diff options
6 files changed, 459 insertions, 419 deletions
diff --git a/.zlogin b/.zlogin
index 4bec47e..8cb3d01 100644
--- a/.zlogin
+++ b/.zlogin
@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
#for _col in {1..$COLUMNS} ; do echo -n "_" ; done ;\ echo;\
preprint "événements" $color[bold] ; echo
cmd_exists when && when w --calendar=~/.when/birthdays
-cmd_exists calendar && calendar -A0 | sed "s/\(\*.*\)/\1/;s/\(\*.*\*\)/\1/" ;\
+#cmd_exists calendar && calendar -A0 | sed "s/\(\*.*\)/\1/;s/\(\*.*\*\)/\1/" ;\
-preprint "calendrier" $color[bold] ; echo
-[ -x ~/sbin//calendrier ] && ~/sbin/calendrier
+cmd_exists screen && [ "$(find /var/run/screen/S-$USER/ ! -type d | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] &&\
+preprint "screen" $color[bold] && echo &&\
+screen -list
+#preprint "calendrier" $color[bold] ; echo
+#[ -x ~/sbin//calendrier ] && ~/sbin/calendrier
#cmd_exists remind && remind -n
diff --git a/01_Functions.zsh b/01_Functions.zsh
index 58a4ba5..3d1221d 100644
--- a/01_Functions.zsh
+++ b/01_Functions.zsh
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ get_git_status ()
if [ "$(git-rev-parse --git-dir)" == "." ]
- my_git_status="$COLOR_GIT_MANAGMENT"
+ my_git_status="$git_colors[managment_folder]"
elif [ "$(git-diff --cached 2>&- | grep '^diff ')" != "" ] ; then
- my_git_status="$COLOR_GIT_CACHED"
+ my_git_status="$git_colors[cached]"
elif [ "$(git-ls-files -m 2>&-)" != "" ] ; then
- my_git_status="$COLOR_GIT_NOT_UP_TO_DATE"
+ my_git_status="$git_colors[not_up_to_date]"
- my_git_status="$COLOR_GIT_UP_TO_DATE"
+ my_git_status="$git_colors[up_to_date]"
echo $my_git_status
diff --git a/11_Colors.zsh b/11_Colors.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab455ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/11_Colors.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+## Part of configuration files for Zsh 4
+## by Hugues Hiegel <>
+## You are encouraged to use, modify, and redistribute
+## these files with or without this notice.
+typeset -A prompt_colors git_colors mail_colors correct_colors
+# I hate kik00l0l colorized prompts, so I'm using a way to
+# give a dominant color for each part of the prompt, each of
+# these remain still configurable one by one.
+# Take a look to set_prompt_colors for these colorizations.
+# To set the dominant color I'm using this :
+# - PS1_ROOT when we are root
+# - PS1_USER for normal usage
+# - PS1_USER_SSH when we are connected through SSH
+# I'm storing the resulting dominant color in $prompt_colors[generic]
+prompt_colors[generic]=`print -Pn "%(! $PS1_ROOT $PS1_USER)"`
+normal_user && if ( [ "$SSH_TTY" != "" ] )
+ # This allows us to easily distinguish shells
+ # which really are on the local machine or not.
+ # That's so good, use it ! :-)
+ prompt_colors[generic]=${PS1_USER_SSH:-$prompt_colors[generic]}
+# This func is intended to give a quick way to set the colors for the
+# prompt inside a running zsh-session
+set_prompt_colors ()
+ local my_generic
+ my_generic=${1:-$prompt_colors[generic]}
+ prompt_colors[path]="$my_generic;$color[bold]" # pwd
+ #prompt_colors[term]="$my_generic" # tty
+ prompt_colors[user]="$my_generic" # login
+ prompt_colors[host]="$my_generic" # hostname
+ #prompt_colors[hist]="$color[none]" # history number
+ prompt_colors[arob]="$color[bold];$my_generic" # <login>@<hostname>
+ prompt_colors[dies]="$my_generic" # the bottom-end of the prompt
+ prompt_colors[doubledot]="$color[none];" # separates pwd from git-branch
+ #prompt_colors[paren]="$color[cyan]" # parenthesis (around tty)
+ prompt_colors[bar]="$my_generic;$color[bold]" # horizontal bar
+ prompt_colors[braces]="$prompt_colors[bar]" # braces (around date)
+ prompt_colors[error]="$color[bold];$color[yellow]" # error code
+ prompt_colors[date]="$my_generic" # full date
+ prompt_colors[cmd]="$color[none]" # command prompt
+ prompt_colors[exec]="$color[none]" # command output
+ mail_colors[unread]="$color[yellow];$color[bold]" # mail received
+ mail_colors[listes]="$my_generic;$color[bold]" # less important mail received
+ prompt_colors[up_to_date]="$my_generic" # up-to-date
+ prompt_colors[not_up_to_date]="$color[green];$color[bold]" # not up to date
+ prompt_colors[to_be_commited]="$color[yellow];$color[bold]" # changes in cache
+ git_colors[managment_folder]="$color[red];$color[bold]" # .git/... folder browsing
+ git_colors[cached]="$prompt_colors[to_be_commited]" # git changes in cache
+ git_colors[not_up_to_date]="$prompt_colors[not_up_to_date]" # git changes in working tree
+ git_colors[up_to_date]="$prompt_colors[up_to_date]" # git up-to-date
diff --git a/11_Prompts.zsh b/11_Prompts.zsh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0baea0e..0000000
--- a/11_Prompts.zsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-## Part of configuration files for Zsh 4
-## by Hugues Hiegel <>
-## You are encouraged to use, modify, and redistribute
-## these files with or without this notice.
