path: root/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/doc
diff options
authorHugues Hiegel <root@paranoid>2015-03-11 16:55:04 +0100
committerHugues Hiegel <root@paranoid>2015-03-11 16:55:04 +0100
commit99f904adcc37d93c90defcd8ce898598e25be212 (patch)
tree60a6c7b7b9cf012d6c0e8dcf5c7f4fe0a5b6fc49 /codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/doc
parentb2034fdfec040a67988e543a911208ef2491ce7a (diff)
Lot of pluginsHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/doc')
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2.868,17.212 0.573,5.474 0.956,21.994 0.956,21.994 M 19.125,-13.389 c 0,0 9.656,22.183 11.062,30.068 1.235,6.941 0,28.203 0,28.203 0,0 8.477,-22.819 7.106,-30.538 C 35.845,6.183 19.125,-13.389 19.125,-13.389 m 441.487,-40.965 c -3.249,8.935 -6.587,17.23 -10.01,24.928 l -1.862,28.873 -8.857,-4.876 -25.862,49.457 -4.828,-10.34 c -32.69,31.48 -70.457,34.284 -111.982,31.646 -65.568,-4.163 -91.587,-41.63 -79.098,-57.241 12.49,-15.613 18.733,-5.205 40.589,5.203 21.858,10.407 74.937,26.017 110.323,-2.082 35.386,-28.1 86.383,-109.281 50.997,-169.646 -35.386,-60.365 -105.626,-105.385 -182.135,-88.465 -86.422,19.112 -126.078,60.082 -177.675,74.811 -8.311,1.334 -18.347,2.789 -24.791,3.191 -12.671,0.792 -21.6,14.727 -21.6,14.727 l 17.181,-9.327 25.763,-2.36 c 2.331,14 9.395,49.054 9.395,49.054 l -8.688,87.29 -18.668,-27.06 -7.246,10.184 -21.349,-22.915 -15.473,-1.959 14.67,6.596 21.38,29.409 6.7,-13.754 19.485,24.691 0.004,-0.011 16.47,9.525 -3.123,68.69 10.407,-10.407 -4.163,40.59 22.173,71.502 -34.662,91.899 16.652,-4.162 -19.773,35.386 -40.591,38.509 9.368,17.693 -93.671,9.368 -20.229,-7.165 -18.437,38.292 13.22,8.813 -69.039,14.69 2.938,19.095 -80.791,-23.303 -26.147,-19.191 -116.339,0 8.814,-10.188 -42.501,-40.641 -8.911,-78.491 7.344,-1.494 8.814,-45.548 23.502,-24.978 19.096,45.533 -14.689,-4.409 41.13,48.474 30.848,26.44 -14.69,-1.469 19.096,16.158 105.763,2.938 72.917,15.799 -41.623,-14.742 -30.181,-7.285 -104.079,-1.043 1.04,-11.449 -64.526,-61.403 14.571,2.081 -27.844,-63.28 c -15.017,-13.719 -28.06,-55.016 -36.687,-75.145 -9.367,-21.856 -20.816,-39.55 -20.816,-39.55 0,0 -30.182,-6.244 -61.405,-18.734 -31.224,-12.489 -43.713,4.163 -43.713,4.163 l -3.122,-8.326 c 0,0 -18.28,-9.057 -39.303,-11.825 -16.43,-2.162 -9.967,-20.946 -9.613,-26.684 0.405,-6.57 4.294,-19.774 8.325,-24.978 3.227,-4.165 12.525,-10.425 17.694,-11.448 12.039,-2.385 28.101,5.204 45.794,17.693 74.936,-6.245 103.241,-10.321 126.974,8.326 14.572,11.448 29.142,22.897 41.631,40.59 l -15.611,42.671 -8.327,-14.569 -5.807,44.931 1.841,17.863 5.547,-51.234 7.789,9.257 35.387,-70.772 11.448,4.164 c 0,0 13.515,-18.583 23.057,-32.881 l -26.02,25.006 -10.224,-5.964 -11.076,22.152 c 0,0 -13.383,-2.353 -24.727,-18.027 -15.862,-21.915 -23.503,-24.678 -17.627,-78.735 5.876,-54.055 16.452,-54.055 64.632,-121.039 11.752,-16.452 14.601,-18.465 14.601,-18.465 l -51.03,-27.365 -22.327,-5.876 -21.384,-11.28 c 0,0 4.744,-8.174 7.495,-9.369 4.739,-2.062 20.613,1.56 20.613,1.56 0,0 15.603,-6.763 36.756,-6.763 21.152,0 32.903,8.225 47.005,8.225 14.101,0 38.78,-8.225 57.582,-5.876 18.802,2.351 22.328,12.927 22.328,12.927 l -51.706,54.057 -4.675,47.096 -56.605,75.769 -3.038,9.437 65.791,-82.24 5.107,-46.75 55.161,-61.405 37.468,-8.325 c 0,0 -0.257,1.226 -0.625,3.114 -6.146,15.664 -6.986,34.894 -1.999,54.214 6.975,27.012 38.85,36.596 64.029,36.596 12.506,0 24.179,-2.312 32.025,-6.341 12.912,-6.63 21.851,-15.076 27.029,-20.917 3.673,4.516 7.133,7.194 11.833,11.11 0,0 12.143,-11.751 45.047,-14.101 27.14,-1.939 45.048,-8.226 70.901,-19.585 53.676,-23.584 102.5,-61.785 207.618,-45.132 105.119,16.651 206.073,113.444 164.442,227.929"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
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+ id="path3253-3" /></g></svg> \ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/doc/compress.html
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+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <title>CodeMirror: Compression Helper</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="|Droid+Sans:bold"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docs.css"/>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
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+ <body>
+<h1><span class="logo-braces">{ }</span> <a href="">CodeMirror</a></h1>
+<pre class="grey">
+<img src="baboon.png" class="logo" alt="logo"/>/* Script compression
+ helper */
+ <p>To optimize loading CodeMirror, especially when including a
+ bunch of different modes, it is recommended that you combine and
+ minify (and preferably also gzip) the scripts. This page makes
+ those first two steps very easy. Simply select the version and
+ scripts you need in the form below, and
+ click <strong>Compress</strong> to download the minified script
+ file.</p>
+ <form id="form" action="" method="post">
+ <input type="hidden" id="download" name="download" value="codemirror-compressed.js"/>
+ <p>Version: <select id="version" onchange="setVersion(this);" style="padding: 1px">
+ <option value="">HEAD</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.3;f=">2.3</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.25;f=">2.25</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.24;f=">2.24</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.23;f=">2.23</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.22;f=">2.22</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.21;f=">2.21</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.2;f=">2.2</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.18;f=">2.18</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.16;f=">2.16</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.15;f=">2.15</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.13;f=">2.13</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.12;f=">2.12</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.11;f=">2.11</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.1;f=">2.1</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.02;f=">2.02</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.01;f=">2.01</option>
+ <option value=";hb=v2.0;f=">2.0</option>
+ <option value=";hb=beta2;f=">beta2</option>
+ <option value=";hb=beta1;f=">beta1</option>
+ </select></p>
+ <select multiple="multiple" size="20" name="code_url" style="width: 40em;" class="field" id="files">
+ <optgroup label="CodeMirror Library">
+ <option value="" selected>codemirror.js</option>
+ </optgroup>
+ <optgroup label="Modes">
+ <option value="">clike.js</option>
+ <option value="">clojure.js</option>
+ <option value="">coffeescript.js</option>
+ <option value="">css.js</option>
+ <option value="">diff.js</option>
+ <option value="">ecl.js</option>
+ <option value="">erlang.js</option>
+ <option value="">gfm.js</option>
+ <option value="">go.js</option>
+ <option value="">groovy.js</option>
+ <option value="">haskell.js</option>
+ <option value="">htmlembedded.js</option>
+ <option value="">htmlmixed.js</option>
+ <option value="">javascript.js</option>
+ <option value="">jinja2.js</option>
+ <option value="">less.js</option>
+ <option value="">lua.js</option>
+ <option value="">markdown.js</option>
+ <option value="">mysql.js</option>
+ <option value="">ntriples.js</option>
+ <option value="">pascal.js</option>
+ <option value="">perl.js</option>
+ <option value="">php.js</option>
+ <option value="">pig.js</option>
+ <option value="">plsql.js</option>
+ <option value="">properties.js</option>
+ <option value="">python.js</option>
+ <option value="">r.js</option>
+ <option value="">rpm/changes.js</option>
+ <option value="">rpm/spec.js</option>
+ <option value="">rst.js</option>
+ <option value="">ruby.js</option>
+ <option value="">rust.js</option>
+ <option value="">scheme.js</option>
+ <option value="">shell.js</option>
+ <option value="">smalltalk.js</option>
+ <option value="">smarty.js</option>
+ <option value="">sparql.js</option>
+ <option value="">stex.js</option>
+ <option value="">tiddlywiki.js</option>
+ <option value="">tiki.js</option>
+ <option value="">vbscript.js</option>
+ <option value="">velocity.js</option>
+ <option value="">verilog.js</option>
+ <option value="">xml.js</option>
+ <option value="">xquery.js</option>
+ <option value="">yaml.js</option>
+ </optgroup>
+ <optgroup label="Utilities and add-ons">
+ <option value="">overlay.js</option>
+ <option value="">runmode.js</option>
+ <option value="">simple-hint.js</option>
+ <option value="">javascript-hint.js</option>
+ <option value="">foldcode.js</option>
+ <option value="">dialog.js</option>
+ <option value="">search.js</option>
+ <option value="">searchcursor.js</option>
+ <option value="">formatting.js</option>
+ <option value="">match-highlighter.js</option>
+ <option value="">closetag.js</option>
+ <option value="">loadmode.js</option>
+ </optgroup>
+ <optgroup label="Keymaps">
+ <option value="">emacs.js</option>
+ <option value="">vim.js</option>
+ </optgroup>
+ </select></p>
+ <p>
+ <button type="submit">Compress</button> with <a href="">UglifyJS</a>
+ </p>
+ <p>Custom code to add to the compressed file:<textarea name="js_code" style="width: 100%; height: 15em;" class="field"></textarea></p>
+ </form>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ function setVersion(ver) {
+ var urlprefix = ver.options[ver.selectedIndex].value;
+ var select = document.getElementById("files"), m;
+ for (var optgr = select.firstChild; optgr; optgr = optgr.nextSibling)
+ for (var opt = optgr.firstChild; opt; opt = opt.nextSibling) {
+ if (opt.nodeName != "OPTION")
+ continue;
+ else if (m = opt.value.match(/^http:\/\/\/(.*)$/))
+ opt.value = urlprefix + m[1];
+ else if (m = opt.value.match(/http:\/\/\/git\/codemirror2\?a=blob_plain;hb=[^;]+;f=(.*)$/))
+ opt.value = urlprefix + m[1];
+ }
+ }
+ </script>
+ </body>
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+++ b/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/doc/internals.html
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+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <title>CodeMirror: Internals</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="|Droid+Sans:bold"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docs.css"/>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
+ <style>dl dl {margin: 0;} .update {color: #d40 !important}</style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+<h1><span class="logo-braces">{ }</span> <a href="">CodeMirror</a></h1>
+<pre class="grey">
+<img src="baboon.png" class="logo" alt="logo"/>/* (Re-) Implementing A Syntax-
+ Highlighting Editor in JavaScript */
+<div class="clear"><div class="leftbig blk">
+<p style="font-size: 85%" id="intro">
+ <strong>Topic:</strong> JavaScript, code editor implementation<br>
+ <strong>Author:</strong> Marijn Haverbeke<br>
+ <strong>Date:</strong> March 2nd 2011 (updated November 13th 2011)
+<p>This is a followup to
+my <a href="">Brutal Odyssey to the
+Dark Side of the DOM Tree</a> story. That one describes the
+mind-bending process of implementing (what would become) CodeMirror 1.
+This one describes the internals of CodeMirror 2, a complete rewrite
+and rethink of the old code base. I wanted to give this piece another
+Hunter Thompson copycat subtitle, but somehow that would be out of
+place—the process this time around was one of straightforward
+engineering, requiring no serious mind-bending whatsoever.</p>
+<p>So, what is wrong with CodeMirror 1? I'd estimate, by mailing list
+activity and general search-engine presence, that it has been
+integrated into about a thousand systems by now. The most prominent
+one, since a few weeks,
+being <a href="">Google
+code's project hosting</a>. It works, and it's being used widely.</a>
+<p>Still, I did not start replacing it because I was bored. CodeMirror
+1 was heavily reliant on <code>designMode</code>
+or <code>contentEditable</code> (depending on the browser). Neither of
+these are well specified (HTML5 tries
+to <a href="">specify</a>
+their basics), and, more importantly, they tend to be one of the more
+obscure and buggy areas of browser functionality—CodeMirror, by using
+this functionality in a non-typical way, was constantly running up
+against browser bugs. WebKit wouldn't show an empty line at the end of
+the document, and in some releases would suddenly get unbearably slow.
