s:is_table(getline(lnum+1))
+ let cols = len(vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(getline(lnum)))
+ return s:kbd_create_new_row(cols, 1)
+ endif
+ return s:kbd_goto_next_col(is_sep || last)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#kbd_shift_tab() "{{{
+ let lnum = line('.')
+ if !s:is_table(getline(lnum))
+ return "\<S-Tab>"
+ endif
+ let first = s:is_first_column(lnum, col('.'))
+ let is_sep = s:is_separator_tail(getline(lnum))
+ "echomsg "DEBUG kbd_tab> ".first
+ if (is_sep || first) && !s:is_table(getline(lnum-1))
+ return ""
+ endif
+ return s:kbd_goto_prev_col(is_sep || first)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#format(lnum, ...) "{{{
+ if !(&filetype == 'vimwiki')
+ return
+ endif
+ let line = getline(a:lnum)
+ if !s:is_table(line)
+ return
+ endif
+ if a:0 == 2
+ let col1 = a:1
+ let col2 = a:2
+ else
+ let col1 = 0
+ let col2 = 0
+ endif
+ let indent = s:get_indent(a:lnum)
+ for [lnum, row] in s:get_aligned_rows(a:lnum, col1, col2)
+ let row = repeat(' ', indent).row
+ call setline(lnum, row)
+ endfor
+ let &tw = s:textwidth
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#create(...) "{{{
+ if a:0 > 1
+ let cols = a:1
+ let rows = a:2
+ elseif a:0 == 1
+ let cols = a:1
+ let rows = 2
+ elseif a:0 == 0
+ let cols = 5
+ let rows = 2
+ endif
+ if cols < 1
+ let cols = 5
+ endif
+ if rows < 1
+ let rows = 2
+ endif
+ let lines = []
+ let row = s:create_empty_row(cols)
+ call add(lines, row)
+ if rows > 1
+ call add(lines, s:create_row_sep(cols))
+ endif
+ for r in range(rows - 1)
+ call add(lines, row)
+ endfor
+ call append(line('.'), lines)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#align_or_cmd(cmd) "{{{
+ if s:is_table(getline('.'))
+ call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'))
+ else
+ exe 'normal! '.a:cmd
+ endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#reset_tw(lnum) "{{{
+ if !(&filetype == 'vimwiki')
+ return
+ endif
+ let line = getline(a:lnum)
+ if !s:is_table(line)
+ return
+ endif
+ let s:textwidth = &tw
+ let &tw = 0
+endfunction "}}}
+" TODO: move_column_left and move_column_right are good candidates to be
+" refactored.
+function! vimwiki#tbl#move_column_left() "{{{
+ "echomsg "DEBUG move_column_left: "
+ let line = getline('.')
+ if !s:is_table(line)
+ return
+ endif
+ let cur_col = s:cur_column()
+ if cur_col == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ if cur_col > 0
+ call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'), cur_col-1, cur_col)
+ call cursor(line('.'), 1)
+ let sep = '\('.s:rxSep().'\).\zs'
+ let mpos = -1
+ let col = -1
+ while col < cur_col-1
+ let mpos = match(line, sep, mpos+1)
+ if mpos != -1
+ let col += 1
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#move_column_right() "{{{
+ let line = getline('.')
+ if !s:is_table(line)
+ return
+ endif
+ let cur_col = s:cur_column()
+ if cur_col == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ if cur_col < s:col_count(line('.'))-1
+ call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'), cur_col, cur_col+1)
+ call cursor(line('.'), 1)
+ let sep = '\('.s:rxSep().'\).\zs'
+ let mpos = -1
+ let col = -1
+ while col < cur_col+1
+ let mpos = match(line, sep, mpos+1)
+ if mpos != -1
+ let col += 1
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#get_rows(lnum) "{{{
+ return s:get_rows(a:lnum)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#is_table(line) "{{{
+ return s:is_table(a:line)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#is_separator(line) "{{{
+ return s:is_separator(a:line)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#cell_splitter() "{{{
+ return s:cell_splitter()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! vimwiki#tbl#sep_splitter() "{{{
+ return s:sep_splitter()
+endfunction "}}}