-# I hate kik00l0l colorized prompts, so I'm using a way to
-# give a dominant color for each part of the prompt, each of
-# these remain still configurable one by one.
-# Take a look to set_prompt_colors for these colorizations.
-# To set the dominant color I'm using this :
-# - PS1_ROOT when we are root
-# - PS1_USER for normal usage
-# - PS1_USER_SSH when we are connected through SSH
-# I'm storing the resulting dominant color in $GENERIC
-GENERIC=`print -Pn "%(! $PS1_ROOT $PS1_USER)"`
-normal_user && if ( [ "$SSH_TTY" != "" ] )
- # This allows us to easily distinguish shells
- # which really are on the local machine or not.
- # That's so good, use it ! :-)
-set_prompt_colors ()
- local generic=${1:-$GENERIC}
- ## Les couleurs !! ##
- COLOR_PATH="$color[reset];$generic;$color[bold]" # pwd
- #COLOR_TERM="$color[reset];$generic" # tty
- COLOR_USER="$color[reset];$generic" # login
- COLOR_HOST="$color[reset];$generic" # hostname
- #COLOR_HIST="$color[reset]" # history number
- COLOR_AROB="$color[reset];1;%(! $color[bold]; )$generic" # <login>@<hostname>
- COLOR_DIES="$color[reset];$generic" # the bottom-end of the prompt
- COLOR_DOUBLEDOT="$color[reset];" # separates pwd from git-branch
- #COLOR_PAREN="$color[reset];$color[cyan]" # parenthesis (around tty)
- COLOR_MAIL="$color[reset];$color[yellow];$color[bold]" # mail received
- COLOR_LISTES="$color[reset];$color[red];$color[bold]" # less important mail received
- COLOR_BAR="$color[reset];$generic;$color[bold]" # horizontal bar
- COLOR_BRACES=$COLOR_BAR # braces (around date)
- COLOR_ERRR="$color[bold];$color[yellow]" # error code
- COLOR_DATE="$color[reset];$generic" # full date
- COLOR_CMD="$color[reset]" # command prompt
- COLOR_EXEC="$color[reset]" # command output
- COLOR_BRANCH_OR_REV="$color[reset];$generic" # up-to-date
- COLOR_NOT_UP_TO_DATE="$color[reset];$color[green];$color[bold]" # not up to date
- COLOR_TO_BE_COMMITED="$color[reset];$color[yellow];$color[bold]" # changes in cache
- COLOR_GIT_MANAGMENT="$color[reset];$color[red];$color[bold]" # .git/... folder browsing
- COLOR_GIT_CACHED="$color[reset];$COLOR_TO_BE_COMMITED" # git changes in cache
- COLOR_GIT_NOT_UP_TO_DATE="$color[reset];$COLOR_NOT_UP_TO_DATE" # git changes in working tree
- COLOR_GIT_UP_TO_DATE="$color[reset];$generic" # git up-to-date
-set_prompt_colors $GENERIC
-## Prompts
-# man zshmisc(1)
-## Automagic funcs
-# chpwd : changement de répertoire
-# preexec : avant d'exécuter une commande
-# precmd : avant d'afficher le prompt
-preexec ()
- term_title " ··· $(echo $1 | tr ' \n' ' ;' | sed 's/%/%%/g;s/\\/\\\\/g')"
- print -Pn "$C_$COLOR_EXEC$_C"
- # strips the %{...%}
- print -Pn -- "$(echo $@ | sed 's/%{[^(%})]*%}//g')"
- #
- # Arrays
- # [0] prompt-style string
- # [1] total size
- # [2] color
- # [3] pre-string
- # [4] post-string
- #
- ERROR[string] = "%(?;;%?)"
