diff options
authorHugues Hiegel <>2008-11-12 22:07:05 +0100
committerHugues Hiegel <>2008-11-12 22:12:42 +0100
commitb4100301e98c0cb04002a1819a318687c11fea24 (patch)
parent9158654dd7f2a52d25e330a8f825f8b0c44005e9 (diff)
Mysql stuff for stats and files for pictures caching
3 files changed, 196 insertions, 564 deletions
diff --git a/Badges.php b/Badges.php
index c19aaee..acb2261 120000
--- a/Badges.php
+++ b/Badges.php
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Badges_v2.1.php \ No newline at end of file
+Badges_v2.php \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Badges_v2.1.php b/Badges_v2.1.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 23b565c..0000000
--- a/Badges_v2.1.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
- *
- Licensed under WTFPL - DoWhatTheFuckYouWant Public License
- (c) Hugues Hiegel 2006-2008 <>
- Thanks to Pavel Zbytovský -
- for saving me time with the MySQL stuff !
-CREATE TABLE `users` (
- `username` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `statsstart` bigint(11) NOT NULL,
- `playcount` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
- `lastupdate` bigint(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`username`)
-) ;
-CREATE TABLE `badges` (
- `username` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `type` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `style` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `color` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `lastupdate` bigint(11) default NULL,
- `hits` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
- `lasthit` bigint(11) unsigned default NULL,
- `png` longblob,
- PRIMARY KEY (`username`,`type`)
- *
- */
-/*get the parameters*/
-$pathinfo=explode("/", $Pathinfo);
-$script=explode("/", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
-mysql_connect(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER);
-/*make cache data (array $data)*/
-$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" . gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username)) . "'");
-$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
-if(($username AND !mysql_num_rows($res))
-OR (gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username)) == "gugusse")
-OR ($data["lastupdate"] AND $data["lastupdate"]+CACHE < time()))
- make_db_cache($username);
-/*output image cache*/
-//if (strtolower($username)=="gugusse")
- //$Cache="";
-//if (is_file($Cache) AND (filemtime($Cache) >= $data['lastupdate'])){
- //header("Location: ".$Cache); //its faster, but you should set CACHE_FOLDER = "."
- Ok, now we are ready to create the image with GD.
-$playcount = $data['playcount'];
-$statsstart = $data['statsstart'];
-$Lines = array();
-$Lines[] = new Text;
-if (! $playcount)
- $Lines[0]->value="Sorry, $username is not";
- $Lines[0]->angle=rand(-1,2);
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[1]->value="a valid account";
- $Lines[1]->angle=rand(-2,1);
- define(HEIGHT, 50);
- $Cache="";
- /**
- * Do we have any fresh cached badge ?
- */
- $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM badges WHERE username='" . gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username)) . "'");
- $badge = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
- if (!mysql_num_rows($res) OR $badge['lastupdate'] < $data['lastupdate'])
- {
- //touch_table($username);
- $duration = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $statsstart;
- $months = $duration / (60*60*24*30);
- $weeks = $duration / (60*60*24*7);
- $days = $duration / (60*60*24);
- $permonth = floor($playcount / $months);
- $perweek = floor($playcount / $weeks);
- $perday = floor($playcount / $days);
- switch($type)
- {
- case "PerDay":
- $Lines[0]->value = "$perday tracks per Day";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "PerWeek":
- $Lines[0]->value = "$perweek tracks per Week";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "PerMonth":
- $Lines[0]->value = "$permonth tracks per Month";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "PerDay2":
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[0]->value = "$perday";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[1]->value = "tracks per Day";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "PerWeek2":
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[0]->value = "$perweek";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[1]->value = "tracks per Week";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "PerMonth2":
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[1]->value = "tracks per Month";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[0]->value = "$permonth";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "Trueness":
- $Lines[0]->value = "is ";
- $Lines[0]->value .= ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "an" : "a");