+Firefox would show the cursor in the wrong place. Internet Explorer
+would insist on linkifying everything that looked like a URL or email
+address, a behaviour that can't be turned off. Some bugs I managed to
+work around (which was often a frustrating, painful process), others,
+such as the Firefox cursor placement, I gave up on, and had to tell
+user after user that they were known problems, but not something I
+could help.</p>
+<p>Also, there is the fact that <code>designMode</code> (which seemed
+to be less buggy than <code>contentEditable</code> in Webkit and
+Firefox, and was thus used by CodeMirror 1 in those browsers) requires
+a frame. Frames are another tricky area. It takes some effort to
+prevent getting tripped up by domain restrictions, they don't
+initialize synchronously, behave strangely in response to the back
+button, and, on several browsers, can't be moved around the DOM
+without having them re-initialize. They did provide a very nice way to
+namespace the library, though—CodeMirror 1 could freely pollute the
+namespace inside the frame.</p>
+<p>Finally, working with an editable document means working with
+selection in arbitrary DOM structures. Internet Explorer (8 and
+before) has an utterly different (and awkward) selection API than all
+of the other browsers, and even among the different implementations of
+<code>document.selection</code>, details about how exactly a selection
+is represented vary quite a bit. Add to that the fact that Opera's
+selection support tended to be very buggy until recently, and you can
+imagine why CodeMirror 1 contains 700 lines of selection-handling
+<p>And that brings us to the main issue with the CodeMirror 1
+code base: The proportion of browser-bug-workarounds to real
+application code was getting dangerously high. By building on top of a
+few dodgy features, I put the system in a vulnerable position—any
+incompatibility and bugginess in these features, I had to paper over
+with my own code. Not only did I have to do some serious stunt-work to
+get it to work on older browsers (as detailed in the
+previous <a href="">story</a>), things
+also kept breaking in newly released versions, requiring me to come up
+with <em>new</em> scary hacks in order to keep up. This was starting
+to lose its appeal.</p>
+<h2 id="approach">General Approach</h2>
+<p>What CodeMirror 2 does is try to sidestep most of the hairy hacks
+that came up in version 1. I owe a lot to the
+<a href="">ACE</a> editor for inspiration on how to
+approach this.</p>
+<p>I absolutely did not want to be completely reliant on key events to
+generate my input. Every JavaScript programmer knows that key event
+information is horrible and incomplete. Some people (most awesomely
+Mihai Bazon with <a href="">Ymacs</a>) have been able
+to build more or less functioning editors by directly reading key
+events, but it takes a lot of work (the kind of never-ending, fragile
+work I described earlier), and will never be able to properly support
+things like multi-keystoke international character
+input. <a href="#keymap" class="update">[see below for caveat]</a></p>
+<p>So what I do is focus a hidden textarea, and let the browser
+believe that the user is typing into that. What we show to the user is
+a DOM structure we built to represent his document. If this is updated
+quickly enough, and shows some kind of believable cursor, it feels
+like a real text-input control.</p>
+<p>Another big win is that this DOM representation does not have to
+span the whole document. Some CodeMirror 1 users insisted that they
+needed to put a 30 thousand line XML document into CodeMirror. Putting
+all that into the DOM takes a while, especially since, for some
+reason, an editable DOM tree is slower than a normal one on most
+browsers. If we have full control over what we show, we must only
+ensure that the visible part of the document has been added, and can
+do the rest only when needed. (Fortunately, the <code>onscroll</code>
+event works almost the same on all browsers, and lends itself well to
+displaying things only as they are scrolled into view.)</p>
+<h2 id="input">Input</h2>
+<p>ACE uses its hidden textarea only as a text input shim, and does
+all cursor movement and things like text deletion itself by directly
+handling key events. CodeMirror's way is to let the browser do its
+thing as much as possible, and not, for example, define its own set of
+key bindings. One way to do this would have been to have the whole
+document inside the hidden textarea, and after each key event update
+the display DOM to reflect what's in that textarea.</p>
+<p>That'd be simple, but it is not realistic. For even medium-sized
+document the editor would be constantly munging huge strings, and get
+terribly slow. What CodeMirror 2 does is put the current selection,
+along with an extra line on the top and on the bottom, into the
+<p>This means that the arrow keys (and their ctrl-variations), home,
+end, etcetera, do not have to be handled specially. We just read the
+cursor position in the textarea, and update our cursor to match it.
+Also, copy and paste work pretty much for free, and people get their
+native key bindings, without any special work on my part. For example,
+I have emacs key bindings configured for Chrome and Firefox. There is
+no way for a script to detect this. <a class="update"
+href="#keymap">[no longer the case]</a></p>
+<p>Of course, since only a small part of the document sits in the
+textarea, keys like page up and ctrl-end won't do the right thing.
+CodeMirror is catching those events and handling them itself.</p>
+<h2 id="selection">Selection</h2>
+<p>Getting and setting the selection range of a textarea in modern
+browsers is trivial—you just use the <code>selectionStart</code>
+and <code>selectionEnd</code> properties. On IE you have to do some
+insane stuff with temporary ranges and compensating for the fact that
+moving the selection by a 'character' will treat \r\n as a single
+character, but even there it is possible to build functions that
+reliably set and get the selection range.</p>
+<p>But consider this typical case: When I'm somewhere in my document,
+press shift, and press the up arrow, something gets selected. Then, if
+I, still holding shift, press the up arrow again, the top of my
+selection is adjusted. The selection remembers where its <em>head</em>
+and its <em>anchor</em> are, and moves the head when we shift-move.
+This is a generally accepted property of selections, and done right by
+every editing component built in the past twenty years.</p>
+<p>But not something that the browser selection APIs expose.</p>
+<p>Great. So when someone creates an 'upside-down' selection, the next
+time CodeMirror has to update the textarea, it'll re-create the
+selection as an 'upside-up' selection, with the anchor at the top, and
+the next cursor motion will behave in an unexpected way—our second
+up-arrow press in the example above will not do anything, since it is
+interpreted in exactly the same way as the first.</p>
+<p>No problem. We'll just, ehm, detect that the selection is
+upside-down (you can tell by the way it was created), and then, when
+an upside-down selection is present, and a cursor-moving key is
+pressed in combination with shift, we quickly collapse the selection
+in the textarea to its start, allow the key to take effect, and then
+combine its new head with its old anchor to get the <em>real</em>
+<p>In short, scary hacks could not be avoided entirely in CodeMirror
+<p>And, the observant reader might ask, how do you even know that a
+key combo is a cursor-moving combo, if you claim you support any
+native key bindings? Well, we don't, but we can learn. The editor
+keeps a set known cursor-movement combos (initialized to the
+predictable defaults), and updates this set when it observes that
+pressing a certain key had (only) the effect of moving the cursor.
+This, of course, doesn't work if the first time the key is used was
+for extending an inverted selection, but it works most of the
+<h2 id="update">Intelligent Updating</h2>
+<p>One thing that always comes up when you have a complicated internal
+state that's reflected in some user-visible external representation
+(in this case, the displayed code and the textarea's content) is
+keeping the two in sync. The naive way is to just update the display
+every time you change your state, but this is not only error prone
+(you'll forget), it also easily leads to duplicate work on big,
+composite operations. Then you start passing around flags indicating
+whether the display should be updated in an attempt to be efficient
+again and, well, at that point you might as well give up completely.</p>
+<p>I did go down that road, but then switched to a much simpler model:
+simply keep track of all the things that have been changed during an
+action, and then, only at the end, use this information to update the
+user-visible display.</p>
+<p>CodeMirror uses a concept of <em>operations</em>, which start by
+calling a specific set-up function that clears the state and end by
+calling another function that reads this state and does the required
+updating. Most event handlers, and all the user-visible methods that
+change state are wrapped like this. There's a method
+called <code>operation</code> that accepts a function, and returns
+another function that wraps the given function as an operation.</p>
+<p>It's trivial to extend this (as CodeMirror does) to detect nesting,
+and, when an operation is started inside an operation, simply
+increment the nesting count, and only do the updating when this count
+reaches zero again.</p>
+<p>If we have a set of changed ranges and know the currently shown
+range, we can (with some awkward code to deal with the fact that
+changes can add and remove lines, so we're dealing with a changing
+coordinate system) construct a map of the ranges that were left
+intact. We can then compare this map with the part of the document
+that's currently visible (based on scroll offset and editor height) to
+determine whether something needs to be updated.</p>
+<p>CodeMirror uses two update algorithms—a full refresh, where it just
+discards the whole part of the DOM that contains the edited text and
+rebuilds it, and a patch algorithm, where it uses the information
+about changed and intact ranges to update only the out-of-date parts
+of the DOM. When more than 30 percent (which is the current heuristic,
+might change) of the lines need to be updated, the full refresh is
+chosen (since it's faster to do than painstakingly finding and
+updating all the changed lines), in the other case it does the
+patching (so that, if you scroll a line or select another character,
+the whole screen doesn't have to be
+re-rendered). <span class="update">[the full-refresh
+algorithm was dropped, it wasn't really faster than the patching
+<p>All updating uses <code>innerHTML</code> rather than direct DOM
+manipulation, since that still seems to be by far the fastest way to
+build documents. There's a per-line function that combines the
+highlighting, <a href="manual.html#markText">marking</a>, and
+selection info for that line into a snippet of HTML. The patch updater
+uses this to reset individual lines, the refresh updater builds an
+HTML chunk for the whole visible document at once, and then uses a
+single <code>innerHTML</code> update to do the refresh.</p>
+<h2 id="parse">Parsers can be Simple</h2>
+<p>When I wrote CodeMirror 1, I
+thought <a href="">interruptable
+parsers</a> were a hugely scary and complicated thing, and I used a
+bunch of heavyweight abstractions to keep this supposed complexity
+under control: parsers
+were <a href="">iterators</a>
+that consumed input from another iterator, and used funny
+closure-resetting tricks to copy and resume themselves.</p>
+<p>This made for a rather nice system, in that parsers formed strictly
+separate modules, and could be composed in predictable ways.