- ERROR[pre] = "-"
- ERROR[post] =
- ERROR[size] = ${#$(print -Pn $ERROR["pre"]$ERROR["string"]$ERROR["post"])}
- # Error
- error=$(print -Pn "%(?;;-%?)")
- ERRORSIZE=${#error}
- ERROR="%(?;;"$C_$COLOR_BAR$_C"-"$C_$COLOR_ERRR$_C"%?)"
- # Flush the term title
- term_title
- # Date
- DATE=$C_$COLOR_BRACES$_C"[ "$C_$COLOR_DATE$_C"%D{%a-%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S}"$C_$COLOR_BRACES$_C" ]"$C_$COLOR_BAR$_C"-"
- DATEEXPAND=$(expand_text "$DATE")
- # Mailcheck
- MAILSTAT=$(eval echo "`[ -s ~/.procmail/procmail.log ] && < ~/.procmail/procmail.log awk 'BEGIN {RS="From" ; HAM=-1 ; LISTES=0 } !/JUNK/ { HAM++ } /Listes|Newsletters|Notifications/ { LISTES++ } END { if ((HAM - LISTES) > 0) { print "$C_$COLOR_BAR$_C""-""$C_$COLOR_MAIL$_C""@" } else if (LISTES > 0) { print "$C_$COLOR_BAR$_C""-""$C_$COLOR_LISTES$_C""@" } }'`")
- # First line of prompt, calculation of the remaining place
- unset HBAR
- for h in {1..$(($spaceleft - 1))}
- do
- done
- ##
- ## Second line of prompt : don't let the path garbage the entire line
- ##
- # get git status
- #
- GITBRANCH=$(get_git_branch)
- MY_PATH="%(!.%d.%~)"
- PATHSIZE=$(print -Pn $MY_PATH)
- spaceleft=`print -Pn "%n@%m $ ls -laCdtrux $(expand_text "$DATE")"`
- spaceleft=$(($COLUMNS - ${#spaceleft}))
- #minimalpathsize=`print -Pn "../%1~"`
- #minimalpathsize=${#minimalpathsize}
- minimalpathsize=10
- minimalgitsize=10 # git-abbrev-commit-ish...
- if [ $GITBRANCHSIZE -gt 0 ]
- then
- if [ $spaceleft -lt $(( $PATHSIZE + $GITBRANCHSIZE )) ]
- then
- local unbreakablegittail
- # reduce the git-branch until it is shrinked to $minimalgitsize characters max.
- if [ $GITBRANCH[-1] = ")" ]
- then
- unbreakablegittail=${${(M)GITBRANCH%\~*}}
- [ "$unbreakablegittail" = "" -a $GITBRANCHSIZE -gt $minimalgitsize ] && unbreakablegittail=")"
- fi
- if [ $GITBRANCHSIZE -gt $minimalgitsize ]
- then
- GITBRANCHSIZE=$(( $spaceleft - $PATHSIZE ))
- [ $GITBRANCHSIZE -lt $minimalgitsize ] && GITBRANCHSIZE=$minimalgitsize
- fi
- GITBRANCH=`print -Pn "%"$(($GITBRANCHSIZE - ${#unbreakablegittail}))">..>"${GITBRANCH%\~*}${unbreakablegittail:+"%"${#unbreakablegittail}"<<"$GITBRANCH}`
- fi
- fi
- # then we reduce the path until it reaches the last path element,
- spaceleft=$(($spaceleft - $GITBRANCHSIZE))
- [ $spaceleft -lt $minimalpathsize ] && spaceleft=$minimalpathsize
- CURDIR="$C_$COLOR_PATH$_C%`echo $spaceleft`<..<"$MY_PATH"%<<$C_$color[reset]$_C"
-## Le prompt le plus magnifique du monde, et c'est le mien !
-# Affiche l'user, l'host, le tty et le pwd. Rien que ça...
-# Note que pour le pwd, on n'affiche que les 4 derniers dossiers pour éviter
-# de pourrir le fenêtre de terminal avec un prompt à rallonge.
- old_precmd
- which todo > /dev/null 2>&1 && todo
-# Prompt level 2
-PS2="$C_$color[yellow];$color[bold]$_C%_$C_$color[reset];$color[cyan];$color[bold]$_C>$C_$color[reset]$_C "
-# Prompt level 3
-PS3="?# "
-# Prompt level 4
-PS4="+%N:%i> "
-# Prompt de droite, pour l'heure et le code d'erreur de la dernière commande
-# Ultime : prompt de correction :-)
-SPROMPT="zsh: $C_$color[blue]$_C%B'%R'%b$C_$color[reset]$_C ? Vous ne vouliez pas plutôt $C_$color[magenta]$_C%B'%r'%b$C_$color[reset]$_C ? [%BN%byae] "
diff --git a/12_Prompts.zsh b/12_Prompts.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5b7348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/12_Prompts.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+## Part of configuration files for Zsh 4
+## by Hugues Hiegel <>
+## You are encouraged to use, modify, and redistribute
+## these files with or without this notice.