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- define(HEIGHT, 50);
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[1]->value = ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "untrue" : "true");
- $Lines[1]->value .= " listener";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- if (strlen($username." ".$Lines[0]->value) >= strlen($Lines[1]->value))
- {
- $Lines[1]->value = $Lines[0]->value." ".$Lines[1]->value;
- $Lines[0]->value = $username;
- }
- else
- {
- $Lines[0]->value = $username." ".$Lines[0]->value;
- }
- break;
- case "Trueness2":
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[0]->value = "$username is ";
- $Lines[0]->value .= ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "an" : "a" ) ;
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[1]->value = ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "Untrue" : "True");
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[2]->value = "listener";
- $Lines[2]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "Since":
- $Lines[0]->value = strftime("since %B %Y", $statsstart);
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "Since2":
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[0]->value = "listening since";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[1]->value = strftime("%B", $statsstart);
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[2]->value = strftime("%Y", $statsstart);
- $Lines[2]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "Total":
- $Lines[0]->value = "$playcount tracks played";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- define(HEIGHT, 40);
- break;
- case "Total2":
- $Lines[0]->value = "$playcount";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[1]->value = "tracks played";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- default:
- $Lines[0]->value = "Sorry !";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[1]->value = "Not available";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- define(HEIGHT, 50);
- break;
- }
- foreach ($Lines as $Line)
- $Line->font = "import/" . $Styles[$style];
- $y=0;
- foreach ($Lines as $Line)
- {
- $size=imageftbbox($Line->size, $Line->angle, $Line->font, $Line->value);
- $Line->initiate($size);
- $y+=$Line->height;
- $Line->y=$y;
- }
- $Image = new Text;
- $Image->width = WIDTH;
- $Image->height = $y;
- $img=imagecreatetruecolor($Image->width, $Image->height);
- imagealphablending($img, FALSE);
- imagesavealpha($img, TRUE);
- foreach ($Lines as $Line)
- {
- $Line->color=imagecolorallocate($img, GetColor("r", $Colors[$color]),
- GetColor("g", $Colors[$color]),
- Getcolor("b", $Colors[$color]));
- }
- $transparent=imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 255, 255, 255, 127);
- imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $Image->width, $Image->height, $transparent);
- foreach ($Lines as $Line)
- imagettftext($img, $Line->size, $Line->angle, $Line->x, $Line->y, $Line->color, $Line->font, $Line->value);
- imagepng($img, $Cache);
- $QUERY=sprintf("REPLACE INTO badges (type, style, color, lastupdate, hits, lasthit, png, username) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s',%s, %s, %s, '%s', '%s');",
- $type,
- $style,
- $color,
- time(),
- $hits+1,
- time(),
- mysql_real_escape_string(file_get_contents($Cache)),
- $username);
- //echo $QUERY;
- mysql_query($QUERY);
- unset($Cache);
- }
- $QUERY=sprintf("select png from badges where username = '%s' and type = '%s' and style = '%s' and color = '%s'",
- $username,
- $type,
- $style,
- $color);
- $res=mysql_query($QUERY);
- $result=mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
- if (!mysql_num_rows($res))
- exit;
- header("Content-Type: image/png");
- echo $result["png"];
-function make_db_cache($username){
- global $data;
- $profile_xml = file_get_contents("".rawurlencode($username)."/profile.xml");
- $feed=new XMLReader();
- if($feed->xml($profile_xml)){
- while ($feed->read())
- {
- switch ($feed->name)
- {
- case "playcount":
- $feed->read();
- $data['playcount']=intval($feed->value);
- $feed->read();
- break;
- case "registered":
- case "statsreset":
- $data['statsstart']=$feed->getAttribute("unixtime");
- $feed->read();
- $feed->read();
- break;
- case "profile":
- $data['username']=$feed->getAttribute("username");
- break;
- }
- }
- if ($playcount != 0)
- {
- $QUERY=(sprintf("REPLACE INTO users (statsstart,playcount,lastupdate,username) VALUES ('%s',%s,'%s','%s');",
- time(), $data['playcount'], gpc_addslashes($data['statsstart']), gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username))));
- mysql_query($QUERY);
- }
- }
-function touch_table($username)
- $res = mysql_query("SELECT hits FROM users WHERE username='" . gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username)) . "'");
- $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