+Unfortunately, it was quite slow (stacking three or four iterators on
+top of each other), and extremely intimidating to people not used to a
+functional programming style.</p>
+<p>With a few small changes, however, we can keep all those
+advantages, but simplify the API and make the whole thing less
+indirect and inefficient. CodeMirror
+2's <a href="manual.html#modeapi">mode API</a> uses explicit state
+objects, and makes the parser/tokenizer a function that simply takes a
+state and a character stream abstraction, advances the stream one
+token, and returns the way the token should be styled. This state may
+be copied, optionally in a mode-defined way, in order to be able to
+continue a parse at a given point. Even someone who's never touched a
+lambda in his life can understand this approach. Additionally, far
+fewer objects are allocated in the course of parsing now.</p>
+<p>The biggest speedup comes from the fact that the parsing no longer
+has to touch the DOM though. In CodeMirror 1, on an older browser, you
+could <em>see</em> the parser work its way through the document,
+managing some twenty lines in each 50-millisecond time slice it got. It
+was reading its input from the DOM, and updating the DOM as it went
+along, which any experienced JavaScript programmer will immediately
+spot as a recipe for slowness. In CodeMirror 2, the parser usually
+finishes the whole document in a single 100-millisecond time slice—it
+manages some 1500 lines during that time on Chrome. All it has to do
+is munge strings, so there is no real reason for it to be slow
+<h2 id="summary">What Gives?</h2>
+<p>Given all this, what can you expect from CodeMirror 2?</p>
+<li><strong>Small.</strong> the base library is
+some <span class="update">45k</span> when minified
+now, <span class="update">17k</span> when gzipped. It's smaller than
+its own logo.</li>
+<li><strong>Lightweight.</strong> CodeMirror 2 initializes very
+quickly, and does almost no work when it is not focused. This means
+you can treat it almost like a textarea, have multiple instances on a
+page without trouble.</li>
+<li><strong>Huge document support.</strong> Since highlighting is
+really fast, and no DOM structure is being built for non-visible
+content, you don't have to worry about locking up your browser when a
+user enters a megabyte-sized document.</li>
+<li><strong>Extended API.</strong> Some things kept coming up in the
+mailing list, such as marking pieces of text or lines, which were
+extremely hard to do with CodeMirror 1. The new version has proper
+support for these built in.</li>
+<li><strong>Tab support.</strong> Tabs inside editable documents were,
+for some reason, a no-go. At least six different people announced they
+were going to add tab support to CodeMirror 1, none survived (I mean,
+none delivered a working version). CodeMirror 2 no longer removes tabs
+from your document.</li>
+<li><strong>Sane styling.</strong> <code>iframe</code> nodes aren't
+really known for respecting document flow. Now that an editor instance
+is a plain <code>div</code> element, it is much easier to size it to
+fit the surrounding elements. You don't even have to make it scroll if
+you do not <a href="../demo/resize.html">want to</a>.</li>
+<p>On the downside, a CodeMirror 2 instance is <em>not</em> a native
+editable component. Though it does its best to emulate such a
+component as much as possible, there is functionality that browsers
+just do not allow us to hook into. Doing select-all from the context
+menu, for example, is not currently detected by CodeMirror.</p>
+<p id="changes" style="margin-top: 2em;"><span style="font-weight:
+bold">[Updates from November 13th 2011]</span> Recently, I've made
+some changes to the codebase that cause some of the text above to no
+longer be current. I've left the text intact, but added markers at the
+passages that are now inaccurate. The new situation is described
+<h2 id="btree">Content Representation</h2>
+<p>The original implementation of CodeMirror 2 represented the
+document as a flat array of line objects. This worked well—splicing
+arrays will require the part of the array after the splice to be
+moved, but this is basically just a simple <code>memmove</code> of a
+bunch of pointers, so it is cheap even for huge documents.</p>
+<p>However, I recently added line wrapping and code folding (line
+collapsing, basically). Once lines start taking up a non-constant
+amount of vertical space, looking up a line by vertical position
+(which is needed when someone clicks the document, and to determine
+the visible part of the document during scrolling) can only be done
+with a linear scan through the whole array, summing up line heights as
+you go. Seeing how I've been going out of my way to make big documents
+fast, this is not acceptable.</p>
+<p>The new representation is based on a B-tree. The leaves of the tree
+contain arrays of line objects, with a fixed minimum and maximum size,
+and the non-leaf nodes simply hold arrays of child nodes. Each node
+stores both the amount of lines that live below them and the vertical
+space taken up by these lines. This allows the tree to be indexed both
+by line number and by vertical position, and all access has
+logarithmic complexity in relation to the document size.</p>
+<p>I gave line objects and tree nodes parent pointers, to the node
+above them. When a line has to update its height, it can simply walk
+these pointers to the top of the tree, adding or subtracting the
+difference in height from each node it encounters. The parent pointers
+also make it cheaper (in complexity terms, the difference is probably
+tiny in normal-sized documents) to find the current line number when
+given a line object. In the old approach, the whole document array had
+to be searched. Now, we can just walk up the tree and count the sizes
+of the nodes coming before us at each level.</p>
+<p>I chose B-trees, not regular binary trees, mostly because they
+allow for very fast bulk insertions and deletions. When there is a big
+change to a document, it typically involves adding, deleting, or
+replacing a chunk of subsequent lines. In a regular balanced tree, all
+these inserts or deletes would have to be done separately, which could
+be really expensive. In a B-tree, to insert a chunk, you just walk
+down the tree once to find where it should go, insert them all in one
+shot, and then break up the node if needed. This breaking up might
+involve breaking up nodes further up, but only requires a single pass
+back up the tree. For deletion, I'm somewhat lax in keeping things
+balanced—I just collapse nodes into a leaf when their child count goes
+below a given number. This means that there are some weird editing
+patterns that may result in a seriously unbalanced tree, but even such
+an unbalanced tree will perform well, unless you spend a day making
+strangely repeating edits to a really big document.</p>
+<h2 id="keymap">Keymaps</h2>
+<p><a href="#approach">Above</a>, I claimed that directly catching key
+events for things like cursor movement is impractical because it
+requires some browser-specific kludges. I then proceeded to explain
+some awful <a href="#selection">hacks</a> that were needed to make it
+possible for the selection changes to be detected through the
+textarea. In fact, the second hack is about as bad as the first.</p>
+<p>On top of that, in the presence of user-configurable tab sizes and
+collapsed and wrapped lines, lining up cursor movement in the textarea
+with what's visible on the screen becomes a nightmare. Thus, I've
+decided to move to a model where the textarea's selection is no longer
+depended on.</p>
+<p>So I moved to a model where all cursor movement is handled by my
+own code. This adds support for a goal column, proper interaction of
+cursor movement with collapsed lines, and makes it possible for
+vertical movement to move through wrapped lines properly, instead of
+just treating them like non-wrapped lines.</p>
+<p>The key event handlers now translate the key event into a string,
+something like <code>Ctrl-Home</code> or <code>Shift-Cmd-R</code>, and
+use that string to look up an action to perform. To make keybinding
+customizable, this lookup goes through
+a <a href="manual.html#option_keyMap">table</a>, using a scheme that
+allows such tables to be chained together (for example, the default
+Mac bindings fall through to a table named 'emacsy', which defines
+basic Emacs-style bindings like <code>Ctrl-F</code>, and which is also
+used by the custom Emacs bindings).</p>
+<p>A new
+option <a href="manual.html#option_extraKeys"><code>extraKeys</code></a>
+allows ad-hoc keybindings to be defined in a much nicer way than what
+was possible with the
+old <a href="manual.html#option_onKeyEvent"><code>onKeyEvent</code></a>
+callback. You simply provide an object mapping key identifiers to
+functions, instead of painstakingly looking at raw key events.</p>
+<p>Built-in commands map to strings, rather than functions, for
+example <code>"goLineUp"</code> is the default action bound to the up
+arrow key. This allows new keymaps to refer to them without
+duplicating any code. New commands can be defined by assigning to
+the <code>CodeMirror.commands</code> object, which maps such commands
+to functions.</p>
+<p>The hidden textarea now only holds the current selection, with no
+extra characters around it. This has a nice advantage: polling for
+input becomes much, much faster. If there's a big selection, this text
+does not have to be read from the textarea every time—when we poll,
+just noticing that something is still selected is enough to tell us
+that no new text was typed.</p>
+<p>The reason that cheap polling is important is that many browsers do
+not fire useful events on IME (input method engine) input, which is
+the thing where people inputting a language like Japanese or Chinese
+use multiple keystrokes to create a character or sequence of
+characters. Most modern browsers fire <code>input</code> when the
+composing is finished, but many don't fire anything when the character
+is updated <em>during</em> composition. So we poll, whenever the
+editor is focused, to provide immediate updates of the display.</p>
+</div><div class="rightsmall blk">
+ <h2>Contents</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#approach">General Approach</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#input">Input</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#selection">Selection</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#update">Intelligent Updating</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#parse">Parsing</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#summary">What Gives?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#btree">Content Representation</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#keymap">Key Maps</a></li>
+ </ul>
+<div style="height: 2em">&nbsp;</div>
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+<h1><span class="logo-braces">{ }</span> <a href="">CodeMirror</a></h1>
+<pre class="grey">
+<img src="baboon.png" class="logo" alt="logo"/>/* User manual and
+ reference guide */
+<div class="clear"><div class="leftbig blk">
+ <h2 id="overview">Overview</h2>
+ <p>CodeMirror is a code-editor component that can be embedded in
+ Web pages. The code library provides <em>only</em> the editor
+ component, no accompanying buttons, auto-completion, or other IDE
+ functionality. It does provide a rich API on top of which such
+ functionality can be straightforwardly implemented. See
+ the <a href="#addons">add-ons</a> included in the distribution,
+ and
+ the <a href="">CodeMirror
+ UI</a> project, for reusable implementations of extra features.</p>
+ <p>CodeMirror works with language-specific modes. Modes are
+ JavaScript programs that help color (and optionally indent) text
+ written in a given language. The distribution comes with a number
+ of modes (see the <code>mode/</code> directory), and it isn't hard
+ to <a href="#modeapi">write new ones</a> for other languages.</p>
+ <h2 id="usage">Basic Usage</h2>
+ <p>The easiest way to use CodeMirror is to simply load the script
+ and style sheet found under <code>lib/</code> in the distribution,
+ plus a mode script from one of the <code>mode/</code> directories
+ and a theme stylesheet from <code>theme/</code>. (See
+ also <a href="compress.html">the compression helper</a>.) For
+ example:</p>
+ <pre>&lt;script src="lib/codemirror.js">&lt;/script>
+&lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/codemirror.css">
+&lt;script src="mode/javascript/javascript.js">&lt;/script></pre>
+ <p>Having done this, an editor instance can be created like
+ this:</p>
+ <pre>var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body);</pre>
+ <p>The editor will be appended to the document body, will start
+ empty, and will use the mode that we loaded. To have more control
+ over the new editor, a configuration object can be passed
+ to <code>CodeMirror</code> as a second argument:</p>
+ <pre>var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body, {
+ value: "function myScript(){return 100;}\n",
+ mode: "javascript"
+ <p>This will initialize the editor with a piece of code already in
+ it, and explicitly tell it to use the JavaScript mode (which is
+ useful when multiple modes are loaded).
+ See <a href="#config">below</a> for a full discussion of the
+ configuration options that CodeMirror accepts.</p>
+ <p>In cases where you don't want to append the editor to an
+ element, and need more control over the way it is inserted, the
+ first argument to the <code>CodeMirror</code> function can also
+ be a function that, when given a DOM element, inserts it into the
+ document somewhere. This could be used to, for example, replace a
+ textarea with a real editor:</p>
+ <pre>var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(function(elt) {
+ myTextArea.parentNode.replaceChild(elt, myTextArea);
+}, {value: myTextArea.value});</pre>
+ <p>However, for this use case, which is a common way to use
+ CodeMirror, the library provides a much more powerful
+ shortcut:</p>
+ <pre>var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(myTextArea);</pre>
+ <p>This will, among other things, ensure that the textarea's value
+ is updated when the form (if it is part of a form) is submitted.
+ See the <a href="#fromTextArea">API reference</a> for a full
+ description of this method.</p>
+ <h2 id="config">Configuration</h2>
+ <p>Both the <code>CodeMirror</code> function and
+ its <code>fromTextArea</code> method take as second (optional)
+ argument an object containing configuration options. Any option
+ not supplied like this will be taken
+ from <code>CodeMirror.defaults</code>, an object containing the
+ default options. You can update this object to change the defaults
+ on your page.</p>
+ <p>Options are not checked in any way, so setting bogus option
+ values is bound to lead to odd errors.</p>
+ <p>These are the supported options:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt id="option_value"><code>value (string)</code></dt>
+ <dd>The starting value of the editor.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_mode"><code>mode (string or object)</code></dt>
+ <dd>The mode to use. When not given, this will default to the
+ first mode that was loaded. It may be a string, which either
+ simply names the mode or is
+ a <a href="">MIME</a> type
+ associated with the mode. Alternatively, it may be an object
+ containing configuration options for the mode, with
+ a <code>name</code> property that names the mode (for
+ example <code>{name: "javascript", json: true}</code>). The demo
+ pages for each mode contain information about what configuration
+ parameters the mode supports. You can ask CodeMirror which modes
+ and MIME types are loaded with
+ the <code>CodeMirror.listModes</code>
+ and <code>CodeMirror.listMIMEs</code> functions.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_theme"><code>theme (string)</code></dt>
+ <dd>The theme to style the editor with. You must make sure the
+ CSS file defining the corresponding <code>.cm-s-[name]</code>
+ styles is loaded (see
+ the <a href="../theme/"><code>theme</code></a> directory in the
+ distribution). The default is <code>"default"</code>, for which
+ colors are included in <code>codemirror.css</code>. It is
+ possible to use multiple theming classes at once—for
+ example <code>"foo bar"</code> will assign both
+ the <code>cm-s-foo</code> and the <code>cm-s-bar</code> classes
+ to the editor.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_indentUnit"><code>indentUnit (integer)</code></dt>
+ <dd>How many spaces a block (whatever that means in the edited
+ language) should be indented. The default is 2.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_smartIndent"><code>smartIndent (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Whether to use the context-sensitive indentation that the
+ mode provides (or just indent the same as the line before).
+ Defaults to true.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_tabSize"><code>tabSize (integer)</code></dt>
+ <dd>The width of a tab character. Defaults to 4.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_indentWithTabs"><code>indentWithTabs (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Whether, when indenting, the first N*<code>tabSize</code>
+ spaces should be replaced by N tabs. Default is false.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_electricChars"><code>electricChars (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Configures whether the editor should re-indent the current
+ line when a character is typed that might change its proper
+ indentation (only works if the mode supports indentation).