+set_prompt_colors $prompt_colors[generic]
+## Prompts
+# man zshmisc(1)
+## Automagic funcs
+# chpwd : changement de répertoire
+# preexec : avant d'exécuter une commande
+# precmd : avant d'afficher le prompt
+preexec ()
+ term_title " ··· $(echo $1 | tr ' \n' ' ;' | sed 's/%/%%/g;s/\\/\\\\/g')"
+ print -Pn "$C_$prompt_colors[exec]$_C"
+ # strips the %{...%}
+ print -Pn -- "$(echo $@ | sed 's/%{[^(%})]*%}//g')"
+ #
+ # Arrays
+ # [0] prompt-style string
+ # [1] total size
+ # [2] color
+ # [3] pre-string
+ # [4] post-string
+ #
+ ERROR[color] = $prompt_colors[error]
+ ERROR[string] = "%(?;;%?)"
+ ERROR[pre] = "-"
+ ERROR[post] =
+ ERROR[size] = ${#$(print -Pn $ERROR[pre]$ERROR[string]$ERROR[post])}
+ # Error
+ error=$(print -Pn "%(?;;-%?)")
+ ERRORSIZE=${#error}
+ ERROR="%(?;;"$C_$prompt_colors[bar]$_C"-"$C_$prompt_colors[error]$_C"%?)"
+ # Flush the term title
+ term_title
+ # Date
+ DATE=$C_$prompt_colors[braces]$_C"[ "$C_$prompt_colors[date]$_C"%D{%a-%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S}"$C_$prompt_colors[braces]$_C" ]"$C_$prompt_colors[bar]$_C"-"
+ DATEEXPAND=$(expand_text "$DATE")
+ # Mailcheck
+ MAILSTAT=$(eval echo "`[ -s ~/.procmail/procmail.log ] && < ~/.procmail/procmail.log awk 'BEGIN {RS="From" ; HAM=-1 ; LISTES=0 } !/JUNK/ { HAM++ } /Listes|Newsletters|Notifications/ { LISTES++ } END { if ((HAM - LISTES) > 0) { print "$C_$prompt_colors[bar]$_C""-""$C_$mail_colors[unread]$_C""@" } else if (LISTES > 0) { print "$C_$prompt_colors[bar]$_C""-""$C_$mail_colors[listes]$_C""@" } }'`")
+ # First line of prompt, calculation of the remaining place
+ unset HBAR
+ for h in {1..$(($spaceleft - 1))}
+ do
+ done
+ ##
+ ## Second line of prompt : don't let the path garbage the entire line
+ ##
+ # get svn status
+ #
+ SVNREV=$(LC_ALL=C svn info 2>&- $PWD | awk '/^Revision: / {print $2}')
+ if [ "$SVNREV" != "" ]
+ then
+ SVNSTATUS="$(svn status 2>&-)"
+ SVNSTATUS=${SVNSTATUS:+$prompt_colors[not_up_to_date]}
+ SVNSTATUS=${SVNSTATUS:-$prompt_colors[up_to_date]}
+ fi
+ SVNREV=${SVNREV:+$C_$prompt_colors[doubledot]$_C:$C_$SVNSTATUS$_C"r"$SVNREV}
+ # get git status
+ #
+ GITBRANCH=$(get_git_branch)
+ MY_PATH="%(!.%d.%~)"
+ PATHSIZE=$(print -Pn $MY_PATH)
+ spaceleft=`print -Pn "%n@%m $ ls -laCdtrux $(expand_text "$DATE")"`
+ spaceleft=$(($COLUMNS - ${#spaceleft}))
+ #minimalpathsize=`print -Pn "../%1~"`
+ #minimalpathsize=${#minimalpathsize}
+ minimalpathsize=10
+ minimalgitsize=10 # git-abbrev-commit-ish...
+ if [ $GITBRANCHSIZE -gt 0 ]
+ then
+ if [ $spaceleft -lt $(( $PATHSIZE + $GITBRANCHSIZE )) ]
+ then
+ local unbreakablegittail
+ # reduce the git-branch until it is shrinked to $minimalgitsize characters max.