- if(mysql_num_rows($res))
- $hits = $data["hits"];
- $hits++;
- mysql_query(
- sprintf("UPDATE users SET hits=%s, latesthit='%s' WHERE username='%s';",
- $hits, time(), gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username))
- )
- );
-function gpc_addslashes($str){
- return (get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $str : addslashes($str));
-function GetColor($color, $code) {
- switch($color)
- {
- case "r":
- return ($code >> 16) & 0xff;
- break;
- case "g":
- return ($code >> 8) & 0xff;
- break;
- case "b":
- return ($code >> 0) & 0xff;
- break;
- }
-class Text {
- var $width = 0;
- var $height = 0;
- var $x = 0;
- var $y = 0;
- var $font = "";
- var $size = 150; // High values to better quality
- var $angle = 0;
- var $color = 0;
- var $value = "";
- function initiate($size) {
- $this->width = abs(
- max($size[0], $size[2], $size[4], $size[6])
- - min(0, $size[0], $size[2], $size[4], $size[6])
- );
- $this->height= abs(
- max($size[1], $size[3], $size[5], $size[7])
- - min(0, $size[1], $size[3], $size[5], $size[7])
- );
- $ratio = WIDTH / $this->width;
- $this->width *= WIDTH;
- $this->height *= $ratio;
- $this->size *= $ratio;
- }
diff --git a/Badges_v2.php b/Badges_v2.php
index a449a2b..0e21357 100644
--- a/Badges_v2.php
+++ b/Badges_v2.php
@@ -7,17 +7,27 @@
Thanks to Pavel Zbytovský -
for saving me time with the MySQL stuff !
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`username` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`statsstart` bigint(11) NOT NULL,
`playcount` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`lastupdate` bigint(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
- `hits` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
- `latesthit` bigint(11) unsigned default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`username`)
+) ;
+CREATE TABLE `badges` (
+ `username` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `type` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `style` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `color` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `lastupdate` bigint(11) default NULL,
+ `hits` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
+ `lasthit` bigint(11) unsigned default NULL,
+ `png` longblob,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`username`,`type`)
@@ -41,25 +51,19 @@ $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" . gpc_addslashes(strto
$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
if(($username AND !mysql_num_rows($res))
-OR (gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username)) == "gugusse")
OR ($data["lastupdate"] AND $data["lastupdate"]+CACHE < time()))
/*output image cache*/
-if (strtolower($username)=="gugusse")
- $Cache="";
+//if (strtolower($username)=="gugusse")
+ //$Cache="";
-if (is_file($Cache) AND (filemtime($Cache) >= $data['lastupdate'])){
- //header("Location: ".$Cache); //its faster, but you should set CACHE_FOLDER = "."
- touch_table($username);
- header("Content-Type: image/png");
- readfile($Cache);
- exit;
+//if (is_file($Cache) AND (filemtime($Cache) >= $data['lastupdate'])){
+ //header("Location: ".$Cache); //its faster, but you should set CACHE_FOLDER = "."
Ok, now we are ready to create the image with GD.
@@ -83,170 +87,182 @@ if (! $playcount)
- touch_table($username);
- $duration = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $statsstart;
- $months = $duration / (60*60*24*30);
- $weeks = $duration / (60*60*24*7);
- $days = $duration / (60*60*24);
- $permonth = floor($playcount / $months);
- $perweek = floor($playcount / $weeks);
- $perday = floor($playcount / $days);
+ $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM badges WHERE username='" . gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username)) . "' AND type='$type' AND style='$style' AND color='$color';");
+ $badge = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
- switch($type)
+ if ( !is_file($Cache)
+ OR (filemtime($Cache) < $data['lastupdate'])
+ OR !filesize($Cache))
- case "PerDay":
- $Lines[0]->value = "$perday tracks per Day";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "PerWeek":
- $Lines[0]->value = "$perweek tracks per Week";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "PerMonth":
- $Lines[0]->value = "$permonth tracks per Month";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "PerDay2":
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[0]->value = "$perday";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[1]->value = "tracks per Day";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "PerWeek2":
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[0]->value = "$perweek";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[1]->value = "tracks per Week";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "PerMonth2":