+ Default is true.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_autoClearEmptyLines"><code>autoClearEmptyLines (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>When turned on (default is off), this will clear
+ automatically clear lines consisting only of whitespace when the
+ cursor leaves them. This is mostly useful to prevent auto
+ indentation from introducing trailing whitespace in a file.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_keyMap"><code>keyMap (string)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Configures the keymap to use. The default
+ is <code>"default"</code>, which is the only keymap defined
+ in <code>codemirror.js</code> itself. Extra keymaps are found in
+ the <a href="../keymap/"><code>keymap</code></a> directory. See
+ the <a href="#keymaps">section on keymaps</a> for more
+ information.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_extraKeys"><code>extraKeys (object)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Can be used to specify extra keybindings for the editor,
+ alongside the ones defined
+ by <a href="#option_keyMap"><code>keyMap</code></a>. Should be
+ either null, or a valid <a href="#keymaps">keymap</a> value.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_lineWrapping"><code>lineWrapping (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Whether CodeMirror should scroll or wrap for long lines.
+ Defaults to <code>false</code> (scroll).</dd>
+ <dt id="option_lineNumbers"><code>lineNumbers (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_firstLineNumber"><code>firstLineNumber (integer)</code></dt>
+ <dd>At which number to start counting lines. Default is 1.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_gutter"><code>gutter (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Can be used to force a 'gutter' (empty space on the left of
+ the editor) to be shown even when no line numbers are active.
+ This is useful for setting <a href="#setMarker">markers</a>.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_fixedGutter"><code>fixedGutter (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>When enabled (off by default), this will make the gutter
+ stay visible when the document is scrolled horizontally.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_readOnly"><code>readOnly (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>This disables editing of the editor content by the user. If
+ the special value <code>"nocursor"</code> is given (instead of
+ simply <code>true</code>), focusing of the editor is also
+ disallowed.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_onChange"><code>onChange (function)</code></dt>
+ <dd>When given, this function will be called every time the
+ content of the editor is changed. It will be given the editor
+ instance as first argument, and an <code>{from, to, text, next}</code>
+ object containing information about the changes
+ that occurred as second argument. <code>from</code>
+ and <code>to</code> are the positions (in the pre-change
+ coordinate system) where the change started and
+ ended (for example, it might be <code>{ch:0, line:18}</code> if the
+ position is at the beginning of line #19). <code>text</code>
+ is an array of strings representing the text that replaced the changed
+ range (split by line). If multiple changes happened during a single
+ operation, the object will have a <code>next</code> property pointing to
+ another change object (which may point to another, etc).</dd>
+ <dt id="option_onCursorActivity"><code>onCursorActivity (function)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Will be called when the cursor or selection moves, or any
+ change is made to the editor content.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_onGutterClick"><code>onGutterClick (function)</code></dt>
+ <dd>When given, will be called whenever the editor gutter (the
+ line-number area) is clicked. Will be given the editor instance
+ as first argument, the (zero-based) number of the line that was
+ clicked as second argument, and the raw <code>mousedown</code>
+ event object as third argument.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_onFocus"><code>onFocus, onBlur (function)</code></dt>
+ <dd>The given functions will be called whenever the editor is
+ focused or unfocused.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_onScroll"><code>onScroll (function)</code></dt>
+ <dd>When given, will be called whenever the editor is
+ scrolled.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_onHighlightComplete"><code>onHighlightComplete (function)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Whenever the editor's content has been fully highlighted,
+ this function (if given) will be called. It'll be given a single
+ argument, the editor instance.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_onUpdate"><code>onUpdate (function)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Will be called whenever CodeMirror updates its DOM display.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_matchBrackets"><code>matchBrackets (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Determines whether brackets are matched whenever the cursor
+ is moved next to a bracket.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_workTime"><code>workTime, workDelay (number)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Highlighting is done by a pseudo background-thread that will
+ work for <code>workTime</code> milliseconds, and then use
+ timeout to sleep for <code>workDelay</code> milliseconds. The
+ defaults are 200 and 300, you can change these options to make
+ the highlighting more or less aggressive.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_pollInterval"><code>pollInterval (number)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Indicates how quickly CodeMirror should poll its input
+ textarea for changes. Most input is captured by events, but some
+ things, like IME input on some browsers, doesn't generate events
+ that allow CodeMirror to properly detect it. Thus, it polls.
+ Default is 100 milliseconds.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_undoDepth"><code>undoDepth (integer)</code></dt>
+ <dd>The maximum number of undo levels that the editor stores.
+ Defaults to 40.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_tabindex"><code>tabindex (integer)</code></dt>
+ <dd>The <a href="">tab
+ index</a> to assign to the editor. If not given, no tab index
+ will be assigned.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_autofocus"><code>autofocus (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Can be used to make CodeMirror focus itself on
+ initialization. Defaults to off.
+ When <a href="#fromTextArea"><code>fromTextArea</code></a> is
+ used, and no explicit value is given for this option, it will
+ inherit the setting from the textarea's <code>autofocus</code>
+ attribute.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_dragDrop"><code>dragDrop (boolean)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Controls whether drag-and-drop is enabled. On by default.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_onDragEvent"><code>onDragEvent (function)</code></dt>
+ <dd>When given, this will be called when the editor is handling
+ a <code>dragenter</code>, <code>dragover</code>,
+ or <code>drop</code> event. It will be passed the editor instance
+ and the event object as arguments. The callback can choose to
+ handle the event itself, in which case it should
+ return <code>true</code> to indicate that CodeMirror should not
+ do anything further.</dd>
+ <dt id="option_onKeyEvent"><code>onKeyEvent (function)</code></dt>
+ <dd>This provides a rather low-level hook into CodeMirror's key
+ handling. If provided, this function will be called on
+ every <code>keydown</code>, <code>keyup</code>,
+ and <code>keypress</code> event that CodeMirror captures. It
+ will be passed two arguments, the editor instance and the key
+ event. This key event is pretty much the raw key event, except
+ that a <code>stop()</code> method is always added to it. You
+ could feed it to, for example, <code>jQuery.Event</code> to
+ further normalize it.<br>This function can inspect the key
+ event, and handle it if it wants to. It may return true to tell
+ CodeMirror to ignore the event. Be wary that, on some browsers,
+ stopping a <code>keydown</code> does not stop
+ the <code>keypress</code> from firing, whereas on others it
+ does. If you respond to an event, you should probably inspect
+ its <code>type</code> property and only do something when it
+ is <code>keydown</code> (or <code>keypress</code> for actions
+ that need character data).</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <h2 id="keymaps">Keymaps</h2>
+ <p>Keymaps are ways to associate keys with functionality. A keymap
+ is an object mapping strings that identify the keys to functions
+ that implement their functionality.</p>
+ <p>Keys are identified either by name or by character.
+ The <code>CodeMirror.keyNames</code> object defines names for
+ common keys and associates them with their key codes. Examples of
+ names defined here are <code>Enter</code>, <code>F5</code>,
+ and <code>Q</code>. These can be prefixed
+ with <code>Shift-</code>, <code>Cmd-</code>, <code>Ctrl-</code>,
+ and <code>Alt-</code> (in that order!) to specify a modifier. So
+ for example, <code>Shift-Ctrl-Space</code> would be a valid key
+ identifier.</p>
+ <p>Alternatively, a character can be specified directly by
+ surrounding it in single quotes, for example <code>'$'</code>
+ or <code>'q'</code>. Due to limitations in the way browsers fire
+ key events, these may not be prefixed with modifiers.</p>
+ <p>The <code>CodeMirror.keyMap</code> object associates keymaps
+ with names. User code and keymap definitions can assign extra
+ properties to this object. Anywhere where a keymap is expected, a
+ string can be given, which will be looked up in this object. It
+ also contains the <code>"default"</code> keymap holding the
+ default bindings.</p>
+ <p>The values of properties in keymaps can be either functions of
+ a single argument (the CodeMirror instance), or strings. Such
+ strings refer to properties of the
+ <code>CodeMirror.commands</code> object, which defines a number of
+ common commands that are used by the default keybindings, and maps
+ them to functions. A key handler function may throw
+ <code>CodeMirror.Pass</code> to indicate that it has decided not
+ to handle the key, and other handlers (or the default behavior)
+ should be given a turn.</p>
+ <p>Keys mapped to command names that start with the
+ characters <code>"go"</code> (which should be used for
+ cursor-movement actions) will be fired even when an
+ extra <code>Shift</code> modifier is present (i.e. <code>"Up":
+ "goLineUp"</code> matches both up and shift-up). This is used to
+ easily implement shift-selection.</p>
+ <p>Keymaps can defer to each other by defining
+ a <code>fallthrough</code> property. This indicates that when a
+ key is not found in the map itself, one or more other maps should
+ be searched. It can hold either a single keymap or an array of
+ keymaps.</p>
+ <p>When a keymap contains a <code>nofallthrough</code> property
+ set to <code>true</code>, keys matched against that map will be
+ ignored if they don't match any of the bindings in the map (no
+ further child maps will be tried, and the default effect of
+ inserting a character will not occur).</p>
+ <h2 id="styling">Customized Styling</h2>
+ <p>Up to a certain extent, CodeMirror's look can be changed by
+ modifying style sheet files. The style sheets supplied by modes
+ simply provide the colors for that mode, and can be adapted in a
+ very straightforward way. To style the editor itself, it is
+ possible to alter or override the styles defined
+ in <a href="../lib/codemirror.css"><code>codemirror.css</code></a>.</p>
+ <p>Some care must be taken there, since a lot of the rules in this
+ file are necessary to have CodeMirror function properly. Adjusting
+ colors should be safe, of course, and with some care a lot of
+ other things can be changed as well. The CSS classes defined in
+ this file serve the following roles:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt id="class_CodeMirror"><code>CodeMirror</code></dt>
+ <dd>The outer element of the editor. This should be used for
+ borders and positioning. Can also be used to set styles that
+ should hold for everything inside the editor (such as font
+ and font size), or to set a background.</dd>
+ <dt id="class_CodeMirror_scroll"><code>CodeMirror-scroll</code></dt>
+ <dd>This determines whether the editor scrolls (<code>overflow:
+ auto</code> + fixed height). By default, it does. Giving
+ this <code>height: auto; overflow: visible;</code> will cause
+ the editor to resize to fit its content.</dd>
+ <dt id="class_CodeMirror_focused"><code>CodeMirror-focused</code></dt>
+ <dd>Whenever the editor is focused, the top element gets this
+ class. This is used to hide the cursor and give the selection a
+ different color when the editor is not focused.</dd>
+ <dt id="class_CodeMirror_gutter"><code>CodeMirror-gutter</code></dt>
+ <dd>Use this for giving a background or a border to the editor
+ gutter. Don't set any padding here,
+ use <code>CodeMirror-gutter-text</code> for that. By default,
+ the gutter is 'fluid', meaning it will adjust its width to the
+ maximum line number or line marker width. You can also set a
+ fixed width if you want.</dd>
+ <dt id="class_CodeMirror_gutter_text"><code>CodeMirror-gutter-text</code></dt>
+ <dd>Used to style the actual line numbers. For the numbers to
+ line up, you must make sure that the font in the gutter is the
+ same as the one in the rest of the editor, so you should
+ probably only set font style and size in
+ the <code>CodeMirror</code> class.</dd>
+ <dt id="class_CodeMirror_lines"><code>CodeMirror-lines</code></dt>
+ <dd>The visible lines. If this has vertical
+ padding, <code>CodeMirror-gutter</code> should have the same
+ padding.</dd>
+ <dt id="class_CodeMirror_cursor"><code>CodeMirror-cursor</code></dt>
+ <dd>The cursor is a block element that is absolutely positioned.
+ You can make it look whichever way you want.</dd>
+ <dt id="class_CodeMirror_selected"><code>CodeMirror-selected</code></dt>
+ <dd>The selection is represented by <code>span</code> elements
+ with this class.</dd>
+ <dt id="class_CodeMirror_matchingbracket"><code>CodeMirror-matchingbracket</code>,
+ <code>CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket</code></dt>
+ <dd>These are used to style matched (or unmatched) brackets.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The actual lines, as well as the cursor, are represented
+ by <code>pre</code> elements. By default no text styling (such as
+ bold) that might change line height is applied. If you do want
+ such effects, you'll have to give <code>CodeMirror pre</code> a
+ fixed height.</p>
+ <p>If your page's style sheets do funky things to
+ all <code>div</code> or <code>pre</code> elements (you probably
+ shouldn't do that), you'll have to define rules to cancel these
+ effects out again for elements under the <code>CodeMirror</code>
+ class.</p>
+ <p>Themes are also simply CSS files, which define colors for
+ various syntactic elements. See the files in
+ the <a href="../theme/"><code>theme</code></a> directory.</p>
+ <h2 id="api">Programming API</h2>
+ <p>A lot of CodeMirror features are only available through its API.