+ if [ $GITBRANCH[-1] = ")" ]
+ then
+ unbreakablegittail=${${(M)GITBRANCH%\~*}}
+ [ "$unbreakablegittail" = "" -a $GITBRANCHSIZE -gt $minimalgitsize ] && unbreakablegittail=")"
+ fi
+ if [ $GITBRANCHSIZE -gt $minimalgitsize ]
+ then
+ GITBRANCHSIZE=$(( $spaceleft - $PATHSIZE ))
+ [ $GITBRANCHSIZE -lt $minimalgitsize ] && GITBRANCHSIZE=$minimalgitsize
+ fi
+ GITBRANCH=`print -Pn "%"$(($GITBRANCHSIZE - ${#unbreakablegittail}))">..>"${GITBRANCH%\~*}${unbreakablegittail:+"%"${#unbreakablegittail}"<<"$GITBRANCH}`
+ fi
+ fi
+ # then we reduce the path until it reaches the last path element,
+ spaceleft=$(($spaceleft - $GITBRANCHSIZE))
+ [ $spaceleft -lt $minimalpathsize ] && spaceleft=$minimalpathsize
+ GITBRANCH=${GITBRANCH:+$C_$prompt_colors[doubledot]$_C:$C_"$(get_git_status)"$_C$GITBRANCH}
+ CURDIR="$C_$prompt_colors[path]$_C%`echo $spaceleft`<..<"$MY_PATH"%<<$C_$color[none]$_C"
+## Le prompt le plus magnifique du monde, et c'est le mien !
+# Affiche l'user, l'host, le tty et le pwd. Rien que ça...
+# Note que pour le pwd, on n'affiche que les 4 derniers dossiers pour éviter
+# de pourrir le fenêtre de terminal avec un prompt à rallonge.
+ PS1="$MAILSTAT""$ERROR"$C_$prompt_colors[bar]$_C"$HBAR""$DATE
+"$C_$prompt_colors[user]$_C"%n"$C_$prompt_colors[arob]$_C"@"$C_$prompt_colors[host]$_C"%m $CURDIR$SVNREV$GITBRANCH "$C_$prompt_colors[dies]$_C"%#"$C_$prompt_colors[cmd]$_C" "
+ old_precmd
+ which todo > /dev/null 2>&1 && todo
+# Prompt level 2
+PS2="$C_$color[yellow];$color[bold]$_C%_$C_$color[none];$color[cyan];$color[bold]$_C>$C_$color[none]$_C "
+# Prompt level 3
+PS3="?# "
+# Prompt level 4
+PS4="+%N:%i> "
+# Prompt de droite, pour l'heure et le code d'erreur de la dernière commande
+# Ultime : prompt de correction :-)
+SPROMPT="zsh: $C_$correct_colors[error]$_C'%R'$C_$color[none]$_C ? Vous ne vouliez pas plutôt $C_$correct_colors[suggest]$_C'%r'$C_$color[none]$_C ? [%BN%byae] "
diff --git a/user:hugues/KeyBindings.zsh b/user:hugues/KeyBindings.zsh
index 2b1eb81..b9d43f5 100644
--- a/user:hugues/KeyBindings.zsh
+++ b/user:hugues/KeyBindings.zsh
@@ -14,41 +14,41 @@
# Lancez un chtit bindkey dans votre zsh pour voir...
-bindkey "[3~" delete-char # delete
-bindkey "[2~" overwrite-mode # insert
-bindkey "" up-line-or-history # up
-bindkey "" down-line-or-history # down
-bindkey "" history-search-backward # META-up
-bindkey "" history-search-forward # META-down
-bindkey "" forward-word # ESC right
-bindkey "" backward-word # ESC left
-bindkey "[3~" kill-region # ESC del
+bindkey '[3~' delete-char # delete
+bindkey '[2~' overwrite-mode # insert
+bindkey '' up-line-or-history # up
+bindkey '' down-line-or-history # down
+bindkey '' history-search-backward # META-up
+bindkey '' history-search-forward # META-down
+bindkey '' forward-word # ESC right
+bindkey '' backward-word # ESC left
+bindkey '[3~' kill-region # ESC del
# Pratique pour rehasher rapidement
-bindkey -s "r" "Q rehash\n"
+bindkey -s 'r' 'Q rehash\n'
# Exécute la commande ``rt'' qui me permet de nettoyer toutes les saletés
-bindkey -s "R" "Q rt\n"
+bindkey -s 'R' 'Q rt\n'