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[1]->value = "tracks per Month";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[0]->value = "$permonth";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "Trueness":
- $Lines[0]->value = "is ";
- $Lines[0]->value .= ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "an" : "a");
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- define(HEIGHT, 50);
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[1]->value = ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "untrue" : "true");
- $Lines[1]->value .= " listener";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- if (strlen($username." ".$Lines[0]->value) >= strlen($Lines[1]->value))
- {
- $Lines[1]->value = $Lines[0]->value." ".$Lines[1]->value;
- $Lines[0]->value = $username;
- }
- else
- {
- $Lines[0]->value = $username." ".$Lines[0]->value;
- }
- break;
- case "Trueness2":
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[0]->value = "$username is ";
- $Lines[0]->value .= ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "an" : "a" ) ;
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[1]->value = ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "Untrue" : "True");
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[2]->value = "listener";
- $Lines[2]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "Since":
- $Lines[0]->value = strftime("since %B %Y", $statsstart);
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "Since2":
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[0]->value = "listening since";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[1]->value = strftime("%B", $statsstart);
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[2]->value = strftime("%Y", $statsstart);
- $Lines[2]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- case "Total":
- $Lines[0]->value = "$playcount tracks played";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- define(HEIGHT, 40);
- break;
- case "Total2":
- $Lines[0]->value = "$playcount";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[1]->value = "tracks played";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- break;
- default:
- $Lines[0]->value = "Sorry !";
- $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
- $Lines[] = new Text;
- $Lines[1]->value = "Not available anymore";
- $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
- define(HEIGHT, 50);
- break;
- }
- foreach ($Lines as $Line)
- $Line->font = "import/" . $Styles[$style];
-foreach ($Lines as $Line)
- $size=imageftbbox($Line->size, $Line->angle, $Line->font, $Line->value);
- $Line->initiate($size);
- $y+=$Line->height;
- $Line->y=$y;
-$Image = new Text;
-$Image->width = WIDTH;
-$Image->height = $y;
-$img=imagecreatetruecolor($Image->width, $Image->height);
-imagealphablending($img, FALSE);
-imagesavealpha($img, TRUE);
+ $duration = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $statsstart;
+ $months = $duration / (60*60*24*30);
+ $weeks = $duration / (60*60*24*7);
+ $days = $duration / (60*60*24);
+ $permonth = floor($playcount / $months);
+ $perweek = floor($playcount / $weeks);
+ $perday = floor($playcount / $days);
+ switch($type)
+ {
+ case "PerDay":
+ $Lines[0]->value = "$perday tracks per Day";
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ break;
+ case "PerWeek":
+ $Lines[0]->value = "$perweek tracks per Week";
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ break;
+ case "PerMonth":
+ $Lines[0]->value = "$permonth tracks per Month";
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ break;
+ case "PerDay2":
+ $Lines[] = new Text;
+ $Lines[0]->value = "$perday";
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ $Lines[1]->value = "tracks per Day";
+ $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ break;
+ case "PerWeek2":
+ $Lines[] = new Text;
+ $Lines[0]->value = "$perweek";
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ $Lines[1]->value = "tracks per Week";
+ $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ break;
+ case "PerMonth2":
+ $Lines[] = new Text;
+ $Lines[1]->value = "tracks per Month";
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ $Lines[0]->value = "$permonth";
+ $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ break;
+ case "Trueness":
+ $Lines[0]->value = "is ";
+ $Lines[0]->value .= ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "an" : "a");
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ define(HEIGHT, 50);
+ $Lines[] = new Text;
+ $Lines[1]->value = ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "untrue" : "true");
+ $Lines[1]->value .= " listener";
+ $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ if (strlen($username." ".$Lines[0]->value) >= strlen($Lines[1]->value))
+ {
+ $Lines[1]->value = $Lines[0]->value." ".$Lines[1]->value;