+ This has the disadvantage that you need to do work to enable them,
+ and the advantage that CodeMirror will fit seamlessly into your
+ application.</p>
+ <p>Whenever points in the document are represented, the API uses
+ objects with <code>line</code> and <code>ch</code> properties.
+ Both are zero-based. CodeMirror makes sure to 'clip' any positions
+ passed by client code so that they fit inside the document, so you
+ shouldn't worry too much about sanitizing your coordinates. If you
+ give <code>ch</code> a value of <code>null</code>, or don't
+ specify it, it will be replaced with the length of the specified
+ line.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt id="getValue"><code>getValue() → string</code></dt>
+ <dd>Get the current editor content.</dd>
+ <dt id="setValue"><code>setValue(string)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Set the editor content.</dd>
+ <dt id="getSelection"><code>getSelection() → string</code></dt>
+ <dd>Get the currently selected code.</dd>
+ <dt id="replaceSelection"><code>replaceSelection(string)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Replace the selection with the given string.</dd>
+ <dt id="focus"><code>focus()</code></dt>
+ <dd>Give the editor focus.</dd>
+ <dt id="scrollTo"><code>scrollTo(x, y)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Scroll the editor to a given (pixel) position. Both
+ arguments may be left as <code>null</code>
+ or <code>undefined</code> to have no effect.</dd>
+ <dt id="getScrollInfo"><code>getScrollInfo()</code></dt>
+ <dd>Get an <code>{x, y, width, height}</code> object that
+ represents the current scroll position and scrollable area size
+ of the editor.</dd>
+ <dt id="setOption"><code>setOption(option, value)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Change the configuration of the editor. <code>option</code>
+ should the name of an <a href="#config">option</a>,
+ and <code>value</code> should be a valid value for that
+ option.</dd>
+ <dt id="getOption"><code>getOption(option) → value</code></dt>
+ <dd>Retrieves the current value of the given option for this
+ editor instance.</dd>
+ <dt id="cursorCoords"><code>cursorCoords(start, mode) → object</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns an <code>{x, y, yBot}</code> object containing the
+ coordinates of the cursor. If <code>mode</code>
+ is <code>"local"</code>, they will be relative to the top-left
+ corner of the editable document. If it is <code>"page"</code> or
+ not given, they are relative to the top-left corner of the
+ page. <code>yBot</code> is the coordinate of the bottom of the
+ cursor. <code>start</code> is a boolean indicating whether you
+ want the start or the end of the selection.</dd>
+ <dt id="charCoords"><code>charCoords(pos, mode) → object</code></dt>
+ <dd>Like <code>cursorCoords</code>, but returns the position of
+ an arbitrary characters. <code>pos</code> should be
+ a <code>{line, ch}</code> object.</dd>
+ <dt id="coordsChar"><code>coordsChar(object) → pos</code></dt>
+ <dd>Given an <code>{x, y}</code> object (in page coordinates),
+ returns the <code>{line, ch}</code> position that corresponds to
+ it.</dd>
+ <dt id="undo"><code>undo()</code></dt>
+ <dd>Undo one edit (if any undo events are stored).</dd>
+ <dt id="redo"><code>redo()</code></dt>
+ <dd>Redo one undone edit.</dd>
+ <dt id="historySize"><code>historySize() → object</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns an object with <code>{undo, redo}</code> properties,
+ both of which hold integers, indicating the amount of stored
+ undo and redo operations.</dd>
+ <dt id="clearHistory"><code>clearHistory()</code></dt>
+ <dd>Clears the editor's undo history.</dd>
+ <dt id="indentLine"><code>indentLine(line, dir)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Reset the given line's indentation to the indentation
+ prescribed by the mode. If the second argument is given,
+ indentation will be increased (if <code>dir</code> is true) or
+ decreased (if false) by an <a href="#option_indentUnit">indent
+ unit</a> instead.</dd>
+ <dt id="getTokenAt"><code>getTokenAt(pos) → object</code></dt>
+ <dd>Retrieves information about the token the current mode found
+ before the given position (a <code>{line, ch}</code> object). The
+ returned object has the following properties:
+ <dl>
+ <dt><code>start</code></dt><dd>The character (on the given line) at which the token starts.</dd>
+ <dt><code>end</code></dt><dd>The character at which the token ends.</dd>
+ <dt><code>string</code></dt><dd>The token's string.</dd>
+ <dt><code>className</code></dt><dd>The class the mode assigned
+ to the token. (Can be null when no class was assigned.)</dd>
+ <dt><code>state</code></dt><dd>The mode's state at the end of this token.</dd>
+ </dl></dd>
+ <dt id="markText"><code>markText(from, to, className) → object</code></dt>
+ <dd>Can be used to mark a range of text with a specific CSS
+ class name. <code>from</code> and <code>to</code> should
+ be <code>{line, ch}</code> objects. The method will return an
+ object with two methods, <code>clear()</code>, which removes the
+ mark, and <code>find()</code>, which returns a <code>{from,
+ to}</code> (both document positions), indicating the current
+ position of the marked range.</dd>
+ <dt id="setBookmark"><code>setBookmark(pos) → object</code></dt>
+ <dd>Inserts a bookmark, a handle that follows the text around it
+ as it is being edited, at the given position. A bookmark has two
+ methods <code>find()</code> and <code>clear()</code>. The first
+ returns the current position of the bookmark, if it is still in
+ the document, and the second explicitly removes the
+ bookmark.</dd>
+ <dt id="findMarksAt"><code>findMarksAt(pos) → array</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns an array of all the bookmarks and marked ranges
+ present at the given position.</dd>
+ <dt id="setMarker"><code>setMarker(line, text, className) → lineHandle</code></dt>
+ <dd>Add a gutter marker for the given line. Gutter markers are
+ shown in the line-number area (instead of the number for this
+ line). Both <code>text</code> and <code>className</code> are
+ optional. Setting <code>text</code> to a Unicode character like
+ ● tends to give a nice effect. To put a picture in the gutter,
+ set <code>text</code> to a space and <code>className</code> to
+ something that sets a background image. If you
+ specify <code>text</code>, the given text (which may contain
+ HTML) will, by default, replace the line number for that line.
+ If this is not what you want, you can include the
+ string <code>%N%</code> in the text, which will be replaced by
+ the line number.</dd>
+ <dt id="clearMarker"><code>clearMarker(line)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Clears a marker created
+ with <code>setMarker</code>. <code>line</code> can be either a
+ number or a handle returned by <code>setMarker</code> (since a
+ number may now refer to a different line if something was added
+ or deleted).</dd>
+ <dt id="setLineClass"><code>setLineClass(line, className, backgroundClassName) → lineHandle</code></dt>
+ <dd>Set a CSS class name for the given line. <code>line</code>
+ can be a number or a line handle (as returned
+ by <code>setMarker</code> or this
+ function). <code>className</code> will be used to style the text
+ for the line, and <code>backgroundClassName</code> to style its
+ background (which lies behind the selection).
+ Pass <code>null</code> to clear the classes for a line.</dd>
+ <dt id="hideLine"><code>hideLine(line) → lineHandle</code></dt>
+ <dd>Hide the given line (either by number or by handle). Hidden
+ lines don't show up in the editor, and their numbers are skipped
+ when <a href="#option_lineNumbers">line numbers</a> are enabled.
+ Deleting a region around them does delete them, and coping a
+ region around will include them in the copied text.</dd>
+ <dt id="showLine"><code>showLine(line) → lineHandle</code></dt>
+ <dd>The inverse of <code>hideLine</code>—re-shows a previously
+ hidden line, by number or by handle.</dd>
+ <dt id="onDeleteLine"><code>onDeleteLine(line, func)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Register a function that should be called when the line is
+ deleted from the document.</dd>
+ <dt id="lineInfo"><code>lineInfo(line) → object</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns the line number, text content, and marker status of
+ the given line, which can be either a number or a handle
+ returned by <code>setMarker</code>. The returned object has the
+ structure <code>{line, handle, text, markerText, markerClass,
+ lineClass, bgClass}</code>.</dd>
+ <dt id="getLineHandle"><code>getLineHandle(num) → lineHandle</code></dt>
+ <dd>Fetches the line handle for the given line number.</dd>
+ <dt id="addWidget"><code>addWidget(pos, node, scrollIntoView)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Puts <code>node</code>, which should be an absolutely
+ positioned DOM node, into the editor, positioned right below the
+ given <code>{line, ch}</code> position.
+ When <code>scrollIntoView</code> is true, the editor will ensure
+ that the entire node is visible (if possible). To remove the
+ widget again, simply use DOM methods (move it somewhere else, or
+ call <code>removeChild</code> on its parent).</dd>
+ <dt id="matchBrackets"><code>matchBrackets()</code></dt>
+ <dd>Force matching-bracket-highlighting to happen.</dd>
+ <dt id="lineCount"><code>lineCount() → number</code></dt>
+ <dd>Get the number of lines in the editor.</dd>
+ <dt id="getCursor"><code>getCursor(start) → object</code></dt>
+ <dd><code>start</code> is a boolean indicating whether the start
+ or the end of the selection must be retrieved. If it is not
+ given, the current cursor pos, i.e. the side of the selection
+ that would move if you pressed an arrow key, is chosen.
+ A <code>{line, ch}</code> object will be returned.</dd>
+ <dt id="somethingSelected"><code>somethingSelected() → boolean</code></dt>
+ <dd>Return true if any text is selected.</dd>
+ <dt id="setCursor"><code>setCursor(pos)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Set the cursor position. You can either pass a
+ single <code>{line, ch}</code> object, or the line and the
+ character as two separate parameters.</dd>
+ <dt id="setSelection"><code>setSelection(start, end)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Set the selection range. <code>start</code>
+ and <code>end</code> should be <code>{line, ch}</code> objects.</dd>
+ <dt id="getLine"><code>getLine(n) → string</code></dt>
+ <dd>Get the content of line <code>n</code>.</dd>
+ <dt id="setLine"><code>setLine(n, text)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Set the content of line <code>n</code>.</dd>
+ <dt id="removeLine"><code>removeLine(n)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Remove the given line from the document.</dd>
+ <dt id="getRange"><code>getRange(from, to) → string</code></td>
+ <dd>Get the text between the given points in the editor, which
+ should be <code>{line, ch}</code> objects.</dd>
+ <dt id="replaceRange"><code>replaceRange(string, from, to)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Replace the part of the document between <code>from</code>
+ and <code>to</code> with the given string. <code>from</code>
+ and <code>to</code> must be <code>{line, ch}</code>
+ objects. <code>to</code> can be left off to simply insert the
+ string at position <code>from</code>.</dd>
+ <dt id="posFromIndex"><code>posFromIndex(index) → object</code></dt>
+ <dd>Calculates and returns a <code>{line, ch}</code> object for a
+ zero-based <code>index</code> who's value is relative to the start of the
+ editor's text. If the <code>index</code> is out of range of the text then
+ the returned object is clipped to start or end of the text
+ respectively.</dd>
+ <dt id="indexFromPos"><code>indexFromPos(object) → number</code></dt>
+ <dd>The reverse of <a href="#posFromIndex"><code>posFromIndex</code></a>.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The following are more low-level methods:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt id="operation"><code>operation(func) → result</code></dt>
+ <dd>CodeMirror internally buffers changes and only updates its
+ DOM structure after it has finished performing some operation.