-test $TERM = "rxvt" -o $TERM = "xterm" -o $TERM = "aterm" &&
+test $TERM = 'rxvt' -o $TERM = 'xterm' -o $TERM = 'aterm' &&
- bindkey "[1~" beginning-of-line # home
- bindkey "[4~" end-of-line # end-of-line
- bindkey "Oc" forward-word # CTRL right
- bindkey "Od" backward-word # CTRL left
- bindkey "[3$" vi-set-buffer # SHIFT del
- bindkey "Oa" history-search-backward # CTRL UP
- bindkey "Ob" history-search-forward # CTRL DOWN
+ bindkey '[1~' beginning-of-line # home
+ bindkey '[4~' end-of-line # end-of-line
+ bindkey 'Oc' forward-word # CTRL right
+ bindkey 'Od' backward-word # CTRL left
+ bindkey '[3$' vi-set-buffer # SHIFT del
+ bindkey 'Oa' history-search-backward # CTRL UP
+ bindkey 'Ob' history-search-forward # CTRL DOWN
# (gnome-terminal)
-test $TERM = "xterm" &&
+test $TERM = 'xterm' &&
- bindkey "OH" beginning-of-line # home
- bindkey "OF" end-of-line # end-of-line
+ bindkey 'OH' beginning-of-line # home
+ bindkey 'OF' end-of-line # end-of-line
-#bindkey "\C-t" gosmacs-transpose-chars # J, ca c'est un truc pour toi
+#bindkey '\C-t' gosmacs-transpose-chars # J, ca c'est un truc pour toi
# ne pas oublier de s'en servir :
# vi-match-bracket est sur ^X^B par defaut
-# npo : quote-region est sur ESC-" par defaut
+# npo : quote-region est sur ESC-' par defaut
# npo : which-command est sur ESC-? par defaut
# Lancez ``bindkey'' pour en savoir plus !!
@@ -56,170 +56,172 @@ test $TERM = "xterm" &&
## Résultat d'un ``bindkey''
-bindkey "#" set-mark-command
-bindkey "^A" beginning-of-line
-bindkey "^B" backward-char
-bindkey "^D" delete-char-or-list
-bindkey "^E" end-of-line
-bindkey "^F" forward-char
-bindkey "^G" send-break
-bindkey "^H" backward-delete-char
-bindkey "^I" expand-or-complete
-bindkey "^J" accept-line
-bindkey "^K" kill-line
-bindkey "^L" clear-screen
-bindkey "^M" accept-line
-bindkey "^N" down-line-or-history
-bindkey "^O" accept-line-and-down-history
-bindkey "^P" up-line-or-history
-bindkey "^Q" push-line
-bindkey "^R" history-incremental-search-backward
-bindkey "^S" history-incremental-search-forward
-bindkey "^T" transpose-chars
-bindkey "^U" kill-whole-line
-bindkey "^V" quoted-insert
-bindkey "^W" backward-kill-word
-bindkey "^X^B" vi-match-bracket
-bindkey "^X^F" vi-find-next-char
-bindkey "^X^J" vi-join
-bindkey "^X^K" kill-buffer
-bindkey "^X^N" infer-next-history
-bindkey "^X^O" overwrite-mode
-bindkey "^X^R" _read_comp
-bindkey "^X^U" undo
-#bindkey "^X^V" vi-cmd-mode
-bindkey "^X^X" exchange-point-and-mark
-bindkey "^X*" expand-word
-bindkey "^X=" what-cursor-position
-bindkey "^X?" _complete_debug
-bindkey "^XC" _correct_filename
-bindkey "^XG" list-expand
-bindkey "^Xa" _expand_alias
-bindkey "^Xc" _correct_word
-bindkey "^Xd" _list_expansions
-bindkey "^Xe" _expand_word
-bindkey "^Xg" list-expand
-bindkey "^Xh" _complete_help
-bindkey "^Xm" _most_recent_file
-bindkey "^Xn" _next_tags
-bindkey "^Xr" history-incremental-search-backward
-bindkey "^Xs" history-incremental-search-forward
-bindkey "^Xt" _complete_tag
-bindkey "^Xu" undo
-bindkey "^X~" _bash_list-choices
-bindkey "^Y" yank
-bindkey "^D" list-choices
-bindkey "^G" send-break
-bindkey "^H" backward-kill-word
-bindkey "^I" self-insert-unmeta
-bindkey "^J" self-insert-unmeta
-bindkey "^L" clear-screen
-bindkey "^M" self-insert-unmeta
-bindkey "[3~" kill-region
-bindkey "" history-search-backward
-bindkey "" history-search-forward
-bindkey "" forward-word
-bindkey "" backward-word
-bindkey "^_" copy-prev-word
-bindkey " " magic-space
-bindkey "!" expand-history
-bindkey "\"" quote-region
-bindkey "\$" spell-word
-bindkey "'" quote-line #'"
-bindkey "," _history-complete-newer
-bindkey "-" neg-argument
-bindkey "." insert-last-word