+ $Lines[0]->value = $username;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $Lines[0]->value = $username." ".$Lines[0]->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "Trueness2":
+ $Lines[] = new Text;
+ $Lines[] = new Text;
+ $Lines[0]->value = "$username is ";
+ $Lines[0]->value .= ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "an" : "a" ) ;
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ $Lines[1]->value = ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "Untrue" : "True");
+ $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ $Lines[2]->value = "listener";
+ $Lines[2]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ break;
+ case "Since":
+ $Lines[0]->value = strftime("since %B %Y", $statsstart);
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ break;
+ case "Since2":
+ $Lines[] = new Text;
+ $Lines[] = new Text;
+ $Lines[0]->value = "listening since";
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ $Lines[1]->value = strftime("%B", $statsstart);
+ $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ $Lines[2]->value = strftime("%Y", $statsstart);
+ $Lines[2]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ break;
+ case "Total":
+ $Lines[0]->value = "$playcount tracks played";
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ define(HEIGHT, 40);
+ break;
+ case "Total2":
+ $Lines[0]->value = "$playcount";
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ $Lines[] = new Text;
+ $Lines[1]->value = "tracks played";
+ $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ break;
+ default:
+ $Lines[0]->value = "Sorry !";
+ $Lines[0]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ $Lines[] = new Text;
+ $Lines[1]->value = "Not available";
+ $Lines[1]->angle = rand(2,13);
+ define(HEIGHT, 50);
+ break;
+ }
+ foreach ($Lines as $Line)
+ $Line->font = "import/" . $Styles[$style];
+ $y=0;
+ foreach ($Lines as $Line)
+ {
+ $size=imageftbbox($Line->size, $Line->angle, $Line->font, $Line->value);
+ $Line->initiate($size);
+ $y+=$Line->height;
+ $Line->y=$y;
+ }
+ $Image = new Text;
+ $Image->width = WIDTH;
+ $Image->height = $y;
+ $img=imagecreatetruecolor($Image->width, $Image->height);
+ imagealphablending($img, FALSE);
+ imagesavealpha($img, TRUE);
+ foreach ($Lines as $Line)
+ {
+ $Line->color=imagecolorallocate($img, GetColor("r", $Colors[$color]),
+ GetColor("g", $Colors[$color]),
+ Getcolor("b", $Colors[$color]));
+ }
+ $transparent=imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 255, 255, 255, 127);
+ imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $Image->width, $Image->height, $transparent);
+ foreach ($Lines as $Line)
+ imagettftext($img, $Line->size, $Line->angle, $Line->x, $Line->y, $Line->color, $Line->font, $Line->value);
+ imagepng($img, $Cache);
+ imagedestroy($img);
+ $QUERY=sprintf("REPLACE INTO badges (username, type, style, color, lastupdate, png) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s', %s, '%s');",
+ $username,
+ $type,
+ $style,
+ $color,
+ time(),
+ $Cache );
+ //echo $QUERY;
+ mysql_query($QUERY);
+ }
-foreach ($Lines as $Line)
- $Line->color=imagecolorallocate($img, GetColor("r", $Colors[$color]),
- GetColor("g", $Colors[$color]),
- Getcolor("b", $Colors[$color]));
+ if (is_file($Cache))
+ {
+ touch_badge($username, $type, $style, $color);
+ header("Content-Type: image/png");
+ //echo $Cache;
+ echo file_get_contents($Cache);
+ }
-$transparent=imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 255, 255, 255, 127);
-imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $Image->width, $Image->height, $transparent);
-foreach ($Lines as $Line)
- imagettftext($img, $Line->size, $Line->angle, $Line->x, $Line->y, $Line->color, $Line->font, $Line->value);
-header("Content-Type: image/png");
-if ($Cache != "") imagepng($img, $Cache);
-/* ---- FUNCTIONS ---- */
function make_db_cache($username){
@@ -287,20 +303,19 @@ function make_db_cache($username){
-function touch_table($username)
+function touch_badge($username, $type, $style, $color)
- $res = mysql_query("SELECT hits FROM users WHERE username='" . gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username)) . "'");
+ $res = mysql_query("SELECT hits FROM badges WHERE username='" . gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username)) . "' AND type='$type' AND style='$style' AND color='$color';");
$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$hits = $data["hits"];
- mysql_query(
- sprintf("UPDATE users SET hits=%s, latesthit='%s' WHERE username='%s';",
- $hits, time(), gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username))
- )
- );
+ $QUERY=sprintf("UPDATE badges SET hits=%s, lasthit='%s' WHERE username='%s' AND type='$type' AND style='$style' AND color='$color';",
+ $hits, time(), gpc_addslashes(strtolower($username)));
+ //echo $QUERY;
+ mysql_query($QUERY);
function gpc_addslashes($str){