+ If you need to perform a lot of operations on a CodeMirror
+ instance, you can call this method with a function argument. It
+ will call the function, buffering up all changes, and only doing
+ the expensive update after the function returns. This can be a
+ lot faster. The return value from this method will be the return
+ value of your function.</dd>
+ <dt id="compoundChange"><code>compoundChange(func) → result</code></dt>
+ <dd>Will call the given function (and return its result),
+ combining all changes made while that function executes into a
+ single undo event.</dd>
+ <dt id="refresh"><code>refresh()</code></dt>
+ <dd>If your code does something to change the size of the editor
+ element (window resizes are already listened for), or unhides
+ it, you should probably follow up by calling this method to
+ ensure CodeMirror is still looking as intended.</dd>
+ <dt id="getInputField"><code>getInputField() → textarea</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns the hidden textarea used to read input.</dd>
+ <dt id="getWrapperElement"><code>getWrapperElement() → node</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns the DOM node that represents the editor. Remove this
+ from your tree to delete an editor instance.</dd>
+ <dt id="getScrollerElement"><code>getScrollerElement() → node</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns the DOM node that is responsible for the sizing and
+ the scrolling of the editor. You can change
+ the <code>height</code> and <code>width</code> styles of this
+ element to resize an editor. (You might have to call
+ the <a href="#refresh"><code>refresh</code></a> method
+ afterwards.)</dd>
+ <dt id="getGutterElement"><code>getGutterElement() → node</code></dt>
+ <dd>Fetches the DOM node that represents the editor gutter.</dd>
+ <dt id="getStateAfter"><code>getStateAfter(line) → state</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns the mode's parser state, if any, at the end of the
+ given line number. If no line number is given, the state at the
+ end of the document is returned. This can be useful for storing
+ parsing errors in the state, or getting other kinds of
+ contextual information for a line.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p id="fromTextArea">Finally, the <code>CodeMirror</code> object
+ itself has a method <code>fromTextArea</code>. This takes a
+ textarea DOM node as first argument and an optional configuration
+ object as second. It will replace the textarea with a CodeMirror
+ instance, and wire up the form of that textarea (if any) to make
+ sure the editor contents are put into the textarea when the form
+ is submitted. A CodeMirror instance created this way has two
+ additional methods:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt id="save"><code>save()</code></dt>
+ <dd>Copy the content of the editor into the textarea.</dd>
+ <dt id="toTextArea"><code>toTextArea()</code></dt>
+ <dd>Remove the editor, and restore the original textarea (with
+ the editor's current content).</dd>
+ <dt id="getTextArea"><code>getTextArea() → textarea</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns the textarea that the instance was based on.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p id="defineExtension">If you want to define extra methods in terms
+ of the CodeMirror API, it is possible to
+ use <code>CodeMirror.defineExtension(name, value)</code>. This
+ will cause the given value (usually a method) to be added to all
+ CodeMirror instances created from then on.</p>
+ <h2 id="addons">Add-ons</h2>
+ <p>The <code>lib/util</code> directory in the distribution
+ contains a number of reusable components that implement extra
+ editor functionality. In brief, they are:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt id="util_dialog"><a href="../lib/util/dialog.js"><code>dialog.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Provides a very simple way to query users for text input.
+ Adds an <code>openDialog</code> method to CodeMirror instances,
+ which can be called with an HTML fragment that provides the
+ prompt (should include an <code>input</code> tag), and a
+ callback function that is called when text has been entered.
+ Depends on <code>lib/util/dialog.css</code>.</dd>
+ <dt id="util_searchcursor"><a href="../lib/util/searchcursor.js"><code>searchcursor.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Adds the <code>getSearchCursor(query, start, caseFold) →
+ cursor</code> method to CodeMirror instances, which can be used
+ to implement search/replace functionality. <code>query</code>
+ can be a regular expression or a string (only strings will match
+ across lines—if they contain newlines). <code>start</code>
+ provides the starting position of the search. It can be
+ a <code>{line, ch}</code> object, or can be left off to default
+ to the start of the document. <code>caseFold</code> is only
+ relevant when matching a string. It will cause the search to be
+ case-insensitive. A search cursor has the following methods:
+ <dl>
+ <dt><code>findNext(), findPrevious() → boolean</code></dt>
+ <dd>Search forward or backward from the current position.
+ The return value indicates whether a match was found. If
+ matching a regular expression, the return value will be the
+ array returned by the <code>match</code> method, in case you
+ want to extract matched groups.</dd>
+ <dt><code>from(), to() → object</code></dt>
+ <dd>These are only valid when the last call
+ to <code>findNext</code> or <code>findPrevious</code> did
+ not return false. They will return <code>{line, ch}</code>
+ objects pointing at the start and end of the match.</dd>
+ <dt><code>replace(text)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Replaces the currently found match with the given text
+ and adjusts the cursor position to reflect the
+ replacement.</dd>
+ </dl></dd>
+ <dt id="util_search"><a href="../lib/util/search.js"><code>search.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Implements the search commands. CodeMirror has keys bound to
+ these by default, but will not do anything with them unless an
+ implementation is provided. Depends
+ on <code>searchcursor.js</code>, and will make use
+ of <a href="#util_dialog"><code>openDialog</code></a> when
+ available to make prompting for search queries less ugly.</dd>
+ <dt id="util_foldcode"><a href="../lib/util/foldcode.js"><code>foldcode.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Helps with code folding.
+ See <a href="../demo/folding.html">the demo</a> for an example.
+ Call <code>CodeMirror.newFoldFunction</code> with a range-finder
+ helper function to create a function that will, when applied to
+ a CodeMirror instance and a line number, attempt to fold or
+ unfold the block starting at the given line. A range-finder is a
+ language-specific function that also takes an instance and a
+ line number, and returns an end line for the block, or null if
+ no block is started on that line. This file
+ provides <code>CodeMirror.braceRangeFinder</code>, which finds
+ blocks in brace languages (JavaScript, C, Java,
+ etc), <code>CodeMirror.indentRangeFinder</code>, for languages
+ where indentation determines block structure (Python, Haskell),
+ and <code>CodeMirror.tagRangeFinder</code>, for XML-style
+ languages.</dd>
+ <dt id="util_runmode"><a href="../lib/util/runmode.js"><code>runmode.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Can be used to run a CodeMirror mode over text without
+ actually opening an editor instance.
+ See <a href="../demo/runmode.html">the demo</a> for an
+ example.</dd>
+ <dt id="util_overlay"><a href="../lib/util/overlay.js"><code>overlay.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Mode combinator that can be used to extend a mode with an
+ 'overlay' — a secondary mode is run over the stream, along with
+ the base mode, and can color specific pieces of text without
+ interfering with the base mode.
+ Defines <code>CodeMirror.overlayMode</code>, which is used to
+ create such a mode. See <a href="../demo/mustache.html">this
+ demo</a> for a detailed example.</dd>
+ <dt id="util_multiplex"><a href="../lib/util/multiplex.js"><code>multiplex.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Mode combinator that can be used to easily 'multiplex'
+ between several modes.
+ Defines <code>CodeMirror.multiplexingMode</code> which, when
+ given as first argument a mode object, and as other arguments
+ any number of <code>{open, close, mode [, delimStyle]}</code>
+ objects, will return a mode object that starts parsing using the
+ mode passed as first argument, but will switch to another mode
+ as soon as it encounters a string that occurs in one of
+ the <code>open</code> fields of the passed objects. When in a
+ sub-mode, it will go back to the top mode again when
+ the <code>close</code> string is encountered.
+ When <code>delimStyle</code> is specified, it will be the token
+ style returned for the delimiter tokens. The outer mode will not
+ see the content between the delimiters.
+ See <a href="../demo/multiplex.html">this demo</a> for an
+ example.</dd>
+ <dt id="util_simple-hint"><a href="../lib/util/simple-hint.js"><code>simple-hint.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Provides a framework for showing autocompletion hints.
+ Defines <code>CodeMirror.simpleHint</code>, which takes a
+ CodeMirror instance and a hinting function, and pops up a widget
+ that allows the user to select a completion. Hinting functions
+ are function that take an editor instance, and return
+ a <code>{list, from, to}</code> object, where <code>list</code>
+ is an array of strings (the completions), and <code>from</code>
+ and <code>to</code> give the start and end of the token that is
+ being completed. Depends
+ on <code>lib/util/simple-hint.css</code>.</dd>
+ <dt id="util_javascript-hint"><a href="../lib/util/javascript-hint.js"><code>javascript-hint.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Defines <code>CodeMirror.javascriptHint</code>
+ and <code>CodeMirror.coffeescriptHint</code>, which are simple
+ hinting functions for the JavaScript and CoffeeScript
+ modes.</dd>
+ <dt id="util_match-highlighter"><a href="../lib/util/match-highlighter.js"><code>match-highlighter.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Adds a <code>matchHighlight</code> method to CodeMirror
+ instances that can be called (typically from
+ a <a href="#option_onCursorActivity"><code>onCursorActivity</code></a>
+ handler) to highlight all instances of a currently selected word
+ with the a classname given as a first argument to the method.
+ Depends on
+ the <a href="#util_searchcursor"><code>searchcursor</code></a>
+ add-on. Demo <a href="../demo/matchhighlighter.html">here</a>.</dd>
+ <dt id="util_closetag"><a href="../lib/util/closetag.js"><code>closetag.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Provides utility functions for adding automatic tag closing
+ to XML modes. See
+ the <a href="../demo/closetag.html">demo</a>.</dd>
+ <dt id="util_loadmode"><a href="../lib/util/loadmode.js"><code>loadmode.js</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Defines a <code>CodeMirror.requireMode(modename,
+ callback)</code> function that will try to load a given mode and
+ call the callback when it succeeded. You'll have to
+ set <code>CodeMirror.modeURL</code> to a string that mode paths
+ can be constructed from, for
+ example <code>"mode/%N/%N.js"</code>—the <code>%N</code>'s will
+ be replaced with the mode name. Also
+ defines <code>CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(instance, mode)</code>,
+ which will ensure the given mode is loaded and cause the given
+ editor instance to refresh its mode when the loading
+ succeeded. See the <a href="../demo/loadmode.html">demo</a>.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <h2 id="modeapi">Writing CodeMirror Modes</h2>
+ <p>Modes typically consist of a single JavaScript file. This file
+ defines, in the simplest case, a lexer (tokenizer) for your
+ language—a function that takes a character stream as input,
+ advances it past a token, and returns a style for that token. More
+ advanced modes can also handle indentation for the language.</p>
+ <p id="defineMode">The mode script should
+ call <code>CodeMirror.defineMode</code> to register itself with
+ CodeMirror. This function takes two arguments. The first should be
+ the name of the mode, for which you should use a lowercase string,
+ preferably one that is also the name of the files that define the
+ mode (i.e. <code>"xml"</code> is defined <code>xml.js</code>). The
+ second argument should be a function that, given a CodeMirror
+ configuration object (the thing passed to
+ the <code>CodeMirror</code> function) and an optional mode
+ configuration object (as in
+ the <a href="#option_mode"><code>mode</code></a> option), returns
+ a mode object.</p>
+ <p>Typically, you should use this second argument
+ to <code>defineMode</code> as your module scope function (modes
+ should not leak anything into the global scope!), i.e. write your
+ whole mode inside this function.</p>
+ <p>The main responsibility of a mode script is <em>parsing</em>
+ the content of the editor. Depending on the language and the
+ amount of functionality desired, this can be done in really easy
+ or extremely complicated ways. Some parsers can be stateless,
+ meaning that they look at one element (<em>token</em>) of the code
+ at a time, with no memory of what came before. Most, however, will
+ need to remember something. This is done by using a <em>state
+ object</em>, which is an object that is always passed when
+ reading a token, and which can be mutated by the tokenizer.</p>
+ <p id="startState">Modes that use a state must define
+ a <code>startState</code> method on their mode object. This is a
+ function of no arguments that produces a state object to be used
+ at the start of a document.</p>
+ <p id="token">The most important part of a mode object is
+ its <code>token(stream, state)</code> method. All modes must
+ define this method. It should read one token from the stream it is
+ given as an argument, optionally update its state, and return a
+ style string, or <code>null</code> for tokens that do not have to
+ be styled. For your styles, you can either use the 'standard' ones
+ defined in the themes (without the <code>cm-</code> prefix), or
+ define your own and have people include a custom CSS file for your
+ mode.<p>
+ <p id="StringStream">The stream object encapsulates a line of code
+ (tokens may never span lines) and our current position in that
+ line. It has the following API:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><code>eol() → boolean</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns true only if the stream is at the end of the
+ line.</dd>
+ <dt><code>sol() → boolean</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns true only if the stream is at the start of the
+ line.</dd>
+ <dt><code>peek() → character</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns the next character in the stream without advancing
+ it. Will return <code>undefined</code> at the end of the
+ line.</dd>
+ <dt><code>next() → character</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns the next character in the stream and advances it.