-bindkey "/" _history-complete-older
-bindkey "0" digit-argument
-bindkey "1" digit-argument
-bindkey "2" digit-argument
-bindkey "3" digit-argument
-bindkey "4" digit-argument
-bindkey "5" digit-argument
-bindkey "6" digit-argument
-bindkey "7" digit-argument
-bindkey "8" digit-argument
-bindkey "9" digit-argument
-bindkey "<" beginning-of-buffer-or-history
-bindkey ">" end-of-buffer-or-history
-bindkey "?" which-command
-bindkey "A" accept-and-hold
-bindkey "B" backward-word
-bindkey "C" capitalize-word
-bindkey "D" kill-word
-bindkey "F" forward-word
-bindkey "G" get-line
-bindkey "H" run-help
-bindkey "L" down-case-word
-bindkey "N" history-search-forward
-bindkey "OA" up-line-or-history
-bindkey "OB" down-line-or-history
-bindkey "OC" forward-char
-bindkey "OD" backward-char
-bindkey "P" history-search-backward
-bindkey "Q" push-line
-bindkey "S" spell-word
-bindkey "T" transpose-words
-bindkey "U" up-case-word
-bindkey "W" copy-region-as-kill
-bindkey "[1~" beginning-of-line
-bindkey "[2~" overwrite-mode
-bindkey "[3~" delete-char
-bindkey "[4~" end-of-line
-bindkey "[5~" history-beginning-search-backward-end
-bindkey "[6~" history-beginning-search-forward-end
-bindkey "" up-line-or-history
-bindkey "" down-line-or-history
-bindkey "" forward-char
-bindkey "" backward-char
-bindkey "_" insert-last-word
-bindkey "a" accept-and-hold
-bindkey "b" backward-word
-bindkey "c" capitalize-word
-bindkey "d" kill-word
-bindkey "f" forward-word
-bindkey "g" get-line
-bindkey "h" run-help
-bindkey "l" down-case-word
-bindkey "n" history-search-forward
-bindkey "p" history-search-backward
-bindkey "q" push-line
-bindkey "s" spell-word
-bindkey "t" transpose-words
-bindkey "u" up-case-word
-bindkey "w" copy-region-as-kill
-bindkey "x" execute-named-cmd
-bindkey "y" yank-pop
-bindkey "z" execute-last-named-cmd
-bindkey "|" vi-goto-column
-bindkey "~" _bash_complete-word
-bindkey "^?" backward-kill-word
-bindkey "^\" up-history
-bindkey "^\" down-history
-bindkey "^\" forward-char
-bindkey "^\" backward-char
-bindkey "^_" undo
-bindkey " "-"~" self-insert
-bindkey "" backward-delete-char
-bindkey "\M-^@"-"\M-" self-insert
+bindkey '#' set-mark-command
+bindkey '^A' beginning-of-line
+bindkey '^B' backward-char
+bindkey '^D' delete-char-or-list
+bindkey '^E' end-of-line
+bindkey '^F' forward-char
+bindkey '^G' send-break
+bindkey '^H' backward-delete-char
+bindkey '^I' expand-or-complete
+bindkey '^J' accept-line
+bindkey '^K' kill-line
+bindkey '^L' clear-screen
+bindkey '^M' accept-line
+bindkey '^N' down-line-or-history
+bindkey '^O' accept-line-and-down-history
+bindkey '^P' up-line-or-history
+bindkey '^Q' push-line
+bindkey '^R' history-incremental-search-backward
+bindkey '^S' history-incremental-search-forward
+bindkey '^T' transpose-chars
+bindkey '^U' kill-whole-line
+bindkey '^V' quoted-insert
+bindkey '^W' backward-kill-word
+bindkey '^X^B' vi-match-bracket
+bindkey '^X^F' vi-find-next-char
+bindkey '^X^J' vi-join
+bindkey '^X^K' kill-buffer
+bindkey '^X^N' infer-next-history
+bindkey '^X^O' overwrite-mode
+bindkey '^X^R' _read_comp
+bindkey '^X^U' undo
+#bindkey '^X^V' vi-cmd-mode
+bindkey '^X^X' exchange-point-and-mark
+bindkey '^X*' expand-word
+bindkey '^X=' what-cursor-position
+bindkey '^X?' _complete_debug
+bindkey '^XC' _correct_filename
+bindkey '^XG' list-expand
+bindkey '^Xa' _expand_alias
+bindkey '^Xc' _correct_word
+bindkey '^Xd' _list_expansions
+bindkey '^Xe' _expand_word
+bindkey '^Xg' list-expand
+bindkey '^Xh' _complete_help
+bindkey '^Xm' _most_recent_file
+bindkey '^Xn' _next_tags
+bindkey '^Xr' history-incremental-search-backward
+bindkey '^Xs' history-incremental-search-forward