+ Also returns <code>undefined</code> when no more characters are
+ available.</dd>
+ <dt><code>eat(match) → character</code></dt>
+ <dd><code>match</code> can be a character, a regular expression,
+ or a function that takes a character and returns a boolean. If
+ the next character in the stream 'matches' the given argument,
+ it is consumed and returned. Otherwise, <code>undefined</code>
+ is returned.</dd>
+ <dt><code>eatWhile(match) → boolean</code></dt>
+ <dd>Repeatedly calls <code>eat</code> with the given argument,
+ until it fails. Returns true if any characters were eaten.</dd>
+ <dt><code>eatSpace() → boolean</code></dt>
+ <dd>Shortcut for <code>eatWhile</code> when matching
+ white-space.</dd>
+ <dt><code>skipToEnd()</code></dt>
+ <dd>Moves the position to the end of the line.</dd>
+ <dt><code>skipTo(ch) → boolean</code></dt>
+ <dd>Skips to the next occurrence of the given character, if
+ found on the current line (doesn't advance the stream if the
+ character does not occur on the line). Returns true if the
+ character was found.</dd>
+ <dt><code>match(pattern, consume, caseFold) → boolean</code></dt>
+ <dd>Act like a
+ multi-character <code>eat</code>—if <code>consume</code> is true
+ or not given—or a look-ahead that doesn't update the stream
+ position—if it is false. <code>pattern</code> can be either a
+ string or a regular expression starting with <code>^</code>.
+ When it is a string, <code>caseFold</code> can be set to true to
+ make the match case-insensitive. When successfully matching a
+ regular expression, the returned value will be the array
+ returned by <code>match</code>, in case you need to extract
+ matched groups.</dd>
+ <dt><code>backUp(n)</code></dt>
+ <dd>Backs up the stream <code>n</code> characters. Backing it up
+ further than the start of the current token will cause things to
+ break, so be careful.</dd>
+ <dt><code>column() → integer</code></dt>
+ <dd>Returns the column (taking into account tabs) at which the
+ current token starts. Can be used to find out whether a token
+ starts a new line.</dd>
+ <dt><code>indentation() → integer</code></dt>
+ <dd>Tells you how far the current line has been indented, in
+ spaces. Corrects for tab characters.</dd>
+ <dt><code>current() → string</code></dt>
+ <dd>Get the string between the start of the current token and
+ the current stream position.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p id="blankLine">By default, blank lines are simply skipped when
+ tokenizing a document. For languages that have significant blank
+ lines, you can define a <code>blankLine(state)</code> method on
+ your mode that will get called whenever a blank line is passed
+ over, so that it can update the parser state.</p>
+ <p id="copyState">Because state object are mutated, and CodeMirror
+ needs to keep valid versions of a state around so that it can
+ restart a parse at any line, copies must be made of state objects.
+ The default algorithm used is that a new state object is created,
+ which gets all the properties of the old object. Any properties
+ which hold arrays get a copy of these arrays (since arrays tend to
+ be used as mutable stacks). When this is not correct, for example
+ because a mode mutates non-array properties of its state object, a
+ mode object should define a <code>copyState</code> method,
+ which is given a state and should return a safe copy of that
+ state.</p>
+ <p id="compareStates">By default, CodeMirror will stop re-parsing
+ a document as soon as it encounters a few lines that were
+ highlighted the same in the old parse as in the new one. It is
+ possible to provide an explicit way to test whether a state is
+ equivalent to another one, which CodeMirror will use (instead of
+ the unchanged-lines heuristic) to decide when to stop
+ highlighting. You do this by providing
+ a <code>compareStates</code> method on your mode object, which
+ takes two state arguments and returns a boolean indicating whether
+ they are equivalent. See the XML mode, which uses this to provide
+ reliable highlighting of bad closing tags, as an example.</p>
+ <p id="indent">If you want your mode to provide smart indentation
+ (though the <a href="#indentLine"><code>indentLine</code></a>
+ method and the <code>indentAuto</code>
+ and <code>newlineAndIndent</code> commands, which keys can be
+ <a href="#option_extraKeys">bound</a> to), you must define
+ an <code>indent(state, textAfter)</code> method on your mode
+ object.</p>
+ <p>The indentation method should inspect the given state object,
+ and optionally the <code>textAfter</code> string, which contains
+ the text on the line that is being indented, and return an
+ integer, the amount of spaces to indent. It should usually take
+ the <a href="#option_indentUnit"><code>indentUnit</code></a>
+ option into account.</p>
+ <p id="electricChars">Finally, a mode may define
+ an <code>electricChars</code> property, which should hold a string
+ containing all the characters that should trigger the behaviour
+ described for
+ the <a href="#option_electricChars"><code>electricChars</code></a>
+ option.</p>
+ <p>So, to summarize, a mode <em>must</em> provide
+ a <code>token</code> method, and it <em>may</em>
+ provide <code>startState</code>, <code>copyState</code>,
+ <code>compareStates</code>, and <code>indent</code> methods. For
+ an example of a trivial mode, see
+ the <a href="../mode/diff/diff.js">diff mode</a>, for a more involved
+ example, see the <a href="../mode/clike/clike.js">C-like
+ mode</a>.</p>
+ <p>Sometimes, it is useful for modes to <em>nest</em>—to have one
+ mode delegate work to another mode. An example of this kind of
+ mode is the <a href="../mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js">mixed-mode HTML
+ mode</a>. To implement such nesting, it is usually necessary to
+ create mode objects and copy states yourself. To create a mode
+ object, there are <code>CodeMirror.getMode(options,
+ parserConfig)</code>, where the first argument is a configuration
+ object as passed to the mode constructor function, and the second
+ argument is a mode specification as in
+ the <a href="#option_mode"><code>mode</code></a> option. To copy a
+ state object, call <code>CodeMirror.copyState(mode, state)</code>,
+ where <code>mode</code> is the mode that created the given
+ state.</p>
+ <p>To make indentation work properly in a nested parser, it is
+ advisable to give the <code>startState</code> method of modes that
+ are intended to be nested an optional argument that provides the
+ base indentation for the block of code. The JavaScript and CSS
+ parser do this, for example, to allow JavaScript and CSS code
+ inside the mixed-mode HTML mode to be properly indented.</p>
+ <p>Finally, it is possible to associate your mode, or a certain
+ configuration of your mode, with
+ a <a href="">MIME</a> type. For
+ example, the JavaScript mode associates itself
+ with <code>text/javascript</code>, and its JSON variant
+ with <code>application/json</code>. To do this,
+ call <code>CodeMirror.defineMIME(mime, modeSpec)</code>,
+ where <code>modeSpec</code> can be a string or object specifying a
+ mode, as in the <a href="#option_mode"><code>mode</code></a>
+ option.</p>
+</div><div class="rightsmall blk">
+ <h2>Contents</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#usage">Basic Usage</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#config">Configuration</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#keymaps">Keymaps</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#styling">Customized Styling</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#api">Programming API</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#addons">Add-ons</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#modeapi">Writing CodeMirror Modes</a></li>
+ </ul>
+<div style="height: 2em">&nbsp;</div>
+ </body>
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+<h1><span class="logo-braces">{ }</span> <a href="">CodeMirror</a></h1>
+<pre class="grey">
+<img src="baboon.png" class="logo" alt="logo"/>/* Old release history */
+ <p class="rel">26-09-2011: <a href="">Version 2.15</a>:</p>
+ <p class="rel-note">Fix bug that snuck into 2.14: Clicking the
+ character that currently has the cursor didn't re-focus the
+ editor.</p>
+ <p class="rel">26-09-2011: <a href="">Version 2.14</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Add <a href="../mode/clojure/index.html">Clojure</a>, <a href="../mode/pascal/index.html">Pascal</a>, <a href="../mode/ntriples/index.html">NTriples</a>, <a href="../mode/jinja2/index.html">Jinja2</a>, and <a href="../mode/markdown/index.html">Markdown</a> modes.</li>
+ <li>Add <a href="../theme/cobalt.css">Cobalt</a> and <a href="../theme/eclipse.css">Eclipse</a> themes.</li>
+ <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#option_fixedGutter"><code>fixedGutter</code></a> option.</li>
+ <li>Fix bug with <code>setValue</code> breaking cursor movement.</li>
+ <li>Make gutter updates much more efficient.</li>
+ <li>Allow dragging of text out of the editor (on modern browsers).</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">23-08-2011: <a href="">Version 2.13</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Add <a href="../mode/ruby/index.html">Ruby</a>, <a href="../mode/r/index.html">R</a>, <a href="../mode/coffeescript/index.html">CoffeeScript</a>, and <a href="../mode/velocity/index.html">Velocity</a> modes.</li>
+ <li>Add <a href="manual.html#getGutterElement"><code>getGutterElement</code></a> to API.</li>
+ <li>Several fixes to scrolling and positioning.</li>
+ <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_smartHome"><code>smartHome</code></a> option.</li>
+ <li>Add an experimental <a href="../mode/xmlpure/index.html">pure XML</a> mode.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">25-07-2011: <a href="">Version 2.12</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Add a <a href="../mode/sparql/index.html">SPARQL</a> mode.</li>
+ <li>Fix bug with cursor jumping around in an unfocused editor in IE.</li>
+ <li>Allow key and mouse events to bubble out of the editor. Ignore widget clicks.</li>
+ <li>Solve cursor flakiness after undo/redo.</li>
+ <li>Fix block-reindent ignoring the last few lines.</li>
+ <li>Fix parsing of multi-line attrs in XML mode.</li>
+ <li>Use <code>innerHTML</code> for HTML-escaping.</li>
+ <li>Some fixes to indentation in C-like mode.</li>
+ <li>Shrink horiz scrollbars when long lines removed.</li>
+ <li>Fix width feedback loop bug that caused the width of an inner DIV to shrink.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">04-07-2011: <a href="">Version 2.11</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Add a <a href="../mode/scheme/index.html">Scheme mode</a>.</li>
+ <li>Add a <code>replace</code> method to search cursors, for cursor-preserving replacements.</li>
+ <li>Make the <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">C-like mode</a> mode more customizable.</li>
+ <li>Update XML mode to spot mismatched tags.</li>
+ <li>Add <code>getStateAfter</code> API and <code>compareState</code> mode API methods for finer-grained mode magic.</li>
+ <li>Add a <code>getScrollerElement</code> API method to manipulate the scrolling DIV.</li>
+ <li>Fix drag-and-drop for Firefox.</li>
+ <li>Add a C# configuration for the <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">C-like mode</a>.</li>
+ <li>Add <a href="../demo/fullscreen.html">full-screen editing</a> and <a href="../demo/changemode.html">mode-changing</a> demos.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">07-06-2011: <a href="">Version 2.1</a>:</p>
+ <p class="rel-note">Add
+ a <a href="manual.html#option_theme">theme</a> system
+ (<a href="../demo/theme.html">demo</a>). Note that this is not
+ backwards-compatible—you'll have to update your styles and
+ modes!</p>
+ <p class="rel">07-06-2011: <a href="">Version 2.02</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Add a <a href="../mode/lua/index.html">Lua mode</a>.</li>
+ <li>Fix reverse-searching for a regexp.</li>
+ <li>Empty lines can no longer break highlighting.</li>
+ <li>Rework scrolling model (the outer wrapper no longer does the scrolling).</li>
+ <li>Solve horizontal jittering on long lines.</li>
+ <li>Add <a href="../demo/runmode.html">runmode.js</a>.</li>
+ <li>Immediately re-highlight text when typing.</li>
+ <li>Fix problem with 'sticking' horizontal scrollbar.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">26-05-2011: <a href="">Version 2.01</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Add a <a href="../mode/smalltalk/index.html">Smalltalk mode</a>.</li>
+ <li>Add a <a href="../mode/rst/index.html">reStructuredText mode</a>.</li>
+ <li>Add a <a href="../mode/python/index.html">Python mode</a>.</li>
+ <li>Add a <a href="../mode/plsql/index.html">PL/SQL mode</a>.</li>
+ <li><code>coordsChar</code> now works</li>
+ <li>Fix a problem where <code>onCursorActivity</code> interfered with <code>onChange</code>.</li>
+ <li>Fix a number of scrolling and mouse-click-position glitches.</li>
+ <li>Pass information about the changed lines to <code>onChange</code>.</li>
+ <li>Support cmd-up/down on OS X.</li>
+ <li>Add triple-click line selection.</li>
+ <li>Don't handle shift when changing the selection through the API.</li>
+ <li>Support <code>"nocursor"</code> mode for <code>readOnly</code> option.</li>
+ <li>Add an <code>onHighlightComplete</code> option.</li>
+ <li>Fix the context menu for Firefox.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">28-03-2011: <a href="">Version 2.0</a>:</p>