+bindkey '^Xt' _complete_tag
+bindkey '^Xu' undo
+bindkey '^X~' _bash_list-choices
+bindkey '^Y' yank
+bindkey '^D' list-choices
+bindkey '^G' send-break
+bindkey '^H' backward-kill-word
+bindkey '^I' self-insert-unmeta
+bindkey '^J' self-insert-unmeta
+bindkey '^L' clear-screen
+bindkey '^M' self-insert-unmeta
+bindkey '[3~' kill-region
+bindkey '' history-search-backward
+bindkey '' history-search-forward
+bindkey '' forward-word
+bindkey '' backward-word
+bindkey '^_' copy-prev-word
+bindkey ' ' magic-space
+bindkey '!' expand-history
+bindkey '\'' quote-region
+bindkey '\$' spell-word
+bindkey ''' quote-line #''
+bindkey ',' _history-complete-newer
+bindkey '-' neg-argument
+bindkey '.' insert-last-word
+bindkey '/' _history-complete-older
+bindkey '0' digit-argument
+bindkey '1' digit-argument
+bindkey '2' digit-argument
+bindkey '3' digit-argument
+bindkey '4' digit-argument
+bindkey '5' digit-argument
+bindkey '6' digit-argument
+bindkey '7' digit-argument
+bindkey '8' digit-argument
+bindkey '9' digit-argument
+bindkey '<' beginning-of-buffer-or-history
+bindkey '>' end-of-buffer-or-history
+bindkey '?' which-command
+bindkey 'A' accept-and-hold
+bindkey 'B' backward-word
+bindkey 'C' capitalize-word
+bindkey 'D' kill-word
+bindkey 'F' forward-word
+bindkey 'G' get-line
+bindkey 'H' run-help
+bindkey 'L' down-case-word
+bindkey 'N' history-search-forward
+bindkey 'OA' up-line-or-history
+bindkey 'OB' down-line-or-history
+bindkey 'OC' forward-char
+bindkey 'OD' backward-char
+bindkey 'P' history-search-backward
+bindkey 'Q' push-line
+bindkey 'S' spell-word
+bindkey 'T' transpose-words
+bindkey 'U' up-case-word
+bindkey 'W' copy-region-as-kill
+bindkey '[1~' beginning-of-line
+bindkey '[2~' overwrite-mode
+bindkey '[3~' delete-char
+bindkey '[4~' end-of-line
+bindkey '[5~' history-beginning-search-backward-end
+bindkey '[6~' history-beginning-search-forward-end
+bindkey '' up-line-or-history
+bindkey '' down-line-or-history
+bindkey '' forward-char
+bindkey '' backward-char
+bindkey '_' insert-last-word
+bindkey 'a' accept-and-hold
+bindkey 'b' backward-word
+bindkey 'c' capitalize-word
+bindkey 'd' kill-word
+bindkey 'f' forward-word
+bindkey 'g' get-line
+bindkey 'h' run-help
+bindkey 'l' down-case-word
+bindkey 'n' history-search-forward
+bindkey 'p' history-search-backward
+bindkey 'q' push-line
+bindkey 's' spell-word
+bindkey 't' transpose-words
+bindkey 'u' up-case-word
+bindkey 'w' copy-region-as-kill
+bindkey 'x' execute-named-cmd
+bindkey 'y' yank-pop
+bindkey 'z' execute-last-named-cmd
+bindkey '|' vi-goto-column
+bindkey '~' _bash_complete-word
+bindkey '^?' backward-kill-word
+bindkey '^\' up-history
+bindkey '^\' down-history
+bindkey '^\' forward-char
+bindkey '^\' backward-char
+bindkey '^_' undo
+bindkey ' '-'~' self-insert
+bindkey '' backward-delete-char
+bindkey '\M-^@'-'\M-' self-insert
# Raccourcis pour les todo : funny :)
-# "q" stands for "push-line"
-bindkey -s "t" "Q todo\n"
-#bindkey -s "T" "Q todo all -c\n"
+# 'q' stands for 'push-line'
+bindkey -s 't' 'Q todo\n'
+#bindkey -s 'T' 'Q todo all -c\n'
-bindkey -s "é" " 2>/dev/null "
-bindkey -s "2" " 2>&1 "
+bindkey -s 'é' ' 2>/dev/null '
+bindkey -s '2' ' 2>&1 '
-bindkey -s "m" "Q mails\n"
-bindkey -s "M" "make "
+bindkey -s 'm' 'Q mails\n'
+bindkey -s 'M' 'make '
-bindkey -s "l" "Q l\n"
-#bindkey -s "L" "Q la\n"
+bindkey -s 'l' 'Q l\n'
+#bindkey -s 'L' 'Q la\n'
-bindkey -s " " "\\\\ "
+bindkey -s ' ' '\\ '
-bindkey -s "g" "Q git-status\n"
-bindkey -s "G" "Q git-repack\n"
+bindkey -s 'g' 'Q git-status\n'
+bindkey -s 'G' 'Q git-repack\n'
-bindkey -s "X" "Q exec zsh\n"
+bindkey -s 'S' 'Q svn status\n'
+bindkey -s 'X' 'Q exec zsh\n'