+ <p class="rel-note">CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite that's
+ faster, smaller, simpler to use, and less dependent on browser
+ quirks. See <a href="internals.html">this</a>
+ and <a href="">this</a>
+ for more information.</a>
+ <p class="rel">28-03-2011: <a href="">Version 1.0</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Fix error when debug history overflows.</li>
+ <li>Refine handling of C# verbatim strings.</li>
+ <li>Fix some issues with JavaScript indentation.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">22-02-2011: <a href="">Version 2.0 beta 2</a>:</p>
+ <p class="rel-note">Somewhat more mature API, lots of bugs shaken out.</a>
+ <p class="rel">17-02-2011: <a href="">Version 0.94</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li><code>tabMode: "spaces"</code> was modified slightly (now indents when something is selected).</li>
+ <li>Fixes a bug that would cause the selection code to break on some IE versions.</li>
+ <li>Disabling spell-check on WebKit browsers now works.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">08-02-2011: <a href="">Version 2.0 beta 1</a>:</p>
+ <p class="rel-note">CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite of
+ CodeMirror, no longer depending on an editable frame.</p>
+ <p class="rel">19-01-2011: <a href="">Version 0.93</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Added a <a href="contrib/regex/index.html">Regular Expression</a> parser.</li>
+ <li>Fixes to the PHP parser.</li>
+ <li>Support for regular expression in search/replace.</li>
+ <li>Add <code>save</code> method to instances created with <code>fromTextArea</code>.</li>
+ <li>Add support for MS T-SQL in the SQL parser.</li>
+ <li>Support use of CSS classes for highlighting brackets.</li>
+ <li>Fix yet another hang with line-numbering in hidden editors.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">17-12-2010: <a href="">Version 0.92</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Make CodeMirror work in XHTML documents.</li>
+ <li>Fix bug in handling of backslashes in Python strings.</li>
+ <li>The <code>styleNumbers</code> option is now officially
+ supported and documented.</li>
+ <li><code>onLineNumberClick</code> option added.</li>
+ <li>More consistent names <code>onLoad</code> and
+ <code>onCursorActivity</code> callbacks. Old names still work, but
+ are deprecated.</li>
+ <li>Add a <a href="contrib/freemarker/index.html">Freemarker</a> mode.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">11-11-2010: <a
+ href="">Version 0.91</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Adds support for <a href="contrib/java">Java</a>.</li>
+ <li>Small additions to the <a href="contrib/php">PHP</a> and <a href="contrib/sql">SQL</a> parsers.</li>
+ <li>Work around various <a href="">Webkit</a> <a href="">issues</a>.</li>
+ <li>Fix <code>toTextArea</code> to update the code in the textarea.</li>
+ <li>Add a <code>noScriptCaching</code> option (hack to ease development).</li>
+ <li>Make sub-modes of <a href="mixedtest.html">HTML mixed</a> mode configurable.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">02-10-2010: <a
+ href="">Version 0.9</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Add support for searching backwards.</li>
+ <li>There are now parsers for <a href="contrib/scheme/index.html">Scheme</a>, <a href="contrib/xquery/index.html">XQuery</a>, and <a href="contrib/ometa/index.html">OmetaJS</a>.</li>
+ <li>Makes <code>height: "dynamic"</code> more robust.</li>
+ <li>Fixes bug where paste did not work on OS X.</li>
+ <li>Add a <code>enterMode</code> and <code>electricChars</code> options to make indentation even more customizable.</li>
+ <li>Add <code>firstLineNumber</code> option.</li>
+ <li>Fix bad handling of <code>@media</code> rules by the CSS parser.</li>
+ <li>Take a new, more robust approach to working around the invisible-last-line bug in WebKit.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">22-07-2010: <a
+ href="">Version 0.8</a>:</p>
+ <ul class="rel-note">
+ <li>Add a <code>cursorCoords</code> method to find the screen
+ coordinates of the cursor.</li>
+ <li>A number of fixes and support for more syntax in the PHP parser.</li>
+ <li>Fix indentation problem with JSON-mode JS parser in Webkit.</li>
+ <li>Add a <a href="compress.html">minification</a> UI.</li>
+ <li>Support a <code>height: dynamic</code> mode, where the editor's
+ height will adjust to the size of its content.</li>
+ <li>Better support for IME input mode.</li>
+ <li>Fix JavaScript parser getting confused when seeing a no-argument
+ function call.</li>
+ <li>Have CSS parser see the difference between selectors and other
+ identifiers.</li>
+ <li>Fix scrolling bug when pasting in a horizontally-scrolled
+ editor.</li>
+ <li>Support <code>toTextArea</code> method in instances created with
+ <code>fromTextArea</code>.</li>
+ <li>Work around new Opera cursor bug that causes the cursor to jump
+ when pressing backspace at the end of a line.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p class="rel">27-04-2010: <a
+ href="">Version
+ 0.67</a>:</p>
+ <p class="rel-note">More consistent page-up/page-down behaviour
+ across browsers. Fix some issues with hidden editors looping forever
+ when line-numbers were enabled. Make PHP parser parse
+ <code>"\\"</code> correctly. Have <code>jumpToLine</code> work on
+ line handles, and add <code>cursorLine</code> function to fetch the
+ line handle where the cursor currently is. Add new
+ <code>setStylesheet</code> function to switch style-sheets in a
+ running editor.</p>
+ <p class="rel">01-03-2010: <a
+ href="">Version
+ 0.66</a>:</p>
+ <p class="rel-note">Adds <code>removeLine</code> method to API.
+ Introduces the <a href="contrib/plsql/index.html">PLSQL parser</a>.
+ Marks XML errors by adding (rather than replacing) a CSS class, so
+ that they can be disabled by modifying their style. Fixes several
+ selection bugs, and a number of small glitches.</p>
+ <p class="rel">12-11-2009: <a
+ href="">Version
+ 0.65</a>:</p>
+ <p class="rel-note">Add support for having both line-wrapping and
+ line-numbers turned on, make paren-highlighting style customisable
+ (<code>markParen</code> and <code>unmarkParen</code> config
+ options), work around a selection bug that Opera
+ <em>re</em>introduced in version 10.</p>
+ <p class="rel">23-10-2009: <a
+ href="">Version
+ 0.64</a>:</p>
+ <p class="rel-note">Solves some issues introduced by the
+ paste-handling changes from the previous release. Adds
+ <code>setSpellcheck</code>, <code>setTextWrapping</code>,
+ <code>setIndentUnit</code>, <code>setUndoDepth</code>,
+ <code>setTabMode</code>, and <code>setLineNumbers</code> to
+ customise a running editor. Introduces an <a
+ href="contrib/sql/index.html">SQL</a> parser. Fixes a few small
+ problems in the <a href="contrib/python/index.html">Python</a>
+ parser. And, as usual, add workarounds for various newly discovered
+ browser incompatibilities.</p>
+<p class="rel"><em>31-08-2009</em>: <a
+<p class="rel-note"> Overhaul of paste-handling (less fragile), fixes for several
+serious IE8 issues (cursor jumping, end-of-document bugs) and a number
+of small problems.</p>
+<p class="rel"><em>30-05-2009</em>: <a
+<p class="rel-note">Introduces <a href="contrib/python/index.html">Python</a>
+and <a href="contrib/lua/index.html">Lua</a> parsers. Add
+<code>setParser</code> (on-the-fly mode changing) and
+<code>clearHistory</code> methods. Make parsing passes time-based
+instead of lines-based (see the <code>passTime</code> option).</p>
diff --git a/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/doc/reporting.html b/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/doc/reporting.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..915fa52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/doc/reporting.html
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <title>CodeMirror: Reporting Bugs</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="|Droid+Sans:bold"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docs.css"/>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
+ <style>li { margin-top: 1em; }</style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+<h1><span class="logo-braces">{ }</span> <a href="">CodeMirror</a></h1>
+<pre class="grey">
+<img src="baboon.png" class="logo" alt="logo"/>/* Reporting bugs
+ effectively */
+<div class="left">
+<p>So you found a problem in CodeMirror. By all means, report it! Bug
+reports from users are the main drive behind improvements to
+CodeMirror. But first, please read over these points:</p>
+ <li>CodeMirror is maintained by volunteers. They don't owe you
+ anything, so be polite. Reports with an indignant or belligerent
+ tone tend to be moved to the bottom of the pile.</li>
+ <li>Include information about <strong>the browser in which the
+ problem occurred</strong>. Even if you tested several browsers, and
+ the problem occurred in all of them, mention this fact in the bug
+ report. Also include browser version numbers and the operating
+ system that you're on.</li>
+ <li>Mention which release of CodeMirror you're using. Preferably,
+ try also with the current development snapshot, to ensure the
+ problem has not already been fixed.</li>
+ <li>Mention very precisely what went wrong. "X is broken" is not a
+ good bug report. What did you expect to happen? What happened
+ instead? Describe the exact steps a maintainer has to take to make
+ the problem occur. We can not fix something that we can not
+ observe.</li>
+ <li>If the problem can not be reproduced in any of the demos
+ included in the CodeMirror distribution, please provide an HTML
+ document that demonstrates the problem. The best way to do this is
+ to go to <a href=""></a>, enter
+ it there, press save, and include the resulting link in your bug
+ report.</li>
+ </body>
diff --git a/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/doc/upgrade_v2.2.html b/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/doc/upgrade_v2.2.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6d0236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/doc/upgrade_v2.2.html
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <title>CodeMirror: Upgrading to v2.2</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="|Droid+Sans:bold"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docs.css"/>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+<h1><span class="logo-braces">{ }</span> <a href="">CodeMirror</a></h1>
+<pre class="grey">
+<img src="baboon.png" class="logo" alt="logo"/>/* Upgrading to v2.2
+ */
+<div class="left">
+<p>There are a few things in the 2.2 release that require some care
+when upgrading.</p>
+<h2>No more default.css</h2>
+<p>The default theme is now included
+in <a href="../lib/codemirror.css"><code>codemirror.css</code></a>, so
+you do not have to included it separately anymore. (It was tiny, so
+even if you're not using it, the extra data overhead is negligible.)
+<h2>Different key customization</h2>
+<p>CodeMirror has moved to a system
+where <a href="manual.html#option_keyMap">keymaps</a> are used to
+bind behavior to keys. This means <a href="../demo/emacs.html">custom
+bindings</a> are now possible.</p>
+<p>Three options that influenced key
+behavior, <code>tabMode</code>, <code>enterMode</code>,
+and <code>smartHome</code>, are no longer supported. Instead, you can
+provide custom bindings to influence the way these keys act. This is
+done through the
+new <a href="manual.html#option_extraKeys"><code>extraKeys</code></a>
+option, which can hold an object mapping key names to functionality. A
+simple example would be:</p>
+<pre> extraKeys: {
+ "Ctrl-S": function(instance) { saveText(instance.getValue()); },
+ "Ctrl-/": "undo"
+ }</pre>
+<p>Keys can be mapped either to functions, which will be given the
+editor instance as argument, or to strings, which are mapped through
+functions through the <code>CodeMirror.commands</code> table, which
+contains all the built-in editing commands, and can be inspected and
+extended by external code.</p>
+<p>By default, the <code>Home</code> key is bound to
+the <code>"goLineStartSmart"</code> command, which moves the cursor to
+the first non-whitespace character on the line. You can set do this to
+make it always go to the very start instead:</p>
+<pre> extraKeys: {"Home": "goLineStart"}</pre>
+<p>Similarly, <code>Enter</code> is bound
+to <code>"newlineAndIndent"</code> by default. You can bind it to
+something else to get different behavior. To disable special handling
+completely and only get a newline character inserted, you can bind it
+to <code>false</code>:</p>
+<pre> extraKeys: {"Enter": false}</pre>
+<p>The same works for <code>Tab</code>. If you don't want CodeMirror
+to handle it, bind it to <code>false</code>. The default behaviour is
+to indent the current line more (<code>"indentMore"</code> command),
+and indent it less when shift is held (<code>"indentLess"</code>).
+There are also <code>"indentAuto"</code> (smart indent)
+and <code>"insertTab"</code> commands provided for alternate
+behaviors. Or you can write your own handler function to do something
+different altogether.</p>
+<p>Handling of tabs changed completely. The display width of tabs can
+now be set with the <code>tabSize</code> option, and tabs can
+be <a href="../demo/visibletabs.html">styled</a> by setting CSS rules
+for the <code>cm-tab</code> class.</p>
+<p>The default width for tabs is now 4, as opposed to the 8 that is
+hard-wired into browsers. If you are relying on 8-space tabs, make
+sure you explicitly set <code>tabSize: 8</code> in your options.</p>
+ </body>